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Eisvogel pandoc LaTeX template

A clean pandoc LaTeX template to convert your markdown files to PDF or LaTeX.

A preview of a PDF rendered with the Eisvogel template.


  1. Install pandoc from http://pandoc.org/. You also need to install LaTeX.

  2. Move the template eisvogel.latex to your pandoc templates folder. The location of the templates folder depends on your operating system:

    • Unix, Linux, macOS: ~/.pandoc/templates/
    • Windows XP: C:\Documents And Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\pandoc
    • Windows Vista or later: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\pandoc

    If there are no folders called templates or pandoc you need to create them and put the template eisvogel.latex inside.


  1. Open the terminal and navigate to the folder where your markdown file is located.

  2. Execute the following command

    pandoc example.md -o example.pdf --from markdown --template eisvogel --listings --latexmathml

    where example.md is the markdown file you want to convert to PDF.

In order to have nice headers and footers you need to supply metadata to your document. You can do that with a YAML metadata block at the top of your markdown document (see the example markdown file). Your markdown document may look like the following:

title: "The Document Title"
author: [Example Author, Another Author]
date: 2017-02-20
tags: [Markdown, Example]

Here is the actual document text...