[Search] More search options

If the user searches with quotes (" or ') around
the search term, then the term processor will
not put wildcards around the search term.
This commit is contained in:
shale 2015-07-14 12:32:52 -07:00
parent bf0e6692f5
commit 7c627fae8f

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@ -139,16 +139,26 @@ define(
// TODO: May be unnecsisary
searchTerm = document.getElementById("searchinput").value;
// Process search term.
// Put wildcards on front and end to allow substring behavior.
// This works when options like AND and OR are not used, which is
// the case most of the time.
// e.g. The input 'sine' become '*sine*', but the input
// 'sine OR telemetry' becomes '*sine OR telemetry*' instead of
// '*sine* OR *telemetry*'
searchTerm = '*' + searchTerm + '*';
// Allow exact searches by checking to see if the first and last
// chars are quotes.
if ((searchTerm.substr(0, 1) === '"' && searchTerm.substr(searchTerm.length - 1, 1) === '"') ||
(searchTerm.substr(0, 1) === "'" && searchTerm.substr(searchTerm.length - 1, 1) === "'")) {
// Remove the quotes, because of how elasticsearch processses.
// This will mean that elasticsearch will return any object that has
// that searchTerm as a part of the name _separated by spaces_.
searchTerm = searchTerm.substring(1, searchTerm.length - 1);
} else {
// Put wildcards on front and end to allow substring behavior.
// This works when options like AND and OR are not used, which is
// the case most of the time.
// e.g. The input 'sine' become '*sine*', but the input
// 'sine OR telemetry' becomes '*sine OR telemetry*' instead of
// '*sine* OR *telemetry*'
searchTerm = '*' + searchTerm + '*';
// Get the data...
return $http({
method: "GET",