Dynalink DL-WRX36 is a AX WIFI router with 4 1G and 1 2.5G ports.
• CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8072A Quad core Cortex-A53 2.2GHz
• RAM: 1024MB of DDR3
• Storage: 256MB Nand
• Ethernet: 4x 1G RJ45 ports (QCA8075) + 1 2.5G Port (QCA8081)
2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 2x2 802.11b/g/n/ax 1174 Mbps PHY rate
5GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 4x4 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2402 PHY rate
• 1x USB 3.0
• 1 gpio-controlled dual color led (blue/red)
• Buttons: 1x soft reset / 1x WPS
• Power: 12V DC jack
A poulated serial header is onboard (J1004)
the connector size is a 4-pin 2.0 mm JST PH.
RX/TX is working, u-boot bootwait is active, secure boot is enabled.
- Serial is completely deactivated in the stock firmware image.
- This commit adds only single partition support, that means
sysupgrade is upgrading the current rootfs partition.
- Installation can be done by serial connection or
SSH access on OEM firmware
Installation Instructions:
Most part of the installation is performed from an initramfs image
running OpenWrt, and there are two options to boot it.
Boot initramfs option 1: Using serial connection (3.3V)
1. Stop auto boot to get to U-boot shell
2. Transfer initramfs image to device
Tested using TFTP and a FAT-formatted USB flash drive.
3. Boot the initramfs image
# bootm
Boot initramfs option 2: From SSH access on OEM firmware
1. Copy the initramfs image to a FAT-formatted flash drive
(tested on single-partition drive) and connect it to device USB port.
2. Change boot command so it loads the initramfs image on next boot
Fallback to OEM firmware is provided.
# fw_setenv bootcmd 'usb start && fatload usb 0:1 0x44000000 openwrt-ipq807x-generic-dynalink_dl-wrx36-initramfs-uImage.itb && bootm 0x44000000; bootipq'
3. Reboot the device to boot the initramfs
# reboot
Install OpenWrt from initramfs image:
1. Use SCP (or other way) to transfer OpenWrt factory image
2. Connect to device using SSH (on a LAN port)
3. Check MTD partition table.
rootfs and rootfs_1 should be mtd18 and mtd20
depending on current OEM slot.
# cat /proc/mtd
4. Do a ubiformat to both rootfs partitions:
# ubiformat /dev/mtd18 -y -f /path_to/factory_image
# ubiformat /dev/mtd20 -y -f /path_to/factory_image
5. Set U-boot env variable: mtdids
# fw_setenv mtdids 'nand0=nand0'
6. Get offset of mtd18 to determine current OEM slot
- If current OEM slot is 1, offset is 16777216 (0x1000000)
- If current OEM slot is 2, offset is 127926272 (0x7a00000)
# cat /sys/class/mtd/mtd18/offset
7. Set U-boot env variable: mtdparts
If current OEM slot is 1, run:
# fw_setenv mtdparts 'mtdparts=nand0:0x6100000@0x1000000(fs),0x6100000@0x7a00000(fs_1)'
If current OEM slot is 2, run:
# fw_setenv mtdparts 'mtdparts=nand0:0x6100000@0x7a00000(fs),0x6100000@0x1000000(fs_1)'
8. Set U-boot env variable: bootcmd
# fw_setenv bootcmd 'setenv bootargs console=ttyMSM0,115200n8 ubi.mtd=rootfs rootfstype=squashfs rootwait; ubi part fs; ubi read 0x44000000 kernel; bootm 0x44000000#config@rt5010w-d350-rev0'
9. Reboot the device
# reboot
Note: this PR adds only single partition support, that means sysupgrade is
upgrading the current rootfs partition
Signed-off-by: Dirk Buchwalder <buchwalder@posteo.de>
The Edgecore EAP102 is a wall/ceiling mountable AP. The AP can be
powered by either PoE or AC adapter.
Device info:
- IPQ8071-A SoC
- 1GiB RAM
- 256MiB NAND flash
- 2 Ethernet ports
- 1 Console port
- 2 USB 2.0 ports
Install instructions:
Prerequistes - TFTP server, preferrably within
Console cable plugged in (115200 8N1 no flow control)
1. Power on device and interrupt u-boot to obtain u-boot CLI
2. set serverip to IP address of the TFTP server:
`setenv serverip`
3. Download image from TFTP server:
`tftpboot 0x44000000 openwrt-ipq807x-generic-edgecore_eap102-squashfs-nand-factory.ubi`
4. Flash ubi image to both partitions and reset:
`sf probe
imxtract 0x44000000 ubi
nand device 0
nand erase 0x0 0x3400000
nand erase 0x3c00000 0x3400000
nand write $fileaddr 0x0 $filesize
nand write $fileaddr 0x3c00000 $filesize
Signed-off-by: Matthew Hagan <mnhagan88@gmail.com>
Xiaomi AX9000 is a premium 802.11ax "tri"-band router/AP.
* CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8072A Quad core Cortex-A53 2.2GHz
* RAM: 1024MB of DDR3
* Storage: 256MB of parallel NAND
* Ethernet:
* 4x1G RJ45 ports (QCA8075) with 1x status LED per port
* 1x2.5G RJ45 port (QCA8081) with 1x status LED
* PCI based Qualcomm QCA9889 1x1 802.11ac Wawe 2 for IoT
* 2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 4x4@40MHz 802.11b/g/n/ax 1147 Mbps PHY rate
* 5.8GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 4x4@80MHz or 2x2@160MHz 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2402Mbps PHY rate
* 5GHz: PCI based Qualcomm QCN9024 4x4@160MHz 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 4804Mbps PHY rate
* USB: 1x USB3.0 Type-A port
* LED-s:
* System (Blue and Yellow)
* Network (Blue and Yellow)
* RGB light bar on top in X shape
* Buttons:
* 1x Power switch
* 1x Soft reset
* 1x Mesh button
* Power: 12V DC Jack
Installation instructions:
Obtaining SSH access is mandatory
Installation is done by the ubiformat method, through SSH:
1. Open an SSH shell to the router
2. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax9000-initramfs-factory.ubi to the /tmp directory
3. Check which rootfs partition is your router booted in (0 = rootfs | 1 = rootfs_1):
nvram get flag_boot_rootfs
4. Find the rootfs and rootfs_1 mtd indexes respectively:
cat /proc/mtd
Please confirm if mtd21 and mtd22 are the correct indexes from above!
5. Use the command ubiformat to flash the opposite mtd with UBI image:
If nvram get flag_boot_rootfs returned 0:
ubiformat /dev/mtd22 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax9000-initramfs-factory.ubi && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1 && nvram set flag_last_success=1 && nvram commit
ubiformat /dev/mtd21 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax9000-initramfs-factory.ubi && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0 && nvram set flag_last_success=0 && nvram commit
6. Reboot the device by:
Previous commands flashed an ubinized OpenWrt initramfs that will serve as the intermediate step
since OpenWrt uses unified rootfs in order to fully utilize NAND and provide enough space for packages.
Continue in order to pernamently flash OpenWrt:
7. SSH into OpenWrt from one of the LAN ports
8. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax9000-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to the /tmp directory
9. Sysupgrade the device:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax9000-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Device will reboot with OpenWrt, and then sysupgrade can be used to upgrade the device when desired.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
QNAP 301w is a AX WIFI router with 4 1G and 2 10G ports.
• CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8072A Quad core Cortex-A53 2.2GHz
• RAM: 1024MB of DDR3
• Storage: 4GB eMMC (contains kernel and rootfs) / 8MB NOR
(contains art and u-boot-env)
• Ethernet: 4x 1G RJ45 ports + 2 10G ports (Aquantia AQR113C)
2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 4x4 (40 MHz) 802.11b/g/n/ax 1174 Mbps PHY rate
5GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 4x4 (80 MHz) or 2x2 (160 MHz) 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2402 PHY rate
• LEDs:
7 x GPIO-controlled dual color LEDs + 2 GPIO-controlled single color LEDs
• Buttons: 1x soft reset / 1x WPS
• Power: 12V DC jack
A poulated serial header is onboard.
RX/TX is working, bootwait is active, secure boot is not enabled.
SSH can be activated in the stock firmware, hold WPS button til the second beep
(yes the router has a buzzer)
SSH is available on port 22200, login with user admin and
password "mac address of the router".
Installation Instructions:
• obtain serial access (https://openwrt.org/inbox/toh/qnap/301w#serial)
• stop auto boot
• setenv serverip
• setenv ipaddr
• tftpboot the initramfs image
• bootm
• make sure that current_entry is set to "0":
"fw_printenv -n current_entry" should be print "0". If not,
do "fw_setenv current_entry 0"
• copy openwrt-ipq807x-generic-qnap_301w-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
to the device to /tmp folder
• sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-qnap_301w-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
this flashes openwrt to the first kernel and rootfs partition (mmcblk0p1 / mmcblk0p4)
• reboot
Note: this leaves the second kernel / rootfs parition untouched. So if you want
to go back to stock, stop u-boot autoboot, "setenv current_entry 1" ,
"saveenv", "bootipq".
Stock firmware should start from the second partition.
Then do a firmwareupgrade in the stock gui, that should overwrite the openwrt
in the first partitions
Make 10G Aquantia phy's work:
The aquantia phy's need a firmware to work. This can either be loaded
in linux with a userspace tool or in u-boot.
I was not successfull to load the firmware in linux (aq-fw-download) but luckily there is
aq_load_fw available in u-boot. But first the right firmware needs to write
to the 0:ETHPHYFW mtd partition (it is empty on my device)
Grab the ethphy firmware image from:
and scp that to openwrt.
Check the 0:ETHPHYFW partition number:
cat /proc/mtd|grep "0:ETHPHYFW", should be mtd10.
Backup the 0:ETHPHYFW partition:
dd if=/dev/mtd10 of=/tmp/ethphyfw.backup, scp ethphyfw.backup to a save place.
Write the new firmware image to the 0:ETHPHYFW partition:
"mtd erase /dev/mtd10", "mtd -n write AQR_ethphyfw.mbn /dev/mtd10".
Reboot to u-boot.
Check if aq_load_fw is working:
"aq_load_fw 0", that checks the firmware and if successfull,
loads iram and dram to one of the aquantia phy's.
If that worked, add the aq_load_fw to the bootcmd:
setenv bootcmd "aq_load_fw 0 && aq_load_fw 8 && bootipq"
Board reboots and the firmware load to both phy's should start and
then openwrt boots.
Check if the 10G ports work.
Note: lan port labeled "10G-2" is configured as WAN port as per default.
All other port are in the br-lan. This can be changed in the network config.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Buchwalder <buchwalder@posteo.de>
Edimax CAX1800 is a 802.11 ax dual-band AP
with PoE. AP can be ceiling or wall mount.
• CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8070A Quad core Cortex-A53 1.4GHz
• RAM: 512MB of DDR3
• Storage: 128MB NAND (contains rootfs) / 8MB NOR (contains art and uboot-env)
• Ethernet: 1x 1G RJ45 port (QCA8072) PoE
2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 2x2 802.11b/g/n/ax 574 Mbps PHY rate
5GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 2x2 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 1201 PHY rate
• LEDs:
3 x GPIO-controlled System-LEDs
(form one virtual RGB System-LED)
black_small_square Buttons: 1x soft reset
black_small_square Power: 12V DC jack or PoE (802.3af )
An unpopulated serial header is onboard.
RX/TX is working, bootwait is active, secure boot is not enabled.
SSH can be activated in the stock firmware, but it drops only
to a limited shell .
Installation Instructions:
black_small_square obtain serial access
black_small_square stop auto boot
black_small_square tftpboot the initramfs image (serverip is set to in uboot)
black_small_square bootm
black_small_square copy openwrt-ipq807x-generic-edimax_cax1800-squashfs-nand-factory.ubi
to the device
black_small_square write the image to the NAND:
black_small_square cat /proc/mtd and look for rootfs partition (should be mtd0)
black_small_square ubiformat /dev/mtd0 -f -y openwrt-ipq807x-generic-edimax_cax1800-squashfs-
black_small_square reboot
Note: Device is not using dual partitioning (NAND contains other partitions
with different manufacture data etc.)
Draytek VigorAP 960C and Lancom LW-600 both look similar, but I haven't checked them.
Signed-off-by: Dirk Buchwalder <buchwalder@posteo.de>
Redmi AX6 is a budget 802.11ax dual-band router/AP
* CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8071A Quad core Cortex-A53 1.4GHz
* RAM: 512MB of DDR3
* Storage: 128MB NAND
* Ethernet: 4x1G RJ45 ports (QCA8075)
* 2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 2x2 802.11b/g/n/ax 574 Mbps PHY rate
* 5GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 4x4@80MHz or 2x2@160MHz 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2402 PHY rate
* LEDs:
* System (Blue/Yellow)
* Network (Blue/Yellow)
*Buttons: 1x soft reset
*Power: 12V DC jack
Installation instructions:
Obtaining SSH access is mandatory
Installation is done by the ubiformat method, through SSH:
1. Open an SSH shell to the router
2. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-redmi_ax6-initramfs-factory.ubi to the /tmp directory
3. Check which rootfs partition is your router booted in (0 = rootfs | 1 = rootfs_1):
nvram get flag_boot_rootfs
4. Find the rootfs and rootfs_1 mtd indexes respectively:
cat /proc/mtd
Please confirm if mtd12 and mtd13 are the correct indexes from above!
5. Use the command ubiformat to flash the opposite mtd with UBI image:
If nvram get flag_boot_rootfs returned 0:
ubiformat /dev/mtd13 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-redmi_ax6-initramfs-factory.ubi && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1 && nvram set flag_last_success=1 && nvram commit
ubiformat /dev/mtd12 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-redmi_ax6-initramfs-factory.ubi && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0 && nvram set flag_last_success=0 && nvram commit
6. Reboot the device by:
Previous commands flashed an ubinized OpenWrt initramfs that will serve as the intermediate step
since OpenWrt uses unified rootfs in order to fully utilize NAND and provide enough space for packages.
Continue in order to pernamently flash OpenWrt:
7. SSH into OpenWrt from one of the LAN ports
8. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-redmi_ax6-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to the /tmp directory
9. Sysupgrade the device:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-redmi_ax6-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Device will reboot with OpenWrt, and then sysupgrade can be used to upgrade the device when desired.
Signed-off-by: Zhijun You <hujy652@gmail.com>
Xiaomi AX3600 is a budget 802.11ax dual-band router/AP.
* CPU: Qualcomm IPQ8071A Quad core Cortex-A53 1.4GHz
* RAM: 512MB of DDR3
* Storage: 256MB of parallel NAND
* Ethernet: 4x1G RJ45 ports (QCA8075) with 1x status LED per port
* PCI based Qualcomm QCA9889 1x1 802.11ac Wawe 2 for IoT
* 2.4GHz: Qualcomm QCN5024 2x2 802.11b/g/n/ax 574 Mbps PHY rate
* 5GHz: Qualcomm QCN5054 4x4@80MHz or 2x2@160MHz 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2402 PHY rate
* LED-s:
* System (Blue and Yellow)
* IoT (Blue)
* Network (Blue and Yellow)
* Buttons: 1x Soft reset
* Power: 12V DC Jack
Installation instructions:
Obtaining SSH access is mandatory
Installation is done by the ubiformat method, through SSH:
1. Open an SSH shell to the router
2. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax3600-initramfs-factory.ubi to the /tmp directory
3. Check which rootfs partition is your router booted in (0 = rootfs | 1 = rootfs_1):
nvram get flag_boot_rootfs
4. Find the rootfs and rootfs_1 mtd indexes respectively:
cat /proc/mtd
Please confirm if mtd12 and mtd13 are the correct indexes from above!
5. Use the command ubiformat to flash the opposite mtd with UBI image:
If nvram get flag_boot_rootfs returned 0:
ubiformat /dev/mtd13 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax3600-initramfs-factory.ubi -s 2048 -O 2048 && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1 && nvram set flag_last_success=1 && nvram commit
ubiformat /dev/mtd12 -y -f /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax3600-initramfs-factory.ubi -s 2048 -O 2048 && nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0 && nvram set flag_last_success=0 && nvram commit
6. Reboot the device by:
Previous commands flashed an ubinized OpenWrt initramfs that will serve as the intermediate step
since OpenWrt uses unified rootfs in order to fully utilize NAND and provide enough space for packages.
Continue in order to pernamently flash OpenWrt:
7. SSH into OpenWrt from one of the LAN ports
8. Copy the file openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax3600-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin to the /tmp directory
9. Sysupgrade the device:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq807x-generic-xiaomi_ax3600-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Device will reboot with OpenWrt, and then sysupgrade can be used to upgrade the device when desired.
Signed-off-by: Christian Marangi <ansuelsmth@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
Package ath11k firmware for AHB devices as well as QCN9074 which is a non
consumer card targeted as a companion for QCA WiSoC-s.
linux-firmware is always out of date for these, so fetch them from Kalle-s
repo like we do for ath10k.
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4019
WiFi 1: QCA4019 IEEE 802.11b/g/n
WiFi 2: QCA4019 IEEE 802.11a/n/ac
WiFi 3: QCA8888 IEEE 802.11a/n/ac
Bluetooth: Qualcomm CSR8811 (A12U)
Zigbee: Silicon Labs EM3581 NCP + Skyworks SE2432L
Ethernet: Qualcomm Atheros QCA8072 (2-port)
Flash 1: Mactronix MX30LF4G18AC-XKI
RAM (NAND): SK hynix H5TC4G63CFR-PBA (512MB)
LED Controller: NXP PCA9633 (I2C)
Buttons: Single reset button (GPIO).
- The three WiFis were fully tested and are configured with the same settings as in the vendor firmware.
- The specific board files were submitted to the ATH10k mailing list but I'm still waiting for a reply. They can be removed once they are approved upstream.
- Two ethernet ports are accessible on the device. By default one is configured as WAN and the other one is LAN. They are fully working.
- Fully working with the following caveats:
- RFKILL need to be enabled in the kernel.
- An older version of bluez is needed as bccmd is needed to configure the chip.
- The spidev device is available in the /dev directory.
- GPIOs are configured the same way as in the vendor firmware.
- Tests are on-going. I am working on getting access to the Silicon Labs stack to validate that it is fully working.
The squash-factory image can be installed via the Linksys Web UI:
1. Open "" (Change the IP with the IP of your device).
2. Login with your admin password.
3. To enter into the support mode, click on the "CA" link and the bottom of the page.
4. Open the "Connectivity" menu and upload the squash-factory image with the "Choose file" button.
5. Click start. Ignore all the prompts and warnings by click "yes" in all the popups.
The device uses a dual partition mechanism. The device automatically revert to the previous partition after 3 failed boot attempts.
If you want to force the previous firmware to load, you can turn off and then turn on the device for 2 seconds, 3 times in a row.
It can also be done via TFTP:
1. Setup a local TFTP server and configure its IP to
2. Rename your image to "nodes_v2.img" and put it to the TFTP root of your server.
3. Connect to the device through the serial console.
4. Power on device and press enter when prompted to drop into U-Boot.
5. Flash the partition of your choice by typing "run flashimg" or "run flashimg2".
6. Once flashed, enter "reset" to reboot the device.
Reviewed-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Vincent Tremblay <vincent@vtremblay.dev>
Light and small router ( In Poland operators sells together with MC7010 outdoor modem to provide WIFI inside home).
Device specification
SoC Type: Qualcomm IPQ4019
RAM: 256 MiB
Flash: 128 MiB SPI NAND (Winbond W25N01GV)
ROM: 2MiB SPI Flash (GD25Q16)
Wireless 2.4 GHz (IP4019): b/g/n, 2x2
Wireless 5 GHz (QCA9982): a/n/ac, 3x3
Ethernet: 2xGbE (WAN/LAN1, LAN2)
USB ports: No
Button: 2 (Reset/WPS)
LEDs: 3 external leds: Power (blue) , WiFI (blue and red), SMARTHOME (blue and red) and 1 internal (blue) -- NOTE: Power controls all external led (if down ,all others also not lights even signal is up)
Power: 5VDC, 2,1A via USB-C socket
Bootloader: U-Boot
On board ZWave and Zigbee (EFR32 MG1P232GG..) modules ( not supported by orginal software )
1.Open MF18A case by ungluing rubber pad under the router and unscrew screws, and connect to serial console port,
with the following pinout, starting from pin 1, which is the topmost pin when the board is upright (reset button on the bottom) :
VCC (3.3V). Do not use unless you need to source power for the converer from it.
Default port configuration in U-boot as well as in stock firmware is 115200-8-N-1.
2.Place OpenWrt initramfs image for the device on a TFTP in the server's root. This example uses Server IP:
3.Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port (WAN/LAN1).
4.Power on MF18A , stop in u-Boot (using ESC button) and run u-Boot commands:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
set fdt_high 0x85000000
tftpboot 0x84000000 openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-zte_mf18a-initramfs-fit-zImage.itb
bootm 0x84000000
5.Please make backup of original partitions, if you think about revert to stock, specially mtd8 (Web UI) and mtd9 (rootFS). Use /tmp as temporary storage and do:
cat /dev/mtd8 > /tmp/mtd8.bin
scp /tmp/mtd8.bin root@YOURSERVERIP:/
rm /tmp/mtd8.bin
cat /dev/mtd9 > /tmp/mtd9.bin
scp /tmp/mtd9.bin root@YOURSERVERIP:/
rm /tmp/mtd9.bin
If you are sure ,that you want to flash openwrt, from uBoot, before bootm, clean rootfs partition with command:
nand erase 0x1800000 0x1D00000
6.Login via ssh or serial and remove stock partitions (default IP
ubiattach -m 9 # it could return error if ubi was attached before or rootfs part was erased before
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs # it could return error if rootfs part was erased before
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs_data # some devices doesn't have it
7. Install image via :
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-zte_mf18a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
previously wgeting bin. Sometimes it could print ubi attach error, but please ignore it if process goes forward.
Back to Stock (!!! need original dump taken from initramfs !!!) -------------
Place mtd8.bin and mtd9.bin initramfs image for the device on a TFTP in the server's root. This example uses Server IP:
Connect serial console (115200,8n1) to serial console connector .
Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port (WAN/LAN1).
rename mtd8.bin to web.img and mtd9.bin to root_uImage_s
Stop in u-Boot (using ESC button) and run u-Boot commands:
This will erase Web and RootFS:
nand erase 0x1000000 0x800000
nand erase 0x1800000 0x1D00000
This will restore RootFS:
tftpboot 0x84000000 root_uImage_s
nand erase 0x1800000 0x1D00000
nand write 0x84000000 0x1800000 0x1D00000
This will restore Web Interface:
tftpboot 0x84000000 web.img
nand erase 0x1000000 0x800000
nand write 0x84000000 0x1000000 0x800000
After first boot on stock firwmare, do a factory reset. Push reset button for 5 seconds so all parameters will be reverted to the one printed on label on bottom of the router
As reference was taken MF289F support by Giammarco Marzano stich86@gmail.com and MF286D by Pawel Dembicki paweldembicki@gmail.com
Signed-off-by: Marcin Gajda <mgajda@o2.pl>
It has been brought to my attention that recently added WCN6855 firmware
is broken as it is getting stripped during building due to being 2 ELF
I am sure WCN6750 and any other ELF binaries are having the same issue,
so since stripping firmware binaries is clearly unwanted disable it.
Fixes: b4d3694f81f4 ("linux-firmware: package ath11k consumer cards firmware")
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
WCN6855 exists in 2 HW revisions, but both use the same FW so upstream
just has a symlink for hw2.1 to hw2.0 that I forgot to make.
Fixes: b4d3694f81f4 ("linux-firmware: package ath11k consumer cards firmware")
Signed-off-by: Robert Marko <robimarko@gmail.com>
The symbolic link introduced in 22e9d8bc896b is wrong.
Fixes: 22e9d8bc896b ("cypress-firmware: use symlink to provide firmware in brcm")
Signed-off-by: Álvaro Fernández Rojas <noltari@gmail.com>
NVRAM packages for the same wireless chip are consolidated into one as
they contain only small text files and symlinks.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
NVRAM packages for the same wireless chip are consolidated into one as
they contain only small text files and symlinks.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
Since all NVRAM files in external repo are now upstreamed and to lower
future maintenance cost, disassociate the package from external source
All upstream pending NVRAM files shall be stored locally from now on.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
[Remove outdated URL, add SPDX-License-Identifier]
Signed-off-by: Álvaro Fernández Rojas <noltari@gmail.com>
According to commit 6f6c2fb321, AP6335 module used in PICO-PI-IMX7D works
only with firmware from `linux-firmware`. However, firmware from
`cypress-firmware` suite is directly from the chip company (Infineon) and
is actually newer.
Instead of dropping the firmware from Infineon, create a package named
`brcmfmac-firmware-4339-sdio`, and keep the Infineon version of
`cypress-firmware-4339-sdio` around.
This gives us devs the option to choose. Also, it means that
- packages `brcmfmac-firmware-*` uniformly come from `linux-firmware`
- packages `cypress-firmware-*` uniformly come from `cypress-firmware`
so hopefully brings more clarity.
Tested-by: Lech Perczak <lech.perczak@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
This is to align the implementation with upstream `linux-firmware`.
Some Raspberry Pi boards do not have dedicated NVRAM in `linux-firmware`
source repository, their NVRAM is provided through a symbolic link to
NVRAM of another board with an identical wireless design.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
This is to align the implementation with upstream `linux-firmware`.
Instead of moving these firmware files to `brcm` subdirectory and changing
their names, leave them in `cypress` subdirectory, keep their names intact
and use symbolic links to provide compatibility with Broadcom FullMAC
This gives more context to where the firmware comes from.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
This is to align the implementation with upstream `linux-firmware`.
Some Raspberry Pi boards do not have dedicated NVRAM in `linux-firmware`
source repository, their NVRAM is provided through a symbolic link to
NVRAM of another board with an identical wireless design.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
PROVIDES for these packages will cause ambiguity and circular dependency
in planned changes.
For example, if there is a package `brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio-rpi-cm4`
that depends on `brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio-rpi-4b`, there is no way to
tell which one of below packages the system will go for.
- package named `brcmfmac-firmware-43455-sdio-rpi-4b`
- package named `cypress-nvram-43455-sdio-rpi-4b` that PROVIDES
When ambiguity is unacceptable, PROVIDES (aliases) shall be removed and
packages shall only be used through their exact name.
So remove PROVIDES and keep only CONFLICTS.
Signed-off-by: Kuan-Yi Li <kyli@abysm.org>
Realtek bluetooth devices need firmware. Add packages for some of
Tested on a WNDR3700v4 with rtl8761bu firmware.
Signed-off-by: Quintin Hill <stuff@quintin.me.uk>
712460c linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462
90d5f7e linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462
48954ba linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560
0e205fd linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560
06b941e linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201
ba958ff linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201
02bdea2 linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
7044d46 linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211
1b99bcd linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210
4668ae9 linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX200
5bdfdba linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201
b0f995c amdgpu: update DMCUB firmware for DCN 3.1.6
d991031 rtl_bt: Update RTL8822C BT UART firmware to 0xFFB8_ABD6
fd62f01 rtl_bt: Update RTL8822C BT USB firmware to 0xFFB8_ABD3
b15fc21 WHENCE: mrvl: prestera: Add WHENCE entries for newly updated 4.1 FW images
bf5a337 mrvl: prestera: Update Marvell Prestera Switchdev FW to v4.1
4a733c2 iwlwifi: add new FWs from core74_pv-60 release
7d2bb50 qcom: drop split a530_zap firmware file
7d56713 qcom/vpu-1.0: drop split firmware in favour of the mbn file
1431496 qcom/venus-4.2: drop split firmware in favour of the mbn file
cf95783 qcom/venus-4.2: replace split firmware with the mbn file
1fe6f49 qcom/venus-1.8: replace split firmware with the mbn file
abc0302 linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on new ASUS Laptop
20d9516 iwlwifi: add new PNVM binaries from core74-44 release
06dbfbc iwlwifi: add new FWs from core69-81 release
05df8e6 qcom: update venus firmware files for VPU-2.0
cd6fcdb qcom: remove split SC7280 venus firmware images
1612706 qcom: update venus firmware file for v5.4
ad9fdba qcom: replace split SC7180 venus firmware images with symlink
dae5d46 rtw89: 8852b: update fw to v0.27.32.1
a8e86ec rtlwifi: update firmware for rtl8192eu to v35.7
9aa8db1 rtlwifi: Add firmware v4.0 for RTL8188FU
8f86b5a i915: Add HuC 7.10.3 for DG2
48407ff cnm: update chips&media wave521c firmware.
bd31846 brcm: add symlink for Pi Zero 2 W NVRAM file
771968c linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on ASUS Laptops
6f9620e linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on Lenovo Laptops
1d18cb9 linux-firmware: Add firmware for Cirrus CS35L41 on HP Laptops
e497757 rtw89: 8852b: add initial fw v0.27.32.0
98b5577 iwlwifi: add new FWs from core72-129 release
604026c iwlwifi: update 9000-family firmwares to core72-129
Signed-off-by: Nick Hainke <vincent@systemli.org>
SOC: Qualcomm IPQ4018 (DAKOTA) ARM Quad-Core
RAM: 256 MiB
ETH: Qualcomm QCA8075
WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4018 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n 2x2
WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4018 5G 802.11n/ac W2 2x2
USB: 1 x USB 3.0 port
Button: 1 x Reset button
Switch: 1 x Mode switch
LED: 1 x Blue LED + 1 x White LED
Install via uboot tftp or uboot web failsafe.
By uboot tftp:
(IPQ40xx) # tftpboot 0x84000000 openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-glinet_gl-a1300-squashfs-nand-factory.ubi
(IPQ40xx) # nand erase 0 0x8000000
(IPQ40xx) # nand write 0x84000000 0 $filesize
By uboot web failsafe:
Push the reset button for 10 seconds util the power led flash faster,
then use broswer to access
Afterwards upgrade can use sysupgrade image.
Signed-off-by: Weiping Yang <weiping.yang@gl-inet.com>
Get rid of drivers that are either limited to 802.11b/g or don't even support
cfg80211/mac80211. Most of these are either limited to boards that we don't even
support anymore because of firmware size, or were only used for custom hacks by
a really small number of users in the past.
Let's get rid of those to reduce the maintenance effort and the number of useless
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
It's a 4G Cat.20 router used by Vodafone Italy (called Vodafone FWA)
and Vodafone DE\T-Mobile PL (called GigaCube).
Modem is a MiniPCIe-to-USB based on Snapdragon X24,
it supports 4CA aggregation.
There are currently two hardware revisions, which
differ on the 5Ghz radio:
AT1 = QCA9984 5Ghz Radio on PCI-E bus
AT2 = IPQ4019 5Ghz Radio inside IPQ4019 like 2.4Ghz
Device specification
SoC Type: Qualcomm IPQ4019
RAM: 256 MiB
Flash: 128 MiB SPI NAND (Winbond W25N01GV)
ROM: 2MiB SPI Flash (GD25Q16)
Wireless 2.4 GHz (IP4019): b/g/n, 2x2
Wireless 5 GHz:
(QCA9984): a/n/ac, 4x4 HW REV AT1
(IPA4019): a/n/ac, 2x2 HW REV AT2
Ethernet: 2xGbE (WAN/LAN1, LAN2)
USB ports: No
Button: 2 (Reset/WPS)
LEDs: 3 external leds: Network (white or red), Wifi, Power and 1 internal (blue)
Power: 12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type: Barrel
Bootloader: U-Boot
1. Place OpenWrt initramfs image for the device on a TFTP
in the server's root. This example uses Server IP:
2. Connect serial console (115200,8n1) to serial connector
GND (which is right next to the thing with MF289F MIMO-V1.0), RX, TX
(refer to this image: https://ibb.co/31Gngpr).
3. Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port (WAN/LAN1).
4. Stop in u-Boot (using ESC button) and run u-Boot commands:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
set fdt_high 0x85000000
tftp openwrt-ipq40xx-generic-zte_mf289f-initramfs-fit-zImage.itb
bootm $loadaddr
5. Please make backup of original partitions, if you think about revert to
stock, specially mtd16 (Web UI) and mtd17 (rootFS).
Use /tmp as temporary storage and do:
cat /dev/mtd16 > /tmp/mtd16.bin
scp /tmp/mtd16.bin root@YOURSERVERIP:/
rm /tmp/mtd16.bin
cat /dev/mtd17 > /tmp/mtd17.bin
scp /tmp/mtd17.bin root@YOURSERVERIP:/
rm /tmp/mtd17.bin
6. Login via ssh or serial and remove stock partitions
(default IP
# this can return an error, if ubi was attached before
# or rootfs part was erased before.
ubiattach -m 17
# it could return error if rootfs part was erased before
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs
# some devices doesn't have it
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N ubi_rootfs_data
7. download and install image via sysupgrade -n
(either use wget/scp to copy the mf289f's squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
to the device's /tmp directory)
sysupgrade -n /tmp/openwrt-...-zte_mf289f-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Sometimes it could print ubi attach error, but please ignore it
if process goes forward.
Flash Layout
mtd8: 000a0000 00020000 "fota-flag"
mtd9: 00080000 00020000 "0:ART"
mtd10: 00080000 00020000 "mac"
mtd11: 000c0000 00020000 "reserved2"
mtd12: 00400000 00020000 "cfg-param"
mtd13: 00400000 00020000 "log"
mtd14: 000a0000 00020000 "oops"
mtd15: 00500000 00020000 "reserved3"
mtd16: 00800000 00020000 "web"
mtd17: 01d00000 00020000 "rootfs"
mtd18: 01900000 00020000 "data"
mtd19: 03200000 00020000 "fota"
mtd20: 0041e000 0001f000 "kernel"
mtd21: 0101b000 0001f000 "ubi_rootfs"
mtd0: 00040000 00010000 "0:SBL1"
mtd1: 00020000 00010000 "0:MIBIB"
mtd2: 00060000 00010000 "0:QSEE"
mtd3: 00010000 00010000 "0:CDT"
mtd4: 00010000 00010000 "0:DDRPARAMS"
mtd5: 00010000 00010000 "0:APPSBLENV"
mtd6: 000c0000 00010000 "0:APPSBL"
mtd7: 00050000 00010000 "0:reserved1"
Back to Stock (!!! need original dump taken from initramfs !!!)
1. Place mtd16.bin and mtd17.bin initramfs image
for the device on a TFTP in the server's root.
This example uses Server IP:
2. Connect serial console (115200,8n1) to serial console
connector (refer to the pin-out from above).
3. Connect TFTP server to RJ-45 port (WAN/LAN1).
4. rename mtd16.bin to web.img and mtd17.bin to root_uImage_s
5. Stop in u-Boot (using ESC button) and run u-Boot commands:
This will erase RootFS+Web:
nand erase 0x1000000 0x800000
nand erase 0x1800000 0x1D00000
This will restore RootFS:
tftpboot 0x84000000 ${dir}root_uImage_s
nand erase 0x1800000 0x1D00000
nand write $fileaddr 0x1800000 $filesize
This will restore Web Interface:
tftpboot 0x84000000 ${dir}web.img
nand erase 0x1000000 0x800000
nand write $fileaddr 0x1000000 $filesize
After first boot on stock firwmare, do a factory reset.
Push reset button for 5 seconds so all parameters will
be reverted to the one printed on label on bottom of the router
Signed-off-by: Giammarco Marzano <stich86@gmail.com>
Reviewed-by: Lech Perczak <lech.perczak@gmail.com>
(Warning: commit message did not conform to UTF-8 - hopefully fixed?,
added description of the pin-out if image goes down, reformatted
commit message to be hopefully somewhat readable on git-web,
redid some of the gpio-buttons & leds DT nodes, etc.)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
Sony NCP-HG100/Cellular is a IoT Gateway with 2.4/5 GHz band 11ac
(WiFi-5) wireless function, based on IPQ4019.
- SoC : Qualcomm IPQ4019
- RAM : DDR3 512 MiB (H5TC4G63EFR)
- Flash : eMMC 4 GiB (THGBMNG5D1LBAIT)
- WLAN : 2.4/5 GHz 2T2R (IPQ4019)
- Ethernet : 10/100/1000 Mbps x2
- Transceiver : Qualcomm QCA8072
- WWAN : Telit LN940A9
- Z-Wave : Silicon Labs ZM5101
- Bluetooth : Qualcomm CSR8811
- Audio DAC : Realtek ALC5629
- Audio Amp. : Realtek ALC1304
- Voice Input Processor : Conexant CX20924
- Micro Controller Unit : Nuvoton MINI54FDE
- RGB LED, Fan, Temp. sensors
- Touch Sensor : Cypress CY8C4014LQI
- RGB LED driver : TI LP55231 (2x)
- LEDs/Keys : 11x, 6x
- UART : through-hole on PCB
- J1: 3.3V, TX, RX, GND from tri-angle marking
- 115200n8
- Power : 12 VDC, 2.5 A
Flash instruction using initramfs image:
1. Prepare TFTP server with the IP address and place the
initramfs image to TFTP directory with the name "C0A88401.img"
2. Boot NCP-HG100/Cellular and interrupt after the message
"Hit any key to stop autoboot: 2"
3. Perform the following commands and set bootcmd to allow booting from
setenv bootcmd "mmc read 0x84000000 0x2e22 0x4000 && bootm 0x84000000"
4. Perform the following command to load/boot the OpenWrt initramfs image
tftpboot && bootm
5. On the initramfs image, perform sysupgrade with the sysupgrade image
(if needed, backup eMMC partitions by dd command and download to
other place before performing sysupgrade)
6. Wait for ~120 seconds to complete flashing
Known issues:
- There are no drivers for audio-related chips/functions in Linux Kernel
and OpenWrt, they cannot be used.
- There is no driver for MINI54FDE Micro-Controller Unit, customized for
this device by the firmware in the MCU. This chip controls the
following functions, but they cannot be controlled in OpenWrt.
- Fan
this fan is controlled automatically by MCU by default, without
- Thermal Sensors (2x)
- Currently, there is no driver or tool for CY8C4014LQI and cannot be
controlled. It cannot be exited from "booting mode" and moved to "normal
op mode" after booting. And also, the 4x buttons (mic mute, vol down,
vol up, alexa trigger) connected to the IC cannot be controlled.
- it can be exited from "booting mode" by installing and executing
i2cset command:
opkg update
opkg install i2c-tools
i2cset -y 1 0x14 0xf 1
- There is a connection issue on the control by uqmi for the WWAN module.
But modemmanager can be used without any issues and the use of it is
- With the F2FS format, too many errors are reported on erasing eMMC
partition "rootfs_data" while booting:
[ 1.360270] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[ 1.363636] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[ 1.369730] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
[ 1.374729] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: Got CD GPIO
[ 1.413552] mmc0: SDHCI controller on 7824900.sdhci [7824900.sdhci] using ADMA 64-bit
[ 1.528325] mmc0: new HS200 MMC card at address 0001
[ 1.530627] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 004GA0 3.69 GiB
[ 1.533530] mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 004GA0 partition 1 2.00 MiB
[ 1.537831] mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 004GA0 partition 2 2.00 MiB
[ 1.542918] mmcblk0rpmb: mmc0:0001 004GA0 partition 3 512 KiB, chardev (247:0)
[ 1.550323] Alternate GPT is invalid, using primary GPT.
[ 1.561669] mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17
[ 8.841400] mount_root: loading kmods from internal overlay
[ 8.860241] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from //etc/modules-boot.d/*
[ 8.863746] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from //etc/modules-boot.d/*
[ 9.240465] block: attempting to load /etc/config/fstab
[ 9.246722] block: unable to load configuration (fstab: Entry not found)
[ 9.246863] block: no usable configuration
[ 9.254883] mount_root: overlay filesystem in /dev/mmcblk0p17 has not been formatted yet
[ 9.438915] urandom_read: 5 callbacks suppressed
[ 9.438924] random: mkfs.f2fs: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[ 12.243332] mmc_erase: erase error -110, status 0x800
[ 12.246638] mmc0: cache flush error -110
[ 15.134585] mmc_erase: erase error -110, status 0x800
[ 15.135891] mmc_erase: group start error -110, status 0x0
[ 15.139850] mmc_erase: group start error -110, status 0x0
...(too many the same errors)...
[ 17.350811] mmc_erase: group start error -110, status 0x0
[ 17.356197] mmc_erase: group start error -110, status 0x0
[ 17.439498] sdhci_msm 7824900.sdhci: Card stuck in wrong state! card_busy_detect status: 0xe00
[ 17.446910] mmc0: tuning execution failed: -5
[ 17.447111] mmc0: cache flush error -110
[ 18.012440] F2FS-fs (mmcblk0p17): Found nat_bits in checkpoint
[ 18.062652] F2FS-fs (mmcblk0p17): Mounted with checkpoint version = 428fa16b
[ 18.198691] block: attempting to load /etc/config/fstab
[ 18.198972] block: unable to load configuration (fstab: Entry not found)
[ 18.203029] block: no usable configuration
[ 18.211371] mount_root: overlay filesystem has not been fully initialized yet
[ 18.214487] mount_root: switching to f2fs overlay
So, this support uses ext4 format instead which has no errors.
- The primary uart is shared for debug console and Z-Wave chip. The
function is switched by GPIO15 (Linux: 427).
1: debug console
0: Z-Wave
- NCP-HG100/Cellular has 2x os-image pairs in eMMC.
- 0:HLOS, rootfs
- 0:HLOS_1, rootfs_1
In OpenWrt, the first image pair is used.
- "bootipq" command in U-Boot requires authentication with signed-image
by default. To boot unsigned image of OpenWrt, use "mmc read" and
"bootm" command instead.
- This support is for "Cellular" variant of NCP-HG100 and not tested on
"WLAN" (non-cellular) variant.
- The board files of ipq-wifi may also be used in "WLAN" variant of
NCP-HG100, but unconfirmed and add files as for "Cellular" variant.
- "NET" LED is used to indicate WWAN status in stock firmware.
- There is no MAC address information in the label on the case, use the
address included in UUID in the label as "label-MAC" instead.
- The "CLOUD" LEDs are partially used for indication of system status in
stock firmware, use they as status LEDs in OpenWrt instead of RGB LED
connected to the MCU.
MAC addresses:
LAN : 5C:FF:35:**:**:ED (ART, 0x6 (hex))
WAN : 5C:FF:35:**:**:EF (ART, 0x0 (hex))
2.4 GHz: 5C:FF:35:**:**:ED (ART, 0x1006 (hex))
5 GHz : 5C:FF:35:**:**:EE (ART, 0x5006 (hex))
partition layout in eMMC (by fdisk, GPT):
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 7733248 sectors, 3776M
Logical sector size: 512
Disk identifier (GUID): ****
Partition table holds up to 20 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 7634910
Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Name
1 34 1057 512K 0:SBL1
2 1058 2081 512K 0:BOOTCONFIG
3 2082 3105 512K 0:QSEE
4 3106 4129 512K 0:QSEE_1
5 4130 4641 256K 0:CDT
6 4642 5153 256K 0:CDT_1
7 5154 6177 512K 0:BOOTCONFIG1
8 6178 6689 256K 0:APPSBLENV
9 6690 8737 1024K 0:APPSBL
10 8738 10785 1024K 0:APPSBL_1
11 10786 11297 256K 0:ART
12 11298 11809 256K 0:HSEE
13 11810 28193 8192K 0:HLOS
14 28194 44577 8192K 0:HLOS_1
15 44578 306721 128M rootfs
16 306722 568865 128M rootfs_1
17 568866 3958065 1654M rootfs_data
[initial work]
Signed-off-by: Iwao Yuki <dev.clef@gmail.com>
Co-developed-by: Iwao Yuki <dev.clef@gmail.com>
[adjustments, cleanups, commit message, sending patch]
Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
(dropped clk_unused_ignore, dropped 901-* patches, renamed
key nodes, changed LEDs chan/labels to match func-en, made
:net -> (w)wan leds)
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
This package downloads raw files
which have names that are not corresponding to
the name and version of the package
as it is defined in the Makefile.
Use the option DL_SUBDIR to set the DL_DIR
to be a subdirectory named with
to better organize the downloads.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <mcpratt@pm.me>
This package downloads raw files
which have names that are not corresponding to
the name and version of the package
as it is defined in the Makefile.
Use the option DL_SUBDIR to set the DL_DIR
to be a subdirectory named with
to better organize the downloads.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <mcpratt@pm.me>
This package downloads raw files
which have names that are not corresponding to
the name and version of the package
as it is defined in the Makefile.
Use the option DL_SUBDIR to set the DL_DIR
to be a subdirectory named with
to better organize the downloads.
Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <mcpratt@pm.me>
btusb fails to start on MT792[12] hardware without the appropriate
firmware being loaded first:
[ 9.750285] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for mediatek/BT_RAM_CODE_MT7961_1_2_hdr.bin failed with error -2
[ 9.765723] bluetooth hci0: Falling back to sysfs fallback for: mediatek/BT_RAM_CODE_MT7961_1_2_hdr.bin
Package firmware for MediaTek MT792[12] Bluetooth from linux-firmware.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
The R8712U driver depends on cfg80211. cfg80211 is provided by mac80211
backports, we can not build any in kernel drivers which depend on
cfg80211 which is an out of tree module in OpenWrt.
The cfg80211 dependency was added with kernel 5.9.
We could add rtl8192su to backports and build it from there.
Signed-off-by: Hauke Mehrtens <hauke@hauke-m.de>
The change of the PKG_VERSION caused the hash of the package to
change. This is because the PKG_VERSION is present in the
internal directory structure of the archive.
Fixes: e879cccaa215 ("uboot-layerscape: update PKG_HASH")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
those board files can/should be dropped now too.
Fixes: 50c232d6f446 ("ipq-wifi: drop upstreamed board-2.bin")
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
the legacy driver was dropped in linux 5.14-rc3:
commit d249ff28b1d8 ("intersil: remove obsolete prism54 wireless driver")
Quoting Lukas Bulwahn:
"p54 replaces prism54 so users should be unaffected."
Reported-by: Marius Dinu <m95d+git@psihoexpert.ro>
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
The BDFs for the:
GL.iNet GL-B2200
were upstreamed to the ath10k-firmware repository
and landed in linux-firmware.git
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
"I see that variant has a space in it, does that work it correctly? My
original idea was that spaces would not be allowed, but didn't realise
to add a check for that."
Is this an easy change? Because the original author (Tim Davis) noted:
"You may substitute the & and space with something else saner if they
prove to be problematic."
Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com>
This board features an AP6335 system-in-package combination of Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth module based on BCM4339.
Support is borrowed directly from the following Buildroot commit:
095420e05ae5: ("configs/imx7dpico: Add Wifi support").
Signed-off-by: Lech Perczak <lech.perczak@gmail.com>