depot_query: inherit pkg rom content from deps

This patch relaxes the need to specify the rom content of all pkg dependencies
in each runtime file. Whenever a dependency features a runtime file, the
contained <content> <rom/> ... </content> nodes are implicitely included.

Fixes #3981
This commit is contained in:
Norman Feske 2021-01-08 17:32:19 +01:00
parent 14d8627186
commit cae5d380c4

View File

@ -362,6 +362,18 @@ struct Depot_query::Main : private Rom_query
Architecture _architecture { };
template <typename FN>
void _with_file_content(Directory::Path const &path, char const *name, FN const &fn)
try {
File_content const content(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
name, File_content::Limit{16*1024});
catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
catch (Directory::Nonexistent_directory) { }
* Produce report that reflects the query version
@ -392,6 +404,10 @@ struct Depot_query::Main : private Rom_query
Archive::Path find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &, Rom_label const &,
Recursion_limit) override;
void _gen_rom_path_nodes(Xml_generator &, Xml_node const &,
Archive::Path const &, Xml_node const &);
void _gen_inherited_rom_path_nodes(Xml_generator &, Xml_node const &,
Archive::Path const &, Recursion_limit);
void _query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &, Xml_generator &);
void _collect_source_dependencies(Archive::Path const &, Dependencies &, Recursion_limit);
void _collect_binary_dependencies(Archive::Path const &, Dependencies &, Recursion_limit);
@ -577,6 +593,78 @@ Depot_query::Main::find_rom_in_pkg(Directory::Path const &pkg_path,
void Depot_query::Main::_gen_rom_path_nodes(Xml_generator &xml,
Xml_node const &env_xml,
Archive::Path const &pkg_path,
Xml_node const &runtime)
runtime.for_each_sub_node("content", [&] (Xml_node content) {
content.for_each_sub_node([&] (Xml_node node) {
/* skip non-rom nodes */
if (!node.has_type("rom"))
Rom_label const label = node.attribute_value("label", Rom_label());
/* skip ROM that is provided by the environment */
bool provided_by_env = false;
env_xml.for_each_sub_node("rom", [&] (Xml_node node) {
if (node.attribute_value("label", Rom_label()) == label)
provided_by_env = true; });
if (provided_by_env) {
xml.node("rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label);
xml.attribute("env", "yes");
Archive::Path const rom_path =
_cached_rom_query.find_rom_in_pkg(pkg_path, label, Recursion_limit{8});
if (rom_path.valid()) {
xml.node("rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label);
xml.attribute("path", rom_path);
} else {
xml.node("missing_rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label); });
void Depot_query::Main::_gen_inherited_rom_path_nodes(Xml_generator &xml,
Xml_node const &env_xml,
Archive::Path const &pkg_path,
Recursion_limit recursion_limit)
_with_file_content(pkg_path, "archives", [&] (File_content const &archives) {
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &archive_path) {
/* early return if archive path is not a valid pkg path */
try {
if (Archive::type(archive_path) != Archive::PKG)
catch (Archive::Unknown_archive_type) { return; }
_with_file_content(archive_path, "runtime" , [&] (File_content const &runtime) {
runtime.xml([&] (Xml_node node) {
_gen_rom_path_nodes(xml, env_xml, pkg_path, node); }); });
_gen_inherited_rom_path_nodes(xml, env_xml, archive_path, recursion_limit);
void Depot_query::Main::_query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &pkg_path, Xml_generator &xml)
Directory pkg_dir(_root, Directory::Path("depot/", pkg_path));
@ -594,48 +682,12 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_query_blueprint(Directory::Path const &pkg_path, Xml_ge
if (config.valid())
xml.attribute("config", config);
Xml_node env_xml = _config.xml().has_sub_node("env")
? _config.xml().sub_node("env") : "<env/>";
Xml_node const env_xml = _config.xml().has_sub_node("env")
? _config.xml().sub_node("env") : "<env/>";
node.for_each_sub_node("content", [&] (Xml_node content) {
content.for_each_sub_node([&] (Xml_node node) {
_gen_rom_path_nodes(xml, env_xml, pkg_path, node);
/* skip non-rom nodes */
if (!node.has_type("rom"))
Rom_label const label = node.attribute_value("label", Rom_label());
/* skip ROM that is provided by the environment */
bool provided_by_env = false;
env_xml.for_each_sub_node("rom", [&] (Xml_node node) {
if (node.attribute_value("label", Rom_label()) == label)
provided_by_env = true; });
if (provided_by_env) {
xml.node("rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label);
xml.attribute("env", "yes");
Archive::Path const rom_path =
_cached_rom_query.find_rom_in_pkg(pkg_path, label, Recursion_limit{8});
if (rom_path.valid()) {
xml.node("rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label);
xml.attribute("path", rom_path);
} else {
xml.node("missing_rom", [&] () {
xml.attribute("label", label); });
_gen_inherited_rom_path_nodes(xml, env_xml, pkg_path, Recursion_limit{8});
String<160> comment("\n\n<!-- content of '", pkg_path, "/runtime' -->\n");
@ -659,33 +711,26 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_collect_source_dependencies(Archive::Path const &path,
try { switch (Archive::type(path)) {
switch (Archive::type(path)) {
case Archive::PKG: {
File_content archives(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"archives", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &path) {
_collect_source_dependencies(path, dependencies, recursion_limit); });
_with_file_content(path, "archives", [&] (File_content const &archives) {
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &path) {
_collect_source_dependencies(path, dependencies, recursion_limit); }); });
case Archive::SRC: {
File_content used_apis(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"used_apis", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
typedef String<160> Api;
used_apis.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Api const &api) {
dependencies.record(Archive::Path(Archive::user(path), "/api/", api));
_with_file_content(path, "used_apis", [&] (File_content const &used_apis) {
used_apis.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Api const &api) {
dependencies.record(Archive::Path(Archive::user(path), "/api/", api)); }); });
case Archive::RAW:
}; }
catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
catch (Directory::Nonexistent_directory) { }
@ -702,18 +747,11 @@ void Depot_query::Main::_collect_binary_dependencies(Archive::Path const &path,
switch (Archive::type(path)) {
case Archive::PKG:
try {
File_content archives(_heap, Directory(_depot_dir, path),
"archives", File_content::Limit{16*1024});
_with_file_content(path, "archives", [&] (File_content const &archives) {
archives.for_each_line<Archive::Path>([&] (Archive::Path const &archive_path) {
_collect_binary_dependencies(archive_path, dependencies, recursion_limit); });
catch (File_content::Nonexistent_file) { }
catch (Directory::Nonexistent_directory) { }
_collect_binary_dependencies(archive_path, dependencies, recursion_limit); }); });
case Archive::SRC: