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Building a Corda VM from the AWS Marketplace

To help you design, build and test applications on Corda, called CorDapps, a Corda network AMI can be deployed from the AWS Marketplace. Instructions on running Corda nodes can be found here.

This Corda network offering builds a pre-configured network of Corda nodes as Ubuntu virtual machines (VM). The network consists of a Notary node and three Corda nodes using version 1 of Corda. The following guide will also show you how to load one of four Corda Sample apps which demonstrates the basic principles of Corda. When you are ready to go further with developing on Corda and start making contributions to the project head over to the Corda.net.


  • Ensure you have a registered AWS account which can create virtual machines under your subscription(s) and you are logged on to the AWS portal
  • It is recommended you generate a private-public SSH key pair (see here)

Deploying a Corda Network

Browse to the AWS Marketplace and search for Corda.

Follow the instructions to deploy the AMI to an instance of EC2 which is in a region near to your location.

Build and Run a Sample CorDapp

Once the instance is running ssh into the instance using your keypair

cd ~/dev

There are 4 sample apps available by default

ubuntu@ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx:~/dev$ ls -la
total 24
drwxrwxr-x  6 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 13 21:48 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 21 16:34 ..
drwxrwxr-x 11 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Oct 31 19:02 cordapp-example
drwxrwxr-x  9 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 13 21:48 obligation-cordapp
drwxrwxr-x 11 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 13 21:48 oracle-example
drwxrwxr-x  8 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Nov 13 21:48 yo-cordapp

cd into the Corda sample you would like to run. For example:

cd cordapp-example/

Follow instructions for the specific sample at https://www.corda.net/samples to build and run the Corda sample For example: with cordapp-example (IOU app) the following commands would be run:

./gradlew deployNodes

Then start the Corda webserver

find ~/dev/cordapp-example/kotlin-source/ -name corda-webserver.jar -execdir sh -c 'java -jar {} &' \;

You can now interact with your running CorDapp. See the instructions here.

Next Steps

Now you have built a Corda network and used a basic Corda Cordapp do go and visit the dedicated Corda website

Additional support is available on Stack Overflow and the Corda Slack channel.

You can build and run any other Corda samples or your own custom CorDapp here.

Or to join the growing Corda community and get straight into the Corda open source codebase, head over to the Github Corda repo