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Welcome to Corda !
Corda is an open-source blockchain platform. If you’d like a quick introduction to blockchains and how Corda is different, then watch this short video:
Want to start coding on Corda? Familiarise yourself with the key concepts </key-concepts>
, then read our Hello, World! tutorial </hello-world-introduction>
Want background reading material? The introductory white paper describes Corda's mission and philosophy. It's suitable for a business audience. The technical white paper describes the architecture and protocol.
Intro white paper Tech white paperThe introductory paper is also available in 简体中文 (Simplified Chinese), 繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese) and 日本語 (Japanese).
Questions or comments? Get in touch on Slack or ask a question on Stack Overflow .
We look forward to seeing what you can do with Corda!
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and you will have a copy of this site in the docs/build/html
Welcome to Corda, a platform for building decentralized applications. This guidebook covers everything you need to know to create apps, run nodes and networks, and operate your new decentralized business network.
If you're completely new to distributed ledger technology (DLT) or Corda and would like a business-oriented overview, we recommend reading the introductory white paper. If you'd like a detailed architectural description of how the Corda protocol works, why it's designed how it is and what future work is planned, we recommend reading the technical white paper. Both white papers can be found on the Corda documentation website.
But if you'd like to dive in and start writing apps, or running nodes, this guidebook is for you. It covers the open source Corda distribution. Commercial distributions (like Corda Enterprise from R3) have their own user guides that describe their enhanced features.
We look forward to seeing what you can do with Corda!
release-notes app-upgrade-notes node-upgrade-notes cheat-sheet
quickstart-index.rst key-concepts.rst building-a-cordapp-index.rst tutorials-index.rst tools-index.rst node-internals-index.rst component-library-index.rst serialization-index.rst versioning-and-upgrades.rst cordapp-advanced-concepts.rst troubleshooting.rst
api-contracts.rst api-contract-constraints.rst api-core-types.rst api-flows.rst api-identity.rst api-persistence.rst api-rpc.rst api-service-classes.rst api-service-hub.rst api-states.rst api-testing.rst api-transactions.rst api-vault-query.rst
corda-nodes-index.rst corda-networks-index.rst docker-image.rst azure-vm.rst aws-vm.rst loadtesting.rst cli-application-shell-extensions.rst
corda-network/index.md corda-network/UAT.md
deterministic-modules.rst release-notes.rst changelog.rst
contributing-index.rst deterministic-modules.rst design/design-docs-index.rst changelog