## [2024-05-20]
### Added
- Custom colors for headings, captions, blockquotes, and listings.
- Custom commands `\customheading` and `\customcaption` for flexible styling.
- Support for custom background images on title pages and all pages.
- Flexible geometry settings for title page layout.
- Enhanced handling of paragraph and list spacing.
### Changed
- Updated README.md to include detailed instructions on using and customizing the template.
- Integrated custom styling options directly into the template for better user experience.
his PR introduces several enhancements to the Eisvogel LaTeX template:
- **Custom Styling:** Added custom colors for headings, captions, blockquotes, and listings.
- **New Commands:** Added \customheading and \customcaption for flexible text styling.
- **Title Page and Background:** Added support for custom background images on the title page and all pages.
- **Layout Improvements:** Enhanced handling of paragraph and list spacing for better readability.
### Detailed Changes
- **LaTeX Template (eisvogel.latex):**
- Defined new color variables for consistent styling.
- Added commands for custom headings and captions.
- Enhanced layout options for title pages.
- Improved spacing and formatting for paragraphs and lists.
- The added `float` package from PR #12 has accidentally
been overwritten with changes from the default template.
- The option `float-placement-figure` is also restored.
- This should fix#315 and #316.
- Merge changes from the pandoc default LaTeX template.
- Change pandoc version to 3.1.1 in the GitHub workflow.
- Prepare for release of version 2.3.0.
- Merged with 144bf90ab9/data/templates/default.latex
- Rebuild the examples
- Rebuild the tests
- Add packages `hardwrap` and `catchfile` to build the broken example `title-page-background`
- Build with the latest pandoc 2.19.2
- `logo` is already used by beamer and one might want to use both
formats (beamer and latex) without the logo appearing as a
background image on beamer slides.