This improves the Java API and makes it more idiomatic. The methods
were not moved to be static methods of the relevant types in all cases
due to a bad interaction with a Kotlin auto-completion bug, and because
static methods on interfaces are new in Java 8 and Kotlin is not yet
emitting Java 8 bytecode.
Also, introduce a file so packages can be documented.
Change CashIssueFlow to always issue to ourselves, and require the cash is then moved in a separate payment
operation. This more closely models actual operation inside banks, and is a step towards making all move-like
operations go through a uniform verification process.
* Remove IssuerFlow as it is dangerous and its presence in the finance module risks accidental use in non-test code. As written it will issue arbitary amounts of currency on request from any node on the network, with no validation barring that the currency type is valid.
* Unify interface to CashIssueFlow to match the previous IssuerFlow
Update to use LedgerTransaction api
Push query output logic onto BaseTransaction and update usages where possible
Migrate a few more uses
Address some PR comments
Address some PR comments
Fixup after rebase
* Switch to using anonymous party as recipient
* Enable anonymisation for issuance as well as move in issuer flows.
* Pass notary into issuer flow rather than taking a notary at random from the network map.
* Enable anonymisation in Bank of Corda RPC test
* Parameterize issuer flow tests into anonymous and deanonymised versions
* Identities returned from TxKeyFlow were backwards, meaning keys were incorrectly assigned to the remote and local identities. Added unit test covering this case and corrected the flow logic.
* Rename TxKeyFlow to TransactionKeyFlow
* Correct registration of transaction key flows
* Move TransactionKeyFlow.Provider into CoreFlowHandlers
* Move TransactionKeyFlow.Request up to the top level class instead of being a class within an object.
* Remove AbstractIdentityFlow and move the validation logic into individual flows to make it clearer that it's registering the received identities.
* Cash flows now return the recipient identity instead of full identity lookup, as this is what
the caller actually needs and simplifies a lot of cases.
* Add functions for:
* Retrieving nodes via their legal identity
* Filtering a set of public keys down to those the node has corresponding private keys for
* Modify contract upgrade flows to handle identifying participants after an anomymisation step
* Correct terminology: "party who" -> "party which"
* Modify CashIssueFlow and CashPaymentFlow to optionally use an anonymous identity for the recipient.
* First stage of changing fields in NodeInfo.
Part of work related to NetworkMapService upgrade. Create slots for
multiple IP addresses and legalIdentities per node.
* NodeInfo stores HostAndPort.
Move information specific to messaging layer away from NodeInfo.
Only HostAndPort addresses are stored. Add peer name - peer handle
mapping to MockNetwork to reflect that change.
* Fix wrong layout of new added nodes to map view in explorer. Fix double rendering of myIdentity label.
* Make buttons in map view take the whole available space.
* Remove party full name from network map view in explorer.
* Fix bug in demobench. Explorer didn't show correctly location of a node.
There was no nearestCity override in config.
* Remove nearestCity from node configuration. Now information about the location is always taken from
node's legal name. If not present - exception on node startup.
* Add X500Name.locationOrNull that soft fails when location is not in X500 name. Address PR comments.
* Remove unused imports.
* Construct standard flows using PartyAndCertificate, and add support for launching
flows that are constructed with PartyAndCertificate or just Party.
* Store PartyAndCertificate in network map service
* Expand identity service to store certificates along with all identities.
This removes the need to do manual registration using the PluginServiceHub. As a result CordaPluginRegistry.servicePlugins is no longer needed. For oracles and services there is a CorDappService annotation.
I've also fixed the InitiatingFlow annotation such that client flows can be customised (sub-typed) without it breaking the flow sessions.
Switch to using AbstractParty as the standard identifier for parties in
states, so that full parties can be used during construction of
transactions and anonymised parties when the transaction is being added
to the ledger.
Move AbstractParty, AnonymousParty and Party into a new net.corda.core.identity package,
as they're not really cryptography tools, and in preparation for further code coming in
for identity.
Optimize imports on many files to clean up the resulting refactor.
Change the legal name of parties to be an X500 name. This ensures that we aren't converting between
common names and X500 names in various places, eliminating substantial scope for error in the conversion
process. As a result, all node names must now be full X500 names, which has impact on most configurations.
Clean up X500 names in Corda simulation, and ensure they're consistent with the standard test names.
This includes using the locations present in those test names, which requires updates to the node
config test.
This is an intermediary step to introducing X500Names in all Party instances, which adds:
* Party constructor which accepts X500Name and then converts it to string.
* startNode() function which takes in X500Name instead of String
* Numerous legal name fixes to use full distinguished names
* Remove progress Observable from FlowHandle, unless explicitly requested.
* Refactor FlowHandle creation into FlowStateMachine.
* Prevent server-side queue subscription for dummy Observable.
* Refactor so that RPC client does not receive any unused progress Observables. This is the simplest way of ensuring we have no dangling "hot" Observables when the RPC client closes.
* Test flow has correct handle.
* Resolve some compiler warnings.
* Document how starting a flow does not involve progress tracking by default.
* Update changelog and release notes for RPC API.
* Rename new RPC API to startTrackedFlow().
* Remove optimisation because of its affect on the client-side.
* Update documentation.
Standaridise the identity names of Alice, Bob and Charlie, notary, map service, etc. in order
to ensure consistency across the code base and reduce number of places that have to be changed
to introduce proper X.500 names.
Move Alice, Bob & Charlie identities into the utilities package so they can be used in demos
* Make CompositeKey implement PublicKey
The initial implementation of composite keys as their own distinct class separate from PublicKey
means that the keys cannot be used on standard classes such as Certificate. This work is a beginning
to modifying CompositeKey to being a PublicKey implementation, although significant further work
is required to integrate this properly with the standard Java APIs, especially around verifying
signatures using the new key type.
* First stage of making CompositeKey implement PublicKey interface. Revert to using PublicKey everywhere we expect a key.
* Move algorithm and format into companion object (#432)
Move algorithm and format into companion object so that they can be referenced from other
classes (i.e. the upcoming signature class).
* Add simple invariants to construction of CompositeKey.
Builder emits CompositeKeys in simplified normalised form. Forbid keys with single child node, force ordering on children and forbid duplicates on the same level. It's not full semantical normalisation.
* Make constructor of CompositeKey private, move NodeWeight inside the class.
Add utility function for Kryo deserialization to read list with length constraints.
Observable.subscribe().unsubscribe() dance to free up the MQ resources server-side.
* remove an unused import
* implement a FlowHandle<Transaction>.finalize method
* Rename finalize() to discard() - remove the collection and run discard individually
* Remove unused imports
* Observable.notUsed helper function
* Tweaks to comments
* FlowHandle implements AutoClosable
* Resolving conflicts and move notUsed to RPC module
* Copy Observable.notUsed in core module.
* delete discard method
Add an AmountTransfer type to express the concept of asset flows.
Unify the currency amount creators and fix a few old style display conversions in teh explorer cash dialogs.
Modifications according to PR comments.
Change TransferAmount display string as it may not always be a payment.
Update docs
Fix broken IssuerFlowTest
Fix IssuerFlowTests after rebase.
Resolve conflicts after rebase.
Soft locking converted to use persistent store.
Added additional optional 'includeLockStates' parameter in VaultService states API call.
Added Vault softLocked states query API call.
Fixed commercial paper failing test.
Improved exception handling on soft locking UPDATE statement.
Using SELECT FOR UPDATE to ensure correct soft locking data visibility.
Db query operations moved out of mutex code (as locking managed by underlying DB)
Adjusted logging severity levels.
Adjusted logging severity levels.
GenerateSpending now performing fine grained query for unconsumed states by joining with contract_cash_states table.
Using H2 proprietary cummulative counting feature (using sessioni SET variables)
Refactored and simplified HibernateObserver constructor to enable usage in JUnit tests.
Event generator issues larger random amounts (10,000..1,000,000) to those than are spent (0..10,000)
Adjusted Issue (5:1) and Exit (10:1) generation frequency vs spending.
Minor fixes: added optional lockid into select for spending criteria, set notary, additional trace logging.
Generate Cash Schema by default upon node start-up (as part of NodeSchemaService initialisation).
Explicitly close JDBC statements in finally() blocks.
Tightened HibernateObserver constructor.
Fix CommercialPaper test (was missing auto-generation of CONTRACT_CASH table)
Revert default JVM size back to 200Mb.
Revert default number of iterations in Explorer Node Simulation mode (back to 10000 with .5 sec sleep interval).
Remove redundant setter function.
Added TODO messages indicating Requery / H2 restrictions & caveats.
Consumed states lock updates now performed in general consumed state Update.
Updated/added Soft Locking documentation.
Addressed initial PR comments: use THREAD_LOCAL_KRYO, use AbstractParty, extract helper method, improve readability, address some doc typos
Addressed PR comment: removed lockId from WireTransaction.
Fixed soft locking UPDATE statements.
Improvements to VaultSoftLockManager for auto-registration of soft locks for flows with spendable states (as notifications from vault).
Other optimisations (IssuerFlow no longer explicitly reserve/release issued state) and improvements (soft lock release management of soft locks, docs update)
Performance update: now using Requery for UPDATE in release soft locking (non-composite key statement)
Removed redundant TODO messages (TODO: revisit Kryo bug when using THREAD_LOCAL_KYRO)
Minor fixes following rebase
Fixed failing JUnit following rebase
Addressed MH PR review items (1st pass)
Fix broken JUnit
Significant changes to RDBMS operations within coin selection and soft locking as requested by PR review.
(Removed SELECT FOR UPDATE; added RETRY upon coin selection; reverting partial soft locks)
Addressed a number of PR review requests added by MH (comments/spelling, lockID instantiation, HibernateObserver instantiation, cash schema white-listing usage)
Addressed latest PR review comments from RP.
Minor fixes following rebase from master.
Fixed final failing JUnit (issuer flow concurrent).
Updated TraderDemo to trigger concurrent issuance of cash.
Fixed compiler warning on lockId null check.
Fixed subtle bug in coin selection intermittently surfaced in IntegrationTestTutorial.
Fixed small memory leak.
Removed stray } in logger trace message.
Slight rewording of description of Soft Locking in docs.
Renamed NoStatesAvailableException to StatesNotAvailableException.
generateSpend is now Suspendable (calls sleep method on flow upon coin selection retry).
Added companion function to enable a Strand to sleep but without locking transactional context.
Improved logging, changed to StateNotAvailableException, using Flow sleep upon retry, tweaked SELECT criteria in coin selection, fixed bug when insufficient states selectable, generateSpend is now @suspendable
Improved handling and logging of flow results in Simulation Mode.
Fixed minor error in sleep when not an active flow.
Retry coin selection when unavailable states (as these may become available as new states).
Additional debug logging to highlight and identify H2 coin selection sporadic bug.
Inlined sleep method due to intermittent Quasar error.
Re-introduce selection clause that prevents selection and temporary locking of already locked states (by other flows).
Improved trace logging for coin selection (SQL row level info).
Correctly calling FlowStateMachineImpl sleep (now inlined and working correctly)
Fixed rebase error.
Remove redundant TODO message.