2020-11-07 15:52:05 +01:00

3.7 KiB



The Devilbox is currently being developed in my spare time and mostly reflects the features that I am using for all the web projects I have to handle. In order to better present it to the majority of other software developers I do require support to cope with all the feature requests.

So first of all, If the Devilbox makes your life easier, star it on GitHub!

Table of Contents

  1. How to contribute
    1. Documentation
    2. Docker Container
    3. New Features
    4. Intranet
    5. Vendors
    6. Tests
  2. Joining the Devilbox GitHub Organization
  3. Important

1. How to contribute

There are various areas that need support. If you are willing to help, pick a topic below and start contributing. If you are unclear about anything, let me know and I will clarify.

See the general ROADMAP for what is planned.


Required knowledge: Sphinx

  • General improvement of the documentation (typos, grammar, etc)
  • Better documentation for setting up Xdebug
  • More how to's on how to setup a specific framework or CMS
  • General how to's and blog posts

Docker Container

Required knowledge: Docker, Ansible, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM

  • Consolidate MySQL, PerconaDB and MariaDB into one repository for easier change management
  • Consolidate Nginx and Apache into one repository for easier change management
  • Performance improvements on Apache/Nginx and PHP-FPM
  • Add new container to the stack

New Features

Required knowledge: Various

Have a look at the GitHub issues and see if you can implement any features requested


Required knowledge: PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript


Upgrade phpPgAdmin

phpPgAdmin requires some adjustments to work with the Devilbox intranet. See below for files to adjust:


- $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = '';
+ $conf['servers'][0]['host'] = 'pgsql';

- $conf['extra_login_security'] = true;
+ $conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

+ // ---- Auto-login
+   $_REQUEST['server']= 'pgsql:5432:allow';
+   if(session_id() == ''){
+     //session has not started
+     session_name('PPA_ID');
+     session_start();
+   }
+   $_SESSION['sharedUsername'] = getenv('PGSQL_ROOT_USER');
+   $_SESSION['sharedPassword'] = getenv('PGSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD');
+ }
+ // ---- end of Auto-login


-  if (!ini_get('session.auto_start')) {
-    session_name('PPA_ID');
-    session_start();
-  }
+  if (!strlen(session_id()) > 0) {
+    session_name('PPA_ID');
+    session_start();
+  }


Required knowledge: Travis-CI

  • Shorten CI test time for faster releases
  • Rewrite current tests, write new tests

Joining the Devilbox GitHub Organization

If you want to contribute on a regular base and take care about major feature development you can be invited to the GitHub organization.

This however requires some prerequisites:

  1. Willing to dedicate a regular amount of time to invest in this project
  2. Already spent a decent amount of time in improving the Devilbox
  3. A good understanding about the Devilbox
  4. A good understanding about the PHP-FPM container (and how it is built with Ansible)