The tree is now hidden whenever there is
text in the search bar. (This allows for
the case when there are no search results,
but text in the search bar.)
Attempted to make the search results scroll,
but failed for now. Created a div for the
search results, load icon, and load more
button, which are the elements desired to
be scrolled. Did not work because search
result labels have absolute position text.
The search item highlight when selected or
hovered over is now talled, and the margin
between search items is reduced to
counteract any effect to spacing.
Selecting something in the search results now
also makes it selected in the filetree. It
remains selected even when the search results
are cleared. (The filetree does not
automatically expand to that position though.)
Changed how frequently the search controller
checks for updates. This makes the load icon
dissapear faster, and looks more natural. But,
may affect performance.
Also changed the point at which the loading
status becomes 'true'. Made it earlier, at
the beginning of the controller's update().
The selected object in the search results now
remains selected even after a new search is made.
It also will remain selected if it is clicked
on the file tree, but the file tree version is
not yet selected if it is clicked on the search
results list.
Removed the awkward spacing between the filetree
and the search bar. Now 'My Items' appears just
below the search bar.
Also added .search-holder to the sass, but haven't
done anything with it yet.
More correctly centered the load more button,
so that when the left panel is resized,
the button remains in the middle.
Additionally, added more comments to the sass.
When there is no input into the search bar
no results are displayed/displayed results
are removed. This is because the search
providers were changed to return empty
arrays for empty search strings.
Starting to modify the front-end so that
the searchbar appears in the tree view
area. Made the tree holder have relative
position so that the searchbar is visibile
for now. (Later will be different.)
Updating the searchbar to be again more
similar to the search view. It now has
a 'load more' button, but it is not
clickable for some reason. In progress.
Previously had removed the elasticsearch provider
from bundle.json so could work on the generic
search web worker. Now have modified the
elasticsearch provider to match the new interface
with the aggregator, and it works.
At this point, search is 'working'
The interface remains the same, but the web worker
returns a pseudo dictionary (actually an object)
after being told the search. The key value pairs
for this dictionary are ids and scores.
The search controller now updates the display
results list, then repeatedly asks the
aggregator to update until the timestamps
all are at least as new as the one that the
controller originally gave for the query.
Basically, the search now updates correctly
without having to press enter again.
The search aggregator now correctly gets
from the providers, but because of not
sync, the display is effectively one press
behind the correct search results.
Still, working to some extent.
Removed the paging from the search view,
because later instead of paging there will
be a 'view more' option.
Also made the generic search provider
return searchResult objects instead of
raw domain objects.
(Temporariliy removed the elasticsearch provider
from bundle.json)
Added a timestamp parameter to the query so that
the aggregator can tell when the results were last
updated. Created a separate function for getting
the results list. GenericSearch now converts back
from models to domain objects after the web worker
does its work.
Connecting GenericSearch to the web worker is still
in progress. The aggregator currently gets the
results before the web worker is finished. In process
of fixing sync issue.
Changed the search aggregator's filterRepeats
function to choose the version of the searchResult
object that has the higher score, when it
encounters multiple searchResult objects
corresponding to a domain object ID.
Also changed the search providers and aggregator
such that the validType parameter is now optional,
with a function that always returns true as the
Changed the providers to return only the first
search result. Each searchResult object has a
function next() which returns the next search
result. This allows the search aggregator to
load more results without making a whole new
search query. (Still requuires some cleaning