1. Packet/event statistics in FPGA 2. Packet/event statistics in driver 3. Some frequent/usual trick for openwifi configuration/fine-tuning/special-setting/etc
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Comprehensive statistics are offered at the driver level via the Linux sysfs.
[Quick start] [Sysfs explanation] [Statistics variable file meaning]
All operations should be done on board in openwifi directory, not in host PC.
Quick start
Enable the driver level statistics (after openwifi up and running)
Show the statistics
Clear the stattistics
./tx_stat_show.sh clear
./tx_prio_queue_show.sh clear
./rx_stat_show.sh clear
To only show the statistics for the link with a specific peer node
./set_rx_target_sender_mac_addr.sh c83caf93
(If the peer node MAC address is 00:80:c8:3c:af:93)
To show the statistics of all (not filtered by the peer node MAC address)
./set_rx_target_sender_mac_addr.sh 0
To show the peer node MAC address for statistics
To see the statistics of ACK packet, run this before above scripts
Disable the statistics of ACK packet, run this before above scripts
./set_rx_monitor_all.sh 0
Disable the driver level statistics (after openwifi up and running)
./stat_enable.sh 0
Sysfs explanation
For user, as you can check in those scripts above, the sysfs is a set of files that can be operated in the command line for communicating with kernel module. You can find these files on zcu102 board at
On othe boards at
Statistics variable file meaning
These statistics names are the same as the file names (in those scripts) and variable names in the sdr.c. Do search these names in sdr.c to understand exact meaning of these statistics.
name meaning tx_data_pkt_need_ack_num_total number of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (both fail and succeed) tx_data_pkt_need_ack_num_total_fail number of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (fail -- no ACK received) tx_data_pkt_need_ack_num_retx number of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() at different number of retransmission (both fail and succeed) tx_data_pkt_need_ack_num_retx_fail number of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() at different number of retransmission (fail -- no ACK received) tx_data_pkt_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (both fail and succeed) tx_data_pkt_fail_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of tx data packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (fail -- no ACK received) tx_mgmt_pkt_need_ack_num_total number of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (both fail and succeed) tx_mgmt_pkt_need_ack_num_total_fail number of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (fail -- no ACK received) tx_mgmt_pkt_need_ack_num_retx number of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() at different number of retransmission (both fail and succeed) tx_mgmt_pkt_need_ack_num_retx_fail number of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() at different number of retransmission (fail -- no ACK received) tx_mgmt_pkt_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (both fail and succeed) tx_mgmt_pkt_fail_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of tx management packet reported in openwifi_tx_interrupt() (fail -- no ACK received) -
tx_prio_queue_show.sh will show 4 rows. Each row is corresponding one Linux-prio and one FPGA queue. Each row has 12 elements. Elements' name will not be displayed in the command line.
Element name meaning tx_prio_num number of tx packet from Linux prio N to openwifi_tx() tx_prio_interrupt_num number of tx packet from Linux prio N recorded in openwifi_tx_interrupt() tx_prio_stop0_fake_num number of Linux prio N stopped attempt in the 1st place of openwfii_tx(), fake alarm tx_prio_stop0_real_num number of Linux prio N stopped attempt in the 1st place of openwfii_tx(), real stop tx_prio_stop1_num number of Linux prio N stopped in the 2nd place of openwfii_tx() tx_prio_wakeup_num number of Linux prio N waked up in openwifi_tx_interrupt() tx_queue_num number of tx packet for FPGA queue N to openwifi_tx() tx_queue_interrupt_num number of tx packet for FPGA queue N recorded in openwifi_tx_interrupt() tx_queue_stop0_fake_num number of FPGA queue N stopped attempt in the 1st place of openwfii_tx(), fake alarm tx_queue_stop0_real_num number of FPGA queue N stopped attempt in the 1st place of openwfii_tx(), real stop tx_queue_stop1_num number of FPGA queue N stopped in the 2nd place of openwfii_tx() tx_queue_wakeup_num number of FPGA queue N waked up in openwifi_tx_interrupt() -
name meaning rx_data_pkt_num_total number of rx data packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_data_pkt_num_fail number of rx data packet with FCS failed rx_mgmt_pkt_num_total number of rx management packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_mgmt_pkt_num_fail number of rx management packet with FCS failed rx_ack_pkt_num_total number of rx ACK packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_ack_pkt_num_fail number of rx ACK packet with FCS failed rx_data_pkt_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of rx data packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_data_pkt_fail_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of rx data packet with FCS failed rx_mgmt_pkt_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of rx management packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_mgmt_pkt_fail_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of rx management packet with FCS failed rx_ack_pkt_mcs_realtime MCS (10*Mbps) of rx ACK packet with both FCS ok and failed rx_data_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx data packet with FCS ok rx_data_fail_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx data packet with FCS failed rx_mgmt_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx management packet with FCS ok rx_mgmt_fail_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx management packet with FCS failed rx_ack_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx ACK packet with FCS ok -
name meaning rx_data_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx data packet with FCS ok rx_data_fail_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx data packet with FCS failed rx_mgmt_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx management packet with FCS ok rx_mgmt_fail_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx management packet with FCS failed rx_ack_ok_agc_gain_value_realtime agc gain value of rx ACK packet with FCS ok Note: gain value here is always 14 dB higher than set_rx_gain_auto.sh/set_rx_gain_manual.sh at 5220MHz. 5dB higher at 2.4GHz.