2021-05-23 23:14:15 +10:00
import sys
2021-01-30 21:07:34 +10:00
import json
import boto3
import zlib
import base64
import datetime
import functools
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
from email . utils import parsedate
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
import os
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
import re
from math import radians , degrees , sin , cos , atan2 , sqrt , pi
2021-08-20 12:49:55 +10:00
import statistics
from collections import defaultdict
def z_check ( data , threshold ) :
outliers = [ ]
mean = statistics . mean ( data )
sd = statistics . stdev ( data )
for index , i in enumerate ( data ) :
try :
z = ( i - mean ) / sd # calculate z-score
except ZeroDivisionError :
if abs ( z ) > threshold : # identify outliers
outliers . append ( index ) # add to the empty list
# print outliers
if outliers :
print ( " The detected outliers are: " , outliers )
print ( " Data : " , data )
return outliers
2021-05-24 16:54:41 +10:00
2021-01-30 21:07:34 +10:00
# todo
# we should add some value checking
# we typically perform version banning here based on user agent
# error handling - at the moment we bail on a single failure
# report to the user what's happened
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
# Earthmaths code by Daniel Richman (thanks!)
# Copyright 2012 (C) Daniel Richman; GNU GPL 3
def position_info ( listener , balloon ) :
Calculate and return information from 2 ( lat , lon , alt ) tuples
Returns a dict with :
- angle at centre
- great circle distance
- distance in a straight line
- bearing ( azimuth or initial course )
- elevation ( altitude )
Input and output latitudes , longitudes , angles , bearings and elevations are
in degrees , and input altitudes and output distances are in meters .
# Earth:
radius = 6371000.0
( lat1 , lon1 , alt1 ) = listener
( lat2 , lon2 , alt2 ) = balloon
lat1 = radians ( lat1 )
lat2 = radians ( lat2 )
lon1 = radians ( lon1 )
lon2 = radians ( lon2 )
# Calculate the bearing, the angle at the centre, and the great circle
# distance using Vincenty's_formulae with f = 0 (a sphere). See
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_circle_distance#Formulas and
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_navigation and
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenty%27s_formulae
d_lon = lon2 - lon1
sa = cos ( lat2 ) * sin ( d_lon )
sb = ( cos ( lat1 ) * sin ( lat2 ) ) - ( sin ( lat1 ) * cos ( lat2 ) * cos ( d_lon ) )
bearing = atan2 ( sa , sb )
aa = sqrt ( ( sa * * 2 ) + ( sb * * 2 ) )
ab = ( sin ( lat1 ) * sin ( lat2 ) ) + ( cos ( lat1 ) * cos ( lat2 ) * cos ( d_lon ) )
angle_at_centre = atan2 ( aa , ab )
great_circle_distance = angle_at_centre * radius
# Armed with the angle at the centre, calculating the remaining items
# is a simple 2D triangley circley problem:
# Use the triangle with sides (r + alt1), (r + alt2), distance in a
# straight line. The angle between (r + alt1) and (r + alt2) is the
# angle at the centre. The angle between distance in a straight line and
# (r + alt1) is the elevation plus pi/2.
# Use sum of angle in a triangle to express the third angle in terms
# of the other two. Use sine rule on sides (r + alt1) and (r + alt2),
# expand with compound angle formulae and solve for tan elevation by
# dividing both sides by cos elevation
ta = radius + alt1
tb = radius + alt2
ea = ( cos ( angle_at_centre ) * tb ) - ta
eb = sin ( angle_at_centre ) * tb
elevation = atan2 ( ea , eb )
# Use cosine rule to find unknown side.
distance = sqrt ( ( ta * * 2 ) + ( tb * * 2 ) - 2 * tb * ta * cos ( angle_at_centre ) )
# Give a bearing in range 0 <= b < 2pi
if bearing < 0 :
bearing + = 2 * pi
return {
" listener " : listener ,
" balloon " : balloon ,
" listener_radians " : ( lat1 , lon1 , alt1 ) ,
" balloon_radians " : ( lat2 , lon2 , alt2 ) ,
" angle_at_centre " : degrees ( angle_at_centre ) ,
" angle_at_centre_radians " : angle_at_centre ,
" bearing " : degrees ( bearing ) ,
" bearing_radians " : bearing ,
" great_circle_distance " : great_circle_distance ,
" straight_distance " : distance ,
" elevation " : degrees ( elevation ) ,
" elevation_radians " : elevation ,
# stolen from https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/blob/master/auto_rx/auto_rx.py#L467
def telemetry_filter ( telemetry ) :
""" Filter incoming radiosonde telemetry based on various factors,
- Invalid Position
- Invalid Altitude
- Abnormal range from receiver .
- Invalid serial number .
- Abnormal date ( more than 6 hours from utcnow )
This function is defined within this script to avoid passing around large amounts of configuration data .
# First Check: zero lat/lon
if ( telemetry [ " lat " ] == 0.0 ) and ( telemetry [ " lon " ] == 0.0 ) :
return ( False , f " Zero Lat/Lon. Sonde { telemetry [ ' serial ' ] } does not have GPS lock. " )
max_altitude = 50000
# Second check: Altitude cap.
if telemetry [ " alt " ] > max_altitude :
_altitude_breach = telemetry [ " alt " ] - max_altitude
return ( False , f " Sonde { telemetry [ ' serial ' ] } position breached altitude cap by { _altitude_breach } m. " )
2021-08-19 12:11:16 +10:00
if telemetry [ " alt " ] == 0 :
return ( False , f " Sonde { telemetry [ ' serial ' ] } altitude is exactly 0m. Position is likely incorrect " )
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
# Third check: Number of satellites visible.
if " sats " in telemetry :
if telemetry [ " sats " ] < 4 :
return ( False , f " Sonde { telemetry [ ' serial ' ] } can only see { telemetry [ ' sats ' ] } SVs - discarding position as bad. " )
max_radius = 1000
# Fourth check - is the payload more than x km from our listening station.
# Only run this check if a station location has been provided.
if ' uploader_position ' in telemetry and telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] != None and telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 0 ] != None and telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 1 ] != None and telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 2 ] != None and float ( telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 0 ] ) != 0 and float ( telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 1 ] ) != 0 :
# Calculate the distance from the station to the payload.
_listener = (
float ( telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 0 ] ) ,
float ( telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 1 ] ) ,
float ( telemetry [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 2 ] )
_payload = ( telemetry [ " lat " ] , telemetry [ " lon " ] , telemetry [ " alt " ] )
# Calculate using positon_info function from rotator_utils.py
_info = position_info ( _listener , _payload )
if _info [ " straight_distance " ] > max_radius * 1000 :
_radius_breach = (
_info [ " straight_distance " ] / 1000.0 - max_radius
return ( False , f " Sonde { telemetry [ ' serial ' ] } position breached radius cap by { _radius_breach : .1f } km. " )
# DateTime Check
_delta_time = (
datetime . datetime . now ( ) - datetime . datetime . fromisoformat ( telemetry [ " datetime " ] . replace ( " Z " , " " ) )
) . total_seconds ( )
sonde_time_threshold = 48
if abs ( _delta_time ) > ( 3600 * sonde_time_threshold ) :
return ( False , f " Sonde reported time too far from current UTC time. Either sonde time or system time is invalid. (Threshold: { sonde_time_threshold } hours) " )
# Payload Serial Number Checks
_serial = telemetry [ " serial " ]
# Run a Regex to match known Vaisala RS92/RS41 serial numbers (YWWDxxxx)
# RS92: https://www.vaisala.com/sites/default/files/documents/Vaisala%20Radiosonde%20RS92%20Serial%20Number.pdf
# RS41: https://www.vaisala.com/sites/default/files/documents/Vaisala%20Radiosonde%20RS41%20Serial%20Number.pdf
# This will need to be re-evaluated if we're still using this code in 2021!
# UPDATE: Had some confirmation that Vaisala will continue to use the alphanumeric numbering up until
# ~2025-2030, so have expanded the regex to match (and also support some older RS92s)
# Modified 2021-06 to be more flexible and match older sondes, and reprogrammed sondes.
# Still needs a letter at the start, but the numbers don't need to match the format exactly.
vaisala_callsign_valid = re . match ( r " [C-Z][ \ d][ \ d][ \ d] \ d {4} " , _serial )
# Just make sure we're not getting the 'xxxxxxxx' unknown serial from the DFM decoder.
if " DFM " in telemetry [ " type " ] :
dfm_callsign_valid = " x " not in _serial
else :
dfm_callsign_valid = False
# Check Meisei sonde callsigns for validity.
# meisei_ims returns a callsign of IMS100-xxxxxx until it receives the serial number, so we filter based on the x's being present or not.
if " MEISEI " in telemetry [ " type " ] :
meisei_callsign_valid = " x " not in _serial
else :
meisei_callsign_valid = False
if " MRZ " in telemetry [ " type " ] :
mrz_callsign_valid = " x " not in _serial
else :
mrz_callsign_valid = False
# If Vaisala or DFMs, check the callsigns are valid. If M10, iMet or LMS6, just pass it through - we get callsigns immediately and reliably from these.
if (
or dfm_callsign_valid
or meisei_callsign_valid
or mrz_callsign_valid
or ( " M10 " in telemetry [ " type " ] )
or ( " M20 " in telemetry [ " type " ] )
or ( " LMS " in telemetry [ " type " ] )
or ( " iMet " in telemetry [ " type " ] )
) :
return ( True , " " )
else :
_id_msg = " Payload ID %s is invalid. " % telemetry [ " serial " ]
# Add in a note about DFM sondes and their oddness...
if " DFM " in telemetry [ " serial " ] :
_id_msg + = " Note: DFM sondes may take a while to get an ID. "
if " MRZ " in telemetry [ " serial " ] :
_id_msg + = " Note: MRZ sondes may take a while to get an ID. "
return ( False , _id_msg )
2021-01-30 21:07:34 +10:00
2021-05-23 23:14:15 +10:00
def set_connection_header ( request , operation_name , * * kwargs ) :
request . headers [ ' Connection ' ] = ' keep-alive '
2021-01-30 21:07:34 +10:00
2021-05-24 16:54:41 +10:00
sns = boto3 . client ( " sns " , region_name = " us-east-1 " )
2021-06-05 14:20:31 +10:00
sns . meta . events . register ( ' request-created.sns ' , set_connection_header )
2021-02-01 14:10:25 +10:00
2021-05-24 16:54:41 +10:00
def post ( payload ) :
sns . publish (
TopicArn = os . getenv ( " SNS_TOPIC " ) ,
Message = json . dumps ( payload )
2021-01-30 21:07:34 +10:00
2021-06-05 14:20:31 +10:00
def upload ( event , context ) :
2021-05-24 20:44:29 +10:00
if " isBase64Encoded " in event and event [ " isBase64Encoded " ] == True :
event [ " body " ] = base64 . b64decode ( event [ " body " ] )
if (
" content-encoding " in event [ " headers " ]
and event [ " headers " ] [ " content-encoding " ] == " gzip "
) :
event [ " body " ] = zlib . decompress ( event [ " body " ] , 16 + zlib . MAX_WBITS )
time_delta = None
if " date " in event [ " headers " ] :
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
try :
2021-05-24 20:44:29 +10:00
time_delta_header = event [ " headers " ] [ " date " ]
time_delta = (
datetime . datetime ( * parsedate ( time_delta_header ) [ : 7 ] )
- datetime . datetime . utcnow ( )
) . total_seconds ( )
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
except :
2021-05-24 20:44:29 +10:00
payloads = json . loads ( event [ " body " ] )
to_sns = [ ]
first = False
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
errors = [ ]
2021-08-20 12:49:55 +10:00
# perform z check
payload_serials = defaultdict ( list )
for payload in payloads :
payload_serials [ payload [ ' serial ' ] ] . append ( payload )
# rebuild payloads with the outliers marked
payloads = [ ]
for serial in payload_serials :
check_data = payload_serials [ serial ]
if len ( check_data ) > 10 : # need at least 10 payloads to be useful
lats = [ x [ ' lat ' ] for x in check_data ]
2021-08-20 14:07:11 +10:00
lons = [ abs ( x [ ' lon ' ] ) for x in check_data ]
2021-08-20 12:49:55 +10:00
alts = [ x [ ' alt ' ] for x in check_data ]
lat_outliers = z_check ( lats , 3 )
lon_outliers = z_check ( lons , 3 )
alt_outliers = z_check ( alts , 3 )
if lat_outliers or lon_outliers or alt_outliers :
print ( " Outlier check detected outlier, serial: " , check_data [ 0 ] [ " serial " ] )
for index in lat_outliers :
payload_serials [ serial ] [ index ] [ " lat_outlier " ] = True
for index in lon_outliers :
payload_serials [ serial ] [ index ] [ " lon_outliers " ] = True
for index in alt_outliers :
payload_serials [ serial ] [ index ] [ " alt_outliers " ] = True
#generate error messages and regenerate payload list of bad data removed
for payload in payload_serials [ serial ] :
if " alt_outliers " in payload or " lon_outliers " in payload or " lat_outlier " in payload :
errors . append ( {
" error_message " : f " z-check failed - payload GPS may not be valid for { payload [ ' serial ' ] } . " ,
" payload " : payload
} )
else :
payloads . append ( payload )
2021-05-24 20:44:29 +10:00
for payload in payloads :
if " user-agent " in event [ " headers " ] :
event [ " time_server " ] = datetime . datetime . now ( ) . isoformat ( )
payload [ " user-agent " ] = event [ " headers " ] [ " user-agent " ]
payload [ " position " ] = f ' { payload [ " lat " ] } , { payload [ " lon " ] } '
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
valid , error_message = telemetry_filter ( payload )
if not valid :
errors . append ( {
" error_message " : error_message ,
" payload " : payload
} )
else :
if time_delta :
payload [ " upload_time_delta " ] = time_delta
if " uploader_position " in payload :
if not payload [ " uploader_position " ] :
payload . pop ( " uploader_position " )
else :
( payload [ " uploader_alt " ] , payload [ " uploader_position " ] ) = (
payload [ " uploader_position " ] [ 2 ] ,
f " { payload [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 0 ] } , { payload [ ' uploader_position ' ] [ 1 ] } " ,
to_sns . append ( payload )
2021-05-24 20:44:29 +10:00
post ( to_sns )
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
return errors
2021-05-23 23:14:15 +10:00
def lambda_handler ( event , context ) :
2021-08-20 18:48:41 +10:00
try :
errors = upload ( event , context )
except zlib . error :
return { " statusCode " : 400 , " body " : " Could not decompress " }
except json . decoder . JSONDecodeError :
return { " statusCode " : 400 , " body " : " Not valid json " }
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
error_message = {
" message " : " some or all payloads could not be processed " ,
" errors " : errors
if errors :
2021-08-20 12:49:55 +10:00
print ( json . dumps ( { " statusCode " : 202 , " body " : error_message } ) )
return { " statusCode " : 202 , " body " : error_message }
2021-08-19 11:38:49 +10:00
else :
return { " statusCode " : 200 , " body " : " ^v^ telm logged " }
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
payload = {
" version " : " 2.0 " ,
" routeKey " : " PUT /sondes/telemetry " ,
" rawPath " : " /sondes/telemetry " ,
" rawQueryString " : " " ,
" headers " : {
" accept " : " */* " ,
" accept-encoding " : " gzip, deflate " ,
" content-encoding " : " gzip " ,
" content-length " : " 2135 " ,
" content-type " : " application/json " ,
" host " : " api.v2.sondehub.org " ,
" user-agent " : " autorx-1.4.1-beta4 " ,
" x-amzn-trace-id " : " Root=1-6015f571-6aef2e73165042d53fcc317a " ,
" x-forwarded-for " : " " ,
" x-forwarded-port " : " 443 " ,
" x-forwarded-proto " : " https " ,
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
" date " : " Sun, 31 Jan 2021 00:21:45 GMT " ,
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
} ,
" requestContext " : {
" accountId " : " 143841941773 " ,
" apiId " : " r03szwwq41 " ,
" domainName " : " api.v2.sondehub.org " ,
" domainPrefix " : " api " ,
" http " : {
" method " : " PUT " ,
" path " : " /sondes/telemetry " ,
" protocol " : " HTTP/1.1 " ,
" sourceIp " : " " ,
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
" userAgent " : " autorx-1.4.1-beta4 " ,
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
} ,
" requestId " : " Z_NJvh0RoAMEJaw= " ,
" routeKey " : " PUT /sondes/telemetry " ,
" stage " : " $default " ,
" time " : " 31/Jan/2021:00:10:25 +0000 " ,
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
" timeEpoch " : 1612051825409 ,
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
} ,
2021-08-20 12:49:55 +10:00
" body " : " 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 " ,
2021-02-01 16:08:59 +10:00
" isBase64Encoded " : True ,
2021-01-31 10:47:56 +10:00
2021-05-23 23:14:15 +10:00
print ( lambda_handler ( payload , { } ) )