mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 20:06:25 +00:00
# Conflicts: # client/rpc/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/BlacklistKotlinClosureTest.kt # client/rpc/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/client/rpc/RPCStabilityTests.kt # core/src/test/java/net/corda/core/flows/FlowsInJavaTest.java # docs/source/changelog.rst # docs/source/corda-configuration-file.rst # docs/source/upgrade-notes.rst # finance/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/finance/contracts/CommercialPaperTests.kt # finance/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/finance/contracts/asset/CashTests.kt # gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties # node-api/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/KeyStoreConfigHelpers.kt # node-api/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/nodeapi/internal/serialization/SetsSerializationTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/AuthDBTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/BootTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/NodeKeystoreCheckTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/NodePerformanceTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/SSHServerTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/AttachmentLoadingTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/BFTNotaryServiceTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/RaftNotaryServiceTests.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/network/NetworkMapTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/network/PersistentNetworkMapCacheTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/statemachine/FlowVersioningTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/node/utilities/registration/NodeRegistrationTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/MQSecurityTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/services/messaging/P2PMessagingTest.kt # node/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/test/node/NodeStatePersistenceTests.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/internal/AbstractNode.kt # node/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/config/NodeConfiguration.kt # node/src/main/resources/reference.conf # node/src/test/java/net/corda/node/services/vault/VaultQueryJavaTests.java # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/CordaRPCOpsImplTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/config/NodeConfigurationImplTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/network/NetworkMapCacheTest.kt # node/src/test/kotlin/net/corda/node/services/persistence/DBCheckpointStorageTests.kt # samples/attachment-demo/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/attachmentdemo/AttachmentDemoTest.kt # samples/network-visualiser/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/netmap/NetworkMapVisualiser.kt # samples/notary-demo/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/notarydemo/RaftNotaryCordform.kt # samples/simm-valuation-demo/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/vega/SimmValuationTest.kt # testing/node-driver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/testing/driver/DriverTests.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/InMemoryMessagingNetwork.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockNode.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/MockServices.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/NodeTestUtils.kt # testing/node-driver/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/node/internal/NodeBasedTest.kt # testing/smoke-test-utils/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/smoketesting/NodeProcess.kt # testing/test-utils/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/testing/internal/TestNodeInfoBuilder.kt # tools/explorer/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/explorer/ExplorerSimulation.kt # verifier/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/verifier/VerifierTests.kt # webserver/src/integration-test/kotlin/net/corda/webserver/WebserverDriverTests.kt
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Upgrading a CorDapp to a new platform version
These notes provide instructions for upgrading your CorDapps from previous versions, starting with the upgrade from our
first public Beta (:ref:`Milestone 12 <changelog_m12>`), to :ref:`V1.0 <changelog_v1>`.
.. contents::
:depth: 3
General rules
Always remember to update the version identifiers in your project gradle file. For example, Corda V1.0 uses:
.. sourcecode:: shell
ext.corda_release_version = '1.0.0'
ext.corda_release_distribution = 'net.corda'
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '1.0.0'
It may be necessary to update the version of major dependencies. Corda V1.0 uses:
.. sourcecode:: shell
ext.kotlin_version = '1.1.4'
ext.quasar_version = '0.7.9'
ext.junit_version = '4.12'
Please consult the relevant release notes of the release in question. If not specified, you may assume the
versions you are currently using are still in force.
We also strongly recommend cross referencing with the :doc:`changelog` to confirm changes.
V1.0 and V2.0 to R3 Corda V3.0 Developer Preview
* Update the version identifiers in your project gradle file(s):
.. sourcecode:: shell
ext.corda_release_version = 'R3.CORDA-3.0.0-DEV-PREVIEW' // "CORDA-3.0.0-DEV-PREVIEW" (Open Source)
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '3.0.3'
* Add a new release identifier to specify the R3 release of corda:
.. sourcecode:: shell
ext.corda_release_distribution = 'com.r3.corda' // "net.corda" for Corda (Open Source)
* Add an additional repository entry to point to the location of the R3 Corda distribution:
.. sourcecode:: shell
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username "r3-corda-dev-preview"
password "XXXXX"
url 'https://ci-artifactory.corda.r3cev.com/artifactory/r3-corda-releases'
* Corda plugins have been modularised further so the following additional gradle entries are necessary:
.. sourcecode:: shell
dependencies {
classpath "net.corda.plugins:cordapp:$corda_gradle_plugins_version"
apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp'
The plugin needs to be applied in all gradle build files where there is a dependency on Corda using any of:
cordaCompile, cordaRuntime, cordapp
* Corda Gradle plugins require Gradle version 4.1 or above
* All gradle compile, test, and run-time dependencies (except gradle plugins) to Corda artifacts should now use the
``corda_release_distribution`` variable (was previously hardcoded to use ``net.corda``):
.. sourcecode:: shell
dependencies {
// Corda integration dependencies
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-core:$corda_release_version"
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-finance:$corda_release_version"
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-jackson:$corda_release_version"
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-rpc:$corda_release_version"
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node-api:$corda_release_version"
cordaCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-webserver-impl:$corda_release_version"
cordaRuntime "$corda_release_distribution:corda:$corda_release_version"
cordaRuntime "$corda_release_distribution:corda-webserver:$corda_release_version"
testCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node-driver:$corda_release_version"
* For existing contract ORM schemas that extend from `CommonSchemaV1.LinearState` or `CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState`,
you will need to explicitly map the `participants` collection to a database table. Previously this mapping was done in the
superclass, but that makes it impossible to properly configure the table name.
The required change is to add the ``override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null`` field to your class, and
add JPA mappings. For ex., see this example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
@Table(name = "cash_states_v2",
indexes = arrayOf(Index(name = "ccy_code_idx2", columnList = "ccy_code")))
class PersistentCashState(
@Column(name = "participants")
@CollectionTable(name="cash_states_v2_participants", joinColumns = arrayOf(
JoinColumn(name = "output_index", referencedColumnName = "output_index"),
JoinColumn(name = "transaction_id", referencedColumnName = "transaction_id")))
override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null,
Applies to both gradle deployNodes tasks and/or corda node configuration (node.conf).
* Remove any references to ``networkMap``.
.. sourcecode:: shell
networkMap "O=Agent,L=Dallas,C=US"
* Remove any references to ``advertisedServices`` (including notaries).
.. sourcecode:: shell
advertisedServices = ["corda.notary.validating"]
* Add an explicit notary definition in the Notary node configuration only:
.. sourcecode:: shell
notary = [validating : true]
* For existing contract ORM schemas that extend from ``CommonSchemaV1.LinearState`` or ``CommonSchemaV1.FungibleState``,
you will need to explicitly map the ``participants`` collection to a database table. Previously this mapping was done
in the superclass, but that makes it impossible to properly configure the table name. The required changes are to:
* Add the ``override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null`` field to your class, and
* Add JPA mappings
For example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
@Table(name = "cash_states_v2",
indexes = arrayOf(Index(name = "ccy_code_idx2", columnList = "ccy_code")))
class PersistentCashState(
@Column(name = "participants")
@CollectionTable(name="cash_states_v2_participants", joinColumns = arrayOf(
JoinColumn(name = "output_index", referencedColumnName = "output_index"),
JoinColumn(name = "transaction_id", referencedColumnName = "transaction_id")))
override var participants: MutableSet<AbstractParty>? = null,
Contract tests
* You must now create a ``MockServices`` object.
``MockServices`` provides a mock identity, key and storage service. ``MockServices`` takes as its first argument a
list of the CorDapp packages to scan:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
private val ledgerServices = MockServices(listOf("net.corda.examples.obligation", "net.corda.testing.contracts"))
``MockServices`` replaces the use of ``setCordappPackages`` and ``unsetCordappPackages``.
* ``ledger`` is now defined as a ``MockServices`` method. This means that:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
ledger {
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
ledgerServices.ledger {
* Within a mock ledger transaction, ``ContractState`` instances are passed to ``input`` and ``output`` as objects
rather than lambdas. For example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
ledgerServices.ledger {
transaction {
output(OBLIGATION_CONTRACT_ID, oneDollarObligation)
* Within a mock ledger transaction, ``CommandData`` instances are passed to ``input`` and ``output`` as objects
rather than lambdas, and the public keys must be passed as a list if there is more than one. For example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
ledgerServices.ledger {
transaction {
command(alice.publicKey, ObligationContract.Commands.Issue())
command(listOf(alice.publicKey, bob.publicKey), ObligationContract.Commands.Issue())
* The predefined test identities (e.g. ``ALICE`` and ``MINI_CORP``) have been removed.
You must now define the test identities explicitly. For example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
val alice = TestIdentity(CordaX500Name(organisation = "Alice", locality = "TestLand", country = "GB"))
``TestIdentity`` exposes methods to get the ``name``, ``keyPair``, ``publicKey``, ``party`` and ``identity`` of the
underlying ``TestIdentity``
* Explicit invocation of transaction transformation (ie. using ``TransactionBuilder``) requires serialization engine
to be initialized. In unit test this can be achieved by using the following jUnit rule:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
val testSerialization = SerializationEnvironmentRule()
Flow tests
* The registration mechanism for CorDapps in ``MockNetwork`` unit tests has changed:
* CorDapp registration is now done via the ``cordappPackages`` constructor parameter of MockNetwork.
This parameter
is a list of ``String`` values which should be the
package names of the CorDapps containing the contract verification code you wish to load
*The ``unsetCordappPackages`` method is now redundant and has been removed
* Creation of Notaries in ``MockNetwork`` unit tests has changed.
Previously the API call ``createNotaryNode(legalName = CordaX500ame(...))`` would be used to create a notary:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
val notary = mockNetwork.createNotaryNode(legalName = CordaX500Name("Notary", "London", "UK"))
Notaries are now defined as part of ``MockNetwork`` creation using ``notarySpecs``, as in the following example:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
mockNetwork = MockNetwork(notarySpecs = listOf(MockNetwork.NotarySpec(CordaX500Name("Notary","London","UK"))))
* A notary is no longer specified when creating a standard node using the ``createPartyNode`` API call.
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
mockNetwork.createPartyNode(notary.network.myAddress, CordaX500Name("Node", "Madrid", "ES"))
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
mockNetwork.createPartyNode(CordaX500Name("Node", "Madrid", "ES"))
* Utility node creation API method ``createSomeNodes(...)`` has been removed, and nodes must be created individually.
.. sourcecode:: java
MockNetwork.BasketOfNodes nodes = net.createSomeNodes(3);
nodeA = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(0);
nodeB = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(1);
nodeC = nodes.getPartyNodes().get(2);
.. sourcecode:: java
nodeA = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
nodeB = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
nodeC = net.createNode(new MockNodeParameters());
List<StartedNode<MockNode>> nodes = Arrays.asList(nodeA, nodeB, nodeC);
* Flow framework instantiation of a flow has a slight variation in start syntax:
.. sourcecode:: java
CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = nodeA.getServices().startFlow(flow).getResultFuture();
.. sourcecode:: java
CordaFuture<SignedTransaction> future = startFlow(nodeA.getServices(), flow).getResultFuture();
* ``StartedNodeServices.startFlow`` must now be imported from ``net.corda.testing.node``
* Do not use ``node.internals`` to register flows:
Previous code would often look as follows:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
protected fun registerFlowsAndServices(node: StartedNode<MockNetwork.MockNode>) {
val mockNode = node.internals
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
protected fun registerFlowsAndServices(mockNode: StartedNode<MockNetwork.MockNode>) {
* Do not use ``node.internals`` to register Corda services
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
Better yet, use node factory to organize both register flows and services, for example, create class as follows:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
class PrimesOracleNode(args: MockNodeArgs) : MockNetwork.MockNode(args) {
override fun start() = super.start().apply {
and then pass it to ``createNode``:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
val oracle = mockNet.createNode(MockNodeParameters(legalName = CordaX500Name("Oracle", "New York", "US")), ::PrimesOracleNode)
Node driver
* ``User`` has been moved from ``net.corda.nodeapi.User`` to ``net.corda.nodeapi.internal.config.User``
* Notaries are defined by passing a list of ``NotarySpec`` objects to ``driver`` using the ``notarySpecs`` argument,
instead of being defined manually in the driver block.
``notarySpecs`` defaults to providing a single validating notary
* The ``waitForAllNodesToFinish`` function has been removed. It has been replaced with a ``waitForAllNodesToFinish``
argument to ``driver``
* No longer specify advertised services to the ``DriverDSL`` when starting nodes:
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
driver {
startNode(providedName = CordaX500Name("Controller", "London", "GB"), advertisedServices = setOf(ServiceInfo(ValidatingNotaryService.type)))
.. sourcecode:: kotlin
driver {
startNode(providedName = CordaX500Name("Controller", "London", "GB")),
* ``CASH_PROGRAM_ID`` has been moved to ``Cash.PROGRAM_ID``, where ``Cash`` is defined in the
``import net.corda.finance.contracts.asset`` package
V1.0 to V2.0
* You need to update the ``corda_release_version`` identifier in your project gradle file. The
corda_gradle_plugins_version should remain at 1.0.0:
.. sourcecode:: shell
ext.corda_release_version = '2.0.0'
ext.corda_gradle_plugins_version = '1.0.0'
Public Beta (M12) to V1.0
:ref:`From Milestone 14 <changelog_m14>`
* MockNetwork has moved.
A new test driver module dependency needs to be including in your project: ``corda-node-driver``. To continue using the
mock network for testing, add the following entry to your gradle build file:
.. sourcecode:: shell
testCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node-driver:$corda_release_version"
.. note:: You may only need ``testCompile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-test-utils:$corda_release_version"`` if not using the Driver
* ``CordaPluginRegistry`` has been removed:
* The one remaining configuration item ``customizeSerialisation``, which defined a optional whitelist of types for
use in object serialization, has been replaced with the ``SerializationWhitelist`` interface which should be
implemented to define a list of equivalent whitelisted classes
* You will need to rename your services resource file. 'resources/META-INF/services/net.corda.core.node.CordaPluginRegistry'
becomes 'resources/META-INF/services/net.corda.core.serialization.SerializationWhitelist'
* ``MockNode.testPluginRegistries`` was renamed to ``MockNode.testSerializationWhitelists``
* In general, the ``@CordaSerializable`` annotation is the preferred method for whitelisting, as described in
Missing imports
Use IntelliJ's automatic imports feature to intelligently resolve the new imports:
* Missing imports for contract types:
* CommercialPaper and Cash are now contained within the ``finance`` module, as are associated helpers functions. For
CommercialPaper and Cash are now contained within the ``finance`` module, as are associated helpers functions.
For example:
``import net.corda.contracts.ICommercialPaperState`` becomes ``import net.corda.finance.contracts.ICommercialPaperState``
* ``import net.corda.contracts.asset.sumCashBy`` becomes ``import net.corda.finance.utils.sumCashBy``
* ``import net.corda.core.contracts.DOLLARS`` becomes ``import net.corda.finance.DOLLARS``
* ``import net.corda.core.contracts.issued by`` becomes ``import net.corda.finance.issued by``
* ``import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash`` becomes ``import net.corda.finance.contracts.asset.Cash``
* Missing imports for utility functions:
* Many common types and helper methods have been consolidated into ``net.corda.core.utilities`` package. For example:
* ``import net.corda.core.crypto.commonName`` becomes ``import net.corda.core.utilities.commonName``
* ``import net.corda.core.crypto.toBase58String`` becomes ``import net.corda.core.utilities.toBase58String``
* ``import net.corda.core.getOrThrow`` becomes ``import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow``
* Missing flow imports:
* In general, all reusable library flows are contained within the **core** API ``net.corda.core.flows`` package
* Financial domain library flows are contained within the **finance** module ``net.corda.finance.flows`` package
* Other flows that have moved include ``import net.corda.core.flows.ResolveTransactionsFlow``, which becomes
``import net.corda.core.internal.ResolveTransactionsFlow``
Core data structures
* Missing ``Contract`` override:
* ``Contract.legalContractReference`` has been removed, and replaced by the optional annotation
``@LegalProseReference(uri = "<URI>")``
* Unresolved reference:
* ``AuthenticatedObject`` was renamed to ``CommandWithParties``
* Overrides nothing:
* ``LinearState.isRelevant`` was removed. Whether a node stores a ``LinearState`` in its vault depends on whether the
node is one of the state's ``participants``
* ``txBuilder.toLedgerTransaction`` now requires a ``ServiceHub`` parameter. This is used by the new Contract
Constraints functionality to validate and resolve attachments
Flow framework
* ``FlowLogic`` communication has been upgraded to use explicit ``FlowSession`` instances to communicate between nodes:
* ``FlowLogic.send``/``FlowLogic.receive``/``FlowLogic.sendAndReceive`` has been replaced by ``FlowSession.send``/
``FlowSession.receive``/``FlowSession.sendAndReceive``. The replacement functions do not take a destination
parameter, as this is defined implictly by the session used
* Initiated flows now take in a ``FlowSession`` instead of ``Party`` in their constructor. If you need to access the
counterparty identity, it is in the ``counterparty`` property of the flow session
* ``FinalityFlow`` now returns a single ``SignedTransaction``, instead of a ``List<SignedTransaction>``
* ``TransactionKeyFlow`` was renamed to ``SwapIdentitiesFlow``
* ``SwapIdentitiesFlow`` must be imported from the *confidential-identities* package ``net.corda.confidential``
Node services (ServiceHub)
* VaultQueryService: unresolved reference to ``vaultQueryService``.
* Replace all references to ``<services>.vaultQueryService`` with ``<services>.vaultService``
* Previously there were two vault APIs. Now there is a single unified API with the same functions: ``VaultService``.
* ``FlowLogic.ourIdentity`` has been introduced as a shortcut for retrieving our identity in a flow
* ``serviceHub.myInfo.legalIdentity`` no longer exists
* ``getAnyNotary`` has been removed. Use ``serviceHub.networkMapCache.notaryIdentities[0]`` instead
* ``ServiceHub.networkMapUpdates`` is replaced by ``ServiceHub.networkMapFeed``
* ``ServiceHub.partyFromX500Name`` is replaced by ``ServiceHub.wellKnownPartyFromX500Name``
* A "well known" party is one that isn't anonymous. This change was motivated by the confidential identities work
RPC Client
* Missing API methods on the ``CordaRPCOps`` interface:
* ``verifiedTransactionsFeed`` has been replaced by ``internalVerifiedTransactionsFeed``
* ``verifiedTransactions`` has been replaced by ``internalVerifiedTransactionsSnapshot``
* Accessing the ``networkMapCache`` via ``services.nodeInfo().legalIdentities`` returns a list of identities.
The first element in the list is the Party object referring to a node's single identity.
* Accessing the ``networkMapCache`` via ``services.nodeInfo().legalIdentities`` returns a list of identities
* This change is in preparation for allowing a node to host multiple separate identities in the future
Please note that ``Clauses`` have been removed completely as of V1.0.
We will be revisiting this capability in a future release.
* CorDapps must be explicitly registered in ``MockNetwork`` unit tests:
This is done by calling ``setCordappPackages``, an extension helper function in the ``net.corda.testing`` package,
on the first line of your ``@Before`` method. This takes a variable number of ``String`` arguments which should be the
package names of the CorDapps containing the contract verification code you wish to load.
You should unset CorDapp packages in your ``@After`` method by using ``unsetCordappPackages()`` after ``stopNodes()``.
* CorDapps must be explicitly registered in ``DriverDSL`` and ``RPCDriverDSL`` integration tests:
* You must register package names of the CorDapps containing the contract verification code you wish to load using
the ``extraCordappPackagesToScan: List<String>`` constructor parameter of the driver DSL
* ``FungibleAsset`` interface simplification:
The following errors may be reported:
* override nothing (FungibleAsset): ``move``
* not a subtype of overridden FungibleAsset: ``withNewOwner``
* no longer need to override ``override val contractHash: SecureHash? = null``
* need to override ``override val contract: Class<out Contract>? = null``
* ``args[0].parseNetworkHostAndPort()`` becomes ``NetworkHostAndPort.parse(args[0])``
* There is no longer a ``NodeInfo.advertisedServices`` property
* The concept of advertised services has been removed from Corda. This is because it was vaguely defined and
real-world apps would not typically select random, unknown counterparties from the network map based on
self-declared capabilities
* We will introduce a replacement for this functionality, business networks, in a future release
* For now, services should be retrieved by legal name using ``NetworkMapCache.getNodeByLegalName``
* Be sure to use the correct identity when issuing cash:
* The third parameter to ``CashIssueFlow`` should be the *notary* (and not the *node identity*)
:ref:`From Milestone 13 <changelog_m13>`
Core data structures
* ``TransactionBuilder`` changes:
* Use convenience class ``StateAndContract`` instead of ``TransactionBuilder.withItems`` for passing
around a state and its contract.
* Transaction builder DSL changes:
* now need to explicitly pass the ContractClassName into all inputs and outputs.
* ``ContractClassName`` refers to the class containing the “verifier” method.
* ``ContractClassName`` is the name of the ``Contract`` subclass used to verify the transaction
* Contract verify method signature change:
* ``override fun verify(tx: TransactionForContract)`` becomes ``override fun verify(tx: LedgerTransaction)``
* You no longer need to override ``ContractState.contract`` function
Node services (ServiceHub)
* ServiceHub API method changes:
* ``services.networkMapUpdates().justSnapshot`` becomes ``services.networkMapSnapshot()``
* No longer need to define ``CordaPluginRegistry`` and configure ``requiredSchemas``:
* Custom contract schemas are automatically detected at startup time by class path scanning
* For testing purposes, use the ``SchemaService`` method to register new custom schemas (e.g.
* Party names are now ``CordaX500Name``, not ``X500Name``:
* ``CordaX500Name`` specifies a predefined set of mandatory (organisation, locality, country) and optional fields
(common name, organisation unit, state) with validation checking
* Use new builder ``CordaX500Name.build(X500Name(target))`` or explicitly define the X500Name parameters using the
``CordaX500Name`` constructors
* MockNetwork testing:
* Mock nodes in node tests are now of type ``StartedNode<MockNode>``, rather than ``MockNode``
* ``MockNetwork`` now returns a ``BasketOf(<StartedNode<MockNode>>)``
* You must call internals on ``StartedNode`` to get ``MockNode`` (e.g. ``a = nodes.partyNodes[0].internals``)
* Host and port changes:
* Use string helper function ``parseNetworkHostAndPort`` to parse a URL on startup (e.g.
``val hostAndPort = args[0].parseNetworkHostAndPort()``)
* Node driver parameter changes:
* The node driver parameters for starting a node have been reordered
* The node’s name needs to be given as an ``CordaX500Name``, instead of using ``getX509Name``
:ref:`From Milestone 12 (First Public Beta) <changelog_m12>`
Core data structures
* Transaction building:
* You no longer need to specify the type of a ``TransactionBuilder`` as ``TransactionType.General``
* ``TransactionType.General.Builder(notary)`` becomes ``TransactionBuilder(notary)``
* Gradle dependency reference changes:
* Module names have changed to include ``corda`` in the artifacts' JAR names:
.. sourcecode:: shell
compile "$corda_release_distribution:core:$corda_release_version" -> compile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-core:$corda_release_version"
compile "$corda_release_distribution:finance:$corda_release_version" -> compile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-finance:$corda_release_version"
compile "$corda_release_distribution:jackson:$corda_release_version" -> compile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-jackson:$corda_release_version"
compile "$corda_release_distribution:node:$corda_release_version" -> compile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-node:$corda_release_version"
compile "$corda_release_distribution:rpc:$corda_release_version" -> compile "$corda_release_distribution:corda-rpc:$corda_release_version"
Node services (ServiceHub)
* ``ServiceHub`` API changes:
* ``services.networkMapUpdates`` becomes ``services.networkMapFeed``
* ``services.getCashBalances`` becomes a helper method in the *finance* module contracts package
* Financial asset contracts (``Cash``, ``CommercialPaper``, ``Obligations``) are now a standalone CorDapp within the
``finance`` module:
* You need to import them from their respective packages within the ``finance`` module (e.g.
* You need to import the associated asset flows from their respective packages within ``finance`` module. For
* ``net.corda.finance.flows.CashIssueFlow``
* ``net.corda.finance.flows.CashIssueAndPaymentFlow``
* ``net.corda.finance.flows.CashExitFlow``
This may require adjusting imports of Cash flow references and also of ``StartFlow`` permission in ``gradle.build`` files.
Associated flows (``Cash*Flow``, ``TwoPartyTradeFlow``, ``TwoPartyDealFlow``) must now be imported from this package.
* Adjust imports of Cash flow references
* Adjust the ``StartFlow`` permission in ``gradle.build`` files
* Adjust imports of the associated flows (``Cash*Flow``, ``TwoPartyTradeFlow``, ``TwoPartyDealFlow``) |