mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:28:28 +00:00
fs_log: merge option, increase message buffer
Maximum amount of in-transit packets is TX_QUEUE_SIZE*2 + 1 Issue #1538
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ LOG server that writes log messages onto a file system.
Log files are creating in a directory tree formed from session labels.
As an example the session label "init -> nitpicker" would create
a log file at "init/nitpicker.log". The behavior of opening two LOG
sessions with the same label is undefined.
a log file at "init/nitpicker.log".
The only configuration and policy available is the option to truncate
files at the start of the LOG session, which is disabled by default.
The option to truncate files at the start of each LOG session is available
through session policy, as well the option to merge the logs of any
session matching a given policy. When a merged policy label contains a
trailing "->", the log filename takes the name of the next label element.
:Example configuration:
! <start name="log_file">
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ files at the start of the LOG session, which is disabled by default.
! <provides><service name="LOG"/></provides>
! <config>
! <policy label="nic_drv" truncate="no"/>
! <policy label="cli_monitor -> " merge="yes"/>
! <policy label="" truncate="yes"/>
! </config>
! </start>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* \brief File object shared between log sessions
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2015-06-09
* Copyright (C) 2015 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
#ifndef _FS_LOG__LOG_FILE_H_
#define _FS_LOG__LOG_FILE_H_
/* Genode includes */
#include <log_session/log_session.h>
#include <file_system_session/file_system_session.h>
namespace Fs_log {
using namespace Genode;
using namespace File_system;
class Log_file;
class Fs_log::Log_file : public List<Log_file>::Element
char _dir_path[ MAX_PATH_LEN];
char _file_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
File_system::Session &_fs;
File_handle _handle;
seek_off_t _offset;
* Constructor
Log_file(File_system::Session &fs, File_handle handle,
char const *dir_path, char const *file_name,
seek_off_t offset)
_fs(fs), _handle(handle), _offset(offset)
strncpy(_dir_path, dir_path, sizeof(_dir_path));
strncpy(_file_name, file_name, sizeof(_file_name));
bool match(char const *dir, char const *filename) const
(strcmp(_dir_path, dir, MAX_PATH_LEN) == 0) &&
(strcmp(_file_name, filename, MAX_NAME_LEN) == 0);
* Write a log message to the packet buffer.
size_t write(char const *msg, size_t msg_len)
File_system::Session::Tx::Source &source = *_fs.tx();
File_system::Packet_descriptor raw_packet;
if (!source.ready_to_submit())
raw_packet = source.get_acked_packet();
raw_packet = source.alloc_packet(Log_session::String::MAX_SIZE);
0, /* The result struct. */
_handle, File_system::Packet_descriptor::WRITE,
msg_len, _offset);
_offset += msg_len;
char *buf = source.packet_content(packet);
memcpy(buf, msg, msg_len);
return msg_len;
@ -20,38 +20,41 @@
#include <base/printf.h>
/* Local includes */
#include "log_file.h"
#include "session.h"
namespace Fs_log {
using namespace Genode;
using namespace File_system;
class Root_component;
struct Main;
enum {
BLOCK_SIZE = Log_session::String::MAX_SIZE,
QUEUE_SIZE = File_system::Session::TX_QUEUE_SIZE,
BLOCK_SIZE = Log_session::String::MAX_SIZE,
QUEUE_SIZE = File_system::Session::TX_QUEUE_SIZE,
class Fs_log::Root_component : public Genode::Root_component<Fs_log::Session_component>
class Fs_log::Root_component :
public Genode::Root_component<Fs_log::Session_component>
Allocator_avl _write_alloc;
File_system::Connection _fs;
Allocator_avl _write_alloc;
File_system::Connection _fs;
List<Log_file> _log_files;
File_system::File_handle open_file(File_system::Dir_handle &dir_handle,
char const *name)
Log_file *lookup(char const *dir, char const *filename)
try {
return _fs.file(dir_handle, name, File_system::WRITE_ONLY, false);
} catch (File_system::Lookup_failed) {
return _fs.file(dir_handle, name, File_system::WRITE_ONLY, true);
for (Log_file *file = _log_files.first(); file; file = file->next())
if (file->match(dir, filename))
return file;
return 0;
@ -60,85 +63,149 @@ class Fs_log::Root_component : public Genode::Root_component<Fs_log::Session_com
using namespace File_system;
char path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
path[0] = '/';
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
char dir_path[MAX_PATH_LEN];
char file_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
Session_label session_label(args);
strncpy(path+1, session_label.string(), sizeof(path)-1);
dir_path[0] = '/';
bool truncate = false;
Session_label session_label(args);
char const *label_str = session_label.string();
char const *label_prefix = nullptr;
try {
Session_policy policy(session_label);
try {
truncate = policy.attribute("truncate").has_value("yes");
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { }
} catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) { }
bool merge = false;
try {
merge = policy.attribute("merge").has_value("yes");
} catch (Xml_node::Nonexistent_attribute) { }
if (merge) {
* Use the policy label that was matched rather than
* full session label for the path of the log file.
policy.attribute("label").value(dir_path+1, sizeof(dir_path)-1);
if (!dir_path[1]) {
PERR("cannot merge an empty policy label");
throw Root::Unavailable();
size_t len = strlen(path);
size_t start = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i < len;) {
/* Replace any slashes in label elements. */
if (path[i] == '/') path[i] = '_';
if (strcmp(" -> ", path+i, 4) == 0) {
path[i++] = '/';
strncpy(path+i, path+i+3, sizeof(path)-i);
start = i;
i += 3;
} else ++i;
* If the policy has a trailing '->', move first element
* from the log prefix to the end of the log path.
size_t label_len = strlen(dir_path);
label_prefix = label_str+(label_len-1);
if ((strcmp((dir_path+label_len)-3, " ->", 4) == 0) ||
(strcmp((dir_path+label_len)-4, " -> ", 5) == 0)) {
for (size_t i = 0; *(label_str+i); ++i) {
if (strcmp(label_prefix+i, " -> ", 4))
strncpy(dir_path+label_len, label_prefix, i+1);
label_prefix += i+4;
if (*label_prefix == ' ') ++label_prefix;
} else
strncpy(dir_path+1, label_str, MAX_PATH_LEN-1);
} catch (Session_policy::No_policy_defined) {
strncpy(dir_path+1, label_str, MAX_PATH_LEN-1);
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.log", path+start);
path[(start == 1) ? start : start-1] = '\0';
/* Parse out a directory and file name. */
size_t len = strlen(dir_path);
size_t start = 1;
for (size_t i = 1; i < len;) {
/* Replace any slashes in label elements. */
if (dir_path[i] == '/') dir_path[i] = '_';
if (strcmp(" -> ", dir_path+i, 4) == 0) {
dir_path[i++] = '/';
strncpy(dir_path+i, dir_path+i+3, MAX_PATH_LEN-i);
start = i;
i += 3;
} else ++i;
/* Rewrite any slashes in the name. */
for (char *p = name; *p; ++p)
if (*p == '/') *p = '_';
/* Copy the remainder to the file name. */
snprintf(file_name, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s.log", dir_path+start);
File_handle file_handle;
seek_off_t offset = 0;
try {
Dir_handle dir_handle = ensure_dir(_fs, path);
/* Terminate the directory path. */
dir_path[(start == 1) ? start : start-1] = '\0';
/* Rewrite any slashes in the name. */
for (char *p = file_name; *p; ++p)
if (*p == '/') *p = '_';
Log_file *file = lookup(dir_path, file_name);
if (!file) try {
Dir_handle dir_handle = ensure_dir(_fs, dir_path);
Handle_guard dir_guard(_fs, dir_handle);
File_handle handle;
seek_off_t offset = 0;
file_handle = open_file(dir_handle, name);
try {
handle = _fs.file(dir_handle, file_name,
File_system::WRITE_ONLY, false);
if (truncate)
_fs.truncate(file_handle, 0);
offset = _fs.status(file_handle).size;
if (truncate)
_fs.truncate(handle, 0);
offset = _fs.status(handle).size;
} catch (File_system::Lookup_failed) {
handle = _fs.file(dir_handle, file_name,
File_system::WRITE_ONLY, true);
file = new (env()->heap())
Log_file(_fs, handle, dir_path, file_name, offset);
} catch (Permission_denied) {
PERR("%s/%s: permission denied", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: permission denied", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (Name_too_long) {
PERR("%s/%s: name too long", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: name too long", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (No_space) {
PERR("%s/%s: no space", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: no space", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (Out_of_node_handles) {
PERR("%s/%s: out of node handles", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: out of node handles", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (Invalid_name) {
PERR("%s/%s: invalid_name", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: invalid_name", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (Size_limit_reached) {
PERR("%s/%s: size limit reached", path, name);
throw Root::Unavailable();
PERR("%s:%s: size limit reached", dir_path, file_name);
} catch (...) {
PERR("%s/%s: unknown error", path, name);
PERR("%s:%s: unknown error", dir_path, file_name);
if (!file) {
PERR("file was null");
throw Root::Unavailable();
return new (md_alloc()) Session_component(_fs, file_handle, offset);
if (label_prefix && *label_prefix)
return new (md_alloc()) Labeled_session_component(label_prefix, *file);
return new (md_alloc()) Unlabeled_session_component(*file);
@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
* \brief Log session that writes messages to a file system.
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2015-05-16
* Message writing is fire-and-forget to prevent
* logging from becoming I/O bound.
@ -19,81 +22,89 @@
#include <file_system_session/file_system_session.h>
#include <base/rpc_server.h>
/* Local includes */
#include "log_file.h"
namespace Fs_log {
using namespace Genode;
class Session_component;
class Session_component;
class Unlabeled_session_component;
class Labeled_session_component;
* A log session that writes messages to a file system node.
* Message writing is fire-and-forget to prevent
* logging from becoming I/O bound.
class Fs_log::Session_component : public Rpc_object<Log_session, Session_component>
class Fs_log::Session_component : public Rpc_object<Log_session, Unlabeled_session_component>
virtual size_t write(String const &string) = 0;
class Fs_log::Unlabeled_session_component : public Session_component
File_system::Session &_fs;
File_system::File_handle _file_handle;
File_system::seek_off_t _offset;
Log_file &_log_file;
* Constructor
Session_component(File_system::Session &fs,
File_system::File_handle fh,
File_system::seek_off_t offset)
: _fs(fs), _file_handle(fh), _offset(offset) { }
Unlabeled_session_component(Log_file &log_file)
: _log_file(log_file) { }
** Log session **
size_t write(Log_session::String const &string)
size_t write(Log_session::String const &msg)
if (!(string.is_valid_string())) {
if (!msg.is_valid_string()) {
PERR("corrupted string");
return 0;
File_system::Session::Tx::Source &source = *_fs.tx();
char const *msg_str = msg.string();
size_t msg_len = Genode::strlen(msg_str);
char const *msg = string.string();
size_t msg_len = Genode::strlen(msg);
size_t write_len = msg_len;
return _log_file.write(msg_str, msg_len);
* If the message did not fill the incoming buffer
* make space to add a newline.
if ((msg_len < Log_session::String::MAX_SIZE) &&
(msg[msg_len-1] != '\n'))
class Fs_log::Labeled_session_component : public Session_component
while (source.ack_avail())
char _label[Log_session::String::MAX_SIZE];
size_t _label_len;
Log_file &_log_file;
0, /* The result struct. */
_file_handle, File_system::Packet_descriptor::WRITE,
write_len, _offset);
_offset += write_len;
char *buf = source.packet_content(packet);
memcpy(buf, msg, msg_len);
* Constructor
Labeled_session_component(char const *label, Log_file &log_file)
: _log_file(log_file)
snprintf(_label, sizeof(_label), "[%s] ", label);
_label_len = strlen(_label);
if (msg_len != write_len)
buf[msg_len] = '\n';
** Log session **
return msg_len;
size_t write(Log_session::String const &msg)
if (!msg.is_valid_string()) {
PERR("corrupted string");
return 0;
char const *msg_str = msg.string();
size_t msg_len = Genode::strlen(msg_str);
_log_file.write(_label, _label_len);
return _log_file.write(msg_str, msg_len);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user