mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 19:58:43 +00:00
add error handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -157,7 +157,8 @@ def get_telem(event, context):
"size": 10 if (duration == 0 ) else 1,
"sort": [
{"datetime": {"order": "desc"}},
{"pressure": {"order": "desc","mode" : "median"}}
{"pressure": {"order": "desc","mode" : "median"}},
{"uploader_alt": {"order": "desc"}}
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import datetime
import functools
from email.utils import parsedate
import os
import re
from math import radians, degrees, sin, cos, atan2, sqrt, pi
# todo
@ -15,6 +17,196 @@ import os
# error handling - at the moment we bail on a single failure
# report to the user what's happened
# Earthmaths code by Daniel Richman (thanks!)
# Copyright 2012 (C) Daniel Richman; GNU GPL 3
def position_info(listener, balloon):
Calculate and return information from 2 (lat, lon, alt) tuples
Returns a dict with:
- angle at centre
- great circle distance
- distance in a straight line
- bearing (azimuth or initial course)
- elevation (altitude)
Input and output latitudes, longitudes, angles, bearings and elevations are
in degrees, and input altitudes and output distances are in meters.
# Earth:
radius = 6371000.0
(lat1, lon1, alt1) = listener
(lat2, lon2, alt2) = balloon
lat1 = radians(lat1)
lat2 = radians(lat2)
lon1 = radians(lon1)
lon2 = radians(lon2)
# Calculate the bearing, the angle at the centre, and the great circle
# distance using Vincenty's_formulae with f = 0 (a sphere). See
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_circle_distance#Formulas and
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_navigation and
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincenty%27s_formulae
d_lon = lon2 - lon1
sa = cos(lat2) * sin(d_lon)
sb = (cos(lat1) * sin(lat2)) - (sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(d_lon))
bearing = atan2(sa, sb)
aa = sqrt((sa ** 2) + (sb ** 2))
ab = (sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)) + (cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(d_lon))
angle_at_centre = atan2(aa, ab)
great_circle_distance = angle_at_centre * radius
# Armed with the angle at the centre, calculating the remaining items
# is a simple 2D triangley circley problem:
# Use the triangle with sides (r + alt1), (r + alt2), distance in a
# straight line. The angle between (r + alt1) and (r + alt2) is the
# angle at the centre. The angle between distance in a straight line and
# (r + alt1) is the elevation plus pi/2.
# Use sum of angle in a triangle to express the third angle in terms
# of the other two. Use sine rule on sides (r + alt1) and (r + alt2),
# expand with compound angle formulae and solve for tan elevation by
# dividing both sides by cos elevation
ta = radius + alt1
tb = radius + alt2
ea = (cos(angle_at_centre) * tb) - ta
eb = sin(angle_at_centre) * tb
elevation = atan2(ea, eb)
# Use cosine rule to find unknown side.
distance = sqrt((ta ** 2) + (tb ** 2) - 2 * tb * ta * cos(angle_at_centre))
# Give a bearing in range 0 <= b < 2pi
if bearing < 0:
bearing += 2 * pi
return {
"listener": listener,
"balloon": balloon,
"listener_radians": (lat1, lon1, alt1),
"balloon_radians": (lat2, lon2, alt2),
"angle_at_centre": degrees(angle_at_centre),
"angle_at_centre_radians": angle_at_centre,
"bearing": degrees(bearing),
"bearing_radians": bearing,
"great_circle_distance": great_circle_distance,
"straight_distance": distance,
"elevation": degrees(elevation),
"elevation_radians": elevation,
# stolen from https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/blob/master/auto_rx/auto_rx.py#L467
def telemetry_filter(telemetry):
"""Filter incoming radiosonde telemetry based on various factors,
- Invalid Position
- Invalid Altitude
- Abnormal range from receiver.
- Invalid serial number.
- Abnormal date (more than 6 hours from utcnow)
This function is defined within this script to avoid passing around large amounts of configuration data.
# First Check: zero lat/lon
if (telemetry["lat"] == 0.0) and (telemetry["lon"] == 0.0):
return (False,f"Zero Lat/Lon. Sonde { telemetry['serial']} does not have GPS lock.")
max_altitude = 50000
# Second check: Altitude cap.
if telemetry["alt"] > max_altitude:
_altitude_breach = telemetry["alt"] - max_altitude
return (False,f"Sonde {telemetry['serial']} position breached altitude cap by {_altitude_breach}m.")
# Third check: Number of satellites visible.
if "sats" in telemetry:
if telemetry["sats"] < 4:
return (False, f"Sonde {telemetry['serial']} can only see {telemetry['sats']} SVs - discarding position as bad.")
max_radius = 1000
# Fourth check - is the payload more than x km from our listening station.
# Only run this check if a station location has been provided.
if 'uploader_position' in telemetry and telemetry['uploader_position'] != None and telemetry['uploader_position'][0] != None and telemetry['uploader_position'][1] != None and telemetry['uploader_position'][2] != None and float(telemetry['uploader_position'][0]) != 0 and float(telemetry['uploader_position'][1]) != 0:
# Calculate the distance from the station to the payload.
_listener = (
_payload = (telemetry["lat"], telemetry["lon"], telemetry["alt"])
# Calculate using positon_info function from rotator_utils.py
_info = position_info(_listener, _payload)
if _info["straight_distance"] > max_radius * 1000:
_radius_breach = (
_info["straight_distance"] / 1000.0 - max_radius
return (False, f"Sonde {telemetry['serial']} position breached radius cap by {_radius_breach:.1f} km.")
# DateTime Check
_delta_time = (
datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(telemetry["datetime"].replace("Z",""))
sonde_time_threshold = 48
if abs(_delta_time) > (3600 * sonde_time_threshold):
return (False, f"Sonde reported time too far from current UTC time. Either sonde time or system time is invalid. (Threshold: {sonde_time_threshold} hours)")
# Payload Serial Number Checks
_serial = telemetry["serial"]
# Run a Regex to match known Vaisala RS92/RS41 serial numbers (YWWDxxxx)
# RS92: https://www.vaisala.com/sites/default/files/documents/Vaisala%20Radiosonde%20RS92%20Serial%20Number.pdf
# RS41: https://www.vaisala.com/sites/default/files/documents/Vaisala%20Radiosonde%20RS41%20Serial%20Number.pdf
# This will need to be re-evaluated if we're still using this code in 2021!
# UPDATE: Had some confirmation that Vaisala will continue to use the alphanumeric numbering up until
# ~2025-2030, so have expanded the regex to match (and also support some older RS92s)
# Modified 2021-06 to be more flexible and match older sondes, and reprogrammed sondes.
# Still needs a letter at the start, but the numbers don't need to match the format exactly.
vaisala_callsign_valid = re.match(r"[C-Z][\d][\d][\d]\d{4}", _serial)
# Just make sure we're not getting the 'xxxxxxxx' unknown serial from the DFM decoder.
if "DFM" in telemetry["type"]:
dfm_callsign_valid = "x" not in _serial
dfm_callsign_valid = False
# Check Meisei sonde callsigns for validity.
# meisei_ims returns a callsign of IMS100-xxxxxx until it receives the serial number, so we filter based on the x's being present or not.
if "MEISEI" in telemetry["type"]:
meisei_callsign_valid = "x" not in _serial
meisei_callsign_valid = False
if "MRZ" in telemetry["type"]:
mrz_callsign_valid = "x" not in _serial
mrz_callsign_valid = False
# If Vaisala or DFMs, check the callsigns are valid. If M10, iMet or LMS6, just pass it through - we get callsigns immediately and reliably from these.
if (
or dfm_callsign_valid
or meisei_callsign_valid
or mrz_callsign_valid
or ("M10" in telemetry["type"])
or ("M20" in telemetry["type"])
or ("LMS" in telemetry["type"])
or ("iMet" in telemetry["type"])
return (True, "")
_id_msg = "Payload ID %s is invalid." % telemetry["serial"]
# Add in a note about DFM sondes and their oddness...
if "DFM" in telemetry["serial"]:
_id_msg += " Note: DFM sondes may take a while to get an ID."
if "MRZ" in telemetry["serial"]:
_id_msg += " Note: MRZ sondes may take a while to get an ID."
return (False, _id_msg)
def set_connection_header(request, operation_name, **kwargs):
request.headers['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'
@ -49,32 +241,43 @@ def upload(event, context):
payloads = json.loads(event["body"])
to_sns = []
first = False
errors = []
for payload in payloads:
if "user-agent" in event["headers"]:
event["time_server"] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
payload["user-agent"] = event["headers"]["user-agent"]
payload["position"] = f'{payload["lat"]},{payload["lon"]}'
current_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
if payload["datetime"].split("-")[0] not in [str(current_year), str(current_year-1), str(current_year+1)]:
# skip any telm that's not last year, this year or next year
print("Not within time range - not suitable to add to queues")
if time_delta:
payload["upload_time_delta"] = time_delta
if "uploader_position" in payload:
if not payload["uploader_position"]:
(payload["uploader_alt"], payload["uploader_position"]) = (
valid, error_message = telemetry_filter(payload)
if not valid:
"error_message": error_message,
"payload": payload
if time_delta:
payload["upload_time_delta"] = time_delta
if "uploader_position" in payload:
if not payload["uploader_position"]:
(payload["uploader_alt"], payload["uploader_position"]) = (
return errors
def lambda_handler(event, context):
upload(event, context)
return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "^v^ telm logged"}
errors = upload(event, context)
error_message = {
"message": "some or all payloads could not be processed",
"errors": errors
if errors:
print(json.dumps({"statusCode": 400, "body": error_message}))
return {"statusCode": 400, "body": error_message}
return {"statusCode": 200, "body": "^v^ telm logged"}
if __name__ == "__main__":
payload = {
@ -114,7 +317,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
"time": "31/Jan/2021:00:10:25 +0000",
"timeEpoch": 1612051825409,
"body": "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",
"body": "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",
"isBase64Encoded": True,
print(lambda_handler(payload, {}))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user