mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 20:15:25 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/781'
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ define([
legacyRegistry.register("example/eventGenerator", {
"name": "Event Message Generator",
"description": "Example of a component that produces event data.",
"description": "For development use. Creates sample event message data that mimics a live data stream.",
"extensions": {
"components": [
@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ define([
"key": "eventGenerator",
"name": "Event Message Generator",
"glyph": "f",
"description": "An event message generator",
"glyph": "\u0066",
"description": "For development use. Creates sample event message data that mimics a live data stream.",
"priority": 10,
"features": "creation",
"model": {
"telemetry": {}
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ define([
legacyRegistry.register("example/generator", {
"name": "Sine Wave Generator",
"description": "Example of a component that produces dataa.",
"description": "For development use. Generates example streaming telemetry data using a simple sine wave algorithm.",
"extensions": {
"components": [
@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ define([
"key": "generator",
"name": "Sine Wave Generator",
"glyph": "T",
"description": "A sine wave generator",
"glyph": "\u0054",
"description": "For development use. Generates example streaming telemetry data using a simple sine wave algorithm.",
"priority": 10,
"features": "creation",
"model": {
"telemetry": {
@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ define([
"key": "imagery",
"name": "Example Imagery",
"glyph": "T",
"glyph": "\u00e3",
"features": "creation",
"description": "For development use. Creates example imagery data that mimics a live imagery stream.",
"priority": 10,
"model": {
"telemetry": {}
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ define([
"name": "Measurement",
"key": "msl.measurement",
"glyph": "T",
"glyph": "\u0054",
"model": {"telemetry": {}},
"telemetry": {
"source": "rems.source",
@ -80,9 +80,10 @@ define([
"types": [
"key": "plot",
"name": "Telemetry Plot",
"glyph": "t",
"description": "A plot for displaying telemetry",
"name": "Example Telemetry Plot",
"glyph": "\u0074",
"description": "For development use. A plot for displaying telemetry.",
"priority": 10,
"delegates": [
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Binary file not shown.
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
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@ -94,8 +94,11 @@
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Binary file not shown.
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@
ul li {
a {
color: $colorMenuFg;
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@ -260,14 +260,15 @@ define([
"key": "root",
"name": "Root",
"glyph": "F"
"glyph": "\u0046"
"key": "folder",
"name": "Folder",
"glyph": "F",
"glyph": "\u0046",
"features": "creation",
"description": "Useful for storing and organizing domain objects.",
"description": "Create folders to organize other objects or links to objects.",
"priority": 1000,
"model": {
"composition": []
@ -275,11 +276,11 @@ define([
"key": "unknown",
"name": "Unknown Type",
"glyph": "?"
"glyph": "\u003f"
"name": "Unknown Type",
"glyph": "?"
"glyph": "\u003f"
"capabilities": [
@ -157,7 +157,9 @@ define([
"key": "clock",
"name": "Clock",
"glyph": "C",
"glyph": "\u0043",
"description": "A UTC-based clock that supports a variety of display formats. Clocks can be added to Display Layouts.",
"priority": 101,
"features": [
@ -212,7 +214,9 @@ define([
"key": "timer",
"name": "Timer",
"glyph": "õ",
"glyph": "\u00f5",
"description": "A timer that counts up or down to a datetime. Timers can be started, stopped and reset whenever needed, and support a variety of display formats. Each Timer displays the same value to all users. Timers can be added to Display Layouts.",
"priority": 100,
"features": [
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ define([
"key": "layout",
"name": "Display Layout",
"glyph": "L",
"glyph": "\u004c",
"type": "layout",
"template": layoutTemplate,
"editable": true,
@ -82,28 +82,28 @@ define([
"items": [
"method": "add",
"glyph": "+",
"glyph": "\u002b",
"control": "menu-button",
"text": "Add",
"options": [
"name": "Box",
"glyph": "à",
"glyph": "\u00e0",
"key": "fixed.box"
"name": "Line",
"glyph": "â",
"glyph": "\u00e2",
"key": "fixed.line"
"name": "Text",
"glyph": "ä",
"glyph": "\u00e4",
"key": "fixed.text"
"name": "Image",
"glyph": "ã",
"glyph": "\u00e3",
"key": "fixed.image"
@ -119,22 +119,22 @@ define([
"options": [
"name": "Move to Top",
"glyph": "^",
"glyph": "\u00eb",
"key": "top"
"name": "Move Up",
"glyph": "^",
"glyph": "\u005e",
"key": "up"
"name": "Move Down",
"glyph": "v",
"glyph": "\u0076",
"key": "down"
"name": "Move to Bottom",
"glyph": "v",
"glyph": "\u00ee",
"key": "bottom"
@ -263,8 +263,9 @@ define([
"key": "layout",
"name": "Display Layout",
"glyph": "L",
"description": "A layout in which multiple telemetry panels may be displayed.",
"glyph": "\u004c",
"description": "Assemble other objects and components together into a reusable screen layout. Working in a simple canvas workspace, simply drag in the objects you want, position and size them. Save your design and view or edit it at any time.",
"priority": 900,
"features": "creation",
"model": {
"composition": []
@ -296,6 +297,7 @@ define([
"name": "Telemetry Panel",
"glyph": "t",
"description": "A panel for collecting telemetry elements.",
"priority": 899,
"delegates": [
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ define([
"key": "example.page",
"name": "Web Page",
"glyph": "ê",
"description": "A component to display a web page or image with a valid URL. Can be added to a Display Layout.",
"glyph": "\u00ea",
"description": "Embed a web page or web-based image in a resizeable window component. Can be added to Display Layouts. Note that the URL being embedded must allow iframing.",
"priority": 50,
"features": [
@ -62,8 +62,9 @@ define([
"key": "table",
"name": "Historical Telemetry Table",
"glyph": "\ue605",
"description": "A table for displaying telemetry data",
"glyph": "\ue604",
"description": "A static table of all values over time for all included telemetry elements. Rows are timestamped data values for each telemetry element; columns are data fields. The number of rows is based on the range of your query. New incoming data must be manually re-queried for.",
"priority": 861,
"features": "creation",
"delegates": [
@ -84,9 +85,9 @@ define([
"key": "rttable",
"name": "Real-time Telemetry Table",
"glyph": "\ue605",
"description": "A table for displaying realtime telemetry" +
" data",
"glyph": "\ue620",
"description": "A scrolling table of latest values for all included telemetry elements. Rows are timestamped data values for each telemetry element; columns are data fields. New incoming data is automatically added to the view.",
"priority": 860,
"features": "creation",
"delegates": [
@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ define([
"name": "Historical Table",
"key": "table",
"glyph": "\ue605",
"glyph": "\ue604",
"templateUrl": "templates/table.html",
"needs": [
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ define([
"name": "Real-time Table",
"key": "rt-table",
"glyph": "\ue605",
"glyph": "\ue620",
"templateUrl": "templates/rt-table.html",
"needs": [
@ -139,8 +139,9 @@ define([
"key": "timeline",
"name": "Timeline",
"glyph": "S",
"description": "A container for arranging Timelines and Activities in time.",
"glyph": "\u0053",
"description": "A time-oriented container that lets you enclose and organize other Timelines and Activities. The Timeline view provides both tabular and Gantt views as well as resource utilization graphing of Activities.",
"priority": 502,
"features": [
@ -181,14 +182,15 @@ define([
"key": "activity",
"name": "Activity",
"glyph": "a",
"glyph": "\u0061",
"features": [
"contains": [
"description": "An action that takes place in time. You can define a start time and duration. Activities can be nested within other Activities, or within Timelines.",
"description": "An event or process that starts and ends at a discrete datetime. Activities can be nested in other Activities, and can be added to Timelines. Activity Modes can be added to an Activity to define its resource utilization over time.",
"priority": 501,
"properties": [
"name": "Start date/time",
@ -226,11 +228,12 @@ define([
"key": "mode",
"name": "Activity Mode",
"glyph": "A",
"glyph": "\u0041",
"features": [
"description": "Define resource utilizations over time, then apply to an Activity.",
"description": "When a sub-system utilizes Power or Communications resources over time, you can define those values in an Activity Mode. Activity Modes can then be linked to Activities to allow resource utilization graphing and estimating in a Timeline.",
"priority": 500,
"model": {
"resources": {
"comms": 0,
@ -265,7 +268,7 @@ define([
"key": "values",
"name": "Values",
"glyph": "A",
"glyph": "\u0041",
"template": valuesTemplate,
"type": "mode",
"uses": [
@ -276,9 +279,9 @@ define([
"key": "timeline",
"name": "Timeline",
"glyph": "S",
"glyph": "\u0053",
"type": "timeline",
"description": "A timeline view of Timelines and Activities.",
"description": "A time-oriented container that lets you enclose and organize other Timelines and Activities. The Timeline view provides both tabular and Gantt views as well as resource utilization graphing of Activities.",
"template": timelineTemplate,
"editable": true,
"toolbar": {
@ -287,18 +290,18 @@ define([
"items": [
"method": "add",
"glyph": "+",
"glyph": "\u002b",
"control": "menu-button",
"text": "Add",
"options": [
"name": "Timeline",
"glyph": "S",
"glyph": "\u0053",
"key": "timeline"
"name": "Activity",
"glyph": "a",
"glyph": "\u0061",
"key": "activity"
@ -308,13 +311,13 @@ define([
"items": [
"glyph": "é",
"description": "Graph resource utilization",
"glyph": "\u00e9",
"description": "Graph Resource Utilization",
"control": "button",
"method": "toggleGraph"
"glyph": "A",
"glyph": "\u0041",
"control": "dialog-button",
"description": "Apply Activity Modes...",
"title": "Apply Activity Modes",
@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ define([
"property": "modes"
"glyph": "è",
"glyph": "\u00e8",
"description": "Edit Activity Link",
"title": "Activity Link",
"control": "dialog-button",
@ -340,7 +343,7 @@ define([
"property": "link"
"glyph": "G",
"glyph": "\u0047",
"description": "Edit Properties...",
"control": "button",
"method": "properties"
@ -351,9 +354,9 @@ define([
"items": [
"method": "remove",
"description": "Remove item",
"description": "Remove Item",
"control": "button",
"glyph": "Z"
"glyph": "\u005a"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user