Set the min height for the plot element based on user feedback for
minimum plot size that they find useful. Plot ticks may overlap
but that is expected to be fixed in a future release.
- When going from browse to edit mode, the wrapper
around the object being edited will now transition in
from its edges, and the edit controls toolbar will
animate its height;
- There is no transition applied for going from edit
to browse; to do this we'd need to mod the JS on
exiting to look for the end of an animation event;
- Tested in Chrome, Safari and Firefox;
- May not be smooth with very complex objects
like Layouts with a large number of components;
- Added transitional animations to .l-object-wrapper
and .l-edit-controls;
- New 'animTo' mixin added to _effects.scss;
- Done;
- Styling for Export button and tabular view
area in layout frame context;
- Export button in frame context now
hidden until user hovers over tabular
view area in frame, includes animated
- Normalized line-height on button and
menu elements in frame context;
- Layout/markup/SASS for historical and
RT tabular view modified;
- Converted imagery.html layout
to use flexbox;
- In progress:
- Added new download symbol to symbols font;
- Added export symbol to export button;
- Layout/markup/SASS for historical tabular
view modified;
open #889
open #298
Fixes for mobile;
Moved popup z-index def into sass;
Datetime picker compressed for
better fit in mobile phone;
Removed hours selector from datetime
picker to enable better fit in mobile;
open #889
- Smaller font used on range value;
- More space allocated to left and right
for slider range values;
- Style tweaks to slider look;
- Layout and style of datetime inputs
- Input error colors fixed, moved to
theme constants;
Markup enhanced in wait-node.html;
More wait-spinner constants added;
Normalized appearance between tree-based
.loading and .s-status-pending;
Fixed .s-status-pending to work now that
mct-representation is gone from tree;
New wait-spinner constants;
Markup fixed in wait-node.html;
Styles for .loading when applied to
Changed from percent-of-parent-
width sizing of spinner to fixed size;
Removed _selects.scss and moved classes
into _controls.scss;
Reorg'd _controls;
Moved classes into _elems.scss;
Added and fixed cssclass defs in multiple
bundle.js files to allow better field widths
in overlay dialogs;
Fixed overlay custom scrollbar colors;
Fixed alignment of required glyphs in forms;
open #729
open #498
Fixed markup to use proper CSS classes
to allow tree items in Inspector Elements to
ellipsize properly, and to apply scroll regions
to the proper elements;
open #729
Markup and CSS mods continued;
Config params added to PlotOptionsForm.js to
allow control-first layout per form row;
Changed titles of Inspector parts;
open #729
Markup and CSS modified to cleanup control layout
and styling in Plot and Table config options;
gulpfile.js modified to include SASS source line numbers
in rendered CSS;
Removed white space from markup;
Moved getGlyphClass up to status-block-holder
element out of status-block;
CSS mods to selectors and style defs
in _messages.scss;
App logo and bg files renamed;
Added openmct.scss to hold openmct-specific styles;
Renamed _startup.scss to startup-base.scss
which now renders its own .css file;
Still to-do: apply to WARP including needed
mods to its About dialog screen;
Markup in index.html and about-dialog.html
changed to simplify and use :before/:after psuedos;
CSS in _logo-and-bg.scss modded for same;
Added _startup.scss to hold general CSS for
the startup screen;
Renamed startup.scss to startup-open.scss;
Modified SplashScreenManager.js to target renamed
outer container .l-splash-holder;
Added media query for startup screen on phone;
Cleanup: moved classes out of _effects into _global;
Still to-do: apply to WARP and VISTA, including needed
mods to their About dialog screens;
open #442
Fixed white space problem with .status-block-holder
applied to mct-include; Added new status 'available'
class and updated theme constants files;
Updates the stylesheet task to output CSS in the correct locations. Remove
config.rb for running compass manually, and remove compiled css files from
project. Add a .gitignore to ensure they don't get included accidentally.
Add a gulp task for running the development server and watching for scss
changes at the same time.
open #639
open #683
open #169
open #335
Fixed wrong application of;
Increased size of pane collapse/expand icons;
Removed max-width applied to search input holder;
open #639
open #683
open #169
open #494
Replaced MQ around mobile/_tree.scss ul.tree;
Removed MQ desktop around hover in mixin btnBase;
Reversed orientation of mobile tree arrows for #494;
open #639
Refactored all usage of @include desktop to use CSS selector body.desktop
instead; Still to-do: deal with desktopandtablet usage with hover bubbles
and mixins btnBase;
open #659
CSS for .rep-object-label modified; Added CSS class
to tabular-swimlane-cols-tree.html markup;
Also cleaned up .s-status-pending styles for related
label elements;
open #638
Added custom radio button control and modified
PlotOptionsController / plotOptionsStructure
accordingly; spacing, borders, etc. are
all as finally intended;