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synced 2025-03-03 05:09:39 +00:00
gpu_session: VRAM interface
Change the abstraction from buffers to video RAM (VRAM). The notion of buffers can be provided at the client side (e.g., Mesa) and multiple buffers can be there be associated to one VRAM area, thus saving resources (meta data overhead) when allocating many buffers. A VRAM area can also be mapped to one single buffer as before for clients or drivers that do not take advantage of this feature. issue #4713
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,47 +40,42 @@ class Gpu::Session_client : public Genode::Rpc_client<Session>
Genode::Dataspace_capability info_dataspace() const override {
return call<Rpc_info_dataspace>(); }
Gpu::Sequence_number exec_buffer(Buffer_id id,
Genode::size_t size) override {
return call<Rpc_exec_buffer>(id, size); }
bool complete(Sequence_number seqno) override {
return call<Rpc_complete>(seqno); }
void completion_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh) override {
call<Rpc_completion_sigh>(sigh); }
Genode::Dataspace_capability alloc_buffer(Buffer_id id, Genode::size_t size) override {
return call<Rpc_alloc_buffer>(id, size); }
Gpu::Sequence_number execute(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset) override {
return call<Rpc_execute>(id, offset); }
void free_buffer(Gpu::Buffer_id id) override {
call<Rpc_free_buffer>(id); }
Genode::Dataspace_capability alloc_vram(Vram_id id, Genode::size_t size) override {
return call<Rpc_alloc_vram>(id, size); }
Gpu::Buffer_capability export_buffer(Buffer_id id) override {
return call<Rpc_export_buffer>(id); }
void free_vram(Vram_id id) override {
call<Rpc_free_vram>(id); }
void import_buffer(Buffer_capability cap, Buffer_id id) override {
call<Rpc_import_buffer>(cap, id); }
Vram_capability export_vram(Vram_id id) override {
return call<Rpc_export_vram>(id); }
Genode::Dataspace_capability map_buffer(Buffer_id id,
bool aperture,
Mapping_attributes attrs) override {
return call<Rpc_map_buffer>(id, aperture, attrs); }
void import_vram(Vram_capability cap, Vram_id id) override {
call<Rpc_import_vram>(cap, id); }
void unmap_buffer(Buffer_id id) override {
call<Rpc_unmap_buffer>(id); }
Genode::Dataspace_capability map_cpu(Vram_id id, Mapping_attributes attrs) override {
return call<Rpc_map_cpu>(id, attrs); }
bool map_buffer_ppgtt(Buffer_id id, Gpu::addr_t va) override {
return call<Rpc_map_buffer_ppgtt>(id, va); }
void unmap_cpu(Vram_id id) override {
call<Rpc_unmap_cpu>(id); }
void unmap_buffer_ppgtt(Buffer_id id, Gpu::addr_t va) override {
call<Rpc_unmap_buffer_ppgtt>(id, va); }
bool map_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::size_t size,
Genode::off_t offset, Virtual_address va) override {
return call<Rpc_map_gpu>(id, size, offset, va); }
Gpu::addr_t query_buffer_ppgtt(Gpu::Buffer_id id) override {
return call<Rpc_query_buffer_ppgtt>(id); }
void unmap_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset, Virtual_address va) override {
call<Rpc_unmap_gpu>(id, offset, va); }
bool set_tiling(Buffer_id id, unsigned mode) override {
return call<Rpc_set_tiling>(id, mode); }
bool set_tiling_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset, unsigned mode) override {
return call<Rpc_set_tiling_gpu>(id, offset, mode); }
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
* \brief Gpu session interface.
* \author Josef Soentgen
* \author Sebastian Sumpf
* \date 2017-04-28
* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Genode Labs GmbH
* Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
@ -21,9 +22,10 @@ namespace Gpu {
using addr_t = Genode::uint64_t;
struct Buffer;
using Buffer_id = Genode::Id_space<Buffer>::Id;
using Buffer_capability = Genode::Capability<Buffer>;
struct Vram;
using Vram_id_space = Genode::Id_space<Vram>;
using Vram_id = Vram_id_space::Id;
using Vram_capability = Genode::Capability<Vram>;
* Attributes for mapping a buffer
@ -51,6 +53,7 @@ namespace Gpu {
struct Sequence_number;
struct Session;
struct Virtual_address;
@ -62,16 +65,23 @@ struct Gpu::Sequence_number
struct Gpu::Virtual_address
Genode::uint64_t va;
* Gpu session interface
struct Gpu::Session : public Genode::Session
struct Out_of_ram : Genode::Exception { };
struct Out_of_caps : Genode::Exception { };
struct Invalid_state : Genode::Exception { };
struct Conflicting_id : Genode::Exception { };
struct Mapping_buffer_failed : Genode::Exception { };
struct Out_of_ram : Genode::Exception { };
struct Out_of_caps : Genode::Exception { };
struct Invalid_state : Genode::Exception { };
struct Conflicting_id : Genode::Exception { };
struct Mapping_vram_failed : Genode::Exception { };
enum { REQUIRED_QUOTA = 1024 * 1024, CAP_QUOTA = 32, };
@ -89,23 +99,23 @@ struct Gpu::Session : public Genode::Session
virtual Genode::Dataspace_capability info_dataspace() const = 0;
* Execute commands from given buffer
* Execute commands in vram
* \param id buffer id
* \param size size of the batch buffer in bytes
* \param id vram id
* \param offset offset in vram to start execution
* \return execution buffer sequence number for complete checks
* \return execution sequence number for complete checks
* \throw Invalid_state is thrown if the provided buffer is not valid, e.g not mapped
* \throw Invalid_state is thrown if the provided vram is not valid, e.g not mapped
virtual Gpu::Sequence_number exec_buffer(Buffer_id id, Genode::size_t size) = 0;
virtual Gpu::Sequence_number execute(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset) = 0;
* Check if execution buffer has been completed
* Check if execution has been completed
* \param seqno sequence number of the execution buffer
* \param seqno sequence number of the execution
* \return true if execution buffer has been finished, otherwise
* \return true if execution has been finished, otherwise
* false is returned
virtual bool complete(Sequence_number seqno) = 0;
@ -119,141 +129,137 @@ struct Gpu::Session : public Genode::Session
virtual void completion_sigh(Genode::Signal_context_capability sigh) = 0;
* Allocate buffer dataspace
* Allocate video ram
* \param id buffer id to be associated with the buffer
* \param size size of buffer in bytes
* \param id id to be associated with the vram
* \param size size of memory in bytes
* \throw Out_of_ram
* \throw Out_of_caps
* \throw Conflicting_id
virtual Genode::Dataspace_capability alloc_buffer(Buffer_id id, Genode::size_t size) = 0;
virtual Genode::Dataspace_capability alloc_vram(Vram_id id, Genode::size_t size) = 0;
* Free buffer dataspace
* Free vram
* \param ds dataspace capability for buffer
* \param id id of vram
virtual void free_buffer(Buffer_id id) = 0;
virtual void free_vram(Vram_id id) = 0;
* Export buffer dataspace from GPU session
* Export vram dataspace from GPU session
* \param id buffer id of associated buffer
* \param id id of associated vram
* \return cability of exported vram
virtual Buffer_capability export_buffer(Buffer_id id) = 0;
virtual Vram_capability export_vram(Vram_id id) = 0;
* Import buffer dataspace to GPU session
* Import vram to GPU session
* \param cap capability of buffer as retrieved bu 'export_buffer'
* \param id buffer id to be associated to this buffer in the session
* \param cap capability of vram as retrieved by 'exportvram'
* \param id vram id to be associated to this vram in the session
* \throw Conflicting_id
* \throw Out_of_caps
* \throw Out_of_ram
* \throw Invalid_state (cap is no longer valid)
virtual void import_buffer(Buffer_capability cap, Buffer_id id) = 0;
virtual void import_vram(Vram_capability cap, Vram_id id) = 0;
* Map buffer
* Map vram at CPU
* \param id buffer id
* \param aperture if true create CPU accessible mapping through
* GGTT window, otherwise create PPGTT mapping
* \param id id of vram
* \param attrs specify how the buffer is mapped
* \throw Mapping_buffer_failed
* \throw Mapping_vram_failed
* \throw Out_of_caps
* \throw Out_of_ram
virtual Genode::Dataspace_capability map_buffer(Buffer_id id,
bool aperture,
Mapping_attributes attrs) = 0;
virtual Genode::Dataspace_capability map_cpu(Vram_id id, Mapping_attributes attrs) = 0;
* Unmap buffer
* Unmap vram
* \param id buffer id
* \param id id of vram
virtual void unmap_buffer(Buffer_id id) = 0;
virtual void unmap_cpu(Vram_id id) = 0;
* Map buffer in PPGTT
* Map vram at GPU
* \param id buffer id
* \param va virtual address
* \param id vram id
* \param size size of vram to be mapped
* \pram offset offset in vram
* \param va GPU virtual address
* \throw Mapping_buffer_failed
* \return true on success, false otherwise
* \throw Mapping_vram_failed
* \throw Out_of_caps
* \throw Out_of_ram
virtual bool map_buffer_ppgtt(Buffer_id id, Gpu::addr_t va) = 0;
virtual bool map_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::size_t size,
Genode::off_t offset,
Virtual_address va) = 0;
* Unmap buffer
* Unmap vram on GPU
* \param id buffer id
* \param id vram id
* \param offset offset in vram
* \param va GPU virtual address
virtual void unmap_buffer_ppgtt(Buffer_id id, Gpu::addr_t va) = 0;
virtual void unmap_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset,
Virtual_address va) = 0;
* Get virtual address of buffer in the PPGTT
* Set tiling for vram on GPU
* \param id buffer id to be associated with the buffer
* \param id vram id
* \param offset offset in vram
* \param mode tiling mode
virtual Gpu::addr_t query_buffer_ppgtt(Buffer_id) = 0;
* Set tiling for buffer
* \param id buffer id
* \param mode tiling mode
virtual bool set_tiling(Buffer_id id, unsigned mode) = 0;
virtual bool set_tiling_gpu(Vram_id id, Genode::off_t offset, unsigned mode) = 0;
** RPC interface **
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_info_dataspace, Genode::Dataspace_capability, info_dataspace);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_exec_buffer, Gpu::Sequence_number, exec_buffer,
Gpu::Buffer_id, Genode::size_t);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_complete, bool, complete,
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_completion_sigh, void, completion_sigh,
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_alloc_buffer, Genode::Dataspace_capability, alloc_buffer,
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_execute, Gpu::Sequence_number, execute,
Gpu::Vram_id, Genode::off_t);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_alloc_vram, Genode::Dataspace_capability, alloc_vram,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram),
Gpu::Buffer_id, Genode::size_t);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_free_buffer, void, free_buffer, Gpu::Buffer_id);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_export_buffer, Gpu::Buffer_capability, export_buffer, Gpu::Buffer_id);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_import_buffer, void, import_buffer,
Gpu::Vram_id, Genode::size_t);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_free_vram, void, free_vram, Gpu::Vram_id);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_export_vram, Gpu::Vram_capability, export_vram, Gpu::Vram_id);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_import_vram, void, import_vram,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram, Conflicting_id, Invalid_state),
Gpu::Buffer_capability, Gpu::Buffer_id);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_map_buffer, Genode::Dataspace_capability, map_buffer,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Mapping_buffer_failed, Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram),
Gpu::Buffer_id, bool, Gpu::Mapping_attributes);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_unmap_buffer, void, unmap_buffer,
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_map_buffer_ppgtt, bool, map_buffer_ppgtt,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Mapping_buffer_failed, Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram),
Gpu::Buffer_id, Gpu::addr_t);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_unmap_buffer_ppgtt, void, unmap_buffer_ppgtt,
Gpu::Buffer_id, Gpu::addr_t);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_query_buffer_ppgtt, Gpu::addr_t, query_buffer_ppgtt, Gpu::Buffer_id);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_set_tiling, bool, set_tiling,
Gpu::Buffer_id, unsigned);
Gpu::Vram_capability, Gpu::Vram_id);
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_map_cpu, Genode::Dataspace_capability, map_cpu,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Mapping_vram_failed, Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram),
Gpu::Vram_id, Gpu::Mapping_attributes);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_unmap_cpu, void, unmap_cpu,
GENODE_RPC_THROW(Rpc_map_gpu, bool, map_gpu,
GENODE_TYPE_LIST(Mapping_vram_failed, Out_of_caps, Out_of_ram),
Gpu::Vram_id, Genode::size_t, Genode::off_t, Gpu::Virtual_address);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_unmap_gpu, void, unmap_gpu,
Gpu::Vram_id, Genode::off_t, Gpu::Virtual_address);
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_set_tiling_gpu, bool, set_tiling_gpu, Gpu::Vram_id, Genode::off_t, unsigned);
GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE(Rpc_info_dataspace, Rpc_exec_buffer,
Rpc_complete, Rpc_completion_sigh, Rpc_alloc_buffer,
Rpc_free_buffer, Rpc_export_buffer, Rpc_import_buffer,
Rpc_map_buffer, Rpc_unmap_buffer,
Rpc_map_buffer_ppgtt, Rpc_unmap_buffer_ppgtt, Rpc_query_buffer_ppgtt,
GENODE_RPC_INTERFACE(Rpc_info_dataspace, Rpc_complete, Rpc_completion_sigh, Rpc_execute,
Rpc_alloc_vram, Rpc_free_vram, Rpc_export_vram, Rpc_import_vram,
Rpc_map_cpu, Rpc_unmap_cpu, Rpc_map_gpu, Rpc_unmap_gpu, Rpc_set_tiling_gpu);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user