Tudor Malene fd2f2eb14a ENT-1871 Rebrand R3Corda to Corda Enterprise (#838)
* ENT-1871 Rebrand R3Corda to Corda Enterprise

* ENT-1871 Address code review comments

* ENT-1871 Address code review comments

* ENT-1871 Address code review comments

* ENT-1871 Address code review comments
2018-05-31 08:59:05 +01:00

20 KiB

Upgrading a CorDapp to a new platform version

These notes provide instructions for upgrading your CorDapps from previous versions to V3.0 Developer Preview <changelog_r3_v3> of Corda Enterprise.

General rules

Always remember to update the version identifiers in your project gradle file. For example, Corda V3.0 uses:

ext.corda_release_version = 'corda-3.0'
ext.corda_release_distribution = 'net.corda'
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '3.0.9'

It may be necessary to update the version of major dependencies. This will be clearly stated in the upgrade notes for a particular version. For example, Corda V3.0 uses:

ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.60'
ext.quasar_version = '0.7.9'

Please consult the relevant release notes of the release in question. If not specified, you may assume the versions you are currently using are still in force.

We also strongly recommend cross referencing with the changelog to confirm changes.


<<< Fill this in >>>

  • API change: net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentStateRef fields (index and txId) incorrectly marked as nullable are now non-nullable, changelog contains the explanation.

    H2 database upgrade action:

    For Cordapps persisting custom entities with PersistentStateRef used as non Primary Key column, the backing table needs to be updated, In SQL replace your_transaction_id/your_output_index column names with your custom names, if entity didn't used JPA @AttributeOverrides then default names are transaction_id and output_index.

    SELECT count(*) FROM [YOUR_PersistentState_TABLE_NAME] WHERE your_transaction_id IS NULL OR your_output_index IS NULL;

    In case your table already contains rows with NULL columns, and the logic doesn't distinguish between NULL and an empty string, all NULL column occurrences can be changed to an empty string:

    UPDATE [YOUR_PersistentState_TABLE_NAME] SET your_transaction_id="" WHERE your_transaction_id IS NULL;
    UPDATE [YOUR_PersistentState_TABLE_NAME] SET your_output_index="" WHERE your_output_index IS NULL;

    If all rows have NON NULL transaction_ids and output_idx or you have assigned empty string values, then it's safe to update the table:

    ALTER TABLE [YOUR_PersistentState_TABLE_NAME] ALTER COLUMN your_transaction_id SET NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE [YOUR_PersistentState_TABLE_NAME] ALTER COLUMN your_output_index SET NOT NULL;

    If the table already contains rows with NULL values, and the logic caters differently between NULL and an empty string, and the logic has to be preserved you would need to create copy of PersistentStateRef class with different name and use the new class in your entity.

    No action is needed for default node tables as PersistentStateRef is used as Primary Key only and the backing columns are automatically not nullable or custom Cordapp entities using PersistentStateRef as Primary Key.

Upgrading to Corda Enterprise 3.0 Developer Preview

A prerequisite to upgrade to Corda Enterprise 3.0 is to ensure your CorDapp is upgraded to Open Source Corda V3.x. Please follow the instructions in the "Upgrading to V3.x" section to complete this initial step.

Upgrading to Corda Enterprise is now a simple task of updating the version identifiers as follows:

ext.corda_release_distribution = 'com.r3.corda'                 // Corda Enterprise
ext.corda_release_version = 'R3.CORDA-3.0.0-DEV-PREVIEW-3'      // Corda Enterprise
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '4.0.9'

and specifying an additional repository entry to point to the location of the Corda Enterprise distribution:

repositories {
    maven {
        credentials {
            username "r3-corda-dev-preview"
            password "XXXXX"
        url ''

Upgrading to V3.x

Please refer to:


  • Update the version identifiers in your project gradle file(s):
ext.corda_release_version = 'corda-3.0'         // Corda (Open Source)
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '4.0.9'
ext.kotlin_version = '1.2.20'
  • Add a new release identifier to specify the corda distribution type (Open Source or Corda Enterprise):
ext.corda_release_distribution = 'net.corda'    // Corda (Open Source)

Network Map Service

With the re-designed network map service the following changes need to be made:

  • The network map is no longer provided by a node and thus the networkMapService config is ignored. Instead the network map is either provided by the compatibility zone (CZ) operator (who operates the doorman) and available using the compatibilityZoneURL config, or is provided using signed node info files which are copied locally. See network-map for more details, and setting-up-a-corda-network on how to use the network bootstrapper for deploying a local network.
  • Configuration for a notary has been simplified. extraAdvertisedServiceIds, notaryNodeAddress, notaryClusterAddresses and bftSMaRt configs have been replaced by a single notary config object. See corda-configuration-file for more details.
  • The advertisement of the notary to the rest of the network, and its validation type, is no longer determined by the extraAdvertisedServiceIds config. Instead it has been moved to the control of the network operator via the introduction of network parameters. The network bootstrapper automatically includes the configured notaries when generating the network parameters file for a local deployment.
  • Any nodes defined in a deployNodes gradle task performing the function of the network map can be removed, or the NetworkMap parameter can be removed for any "controller" node which is both the network map and a notary.
  • For registering a node with the doorman the certificateSigningService config has been replaced by compatibilityZoneURL.

Corda Plugins

  • Corda plugins have been modularised further so the following additional gradle entries are necessary:
dependencies {
    classpath "net.corda.plugins:cordapp:$corda_gradle_plugins_version"

apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp'

The plugin needs to be applied in all gradle build files where there is a dependency on Corda using any of:
cordaCompile, cordaRuntime, cordapp
  • If you use the Corda quasar-utils plugin (required for testing Corda flows), it is necessary to specify the following identifier information in addition to the dependencies and apply directives: (note, this relates to Developer Preview 3 only and will be resolved in the GA release)
ext.quasar_group = 'com.github.corda.quasar'
ext.quasar_version = '7629695563deae6cc95adcfbebcbc8322fd0241a'

in addition to:

dependencies {
    classpath "net.corda.plugins:quasar-utils:$corda_gradle_plugins_version"

apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.quasar-utils'
  • Corda Gradle plugins require Gradle version 4.1 or above
  • All gradle compile, test, and run-time dependencies (except gradle plugins) to Corda artifacts should now use the corda_release_distribution variable (was previously hardcoded to use net.corda):
dependencies {

    // Corda integration dependencies
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-core:$corda_release_version"
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-finance:$corda_release_version"
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-jackson:$corda_release_version"
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-rpc:$corda_release_version"
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node-api:$corda_release_version"
    cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-webserver-impl:$corda_release_version"
    cordaRuntime "$corda_release_distribution:corda:$corda_release_version"
    cordaRuntime "$corda_release_distribution:corda-webserver:$corda_release_version"

    testCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node-driver:$corda_release_version"
  • For existing contract ORM schemas that extend from CommonSchemaV1.LinearState or CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState, you will need to explicitly map the participants collection to a database table. Previously this mapping was done in the superclass, but that makes it impossible to properly configure the table name. The required change is to add the override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null field to your class, and add JPA mappings. For ex., see this example:
@Table(name = "cash_states_v2",
        indexes = arrayOf(Index(name = "ccy_code_idx2", columnList = "ccy_code")))
class PersistentCashState(

        @Column(name = "participants")
        @CollectionTable(name="cash_states_v2_participants", joinColumns = arrayOf(
                JoinColumn(name = "output_index", referencedColumnName = "output_index"),
                JoinColumn(name = "transaction_id", referencedColumnName = "transaction_id")))
        override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null,


Applies to both gradle deployNodes tasks and/or corda node configuration (node.conf).

  • Remove any references to networkMap.
networkMap "O=Agent,L=Dallas,C=US"
  • Remove any references to advertisedServices (including notaries).
advertisedServices = ["corda.notary.validating"]
  • Add an explicit notary definition in the Notary node configuration only:
notary = [validating : true]
  • For existing contract ORM schemas that extend from CommonSchemaV1.LinearState or CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState, you will need to explicitly map the participants collection to a database table. Previously this mapping was done in the superclass, but that makes it impossible to properly configure the table name. The required changes are to:

    • Add the override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null field to your class, and
    • Add JPA mappings

    For example:

    @Table(name = "cash_states_v2",
            indexes = arrayOf(Index(name = "ccy_code_idx2", columnList = "ccy_code")))
    class PersistentCashState(
            @Column(name = "participants")
            @CollectionTable(name="cash_states_v2_participants", joinColumns = arrayOf(
                    JoinColumn(name = "output_index", referencedColumnName = "output_index"),
                    JoinColumn(name = "transaction_id", referencedColumnName = "transaction_id")))
            override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null,
  • Shell - to use Shell ensure rpcSettings.address and rpcSettings.adminAddress settings are present.



  • Alternative JDBC drivers are not bundled as part of Corda Enterprise releases. If you are running a node on a database different from H2 you need to provide the associated driver as described in node-database.


Test Framework API stabilisation changes (introduced in Corda V3.0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • MockNetwork API usage has been greatly simplified.

    All references to StartedNode<MockNode> or StartedNode<MockNetwork.MockNode> now become StartedMockNode

    Calling a flow on a MockNode now becomes myMockNode.startFlow(myFlow)

  • MockNode transaction demarcation has been simplified.

    All references to myMockNode.database.transaction { ... } now become myMockNode.transaction { ... }

Please also see API Testing

Contract tests

  • You must now create a MockServices object.

    MockServices provides a mock identity, key and storage service. MockServices takes as its first argument a list of the CorDapp packages to scan:

    private val ledgerServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.examples.obligation", "net.corda.testing.contracts"))

    MockServices replaces the use of setCordappPackages and unsetCordappPackages.

  • ledger is now defined as a MockServices method. This means that:

    ledger {


    ledgerServices.ledger {
  • Within a mock ledger transaction, ContractState instances are passed to input and output as objects rather than lambdas. For example:

    ledgerServices.ledger {
        transaction {
            input(OBLIGATION_CONTRACT_ID, DummyState())
            output(OBLIGATION_CONTRACT_ID, oneDollarObligation)
  • Within a mock ledger transaction, CommandData instances are passed to input and output as objects rather than lambdas, and the public keys must be passed as a list if there is more than one. For example:

    ledgerServices.ledger {
        transaction {
            command(alice.publicKey, ObligationContract.Commands.Issue())
            command(listOf(alice.publicKey, bob.publicKey), ObligationContract.Commands.Issue())
  • The predefined test identities (e.g. ALICE and MINI_CORP) have been removed.

    You must now define the test identities explicitly. For example:

    val alice = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name(organisation = "Alice", locality = "TestLand", country = "GB"))

    TestIdentity exposes methods to get the name, keyPair, publicKey, party and identity of the underlying TestIdentity

  • Explicit invocation of transaction transformation (ie. using TransactionBuilder) requires serialization engine to be initialized. In unit test this can be achieved by using the following jUnit rule:

    val testSerialization = SerializationEnvironmentRule()

Flow tests

  • The registration mechanism for CorDapps in MockNetwork unit tests has changed:

    • CorDapp registration is now done via the cordappPackages constructor parameter of MockNetwork. This parameter is a list of String values which should be the package names of the CorDapps containing the contract verification code you wish to load
    • The unsetCordappPackages method is now redundant and has been removed.
  • Creation of Notaries in MockNetwork unit tests has changed.

    Previously the API call createNotaryNode(legalName = CordaX500ame(...)) would be used to create a notary:

    val notary = mockNetwork.createNotaryNode(legalName = CordaX500Name("Notary", "London", "UK"))

    Notaries are now defined as part of MockNetwork creation using a new MockNetworkNotarySpec class, as in the following example:

    mockNetwork = MockNetwork(notarySpecs = listOf(MockNetworkNotarySpec(CordaX500Name("Notary","London","UK"))))
  • A notary is no longer specified when creating a standard node using the createPartyNode API call.


    mockNetwork.createPartyNode(, CordaX500Name("Node", "Madrid", "ES"))


    mockNetwork.createPartyNode(CordaX500Name("Node", "Madrid", "ES"))
  • Utility node creation API method createSomeNodes(...) has been removed, and nodes must be created individually.


    MockNetwork.BasketOfNodes nodes = net.createSomeNodes(3);
    nodeA = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(0);
    nodeB = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(1);
    nodeC = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(2);


    nodeA = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
    nodeB = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
    nodeC = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
    List<StartedNode<MockNode>> nodes = Arrays.asList(nodeA, nodeB, nodeC);
  • Flow framework instantiation of a flow has a slight variation in start syntax:


    CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = nodeA.getServices().startFlow(flow).getResultFuture();


    CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = startFlow(nodeA.getServices(), flow).getResultFuture();
  • StartedNodeServices.startFlow must now be imported from net.corda.testing.node

  • Do not use node.internals to register flows:

    Previous code would often look as follows:

    protected fun registerFlowsAndServices(node: StartedNode<MockNetwork.MockNode>) {
        val mockNode = node.internals


    protected fun registerFlowsAndServices(mockNode: StartedNode<MockNetwork.MockNode>) {
  • Do not use node.internals to register Corda services




Better yet, use node factory to organize both register flows and services, for example, create class as follows:

class PrimesOracleNode(args: MockNodeArgs) : MockNetwork.MockNode(args) {
  override fun start() = super.start().apply {

and then pass it to createNode:

val oracle = mockNet.createNode(MockNodeParameters(legalName = CordaX500Name("Oracle", "New York", "US")), ::PrimesOracleNode)

Node driver

  • Driver instantiation now uses a new DriverParameters data class to encapsulate all available driver options.

    For example, previously:

    driver(isDebug = true, waitForAllNodesToFinish = true) { ...


    driver(DriverParameters(isDebug = true, waitForAllNodesToFinish = true)) { ...
  • User has been moved from net.corda.nodeapi.User to net.corda.nodeapi.internal.config.User

  • Notaries are defined by passing a list of NotarySpec objects to driver using the notarySpecs argument, instead of being defined manually in the driver block.

    notarySpecs defaults to providing a single validating notary

  • The waitForAllNodesToFinish function has been removed. It has been replaced with a waitForAllNodesToFinish argument to driver

  • No longer specify advertised services to the DriverDSL when starting nodes:


    driver {
        startNode(providedName = CordaX500Name("Controller", "London", "GB"), advertisedServices = setOf(ServiceInfo(ValidatingNotaryService.type)))


    driver {
        startNode(providedName = CordaX500Name("Controller", "London", "GB")),


  • CASH_PROGRAM_ID has been moved to Cash.PROGRAM_ID, where Cash is defined in the import package