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# Build commands that can be called from Device/* templates
IMAGE_KERNEL = $(word 1,$^)
IMAGE_ROOTFS = $(word 2,$^)
define ModelNameLimit16
$(shell printf %.16s "$(word 2, $(subst _, ,$(1)))")
define rootfs_align
$(patsubst %-256k,0x40000,$(patsubst %-128k,0x20000,$(patsubst %-64k,0x10000,$(patsubst squashfs%,0x4,$(patsubst root.%,%,$(1))))))
define Build/append-dtb
cat $(KDIR)/image-$(firstword $(DEVICE_DTS)).dtb >> $@
define Build/append-dtb-elf
$(TARGET_CROSS)objcopy \
--set-section-flags=.appended_dtb=alloc,contents \
--update-section \
.appended_dtb=$(KDIR)/image-$(firstword $(DEVICE_DTS)).dtb $@
define Build/append-kernel
dd if=$(IMAGE_KERNEL) >> $@
define Build/package-kernel-ubifs
mkdir $@.kernelubifs
cp $@ $@.kernelubifs/kernel
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkfs.ubifs \
-r $@.kernelubifs $@
rm -r $@.kernelubifs
define Build/append-image
cp "$(BIN_DIR)/$(DEVICE_IMG_PREFIX)-$(1)" "$@.stripmeta"
fwtool -s /dev/null -t "$@.stripmeta" || :
fwtool -i /dev/null -t "$@.stripmeta" || :
dd if="$@.stripmeta" >> "$@"
rm "$@.stripmeta"
ifdef IB
define Build/append-image-stage
define Build/append-image-stage
cp "$(BIN_DIR)/$(DEVICE_IMG_PREFIX)-$(1)" "$@.stripmeta"
fwtool -s /dev/null -t "$@.stripmeta" || :
fwtool -i /dev/null -t "$@.stripmeta" || :
mkdir -p "$(STAGING_DIR_IMAGE)"
dd if="$@.stripmeta" of="$(STAGING_DIR_IMAGE)/$(BOARD)$(if $(SUBTARGET),-$(SUBTARGET))-$(DEVICE_NAME)-$(1)"
dd if="$@.stripmeta" >> "$@"
rm "$@.stripmeta"
json_quote=$(subst ','\'',$(subst ",\",$(1)))
legacy_supported_message=$(SUPPORTED_DEVICES) - Image version mismatch: image $(compat_version), \
device 1.0. Please wipe config during upgrade (force required) or reinstall. \
$(if $(DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE),Reason: $(DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE),Please check documentation ...)
metadata_devices=$(if $(1),$(subst "$(space)","$(comma)",$(strip $(foreach v,$(1),"$(call json_quote,$(v))"))))
metadata_json = \
'{ $(if $(IMAGE_METADATA),$(IMAGE_METADATA)$(comma)) \
"metadata_version": "1.1", \
"compat_version": "$(call json_quote,$(compat_version))", \
$(if $(DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE),"compat_message": "$(call json_quote,$(DEVICE_COMPAT_MESSAGE))"$(comma)) \
$(if $(filter-out 1.0,$(compat_version)),"new_supported_devices": \
[$(call metadata_devices,$(SUPPORTED_DEVICES))]$(comma) \
"supported_devices": ["$(call json_quote,$(legacy_supported_message))"]$(comma)) \
$(if $(filter 1.0,$(compat_version)),"supported_devices":[$(call metadata_devices,$(SUPPORTED_DEVICES))]$(comma)) \
"version": { \
"dist": "$(call json_quote,$(VERSION_DIST))", \
"version": "$(call json_quote,$(VERSION_NUMBER))", \
"revision": "$(call json_quote,$(REVISION))", \
"target": "$(call json_quote,$(TARGETID))", \
"board": "$(call json_quote,$(if $(BOARD_NAME),$(BOARD_NAME),$(DEVICE_NAME)))" \
} \
ipq40xx: add support for the ZyXEL NBG6617 This patch adds support for ZyXEL NBG6617 Hardware highlights: SOC: IPQ4018 / QCA Dakota CPU: Quad-Core ARMv7 Processor rev 5 (v7l) Cortex-A7 DRAM: 256 MiB DDR3L-1600/1866 Nanya NT5CC128M16IP-DI @ 537 MHz NOR: 32 MiB Macronix MX25L25635F ETH: Qualcomm Atheros QCA8075 Gigabit Switch (4 x LAN, 1 x WAN) USB: 1 x 3.0 (via Synopsys DesignWare DWC3 controller in the SoC) WLAN1: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4018 2.4GHz 802.11bgn 2:2x2 WLAN2: Qualcomm Atheros QCA4018 5GHz 802.11a/n/ac 2:2x2 INPUT: RESET Button, WIFI/Rfkill Togglebutton, WPS Button LEDS: Power, WAN, LAN 1-4, WLAN 2.4GHz, WLAN 5GHz, USB, WPS Serial: WARNING: The serial port needs a TTL/RS-232 3.3v level converter! The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. The 1x4 .1" header comes pre-soldered. Pinout: 1. 3v3 (Label printed on the PCB), 2. RX, 3. GND, 4. TX first install / debricking / restore stock: 0. Have a PC running a tftp-server @ 1. connect the PC to any LAN-Ports 2. put the openwrt...-factory.bin (or V1.00(ABCT.X).bin for stock) file into the tftp-server root directory and rename it to just "ras.bin". 3. power-cycle the router and hold down the the WPS button (for 30sek) 4. Wait (for a long time - the serial console provides some progress reports. The u-boot says it best: "Please be patient". 5. Once the power LED starts to flashes slowly and the USB + WPS LEDs flashes fast at the same time. You have to reboot the device and it should then come right up. Installation via Web-UI: 0. Connect a PC to the powered-on router. It will assign your PC a IP-address via DHCP 1. Access the Web-UI at (Default Passwort: 1234) 2. Go to the "Expert Mode" 3. Under "Maintenance", select "Firmware-Upgrade" 4. Upload the OpenWRT factory image 5. Wait for the Device to finish. It will reboot into OpenWRT without any additional actions needed. To open the ZyXEL NBG6617: 0. remove the four rubber feet glued on the backside 1. remove the four philips screws and pry open the top cover (by applying force between the plastic top housing from the backside/lan-port side) Access the real u-boot shell: ZyXEL uses a proprietary loader/shell on top of u-boot: "ZyXEL zloader v2.02" When the device is starting up, the user can enter the the loader shell by simply pressing a key within the 3 seconds once the following string appears on the serial console: | Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3 The user is then dropped to a locked shell. |NBG6617> HELP |ATEN x[,y] set BootExtension Debug Flag (y=password) |ATSE x show the seed of password generator |ATSH dump manufacturer related data in ROM |ATRT [x,y,z,u] RAM read/write test (x=level, y=start addr, z=end addr, u=iterations) |ATGO boot up whole system |ATUR x upgrade RAS image (filename) |NBG6617> In order to escape/unlock a password challenge has to be passed. Note: the value is dynamic! you have to calculate your own! First use ATSE $MODELNAME (MODELNAME is the hostname in u-boot env) to get the challange value/seed. |NBG6617> ATSE NBG6617 |012345678901 This seed/value can be converted to the password with the help of this bash script (Thanks to authors): - - ror32() { echo $(( ($1 >> $2) | (($1 << (32 - $2) & (2**32-1)) ) )) } v="0x$1" a="0x${v:2:6}" b=$(( $a + 0x10F0A563)) c=$(( 0x${v:12:14} & 7 )) p=$(( $(ror32 $b $c) ^ $a )) printf "ATEN 1,%X\n" $p - end of - |# bash ./ 012345678901 | |ATEN 1,879C711 copy and paste the result into the shell to unlock zloader. |NBG6617> ATEN 1,0046B0017430 If the entered code was correct the shell will change to use the ATGU command to enter the real u-boot shell. |NBG6617> ATGU |NBG6617# Co-authored-by: David Bauer <> Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <> Signed-off-by: David Bauer <>
2018-06-21 14:24:59 +02:00
define Build/append-metadata
$(if $(SUPPORTED_DEVICES),-echo $(call metadata_json) | fwtool -I - $@)
sha256sum "$@" | cut -d" " -f1 > "$@.sha256sum"
[ ! -s "$(BUILD_KEY)" -o ! -s "$(BUILD_KEY).ucert" -o ! -s "$@" ] || { \
cp "$(BUILD_KEY).ucert" "$@.ucert" ;\
usign -S -m "$@" -s "$(BUILD_KEY)" -x "$@.sig" ;\
ucert -A -c "$@.ucert" -x "$@.sig" ;\
fwtool -S "$@.ucert" "$@" ;\
define Build/append-rootfs
dd if=$(IMAGE_ROOTFS) >> $@
define Build/append-squashfs-fakeroot-be
rm -rf $@.fakefs $@.fakesquashfs
mkdir $@.fakefs
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mksquashfs3-lzma \
$@.fakefs $@.fakesquashfs \
-noappend -root-owned -be -nopad -b 65536 \
cat $@.fakesquashfs >> $@
define Build/append-squashfs4-fakeroot
rm -rf $@.fakefs $@.fakesquashfs
mkdir $@.fakefs
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mksquashfs4 \
$@.fakefs $@.fakesquashfs \
-nopad -noappend -root-owned
cat $@.fakesquashfs >> $@
define Build/append-string
echo -n $(1) >> $@
define Build/append-md5sum-ascii-salted
cp $@ $@.salted
echo -ne $(1) >> $@.salted
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@.salted | head -c32 >> $@
rm $@.salted
define Build/append-ubi
sh $(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
$(if $(UBOOTENV_IN_UBI),--uboot-env) \
$(if $(KERNEL_IN_UBI),--kernel $(IMAGE_KERNEL)) \
$(foreach part,$(UBINIZE_PARTS),--part $(part)) \
--rootfs $(IMAGE_ROOTFS) \
$@.tmp \
-p $(BLOCKSIZE:%k=%KiB) -m $(PAGESIZE) \
cat $@.tmp >> $@
rm $@.tmp
$(if $(and $(IMAGE_SIZE),$(NAND_SIZE)),\
$(call Build/check-size,$(UBI_NAND_SIZE_LIMIT)))
define Build/ubinize-image
sh $(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
$(if $(UBOOTENV_IN_UBI),--uboot-env) \
$(foreach part,$(UBINIZE_PARTS),--part $(part)) \
--part $(word 1,$(1))="$(BIN_DIR)/$(DEVICE_IMG_PREFIX)-$(word 2,$(1))" \
$@.tmp \
-p $(BLOCKSIZE:%k=%KiB) -m $(PAGESIZE) \
cat $@.tmp >> $@
rm $@.tmp
define Build/ubinize-kernel
cp $@ $@.tmp
sh $(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
--kernel $@.tmp \
$@ \
-p $(BLOCKSIZE:%k=%KiB) -m $(PAGESIZE) \
rm $@.tmp
define Build/append-uboot
dd if=$(UBOOT_PATH) >> $@
# append a fake/empty uImage header, to fool bootloaders rootfs integrity check
# for example
define Build/append-uImage-fakehdr
$(eval type=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval magic=$(word 2,$(1)))
touch $@.fakehdr
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkimage \
-A $(LINUX_KARCH) -O linux -T $(type) -C none \
-n '$(VERSION_DIST) fake $(type)' \
$(if $(magic),-M $(magic)) \
-d $@.fakehdr \
-s \
cat $@.fakehdr >> $@
define Build/buffalo-dhp-image
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkdhpimg $@ $
mv $ $@
define Build/buffalo-enc
$(eval product=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval version=$(word 2,$(1)))
$(eval args=$(wordlist 3,$(words $(1)),$(1)))
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/buffalo-enc \
-p $(product) -v $(version) $(args) \
-i $@ -o $
mv $ $@
define Build/buffalo-enc-tag
$(call Build/buffalo-enc,'' '' -S 152 $(1))
define Build/buffalo-tag-dhp
$(eval product=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval region=$(word 2,$(1)))
$(eval language=$(word 3,$(1)))
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/buffalo-tag \
-d 0x01000000 -w 1 \
-b $(product) -p $(product) \
-r $(region) -r $(region) -l $(language) \
-I $@ -o $
mv $ $@
define Build/check-size
@imagesize="$$(stat -c%s $@)"; \
limitsize="$$(($(call exp_units,$(if $(1),$(1),$(IMAGE_SIZE)))))"; \
[ $$limitsize -ge $$imagesize ] || { \
$(call ERROR_MESSAGE, WARNING: Image file $@ is too big: $$imagesize > $$limitsize); \
rm -f $@; \
define Build/copy-file
cat "$(1)" > "$@"
# Create a header for a D-Link AI series recovery image and add it at the beginning of the image
# Currently supported: AQUILA M30, EAGLE M32 and R32
# Arguments:
# 1: Start string of the header
# 2: Firmware version
# 3: Block start address
# 4: Block length
# 5: Device FMID
define Build/dlink-ai-recovery-header
$(eval header_start=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval firmware_version=$(word 2,$(1)))
$(eval block_start=$(word 3,$(1)))
$(eval block_length=$(word 4,$(1)))
$(eval device_fmid=$(word 5,$(1)))
# create $@.header without the checksum
echo -en "$(header_start)\x00\x00" > "$@.header"
# Calculate checksum over data area ($@) and append it to the header.
# The checksum is the 2byte-sum over the whole data area.
# Every overflow during the checksum calculation must increment the current checksum value by 1.
od -v -w2 -tu2 -An --endian little "$@" | awk '{ s+=$$1; } END { s%=65535; printf "%c%c",s%256,s/256; }' >> "$@.header"
echo -en "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00" >> "$@.header"
echo -en "$(firmware_version)" >> "$@.header"
# Only one block supported: Erase start/length is identical to data start/length
echo -en "$(block_start)$(block_length)$(block_start)$(block_length)" >> "$@.header"
# Only zeros
echo -en "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" >> "$@.header"
# Last 16 bytes, but without checksum
echo -en "\x42\x48\x02\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" >> "$@.header"
echo -en "$(device_fmid)" >> "$@.header"
# Calculate and append checksum: The checksum must be set so that the 2byte-sum of the whole header is 0.
# Every overflow during the checksum calculation must increment the current checksum value by 1.
od -v -w2 -tu2 -An --endian little "$@.header" | awk '{s+=65535-$$1;}END{s%=65535;printf "%c%c",s%256,s/256;}' >> "$@.header"
cat "$@.header" "$@" > "$"
mv "$" "$@"
rm "$@.header"
define Build/dlink-sge-image
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/dlink-sge-image $(1) $@ $@.enc
mv $@.enc $@
define Build/edimax-header
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkedimaximg -i $@ -o $ $(1)
@mv $ $@
define Build/elecom-product-header
$(eval product=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval fw=$(if $(word 2,$(1)),$(word 2,$(1)),$@))
( \
echo -n -e "ELECOM\x00\x00$(product)" | dd bs=40 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -n "0.00" | dd bs=16 count=1 conv=sync; \
dd if=$(fw); \
) > $(fw).new
mv $(fw).new $(fw)
define Build/elecom-wrc-gs-factory
$(eval product=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval version=$(word 2,$(1)))
$(eval hash_opt=$(word 3,$(1)))
$(MKHASH) md5 $(hash_opt) $@ >> $@
( \
echo -n "ELECOM $(product) v$(version)" | \
dd bs=32 count=1 conv=sync; \
dd if=$@; \
) > $
mv $ $@
define Build/elx-header
$(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
( \
echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$($(MKHASH) md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
$(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $
mv $ $@
rm -rf $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
define Build/eva-image
mv $ $@
define Build/initrd_compression
define Build/fit
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
-D $(DEVICE_NAME) -o $@.its -k $@ \
-C $(word 1,$(1)) \
$(if $(word 2,$(1)),\
$(if $(findstring 11,$(if $(DEVICE_DTS_OVERLAY),1)$(if $(findstring $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/image-,$(word 2,$(1))),,1)), \
-d $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/image-$$(basename $(word 2,$(1))), \
-d $(word 2,$(1)))) \
image: add support for building FIT image with filesystem Allow for single (external-data) FIT image to hold kernel, dtb and squashfs. In that way, the bootloader verifies the system integrity including the rootfs, because what's the point of checking that the hash of the kernel is correct if it won't boot in case of squashfs being corrupted? Better allow bootloader to check everything needed to make it at least up to failsafe mode. As a positive side effect this change also makes the sysupgrade process on nand potentially much easier as it is now. In short: mkimage has a parameter '-E' which allows generating FIT images with 'external' data rather than embedding the data into the device-tree blob itself. In this way, the FIT structure itself remains small and can be parsed easily (rather than having to page around megabytes of image content). This patch makes use of that and adds support for adding sub-images of type 'filesystem' which are used to store the squashfs. Now U-Boot can verify the whole OS and the new partition parsers added in the Linux kernel can detect the filesystem sub-images, create partitions for them, and select the active rootfs volume based on the configuration in FIT (passing configuration via device tree could be implemented easily at a later stage). This new FIT partition parser works for NOR flash (on top of mtdblock), NAND flash (on top of ubiblock) as well as classic block devices (ie. eMMC, SDcard, SATA, NVME, ...). It could even be used to mount such FIT images via `losetup -P` on a user PC if this patch gets included in Linux upstream one day ;) Signed-off-by: John Crispin <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
2021-02-15 14:37:17 +00:00
$(if $(findstring with-rootfs,$(word 3,$(1))),-r $(IMAGE_ROOTFS)) \
$(if $(findstring with-initrd,$(word 3,$(1))), \
-i $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/initrd.cpio$(strip $(call Build/initrd_compression)))) \
$(if $(DEVICE_DTS_OVERLAY),$(foreach dtso,$(DEVICE_DTS_OVERLAY), -O $(dtso):$(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/image-$(dtso).dtbo)) \
-c $(if $(DEVICE_DTS_CONFIG),$(DEVICE_DTS_CONFIG),"config-1") \
image: add support for building FIT image with filesystem Allow for single (external-data) FIT image to hold kernel, dtb and squashfs. In that way, the bootloader verifies the system integrity including the rootfs, because what's the point of checking that the hash of the kernel is correct if it won't boot in case of squashfs being corrupted? Better allow bootloader to check everything needed to make it at least up to failsafe mode. As a positive side effect this change also makes the sysupgrade process on nand potentially much easier as it is now. In short: mkimage has a parameter '-E' which allows generating FIT images with 'external' data rather than embedding the data into the device-tree blob itself. In this way, the FIT structure itself remains small and can be parsed easily (rather than having to page around megabytes of image content). This patch makes use of that and adds support for adding sub-images of type 'filesystem' which are used to store the squashfs. Now U-Boot can verify the whole OS and the new partition parsers added in the Linux kernel can detect the filesystem sub-images, create partitions for them, and select the active rootfs volume based on the configuration in FIT (passing configuration via device tree could be implemented easily at a later stage). This new FIT partition parser works for NOR flash (on top of mtdblock), NAND flash (on top of ubiblock) as well as classic block devices (ie. eMMC, SDcard, SATA, NVME, ...). It could even be used to mount such FIT images via `losetup -P` on a user PC if this patch gets included in Linux upstream one day ;) Signed-off-by: John Crispin <> Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <>
2021-02-15 14:37:17 +00:00
PATH=$(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/dtc:$(PATH) mkimage $(if $(findstring external,$(word 3,$(1))),\
-E -B 0x1000 $(if $(findstring static,$(word 3,$(1))),-p 0x1000)) -f $@.its $
@mv $ $@
define Build/libdeflate-gzip
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/libdeflate-gzip -f -12 -c $@ $(1) > $
@mv $ $@
define Build/gzip
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/gzip -f -9n -c $@ $(1) > $
@mv $ $@
define Build/gzip-filename
@mkdir -p $@.tmp
@cp $@ $@.tmp/$(word 1,$(1))
$(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),touch -hcd "@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" $@.tmp/$(word 1,$(1)) $(word 2,$(1)))
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/gzip -f -9 -N -c $@.tmp/$(word 1,$(1)) $(word 2,$(1)) > $
@mv $ $@
@rm -rf $@.tmp
define Build/install-dtb
$(call locked, \
$(foreach dts,$(DEVICE_DTS), \
$(CP) \
$(DTS_DIR)/$(dts).dtb \
$(BIN_DIR)/$(IMG_PREFIX)-$(dts).dtb; \
), \
install-dtb-$(IMG_PREFIX) \
define Build/iptime-crc32
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/iptime-crc32 $(1) $@ $
mv $ $@
define Build/iptime-naspkg
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/iptime-naspkg $(1) $@ $
mv $ $@
define Build/jffs2
rm -rf $(KDIR_TMP)/$(DEVICE_NAME)/jffs2 && \
mkdir -p $(KDIR_TMP)/$(DEVICE_NAME)/jffs2/$$(dirname $(1)) && \
cp $@ $(KDIR_TMP)/$(DEVICE_NAME)/jffs2/$(1) && \
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkfs.jffs2 --pad \
$(if $(CONFIG_BIG_ENDIAN),--big-endian,--little-endian) \
--squash-uids -v -e $(patsubst %k,%KiB,$(BLOCKSIZE)) \
-o $ \
-d $(KDIR_TMP)/$(DEVICE_NAME)/jffs2 \
2>&1 1>/dev/null | awk '/^.+$$$$/' && \
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/padjffs2 $ -J $(patsubst %k,,$(BLOCKSIZE))
-rm -rf $(KDIR_TMP)/$(DEVICE_NAME)/jffs2/
@mv $ $@
define Build/kernel2minor
$(eval temp_file := $(shell mktemp))
cp $@ $(temp_file)
kernel2minor -k $(temp_file) -r $(temp_file).new $(1)
mv $(temp_file).new $@
rm -f $(temp_file)
define Build/kernel-bin
rm -f $@
cp $< $@
define Build/linksys-image
image: fix Linksys image alignment and simplify footer creation Current factory image sizes for Linksys devices are 256-byte aligned. This is not an issue writing factory images from the OpenWrt or Linksys GUIs, but can lead to failures using a TFTP client from the Linksys bootloader: NAND write: device 1 offset 0x2800000, size 0xc00100 Attempt to write to non page aligned data NAND write to offset 2800000 failed -22 0 bytes written: ERROR Simplify Linksys footer creation by migrating to a makefile build recipe, and pre-pad the footer (with 0xFF) to ensure the final image is $(PAGESIZE) aligned. Finally, remove the old script no longer needed. Linksys footer details are given below for future reference. The 256-byte footer is appended to factory images and tested by both the Linksys Upgrader (observed in EA6350v3) and OpenWrt sysupgrade. Footer format: .LINKSYS. Checked by Linksys upgrader before continuing. (9 bytes) <VERSION> Upgrade version number, unchecked so arbitrary. (8 bytes) <TYPE> Model of device, space padded (0x20). (15 bytes) <CRC> CRC checksum of factory image to flash. (8 bytes) <padding> Padding ('0' + 0x20 * 7) (8 bytes) <signature> Signature of signer, unchecked so arbitrary. (16 bytes) <padding> Padding with nulls (0x00) (192 bytes) Link: Link: Reported-by: Stijn Segers <> Reported-by: Wyatt Martin <> Signed-off-by: Tony Ambardar <>
2023-11-13 17:14:07 -08:00
let \
size="$$(stat -c%s $@)" \
pad="$(call exp_units,$(PAGESIZE))" \
offset="256" \
pad="(pad - ((size + offset) % pad)) % pad"; \
dd if=/dev/zero bs=$$pad count=1 | tr '\000' '\377' >> $@
printf ".LINKSYS.01000409%-15s%08X%-8s%-16s" \
"$(call param_get_default,type,$(1),$(DEVICE_NAME))" \
image: fix Linksys image alignment and simplify footer creation Current factory image sizes for Linksys devices are 256-byte aligned. This is not an issue writing factory images from the OpenWrt or Linksys GUIs, but can lead to failures using a TFTP client from the Linksys bootloader: NAND write: device 1 offset 0x2800000, size 0xc00100 Attempt to write to non page aligned data NAND write to offset 2800000 failed -22 0 bytes written: ERROR Simplify Linksys footer creation by migrating to a makefile build recipe, and pre-pad the footer (with 0xFF) to ensure the final image is $(PAGESIZE) aligned. Finally, remove the old script no longer needed. Linksys footer details are given below for future reference. The 256-byte footer is appended to factory images and tested by both the Linksys Upgrader (observed in EA6350v3) and OpenWrt sysupgrade. Footer format: .LINKSYS. Checked by Linksys upgrader before continuing. (9 bytes) <VERSION> Upgrade version number, unchecked so arbitrary. (8 bytes) <TYPE> Model of device, space padded (0x20). (15 bytes) <CRC> CRC checksum of factory image to flash. (8 bytes) <padding> Padding ('0' + 0x20 * 7) (8 bytes) <signature> Signature of signer, unchecked so arbitrary. (16 bytes) <padding> Padding with nulls (0x00) (192 bytes) Link: Link: Reported-by: Stijn Segers <> Reported-by: Wyatt Martin <> Signed-off-by: Tony Ambardar <>
2023-11-13 17:14:07 -08:00
"$$(cksum $@ | cut -d ' ' -f1)" \
"0" "K0000000F0246434" >> $@
dd if=/dev/zero bs=192 count=1 >> $@
define Build/lzma
$(call Build/lzma-no-dict,-lc1 -lp2 -pb2 $(1))
define Build/lzma-no-dict
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/lzma e $@ $(1) $
@mv $ $@
define Build/moxa-encode-fw
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
--input $@ \
--output $@ \
--magic $(MOXA_MAGIC) \
--hwid $(MOXA_HWID) \
--buildid 00000000
define Build/netgear-chk
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkchkimg \
-o $ \
-k $@ \
mv $ $@
define Build/netgear-dni
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkdniimg \
-B $(NETGEAR_BOARD_ID) -v $(shell cat $(VERSION_DIST)| sed -e 's/[[:space:]]/-/g').$(firstword $(subst -, ,$(REVISION))) \
-r "$(1)" \
-i $@ -o $
mv $ $@
define Build/netgear-encrypted-factory
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
--input-file $@ \
--output-file $@ \
--model $(NETGEAR_ENC_MODEL) \
--region $(NETGEAR_ENC_REGION) \
$(if $(NETGEAR_ENC_HW_ID_LIST),--hw-id-list "$(NETGEAR_ENC_HW_ID_LIST)") \
--version V1.0.0.0.$(shell cat $(VERSION_DIST)| sed -e 's/[[:space:]]/-/g').$(firstword $(subst -, ,$(REVISION))) \
--encryption-block-size 0x20000 \
--openssl-bin "$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/openssl" \
--key 6865392d342b4d212964363d6d7e7765312c7132613364316e26322a5a5e2538 \
--iv 4a253169516c38243d6c6d2d3b384145
define Build/openmesh-image
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
"$(call param_get_default,ce_type,$(1),$(DEVICE_NAME))" \
"$@-fwupgrade.cfg" \
"$(call param_get_default,kernel,$(1),$(IMAGE_KERNEL))" \
"$(call param_get_default,rootfs,$(1),$@)"
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
"$(call param_get_default,ce_type,$(1),$(DEVICE_NAME))" "$@" \
"$@-fwupgrade.cfg" "fwupgrade.cfg" \
"$(call param_get_default,kernel,$(1),$(IMAGE_KERNEL))" "kernel" \
"$(call param_get_default,rootfs,$(1),$@)" "rootfs"
define Build/pad-extra
dd if=/dev/zero bs=$(1) count=1 >> $@
define Build/pad-offset
let \
size="$$(stat -c%s $@)" \
pad="$(call exp_units,$(word 1, $(1)))" \
offset="$(call exp_units,$(word 2, $(1)))" \
pad="(pad - ((size + offset) % pad)) % pad" \
newsize='size + pad'; \
dd if=$@ of=$ bs=$$newsize count=1 conv=sync
mv $ $@
define Build/pad-rootfs
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/padjffs2 $@ $(1) \
$(if $(BLOCKSIZE),$(BLOCKSIZE:%k=%),4 8 16 64 128 256)
define Build/pad-to
$(call Image/pad-to,$@,$(1))
define Build/patch-cmdline
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/patch-cmdline $@ '$(CMDLINE)'
# Convert a raw image into a $1 type image.
# E.g. | qemu-image vdi <optional extra arguments to qemu-img binary>
define Build/qemu-image
if command -v qemu-img; then \
qemu-img convert -f raw -O $1 $@ $; \
mv $ $@; \
else \
echo "WARNING: Install qemu-img to create VDI/VMDK images" >&2; exit 1; \
define Build/qsdk-ipq-factory-nand
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
$@.its ubi $@
PATH=$(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/dtc:$(PATH) mkimage -f $@.its $
@mv $ $@
define Build/qsdk-ipq-factory-nor
$(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
$@.its hlos $(IMAGE_KERNEL) rootfs $(IMAGE_ROOTFS)
PATH=$(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/dtc:$(PATH) mkimage -f $@.its $
@mv $ $@
define Build/seama
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/seama -i $@ \
-m "dev=/dev/mtdblock/$(SEAMA_MTDBLOCK)" -m "type=firmware"
mv $@.seama $@
define Build/seama-seal
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/seama -i $@ -s $@.seama \
-m "signature=$(SEAMA_SIGNATURE)"
mv $@.seama $@
define Build/senao-header
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mksenaofw $(1) -e $@ -o $
mv $ $@
define Build/sysupgrade-tar
sh $(TOPDIR)/scripts/ \
--board $(if $(BOARD_NAME),$(BOARD_NAME),$(DEVICE_NAME)) \
--kernel $(call param_get_default,kernel,$(1),$(IMAGE_KERNEL)) \
--rootfs $(call param_get_default,rootfs,$(1),$(IMAGE_ROOTFS)) \
define Build/tplink-safeloader
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/tplink-safeloader \
-r $@ \
-o $ \
-j \
$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)) \
$(if $(findstring sysupgrade,$(word 1,$(1))),-S) && mv $ $@ || rm -f $@
define Build/tplink-v1-header
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mktplinkfw \
-k $@ -o $ $(1)
@mv $ $@
# combine kernel and rootfs into one image
# mktplinkfw <type> <optional extra arguments to mktplinkfw binary>
# <type> is "sysupgrade" or "factory"
# -a align the rootfs start on an <align> bytes boundary
# -j add jffs2 end-of-filesystem markers
# -s strip padding from end of the image
# -X reserve <size> bytes in the firmware image (hexval prefixed with 0x)
define Build/tplink-v1-image
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mktplinkfw \
-k $(IMAGE_KERNEL) -r $(IMAGE_ROOTFS) -o $ -j -X 0x40000 \
-a $(call rootfs_align,$(FILESYSTEM)) \
$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)) \
$(if $(findstring sysupgrade,$(word 1,$(1))),-s) && mv $ $@ || rm -f $@
define Build/tplink-v2-header
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mktplinkfw2 \
-T $(TPLINK_HVERSION) -V "ver. 2.0" \
-k $@ -o $ $(1)
@mv $ $@
define Build/tplink-v2-image
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mktplinkfw2 \
-T $(TPLINK_HVERSION) -V "ver. 2.0" -a 0x4 -j \
-k $(IMAGE_KERNEL) -r $(IMAGE_ROOTFS) -o $ $(1)
cat $ >> $@
rm -rf $
define Build/uImage
mkimage \
-O linux \
-T kernel \
-C $(word 1,$(1)) \
-n '$(if $(UIMAGE_NAME),$(UIMAGE_NAME),$(call toupper,$(LINUX_KARCH)) $(VERSION_DIST) Linux-$(LINUX_VERSION))' \
$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)) \
-d $@ $
mv $ $@
define Build/xor-image
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/xorimage -i $@ -o $@.xor $(1)
mv $@.xor $@
define Build/zip
rm -rf $@.tmp
mkdir $@.tmp
mv $@ $@.tmp/$(word 1,$(1))
TZ=UTC $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/zip -j -X \
$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)) \
$@ $@.tmp/$(if $(word 1,$(1)),$(word 1,$(1)),$$(basename $@))
rm -rf $@.tmp
define Build/zyxel-ras-image
let \
newsize="$(call exp_units,$(RAS_ROOTFS_SIZE))"; \
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkrasimage \
-b $(RAS_BOARD) \
-r $@ \
-s $$newsize \
-o $ \
$(if $(findstring separate-kernel,$(word 1,$(1))),-k $(IMAGE_KERNEL)) \
&& mv $ $@