addParam($_REQUEST['kill']); } /** * start output */ $response = PMA_Response::getInstance(); $response->addHTML('
'); $response->addHTML($ServerStatusData->getMenuHtml()); $response->addHTML(getServerTrafficHtml($ServerStatusData)); $response->addHTML('
'); exit; /** * Prints server traffic information * * @param Object $ServerStatusData An instance of the PMA_ServerStatusData class * * @return string */ function getServerTrafficHtml($ServerStatusData) { $hour_factor = 3600 / $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime']; $start_time = PMA_DBI_fetch_value( 'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ' . $ServerStatusData->status['Uptime'] ); $retval = '

'; $retval .= sprintf( __('Network traffic since startup: %s'), implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_received'] + $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_sent'], 3, 1 ) ) ); $retval .= '

'; $retval .= '

'; $retval .= sprintf( __('This MySQL server has been running for %1$s. It started up on %2$s.'), PMA_Util::timespanFormat($ServerStatusData->status['Uptime']), PMA_Util::localisedDate($start_time) ) . "\n"; $retval .= '

'; if ($GLOBALS['server_master_status'] || $GLOBALS['server_slave_status']) { $retval .= '

'; if ($GLOBALS['server_master_status'] && $GLOBALS['server_slave_status']) { $retval .= __( 'This MySQL server works as master and ' . 'slave in replication process.' ); } elseif ($GLOBALS['server_master_status']) { $retval .= __( 'This MySQL server works as master ' . 'in replication process.' ); } elseif ($GLOBALS['server_slave_status']) { $retval .= __( 'This MySQL server works as slave ' . 'in replication process.' ); } $retval .= ' '; $retval .= __( 'For further information about replication status on the server, ' . 'please visit the replication section.' ); $retval .= '

'; } /* * if the server works as master or slave in replication process, * display useful information */ if ($GLOBALS['server_master_status'] || $GLOBALS['server_slave_status']) { $retval .= '
'; $retval .= '

'; $retval .= __('Replication status'); $retval .= '

'; foreach ($GLOBALS['replication_types'] as $type) { if (isset(${"server_{$type}_status"}) && ${"server_{$type}_status"}) { PMA_replication_print_status_table($type); } } } $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= '
'; $retval .= __('Traffic') . ' '; $retval .= PMA_Util::showHint( __( 'On a busy server, the byte counters may overrun, so those statistics ' . 'as reported by the MySQL server may be incorrect.' ) ); $retval .= 'ø ' . __('per hour') . '
' . __('Received') . ''; $retval .= implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_received'], 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_received'] * $hour_factor, 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= '
' . __('Sent') . ''; $retval .= implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_sent'], 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= 'status['Bytes_sent'] * $hour_factor, 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= '
' . __('Total') . ''; $retval .= implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_received'] + $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_sent'], 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= implode( ' ', PMA_Util::formatByteDown( ($ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_received'] + $ServerStatusData->status['Bytes_sent']) * $hour_factor, 3, 1 ) ); $retval .= '
'; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= '
' . __('Connections') . 'ø ' . __('per hour') . '%
' . __('max. concurrent connections') . ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Max_used_connections'], 0 ); $retval .= '--- ---
' . __('Failed attempts') . ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_connects'], 4, 1, true ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_connects'] * $hour_factor, 4, 2, true ); $retval .= ''; if ($ServerStatusData->status['Connections'] > 0) { $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_connects'] * 100 / $ServerStatusData->status['Connections'], 0, 2, true ); $retval .= '%'; } else { $retval .= '--- '; } $retval .= '
' . __('Aborted') . ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_clients'], 4, 1, true ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_clients'] * $hour_factor, 4, 2, true ); $retval .= ''; if ($ServerStatusData->status['Connections'] > 0) { $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Aborted_clients'] * 100 / $ServerStatusData->status['Connections'], 0, 2, true ); $retval .= '%'; } else { $retval .= '--- '; } $retval .= '
' . __('Total') . ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Connections'], 4, 0 ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber( $ServerStatusData->status['Connections'] * $hour_factor, 4, 2 ); $retval .= ''; $retval .= PMA_Util::formatNumber(100, 0, 2); $retval .= '%
'; $url_params = array(); $show_full_sql = ! empty($_REQUEST['full']); if ($show_full_sql) { $url_params['full'] = 1; $full_text_link = 'server_status.php' . PMA_generate_common_url( array(), 'html', '?' ); } else { $full_text_link = 'server_status.php' . PMA_generate_common_url( array('full' => 1) ); } // This array contains display name and real column name of each // sortable column in the table $sortable_columns = array( array( 'column_name' => __('ID'), 'order_by_field' => 'Id' ), array( 'column_name' => __('User'), 'order_by_field' => 'User' ), array( 'column_name' => __('Host'), 'order_by_field' => 'Host' ), array( 'column_name' => __('Database'), 'order_by_field' => 'db' ), array( 'column_name' => __('Command'), 'order_by_field' => 'Command' ), array( 'column_name' => __('Time'), 'order_by_field' => 'Time' ), array( 'column_name' => __('Status'), 'order_by_field' => 'State' ), array( 'column_name' => __('SQL query'), 'order_by_field' => 'Info' ) ); $sortable_columns_count = count($sortable_columns); if (PMA_DRIZZLE) { $sql_query = "SELECT AS Id, p.username AS User, AS Host, p.db AS db, p.command AS Command, p.time AS Time, p.state AS State, " . ($show_full_sql ? 's.query' : 'left(, ' . (int)$GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'] . ')') . " AS Info FROM data_dictionary.PROCESSLIST p " . ($show_full_sql ? 'LEFT JOIN data_dictionary.SESSIONS s ON s.session_id =' : ''); if (! empty($_REQUEST['order_by_field']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ) { $sql_query .= ' ORDER BY p.' . $_REQUEST['order_by_field'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['sort_order']; } } else { $sql_query = $show_full_sql ? 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST' : 'SHOW PROCESSLIST'; if (! empty($_REQUEST['order_by_field']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ) { $sql_query = 'SELECT * FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`PROCESSLIST` ORDER BY `' . $_REQUEST['order_by_field'] . '` ' . $_REQUEST['sort_order']; } } $result = PMA_DBI_query($sql_query); /** * Displays the page */ $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; foreach ($sortable_columns as $column) { $is_sorted = ! empty($_REQUEST['order_by_field']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) && ($_REQUEST['order_by_field'] == $column['order_by_field']); $column['sort_order'] = 'ASC'; if ($is_sorted && $_REQUEST['sort_order'] === 'ASC') { $column['sort_order'] = 'DESC'; } if ($is_sorted) { if ($_REQUEST['sort_order'] == 'ASC') { $asc_display_style = 'inline'; $desc_display_style = 'none'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['sort_order'] == 'DESC') { $desc_display_style = 'inline'; $asc_display_style = 'none'; } } $retval .= ''; } $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $odd_row = true; while ($process = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($result)) { // Array keys need to modify due to the way it has used // to display column values if (! empty($_REQUEST['order_by_field']) && ! empty($_REQUEST['sort_order']) ) { foreach (array_keys($process) as $key) { $new_key = ucfirst(strtolower($key)); $process[$new_key] = $process[$key]; unset($process[$key]); } } $url_params['kill'] = $process['Id']; $kill_process = 'server_status.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params); $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''; $odd_row = ! $odd_row; } $retval .= ''; $retval .= '
' . __('Processes') . ''; $retval .= ''; $retval .= ''
                . __('Ascending') . ''; } $retval .= ''; if (! PMA_DRIZZLE && (0 === --$sortable_columns_count)) { $retval .= ''; if ($show_full_sql) { $retval .= PMA_Util::getImage( 's_partialtext.png', __('Truncate Shown Queries') ); } else { $retval .= PMA_Util::getImage( 's_fulltext.png', __('Show Full Queries') ); } $retval .= ''; } $retval .= '
' . __('Kill') . '' . $process['Id'] . '' . htmlspecialchars($process['User']) . '' . htmlspecialchars($process['Host']) . '' . ((! isset($process['db']) || ! strlen($process['db'])) ? '' . __('None') . '' : htmlspecialchars($process['db'])) . '' . htmlspecialchars($process['Command']) . '' . $process['Time'] . '' . (empty($process['State']) ? '---' : $process['State']) . ''; if (empty($process['Info'])) { $retval .= '---'; } else { if (! $show_full_sql && strlen($process['Info']) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL']) { $retval .= htmlspecialchars(substr($process['Info'], 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'])) . '[...]'; } else { $retval .= PMA_SQP_formatHtml(PMA_SQP_parse($process['Info'])); } } $retval .= '
'; return $retval; } ?>