- add assertGrep function
- improve --matches option for assertGrep and assertStdoutGrep: now
accepts [min]-[max] range, eg --matches=1-3, --matches=4-
- Put common utility functions into testdefs.sh
- Add abspath() and realpath() functions to test framework
- Test framework now executes all tests with working directory in a temporary
directory, to avoid pollution of caller's working directory
- Improve test log verbosity
- Name test log files by test script name
- now './autoconf && ./configure && make' will produce ./dna executable
- added various missing libraries to configure.in
- fixed nacl CFLAGS and LDFLAGS settings in configure.in
- make git ignore autoconf and configure detritus
different MDP frame types, but does not yet do anything with the
MDP_TX frames which are the only valid MDP frame to be received
via a real network interface (in reality they are constructed from
the surrounding MDP type overlay frame).t
MDP clients can now request the set of local addresses.
Framework is improved to avoid info leaks by sending more bytes
in an MDP frame than are necessary, but without having to bzero
almost 2KB each time.
memory corruption bug. Next challenge is to find out why broadcast
MDP packets are not getting dispatched properly (is trying to treat
broadcast address as unicast address it seems).
it can fit in frames. A nasty bug in queue code needs fixing.
Also, we only send tick frames at present, and need to add code
for dispatching packets at other times (bandwidth allowance permitting).
So the whole bandwidth management code needs to get finished.
Broadcast and unicast addresses are accepted. Some frame headers
are set. Payload is yet to be set, and ciphered &/or signed as required,
and queueing is not yet verified.
messages now works. Server currently reports error when trying to
send MDP_TX frames (since it is not yet implemented), which the
client successfully displays. Onto making the server handle the
MDP_TX frames.
delete server socket if you are a client). Also added main MDP
ping loop of sending packets. Reading returned packets not yet
implemented. Server handling of MDP_TX packets also not yet