Norman Feske 0d34988929 remove obsolete boot-module heuristic
The ROMs of built executables and shared objects are now covered by the

2024-02-26 08:31:04 +01:00

376 lines
9.5 KiB

# Execute a single test defined in a pkg recipe
# This run script executes a single test case as a static system scenario.
# It is meant as a handy tool for quickly reproducing, instrumenting, and
# debugging test cases without the need to create/use any depot archives.
# The run script combines the information found in the test's runtime
# definition with the following parameters and heuristics:
# - The test must be specified via the 'PKG' environment variable.
# The specified value is used to find the matching pkg recipe within the
# source tree. Therecipe must feature a 'runtime' definition as normally
# used by the depot autopilot.
# - The run script scans the source tree for '' files and the target
# names defined via the 'TARGET = <name>' definition within those files.
# The information is used to determine the correspondence between the
# target's binary name and its build path (the location of the ''
# within the src/ directory). Note that ambiguities are not handled, e.g.,
# multiple '' files with the same TARGET name will likely cause
# problems.
# - Based on the <content> information found in the test's runtime file,
# the build targets and boot modules required by the test are determined
# automatically.
# - The test's configuration is expected to have the form of a <config>
# node in the test's runtime file.
# - The success/failure criterion is taken from the runtime's <events>
# definition but only a subset of the depot-autopilot's features is
# supported, namely a timeout (indicating a failure) and an expected log
# (indicating success). If this information are not present, the test
# is executed forever.
# For an example, issue the following command from your build directory:
# make run/test KERNEL=linux PKG=test-fs_report
# Obtain name of the test pkg from the 'PKG' environment variable
proc pkg_name { } {
global ::env
if {![info exists ::env(PKG)]} {
puts stderr "Error: environment variable 'PKG' not defined"
exit 1
return $::env(PKG)
if {[catch {
set pkg_recipe [glob "[genode_dir]/repos/*/recipes/pkg/[pkg_name]"]
}]} {
puts stderr "Error: unable to find 'recipes/pkg/[pkg_name]' in repos"
exit 1
# Collect content of the raw archives as used by the test
# This function returns a list of file paths that must be added as ROM modules
# to the boot image.
# Note that it does not evaluate the '' file of the raw recipes but
# relies on the convention that the content of raw archives is hosted at the
# raw archive's recipe location.
# The function does not traverse nested pkg archives because no test uses this
# feature of pkg archives.
proc _files_from_raw_archives { archives_file } {
if {![file exists $archives_file]} {
puts stderr "Warning: $archives_file does not exist"
return { }
set fh [open $archives_file "r"]
set archives [split [read $fh] "\n"]
close $fh
set result { }
foreach archive $archives {
if {![regexp [_depot_archive_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type name]} {
continue }
if {$type != "raw"} {
continue }
if {[catch {
set raw_recipe [glob "[genode_dir]/repos/*/recipes/raw/$name"]
set files [glob "$raw_recipe/*"]
foreach file $files {
if {[string match "*/" $file]} { continue }
if {[string match "*/hash" $file]} { continue }
lappend result $file
}]} {
puts stderr "Warning: cannot obtain content of raw archive $name"
return $result
set files_from_raw_archives [_files_from_raw_archives $pkg_recipe/archives]
# Return true if ROM module is provided by a raw archive
proc rom_module_from_raw_archive { rom } {
global files_from_raw_archives
foreach file $files_from_raw_archives {
if {[string match "*/$rom" $file]} {
return 1; } }
return 0;
# Extract information from the test's runtime file
set runtime_file $pkg_recipe/runtime
if {![file exists $runtime_file]} {
puts stderr "Error: $pkg_recipe lacks 'runtime' definition"
exit 1
proc query_attr { node_path attr_name xml_file } {
set xpath "$node_path/attribute::$attr_name"
set attr_value [exec xmllint --xpath $xpath $xml_file]
# in the presence of multiple matching xpaths, return only the first
regexp {"(.*)"} [lindex $attr_value 0] dummy value
return $value;
proc query_node { node_path xml_file } {
set xpath "$node_path"
set content [exec xmllint --xpath $xpath $xml_file]
return $content;
proc try_query_attr_from_runtime { attr } {
global runtime_file
if {[catch {
set result [query_attr /runtime $attr $runtime_file]
}]} {
puts stderr "Error: missing '$attr' attribute in <runtime> at $runtime_file"
exit 1
return $result
set ram [try_query_attr_from_runtime ram]
set caps [try_query_attr_from_runtime caps]
set binary [try_query_attr_from_runtime binary]
if {[catch {
set config [query_node /runtime/config $runtime_file]
}]} {
puts stderr "Error: <config> not present <runtime> sub node at $runtime_file"
puts stderr " The use of an separate config ROM is not supported."
exit 1
proc desanitize_xml_characters { string } {
regsub -all {&gt;} $string {>} string
regsub -all {&lt;} $string {<} string
return $string
set config [desanitize_xml_characters $config]
# Gather the source locations of all targets found in the source tree to
# define the build targets and boot modules required by the test.
set target_mks [exec sh -c "cd [genode_dir]/repos; \
grep \"TARGET.*=\" `find -name`"]
foreach target_mk [split $target_mks "\n"] {
regsub {^.*?/src/} $target_mk {} target_mk
if {[regexp {(.+?)/*\s([^\s]+)\s*$} $target_mk dummy target_path target_name]} {
set src_sub_dir($target_name) $target_path
proc content_rom_modules { } {
global runtime_file
set attributes [query_node "/runtime/content/rom/attribute::label" $runtime_file]
set rom_names {}
foreach attr $attributes {
regexp {"(.*)"} $attr dummy rom_name
lappend rom_names $rom_name
return $rom_names
foreach rom [content_rom_modules] {
# handle vfs plugin shared-object targets
if {[regexp "^(.+)$" $rom dummy plugin]} {
lappend build_targets lib/$plugin
if {[info exists src_sub_dir($rom)]} {
lappend build_targets $src_sub_dir($rom)
# Build
lappend build_targets core init timer lib/ld
# strip duplications
set sorted_build_targets [lsort -unique $build_targets]
build $sorted_build_targets
# Configure and assemble boot image
foreach file $files_from_raw_archives {
copy_file $file [run_dir]/genode/ }
install_config {
<config prio_levels="2">
<service name="ROM"/>
<service name="IRQ"/>
<service name="IO_MEM"/>
<service name="IO_PORT"/>
<service name="PD"/>
<service name="RM"/>
<service name="CPU"/>
<service name="LOG"/>
<service name="TRACE"/>
<start name="timer" caps="100">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="1M"/>
<provides><service name="Timer"/></provides>
<service name="PD"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="CPU"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="LOG"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="ROM"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="IO_MEM"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="IRQ"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="IO_PORT"> <parent/> </service>
<start name="test" priority="-1" caps="} $caps {">
<resource name="RAM" quantum="} $ram {"/>
<binary name="} $binary {"/>
<service name="ROM"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="PD"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="RM"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="CPU"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="LOG"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="TRACE"> <parent/> </service>
<service name="Timer"> <child name="timer"/> </service>
} $config {
build_boot_image [build_artifacts]
# Return failure timeout in seconds
proc query_failure_timeout { } {
global runtime_file
set sec 0
catch { set sec [query_attr /runtime/fail after_seconds $runtime_file] }
return $sec
set failure_timeout [expr [query_failure_timeout] + 10]
# Return regexp pattern to match the log output for detecting the success
proc query_expected_log_pattern { } {
global runtime_file
set log ""
catch {
set log [query_node "/runtime/succeed/child::text()" $runtime_file]
} { return "" }
# strip leading and trailing whitespace
regsub {^\s*} $log {} log
regsub {\s*$} $log {} log
# filter pattern line by line
set lines [split $log "\n"]
set prefixed_lines { }
foreach line $lines {
regsub {^\s*\[init} $line {[init -> test} line
set line [desanitize_xml_characters $line]
# quote regexp characters
foreach char [list {[} {]} {(} {)} {.}] {
regsub -all "\\$char" $line "\\$char" line }
# replace wildcards by non-greedy regexp wildcards
regsub -all {\*} $line {.*?} line
lappend prefixed_lines "$line.*?"
set joined [join $prefixed_lines "\n"]
return ".*?$joined.*?"
set expected_pattern [query_expected_log_pattern]
if {$expected_pattern == ""} {
puts stderr "Warning: unable to obtain expected log pattern from $runtime_file"
run_genode_until {^this-should=never-match$} $failure_timeout
if {$failure_timeout == 0} {
puts stderr "Warning: could not determine failure timeout, discharge timeout"
set failure_timeout 1000
append qemu_args " -nographic "
run_genode_until $expected_pattern $failure_timeout