* Design: high performance Kafka-based CFT notary service.
* Add discussion why we don't consider RDBMSs for the committed state index.
* Add discussion on how we could utilise Kafka partitioning.
* Introducing new certificate hierarchy
* Updated Option 3 - CRL URL inclusion in a correct certificate. Typos fixing.
* Adding Option 4 being the latest iteration after internal discussions and research
* Addressing review comments - round 2
* Move design options into the design document
* Start considering a third option
* Address typos
* Clarify why the hierarchy is important to CRL
* Rework decision to match Mike's suggestions
* Move options back into decision.md
* Refactored documentation in line with design doc standards (#212)
* WIP draft of Monitoring and Logging design document (JIRA ENT-1109)
Added missing diagram.
Minor updates and reshuffle: Michele's proposal is an architectural/design implementation detail (not a solution in its own right).
Completed technical implementation detail.
Moved Design Decision signoff to top.
Moved current state of logging and reporting to Appendix.
WIP ...
Listed additional metrics to add.
Minor update to proposed solutions activities.
* Incorporating feedback following review by RGB.
* Incorporating feedback following review by MS.
* Added details about Artemis logging.
* Clarified usage of SLF4J
* Updated Design Decisions matrix.
* Decision point: should LOG4J2 output be separated for Corda Node vs CorDapps.
Clarify additional effort required in logging.
Minor reformatting for clarify.
* Clarifications following review feedback from WN
* Incorporating minor clarifications and feedback from WN.
* Incorporating Auditing requirements following conversation with Andrey.
* Updated following review feedback from MH.
* Design doc (unfinished).
* Design doc, requirements completed.
* Design doc, more content and the diagram.
* Design doc, more content.
* Design doc, minor changes.
* Changes following review from @davidleeuk
* Changes following review from @gendal
* Changes following review from @shamsasari