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Revert "Adding Landr test for openbalena"
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# Contributing to openbalena
Everyone is welcome to contribute to openBalena. There are many different ways
to get involved apart from submitting pull requests, including helping other
users on the [forums][forums], reporting or triaging [issues][issue-tracker],
reviewing and discussing [pull requests][pulls], or just spreading the word.
All of openbalena is hosted on GitHub. Apart from its constituent components,
which are the [API][open-balena-api], [VPN][open-balena-vpn], [Registry][open-balena-registry],
[S3 storage service][open-balena-s3], and [Database][open-balena-db], contributions
are also welcome to its client-side software such as the [balena CLI][balena-cli],
the [balena SDK][balena-sdk], [balenaOS][balena-os] and [balenaEngine][balena-engine].
[balena-cli]: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli
[balena-cloud-website]: https://balena.io/cloud
[balena-engine]: https://github.com/balena-os/balena-engine
[balena-os-website]: https://balena.io/os
[balena-os]: https://github.com/balena-os/meta-balena
[balena-sdk]: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-sdk
[documentation]: https://balena.io/docs/learn/welcome/introduction/
[forums]: https://forums.balena.io/c/open-balena
[getting-started]: https://balena.io/open/docs/getting-started
[issue-tracker]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena/issues
[open-balena-api]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena-api
[open-balena-db]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena-db
[open-balena-registry]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena-registry
[open-balena-s3]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena-s3
[open-balena-vpn]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena-vpn
[open-balena-website]: https://balena.io/open
[pulls]: https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena/pulls
@ -1,8 +1,22 @@

<img alt="openBalena" src="docs/assets/openbalena-logo.svg" height="82">
**openbalena is an open source platform to manage IoT and edge device fleets at scale.**
OpenBalena is a platform to deploy and manage connected devices. Devices run
[balenaOS][balena-os-website], a host operating system designed for running
containers on IoT devices, and are managed via the [balena CLI][balena-cli],
which you can use to configure your application containers, push updates, check
status, view logs, and so forth. OpenBalena’s backend services, composed of
battle-tested components that we’ve run in production on [balenaCloud][balena-cloud-website]
for years, can store device information securely and reliably, allow remote
management via a built-in VPN service, and efficiently distribute container
images to your devices.
To learn more about openBalena, visit [balena.io/open][open-balena-website].
## Features
## Highlights
- **Simple provisioning**: Adding devices to your fleet is a breeze
- **Easy updates**: Remotely update the software on your devices with a single command
- **Container-based**: Benefit from the power of virtualization, optimized for the edge
@ -10,19 +24,15 @@
- **Powerful API & SDK**: Extend openBalena to fit your needs
- **Built-in VPN**: Access your devices regardless of their network environment
## Motivation
openbalena is a platform that helps you deploy and manage connected devices. Devices run [balenaOS][balena-os-website], a host operating system designed for running containers on IoT devices, and are managed via the [balena CLI][balena-cli], which you can use to configure your application containers, push updates, check status, view logs, and more.
## Getting Started
openbalena’s backend services, composed of battle-tested components that we’ve run in production on [balenaCloud][balena-cloud-website] for years, can store device information securely and reliably, allow remote management via a built-in VPN service, and efficiently distribute container images to your devices.
Our [Getting Started guide][getting-started] is the most direct path to getting
an openBalena installation up and running and successfully deploying your
application to your device(s).
To learn more about openbalena, visit [balena.io/open][open-balena-website].
### Setup and Configuration
Our [Getting Started guide][getting-started] is the most direct path to getting an openbalena installation up and running and successfully deploying your application to your device(s).
### Compatibility
## Compatibility
The current release of openBalena has the following minimum version requirements:
@ -33,7 +43,8 @@ If you are updating from previous openBalena versions, ensure you update the bal
CLI and reprovision any devices to at least the minimum required versions in order
for them to be fully compatible with this release, as some features may not work.
### Documentation
## Documentation
While we're still working on the project documentation, please refer to the
[balenaCloud documentation][documentation]. BalenaCloud is built on top of
@ -51,9 +62,68 @@ sections are of particular interest:
- [Reference](https://balena.io/docs/reference)
- [FAQ](https://balena.io/docs/faq/troubleshooting/faq)
### License
openbalena is licensed under the terms of AGPL v3. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
## Getting Help
You are welcome to submit any questions, participate in discussions and request
help with any issue in [openBalena forums][forums]. The balena team frequents
these forums and will be happy to help. You can also ask other community members
for help, or contribute by answering questions posted by fellow openBalena users.
Please do not use the issue tracker for support-related questions.
## Contributing
Everyone is welcome to contribute to openBalena. There are many different ways
to get involved apart from submitting pull requests, including helping other
users on the [forums][forums], reporting or triaging [issues][issue-tracker],
reviewing and discussing [pull requests][pulls], or just spreading the word.
All of openBalena is hosted on GitHub. Apart from its constituent components,
which are the [API][open-balena-api], [VPN][open-balena-vpn], [Registry][open-balena-registry],
[S3 storage service][open-balena-s3], and [Database][open-balena-db], contributions
are also welcome to its client-side software such as the [balena CLI][balena-cli],
the [balena SDK][balena-sdk], [balenaOS][balena-os] and [balenaEngine][balena-engine].
## Roadmap
OpenBalena is currently in beta. While fully functional, it lacks features we
consider important before we can comfortably call it production-ready. During
this phase, don’t be alarmed if things don’t work as expected just yet (and
please let us know about any bugs or errors you encounter!). The following
improvements and new functionality is planned:
- Full documentation
- Full test suite
- Simplified deployment
- Remote host OS updates
- Support for custom device types
## Differences between openBalena and balenaCloud
| openBalena | balenaCloud |
| ----- | ---- |
| Device updates using full images | Device updates using [delta images](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/delta/) |
| Support for a single user | Support for [multiple users](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/account/#application-members) |
| Self-hosted deployment and scaling | balena-managed scaling and deployment |
| Community support via [forums][forums] | Private support on [paid plans](https://www.balena.io/pricing/) |
| Deploy via `balena deploy` only | Build remotely with native builders using [`balena push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#balena-push) or [`git push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#git-push) |
| No support for building via `git push` | Use the same CI workflow with [`git push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#git-push) |
| No public URL support | Serve websites directly from device with [public device URLs](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/actions/#enable-public-device-url) |
| Management via `balena-cli` only | Cloud-based device management dashboard |
| Download images from [balena.io][balena-os-website] | Download preconfigured images directly from the dashboard |
| No supported remote diagnostics | Remote device diagnostics |
| Supported devices: Raspberry Pi family, the Intel NUC, the NVIDIA Jetson TX2, and the balenaFin | All the devices listed in balena's [reference documentation](https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/hardware/devices/) |
Additionally, refer back to the [roadmap](#roadmap) above for planned but not yet implemented features.
## License
OpenBalena is licensed under the terms of AGPL v3. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
[balena-cli]: https://github.com/balena-io/balena-cli
[balena-cloud-website]: https://balena.io/cloud
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
# Getting started with openbalena
This guide will walk you through the steps of deploying an openBalena server,
that together with the balena CLI, will enable you to create and manage a fleet
of devices running on your own infrastructure, on premises or in the cloud. The
openBalena servers must be reachable by the devices, which is easiest to achieve
with cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean and others.
This guide assumes a setup with two separate machines:
- The openBalena _server_, running Linux. These instructions were tested with an
Ubuntu 18.04 x64 server.
- The _local machine_, running Linux, Windows or macOS where the balena CLI runs
(as a client to the openBalena server). The local machine should also have a
working installation of [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) so that
application images can be built and deployed to your devices, although it is
also possible to use balenaEngine on a balenaOS device instead of Docker.
## Preparing a server for openBalena
Login to the server via SSH and run the following commands.
1. First, install or update essential software:
apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential git docker.io libssl-dev nodejs npm
2. Install docker-compose:
curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.27.4/docker-compose-Linux-x86_64 -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Test your docker-compose installation with `$ docker-compose --version`.
3. Create a new user, assign admin permissions and add to `docker` group:
adduser balena
usermod -aG sudo balena
usermod -aG docker balena
### Install openBalena on the server
1. On the server still, login as the new user and change into the home directory:
su balena
cd ~
2. Clone the openBalena repository and change into the new directory:
git clone https://github.com/balena-io/open-balena.git
cd open-balena/
3. Run the `quickstart` script as below. This will create a new `config`
directory and generate appropriate SSL certificates and configuration for the
server. The provided email and password will be used to automatically create
the user account for interacting with the server and will be needed later on
for logging in via the balena CLI. Replace the domain name for the `-d`
argument appropriately.
./scripts/quickstart -U <email@address> -P <password> -d mydomain.com
For more available options, see the script's help:
./scripts/quickstart -h
4. At this point, the openBalena server can be started with:
systemctl start docker
./scripts/compose up -d
The `-d` argument spawns the containers as background services.
5. Tail the logs of the containers with:
./scripts/compose exec <service-name> journalctl -fn100
Replace `<service-name>` with the name of any one of the services defined
in `compose/services.yml`; eg. `api` or `registry`.
6. The server can be stopped with:
./scripts/compose stop
When updating openBalena to a new version, the steps are:
./scripts/compose down
git pull
./scripts/compose build
./scripts/compose up -d
### Domain Configuration
The following CNAME records must be configured to point to the openBalena server:
Check with your internet domain name registrar for instructions on how to
configure CNAME records.
### Test the openBalena server
To confirm that everything is running correctly, try a simple request from the
local machine to the server:
curl -k https://api.mydomain.com/ping
Congratulations! The openBalena server is up and running. The next step is to
setup the local machine to use the server, provision a device and deploy a
small project.
## Install self-signed certificates on the local machine
The installation of the openBalena server produces a few self-signed certificates
that must be installed on the local machine, so that it can securely communicate
with the server.
The root certificate is found at `config/certs/root/ca.crt` on the server. Copy
it to some folder on the local machine and keep a note the path -- it will be
used later during the CLI installation. Follow the steps below for the specific
platform of the local machine.
### Linux:
sudo cp ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates
sudo systemctl restart docker
### macOS:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ca.crt
osascript -e 'quit app "Docker"' && open -a Docker
### Windows:
certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" ca.crt
The Docker daemon on the local machine must then be restarted for Docker to
pick up the new certificate.
## Install the balena CLI on the local machine
Follow the [balena CLI installation
to install the balena CLI on the local machine.
By default, the CLI targets the balenaCloud servers at `balena-cloud.com`, and
needs to be configured to target the openBalena server instead. Add the following
line to the CLI's configuration file, replacing `"mydomain.com"` with the domain
name of the openBalena server:
balenaUrl: 'mydomain.com'
The CLI configuration file can be found at:
- On Linux or macOS: `~/.balenarc.yml`
- On Windows: `%UserProfile%\_balenarc.yml`
If the file does not already exist, just create it.
Wrapping up the CLI installation, set an environment variable that points to the
root certificate copied previously on the local machine. This step is to ensure
the CLI can securely interact with the openBalena server.
| Shell | Command |
| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| bash | `export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS='/path/to/ca.crt'` |
| Windows cmd.exe | `set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=C:\path\to\ca.crt` |
| Windows PowerShell | `$Env:NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="C:\path\to\ca.crt"` |
## Deploy an application
The commands below should be run on a terminal on the local machine (where the
balena CLI is installed). Ensure that the `NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS` environment
variable is set, as discussed above.
### Login to openBalena
Run `balena login`, select `Credentials` and use the email and password
specified during quickstart to login to the openBalena server. At any time, the
`balena whoami` command may be used to check which server the CLI is logged in to.
## Getting Help
You are welcome to submit any questions, participate in discussions and request
help with any issue in [openBalena forums][forums]. The balena team frequents
these forums and will be happy to help. You can also ask other community members
for help, or contribute by answering questions posted by fellow openBalena users.
Please do not use the issue tracker for support-related questions.
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# Deploy and provision an application
The commands below should be run on a terminal on the local machine (where the
balena CLI is installed). Ensure that the `NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS` environment
variable is set, as discussed above.
### Login to openBalena
Run `balena login`, select `Credentials` and use the email and password
specified during quickstart to login to the openBalena server. At any time, the
`balena whoami` command may be used to check which server the CLI is logged in to.
### Create an application
Create a new application with `balena app create myApp`. Select the application's
default device type with the interactive prompt. The examples in this guide assume
a Raspberry Pi 3.
An application contains devices that share the same architecture (such as ARM
or Intel i386), and also contains code releases that are deployed to the devices.
When a device is provisioned, it is added to an application, but can be migrated
to another application at any time. There is no limit to the number of applications
that can be created or to the number of devices that can be provisioned.
At any time, the server can be queried for all the applications it knows about
with the following command:
balena apps
1 myApp raspberrypi3
### Provision a new device
Once we have an application, it’s time to start provisioning devices. To do this,
first download a balenaOS image from [balena.io](https://balena.io/os/#download).
Pick the development image that is appropriate for your device.
Unzip the downloaded image and use the balena CLI to configure it:
balena os configure ~/Downloads/balena-cloud-raspberrypi3-2.58.3+rev1-dev-v11.14.0.img --app myApp
Flash the configured image to an SD card using [Etcher](https://balena.io/etcher).
Insert the SD card into the device and power it on. The device will register with
the openBalena server and after about two minutes will be inspectable:
balena devices
4 59d7700 winter-tree raspberrypi3 myApp Idle true 11.14.0 balenaOS 2.58.3+rev1
balena device 59d7700
ID: 4
DEVICE TYPE: raspberrypi3
STATUS: online
UUID: 59d7700755ec5de06783eda8034c9d3d
OS VERSION: balenaOS 2.58.3+rev1
It's time to deploy code to the device.
### Deploy a project
Application release images are built on the local machine using the balena CLI.
Ensure the root certificate has been correctly installed on the local machine,
as discussed above.
Let's create a trivial project that logs "Idling...". On an empty directory,
create a new file named `Dockerfile.template` with the following contents:
FROM balenalib/%%BALENA_MACHINE_NAME%%-alpine
CMD [ "balena-idle" ]
Then build and deploy the project with:
balena deploy myApp --logs
The project will have been successfully built when a friendly unicorn appears in
the terminal:
[Info] Compose file detected
[Info] Creating release...
[Info] Pushing images to registry...
[Info] Saving release...
[Success] Deploy succeeded!
[Success] Release: f62a74c220b92949ec78761c74366046
_.-(6' \
(=___._/` \
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j < _\
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,.-' >.'
This command packages up the local directory, creates a new Docker image from
it and pushes it to the openBalena server. In turn, the server will deploy it to
all provisioned devices and within a couple of minutes, they will all run the
new release. Logs can be viewed with:
balena logs 59d7700 --tail
[Logs] [10/28/2020, 11:40:16 AM] Supervisor starting
[Logs] [10/28/2020, 11:40:50 AM] Creating network 'default'
[Logs] [10/28/2020, 11:42:38 AM] Creating volume 'resin-data'
[Logs] [10/28/2020, 11:42:40 AM] Downloading image …
[Logs] [10/28/2020, 11:44:00 AM] [main] Idling...
Enjoy Balenafying All the Things!
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
# Next steps
- Try out [local mode](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/develop/local-mode),
which allows you to build and sync code to your device locally for rapid
- Develop an application with [multiple containers](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/develop/multicontainer)
to provide a more modular approach to application management.
- Manage your device fleet with the use of [configuration](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/configuration/)
and [environment](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/serv-vars/) variables.
- Explore our [example projects](https://balena.io/blog/tags/etcher-featured/)
to give you an idea of more things you can do with balena.
- If you find yourself stuck or confused, help is just [a click away](https://www.balena.io/support).
- Pin selected devices to selected code releases using
[sample scripts](https://github.com/balena-io-examples/staged-releases).
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# Differences between openBalena and balenaCloud
| openBalena | balenaCloud |
| ----- | ---- |
| Device updates using full images | Device updates using [delta images](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/delta/) |
| Support for a single user | Support for [multiple users](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/account/#application-members) |
| Self-hosted deployment and scaling | balena-managed scaling and deployment |
| Community support via [forums][forums] | Private support on [paid plans](https://www.balena.io/pricing/) |
| Deploy via `balena deploy` only | Build remotely with native builders using [`balena push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#balena-push) or [`git push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#git-push) |
| No support for building via `git push` | Use the same CI workflow with [`git push`](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/deploy/deployment/#git-push) |
| No public URL support | Serve websites directly from device with [public device URLs](https://www.balena.io/docs/learn/manage/actions/#enable-public-device-url) |
| Management via `balena-cli` only | Cloud-based device management dashboard |
| Download images from [balena.io][balena-os-website] | Download preconfigured images directly from the dashboard |
| No supported remote diagnostics | Remote device diagnostics |
| Supported devices: Raspberry Pi family, the Intel NUC, the NVIDIA Jetson TX2, and the balenaFin | All the devices listed in balena's [reference documentation](https://www.balena.io/docs/reference/hardware/devices/) |
Additionally, refer back to the [roadmap](#roadmap) above for planned but not yet implemented features.
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
# openbalena roadmap
OpenBalena is currently in beta. While fully functional, it lacks features we
consider important before we can comfortably call it production-ready. During
this phase, don’t be alarmed if things don’t work as expected just yet (and
please let us know about any bugs or errors you encounter!). The following
improvements and new functionality is planned:
- Full documentation
- Full test suite
- Simplified deployment
- Remote host OS updates
- Support for custom device types
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