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synced 2025-03-03 04:49:46 +00:00
Soft locking implementation using database coin selection
Fix broken IssuerFlowTest Fix IssuerFlowTests after rebase. Resolve conflicts after rebase. Soft locking converted to use persistent store. Added additional optional 'includeLockStates' parameter in VaultService states API call. Added Vault softLocked states query API call. Fixed commercial paper failing test. Improved exception handling on soft locking UPDATE statement. Using SELECT FOR UPDATE to ensure correct soft locking data visibility. Db query operations moved out of mutex code (as locking managed by underlying DB) Adjusted logging severity levels. Adjusted logging severity levels. GenerateSpending now performing fine grained query for unconsumed states by joining with contract_cash_states table. Using H2 proprietary cummulative counting feature (using sessioni SET variables) Refactored and simplified HibernateObserver constructor to enable usage in JUnit tests. Event generator issues larger random amounts (10,000..1,000,000) to those than are spent (0..10,000) Adjusted Issue (5:1) and Exit (10:1) generation frequency vs spending. Minor fixes: added optional lockid into select for spending criteria, set notary, additional trace logging. Generate Cash Schema by default upon node start-up (as part of NodeSchemaService initialisation). Explicitly close JDBC statements in finally() blocks. Tightened HibernateObserver constructor. Fix CommercialPaper test (was missing auto-generation of CONTRACT_CASH table) Revert default JVM size back to 200Mb. Revert default number of iterations in Explorer Node Simulation mode (back to 10000 with .5 sec sleep interval). Remove redundant setter function. Added TODO messages indicating Requery / H2 restrictions & caveats. Consumed states lock updates now performed in general consumed state Update. Updated/added Soft Locking documentation. Addressed initial PR comments: use THREAD_LOCAL_KRYO, use AbstractParty, extract helper method, improve readability, address some doc typos Addressed PR comment: removed lockId from WireTransaction. Fixed soft locking UPDATE statements. Improvements to VaultSoftLockManager for auto-registration of soft locks for flows with spendable states (as notifications from vault). Other optimisations (IssuerFlow no longer explicitly reserve/release issued state) and improvements (soft lock release management of soft locks, docs update) Performance update: now using Requery for UPDATE in release soft locking (non-composite key statement) Removed redundant TODO messages (TODO: revisit Kryo bug when using THREAD_LOCAL_KYRO) Minor fixes following rebase Fixed failing JUnit following rebase Addressed MH PR review items (1st pass) Fix broken JUnit Significant changes to RDBMS operations within coin selection and soft locking as requested by PR review. (Removed SELECT FOR UPDATE; added RETRY upon coin selection; reverting partial soft locks) Addressed a number of PR review requests added by MH (comments/spelling, lockID instantiation, HibernateObserver instantiation, cash schema white-listing usage) Addressed latest PR review comments from RP. Minor fixes following rebase from master. Fixed final failing JUnit (issuer flow concurrent). Updated TraderDemo to trigger concurrent issuance of cash. Fixed compiler warning on lockId null check. Fixed subtle bug in coin selection intermittently surfaced in IntegrationTestTutorial. Fixed small memory leak. Removed stray } in logger trace message. Slight rewording of description of Soft Locking in docs. Renamed NoStatesAvailableException to StatesNotAvailableException. generateSpend is now Suspendable (calls sleep method on flow upon coin selection retry). Added companion function to enable a Strand to sleep but without locking transactional context. Improved logging, changed to StateNotAvailableException, using Flow sleep upon retry, tweaked SELECT criteria in coin selection, fixed bug when insufficient states selectable, generateSpend is now @suspendable Improved handling and logging of flow results in Simulation Mode. Fixed minor error in sleep when not an active flow. Retry coin selection when unavailable states (as these may become available as new states). Additional debug logging to highlight and identify H2 coin selection sporadic bug. Inlined sleep method due to intermittent Quasar error. Re-introduce selection clause that prevents selection and temporary locking of already locked states (by other flows). Improved trace logging for coin selection (SQL row level info). Correctly calling FlowStateMachineImpl sleep (now inlined and working correctly) Fixed rebase error. Remove redundant TODO message.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ class EventGenerator(
val issueRefGenerator = Generator.intRange(0, 1).map { number -> OpaqueBytes(ByteArray(1, { number.toByte() })) }
val amountGenerator = Generator.intRange(0, 10000).combine(currencyGenerator) { quantity, currency -> Amount(quantity.toLong(), currency) }
val amountToIssueGenerator = Generator.intRange(10000, 1000000).combine(currencyGenerator) { quantity, currency -> Amount(quantity.toLong(), currency) }
val issueCashGenerator =
amountGenerator.combine(partyGenerator, issueRefGenerator) { amount, to, issueRef ->
amountToIssueGenerator.combine(partyGenerator, issueRefGenerator) { amount, to, issueRef ->
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ class EventGenerator(
val exitCashGenerator =
amountIssuedGenerator.map {
amountToIssueGenerator.combine(partyGenerator, issueRefGenerator) { amount, to, issueRef ->
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
package net.corda.core.node.services
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.*
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowException
import net.corda.core.serialization.CordaSerializable
import net.corda.core.toFuture
import net.corda.core.transactions.TransactionBuilder
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class Vault<out T : ContractState>(val states: Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>) {
* other transactions observed, then the changes are observed "net" of those.
data class Update(val consumed: Set<StateAndRef<ContractState>>, val produced: Set<StateAndRef<ContractState>>) {
data class Update(val consumed: Set<StateAndRef<ContractState>>, val produced: Set<StateAndRef<ContractState>>, val flowId: UUID? = null) {
/** Checks whether the update contains a state of the specified type. */
inline fun <reified T : ContractState> containsType() = consumed.any { it.state.data is T } || produced.any { it.state.data is T }
@ -197,19 +199,57 @@ interface VaultService {
* there is insufficient quantity for a given currency (and optionally set of Issuer Parties).
fun generateSpend(tx: TransactionBuilder,
amount: Amount<Currency>,
to: CompositeKey,
onlyFromParties: Set<AbstractParty>? = null): Pair<TransactionBuilder, List<CompositeKey>>
// DOCSTART VaultStatesQuery
* Return [ContractState]s of a given [Contract] type and [Iterable] of [Vault.StateStatus].
* Optionally may specify whether to include [StateRef] that have been marked as soft locked (default is true)
fun <T : ContractState> states(clazzes: Set<Class<T>>, statuses: EnumSet<Vault.StateStatus>): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>
fun <T : ContractState> states(clazzes: Set<Class<T>>, statuses: EnumSet<Vault.StateStatus>, includeSoftLockedStates: Boolean = true): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>>
// DOCEND VaultStatesQuery
* Soft locking is used to prevent multiple transactions trying to use the same output simultaneously.
* Violation of a soft lock would result in a double spend being created and rejected by the notary.
* Reserve a set of [StateRef] for a given [UUID] unique identifier.
* Typically, the unique identifier will refer to a Flow id associated with a [Transaction] in an in-flight flow.
* In the case of coin selection, soft locks are automatically taken upon gathering relevant unconsumed input refs.
* @throws [StatesNotAvailableException] when not possible to softLock all of requested [StateRef]
fun softLockReserve(id: UUID, stateRefs: Set<StateRef>)
* Release all or an explicitly specified set of [StateRef] for a given [UUID] unique identifier.
* A vault soft lock manager is automatically notified of a Flows that are terminated, such that any soft locked states
* may be released.
* In the case of coin selection, softLock are automatically released once previously gathered unconsumed input refs
* are consumed as part of cash spending.
fun softLockRelease(id: UUID, stateRefs: Set<StateRef>? = null)
* Retrieve softLockStates for a given [UUID] or return all softLockStates in vault for a given
* [ContractState] type
fun <T : ContractState> softLockedStates(lockId: UUID? = null): List<StateAndRef<T>>
inline fun <reified T: ContractState> VaultService.unconsumedStates(): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>> =
states(setOf(T::class.java), EnumSet.of(Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED))
inline fun <reified T: ContractState> VaultService.unconsumedStates(includeSoftLockedStates: Boolean = true): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>> =
states(setOf(T::class.java), EnumSet.of(Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED), includeSoftLockedStates)
inline fun <reified T: ContractState> VaultService.consumedStates(): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>> =
states(setOf(T::class.java), EnumSet.of(Vault.StateStatus.CONSUMED))
@ -223,6 +263,10 @@ inline fun <reified T : DealState> VaultService.dealsWith(party: AbstractParty)
it.state.data.parties.any { it == party }
class StatesNotAvailableException(override val message: String?, override val cause: Throwable? = null) : FlowException(message, cause) {
override fun toString() = "Soft locking error: $message"
* The KMS is responsible for storing and using private keys to sign things. An implementation of this may, for example,
* call out to a hardware security module that enforces various auditing and frequency-of-use requirements.
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
package net.corda.core.transactions
import co.paralleluniverse.strands.Strand
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.*
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowStateMachine
import net.corda.core.serialization.serialize
import java.security.KeyPair
import java.time.Duration
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ import java.util.*
open class TransactionBuilder(
protected val type: TransactionType = TransactionType.General(),
var notary: Party? = null,
var lockId: UUID = (Strand.currentStrand() as? FlowStateMachine<*>)?.id?.uuid ?: UUID.randomUUID(),
protected val inputs: MutableList<StateRef> = arrayListOf(),
protected val attachments: MutableList<SecureHash> = arrayListOf(),
protected val outputs: MutableList<TransactionState<ContractState>> = arrayListOf(),
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import net.corda.core.serialization.p2PKryo
import net.corda.core.serialization.serialize
import net.corda.core.utilities.Emoji
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.util.*
* A transaction ready for serialisation, without any signatures attached. A WireTransaction is usually wrapped
@ -13,13 +13,18 @@ The vault keeps track of both unconsumed and consumed states:
By fungible we refer to assets of measurable quantity (eg. a cash currency, units of stock) which can be combined
together to represent a single ledger state.
Like with a cryptocurrency wallet, the Corda vault can create transactions that send value (eg. transfer of state) to someone else
by combining fungible states and possibly adding a change output that makes the values balance (this process is usually referred to as ‘coin selection’).
Vault spending ensures that transactions respect the fungibility rules in order to ensure that the issuer and reference data is preserved as the assets pass from hand to hand.
Like with a cryptocurrency wallet, the Corda vault can create transactions that send value (eg. transfer of state) to
someone else by combining fungible states and possibly adding a change output that makes the values balance (this
process is usually referred to as ‘coin selection’). Vault spending ensures that transactions respect the fungibility
rules in order to ensure that the issuer and reference data is preserved as the assets pass from hand to hand.
A feature called **soft locking** provides the ability to automatically or explicitly reserve states to prevent
multiple transactions within the same node from trying to use the same output simultaneously. Whilst this scenario would
ultimately be detected by a notary, *soft locking* provides a mechanism of early detection for such unwarranted and
invalid scenarios. :doc:`soft-locking` describes this feature in detail.
.. note:: Basic 'coin selection' is currently implemented. Future work includes fungible state optimisation (splitting and
merging of states in the background), 'soft locking' (ability to automatically or explicitly reserve states to prevent
multiple transactions trying to use the same output simultaneously), 'state re-issuance' (sending of states back to the
merging of states in the background), and 'state re-issuance' (sending of states back to the
issuer for re-issuance, thus pruning long transaction chains and improving privacy).
There is also a facility for attaching descriptive textual notes against any transaction stored in the vault.
@ -45,8 +50,7 @@ Note the following:
* a vault update API is internally used by transaction recording flows.
* the vault database schemas are directly accessible via JDBC for customer joins and queries
Section 8 of the `Technical white paper`_ describes features of the vault yet to be implemented including private key managament,
soft state locking, state splitting and merging, asset re-issuance and node event scheduling.
Section 8 of the `Technical white paper`_ describes features of the vault yet to be implemented including private key managament, state splitting and merging, asset re-issuance and node event scheduling.
.. _`Technical white paper`: _static/corda-technical-whitepaper.pdf
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Soft Locking
Soft Locking is implemented in the vault to try and prevent a node constructing transactions that attempt to use the same input(s) simultaneously.
Such transactions would result in naturally wasted work when the notary rejects them as double spend attempts.
Soft locks are automatically applied to coin selection (eg. cash spending) to ensure that no two transactions attempt to
spend the same fungible states. The outcome of such an eventuality will result in an ``InsufficientBalanceException`` for one
of the requesters if there are insufficient number of fungible states available to satisfy both requests.
.. note:: The Cash Contract schema table is now automatically generated upon node startup as Coin Selection now uses
this table to ensure correct locking and selection of states to satisfy minimum requested spending amounts.
Soft locks are also automatically applied within flows that issue or receive new states.
These states are effectively soft locked until flow termination (exit or error) or by explicit release.
In addition, the ``VaultService`` exposes a number of functions a developer may use to explicitly reserve, release and
query soft locks associated with states as required by their CorDapp application logic:
.. literalinclude:: ../../core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/node/services/Services.kt
:language: kotlin
:start-after: DOCSTART SoftLockAPI
:end-before: DOCEND SoftLockAPI
You can also control whether soft locked states are retrieved in general vault queries by setting an optional boolean
`includeSoftLockedStates` flag (which is set to *true* by default)
.. literalinclude:: ../../core/src/main/kotlin/net/corda/core/node/services/Services.kt
:language: kotlin
:start-after: DOCSTART VaultStatesQuery
:end-before: DOCEND VaultStatesQuery
Explicit Usage
Soft locks are associated with transactions, and typically within the lifecycle of a flow. Specifically, every time a
flow is started a soft lock identifier is associated with that flow for its duration (and released upon it's natural
termination or in the event of an exception). The ``VaultSoftLockManager`` is responsible within the Node for
automatically managing this soft lock registration and release process for flows. The ``TransactionBuilder`` class has a
new ``lockId`` field for the purpose of tracking lockable states. By default, it is automatically set to a random
``UUID`` (outside of a flow) or to a flow's unique ID (within a flow).
Upon building a new transaction to perform some action for a set of states on a contract, a developer must explicitly
register any states they may wish to hold until that transaction is committed to the ledger. These states will be effectively 'soft
locked' (not usable by any other transaction) until the developer explicitly releases these or the flow terminates or errors
(at which point they are automatically released).
Use Cases
A prime example where *soft locking* is automatically enabled is within the process of issuance and transfer of fungible
state (eg. Cash). An issuer of some fungible asset (eg. Bank of Corda) may wish to transfer that new issue immediately
to the issuance requester (eg. Big Corporation). This issuance and transfer operation must be *atomic* such that another
flow (or instance of the same flow) does not step in and unintentionally spend the states issued by Bank of Corda
before they are transferred to the intended recipient. Soft locking will automatically prevent new issued states within
``IssuerFlow`` from being spendable by any other flow until such time as the ``IssuerFlow`` itself terminates.
Other use cases for *soft locking* may involve competing flows attempting to match trades or any other concurrent
activities that may involve operating on an identical set of unconsumed states.
@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ object IssuerFlow {
return txn
// TODO: resolve race conditions caused by the 2 separate Cashflow commands (Issue and Pay) not reusing the same
// state references (thus causing Notarisation double spend exceptions).
private fun issueCashTo(amount: Amount<Currency>,
issueTo: Party,
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_PUBKEY_1
import net.corda.core.utilities.TEST_TX_TIME
import net.corda.node.services.schema.HibernateObserver
import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
import net.corda.node.services.vault.NodeVaultService
import net.corda.node.utilities.configureDatabase
import net.corda.node.utilities.databaseTransaction
@ -228,7 +230,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
databaseTransaction(databaseAlice) {
aliceServices = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourcePropsAlice)
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(dataSourcePropsAlice)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
@ -248,7 +250,7 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
databaseTransaction(databaseBigCorp) {
bigCorpServices = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourcePropsBigCorp)
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(dataSourcePropsBigCorp)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
@ -290,32 +292,38 @@ class CommercialPaperTestsGeneric {
databaseTransaction(databaseBigCorp) {
fun makeRedeemTX(time: Instant): SignedTransaction {
val ptx = TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY)
ptx.setTime(time, 30.seconds)
CommercialPaper().generateRedeem(ptx, moveTX.tx.outRef(1), bigCorpVaultService)
return ptx.toSignedTransaction()
val tooEarlyRedemption = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 10.days)
val validRedemption = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 31.days)
// Verify the txns are valid and insert into both sides.
listOf(issueTX, moveTX).forEach {
databaseTransaction(databaseBigCorp) {
fun makeRedeemTX(time: Instant): Pair<SignedTransaction, UUID> {
val ptx = TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY)
ptx.setTime(time, 30.seconds)
CommercialPaper().generateRedeem(ptx, moveTX.tx.outRef(1), bigCorpVaultService)
return Pair(ptx.toSignedTransaction(), ptx.lockId)
val redeemTX = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 10.days)
val tooEarlyRedemption = redeemTX.first
val tooEarlyRedemptionLockId = redeemTX.second
val e = assertFailsWith(TransactionVerificationException::class) {
// manually release locks held by this failing transaction
assertTrue(e.cause!!.message!!.contains("paper must have matured"))
val validRedemption = makeRedeemTX(TEST_TX_TIME + 31.days).first
// soft lock not released after success either!!! (as transaction not recorded)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class CashTests {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services = object : MockServices() {
override val keyManagementService: MockKeyManagementService = MockKeyManagementService(MINI_CORP_KEY, MEGA_CORP_KEY, OUR_KEY)
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ class CashTests {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val tx = TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY)
vault.generateSpend(tx, 80.DOLLARS, ALICE_PUBKEY, setOf(MINI_CORP))
vault.generateSpend(tx, 80.DOLLARS, ALICE_PUBKEY, setOf(MINI_CORP.toAnonymous()))
assertEquals(vaultStatesUnconsumed.elementAt(2).ref, tx.inputStates()[0])
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package net.corda.flows
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture
import net.corda.contracts.testing.calculateRandomlySizedAmounts
import net.corda.core.contracts.Amount
import net.corda.core.contracts.DOLLARS
import net.corda.core.contracts.PartyAndReference
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.flows.IssuerFlow.IssuanceRequester
import net.corda.testing.*
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork
import net.corda.testing.node.MockNetwork.MockNode
import org.junit.Test
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ import kotlin.test.assertFailsWith
class IssuerFlowTest {
lateinit var net: MockNetwork
lateinit var notaryNode: MockNetwork.MockNode
lateinit var bankOfCordaNode: MockNetwork.MockNode
lateinit var bankClientNode: MockNetwork.MockNode
lateinit var notaryNode: MockNode
lateinit var bankOfCordaNode: MockNode
lateinit var bankClientNode: MockNode
fun `test issuer flow`() {
@ -36,30 +38,71 @@ class IssuerFlowTest {
// using default IssueTo Party Reference
val issueToPartyAndRef = bankClientNode.info.legalIdentity.ref(OpaqueBytes.Companion.of(123))
val (issuer, issuerResult) = runIssuerAndIssueRequester(1000000.DOLLARS, issueToPartyAndRef)
val (issuer, issuerResult) = runIssuerAndIssueRequester(bankOfCordaNode, bankClientNode, 1000000.DOLLARS, issueToPartyAndRef)
assertEquals(issuerResult.get(), issuer.get().resultFuture.get())
// try to issue an amount of a restricted currency
assertFailsWith<FlowException> {
runIssuerAndIssueRequester(Amount(100000L, currency("BRL")), issueToPartyAndRef).issueRequestResult.getOrThrow()
runIssuerAndIssueRequester(bankOfCordaNode, bankClientNode, Amount(100000L, currency("BRL")), issueToPartyAndRef).issueRequestResult.getOrThrow()
private fun runIssuerAndIssueRequester(amount: Amount<Currency>, issueToPartyAndRef: PartyAndReference) : RunResult {
val resolvedIssuerParty = bankOfCordaNode.services.identityService.partyFromAnonymous(issueToPartyAndRef) ?: throw IllegalStateException()
val issuerFuture = bankOfCordaNode.initiateSingleShotFlow(IssuerFlow.IssuanceRequester::class) {
fun `test issue flow to self`() {
net = MockNetwork(false, true)
ledger {
notaryNode = net.createNotaryNode(null, DUMMY_NOTARY.name)
bankOfCordaNode = net.createPartyNode(notaryNode.info.address, BOC.name)
// using default IssueTo Party Reference
val issueToPartyAndRef = bankOfCordaNode.info.legalIdentity.ref(OpaqueBytes.Companion.of(123))
val (issuer, issuerResult) = runIssuerAndIssueRequester(bankOfCordaNode, bankOfCordaNode, 1000000.DOLLARS, issueToPartyAndRef)
assertEquals(issuerResult.get(), issuer.get().resultFuture.get())
fun `test concurrent issuer flow`() {
net = MockNetwork(false, true)
ledger {
notaryNode = net.createNotaryNode(null, DUMMY_NOTARY.name)
bankOfCordaNode = net.createPartyNode(notaryNode.info.address, BOC.name)
bankClientNode = net.createPartyNode(notaryNode.info.address, MEGA_CORP.name)
// using default IssueTo Party Reference
val issueToPartyAndRef = bankClientNode.info.legalIdentity.ref(OpaqueBytes.Companion.of(123))
// this test exercises the Cashflow issue and move subflows to ensure consistent spending of issued states
val amount = 10000.DOLLARS
val amounts = calculateRandomlySizedAmounts(10000.DOLLARS, 10, 10, Random())
val handles = amounts.map { pennies ->
runIssuerAndIssueRequester(bankOfCordaNode, bankClientNode, Amount(pennies, amount.token), issueToPartyAndRef)
handles.forEach {
require (it.issueRequestResult.get() is SignedTransaction)
private fun runIssuerAndIssueRequester(issuerNode: MockNode, issueToNode: MockNode,
amount: Amount<Currency>, issueToPartyAndRef: PartyAndReference) : RunResult {
val resolvedIssuerParty = issuerNode.services.identityService.partyFromAnonymous(issueToPartyAndRef) ?: throw IllegalStateException()
val issuerFuture = issuerNode.initiateSingleShotFlow(IssuerFlow.IssuanceRequester::class) {
otherParty -> IssuerFlow.Issuer(resolvedIssuerParty)
}.map { it.stateMachine }
val issueRequest = IssuanceRequester(amount, resolvedIssuerParty, issueToPartyAndRef.reference, bankOfCordaNode.info.legalIdentity)
val issueRequestResultFuture = bankClientNode.services.startFlow(issueRequest).resultFuture
val issueRequest = IssuanceRequester(amount, resolvedIssuerParty, issueToPartyAndRef.reference, issuerNode.info.legalIdentity)
val issueRequestResultFuture = issueToNode.services.startFlow(issueRequest).resultFuture
return IssuerFlowTest.RunResult(issuerFuture, issueRequestResultFuture)
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ package net.corda.node.services.vault.schemas
import io.requery.Persistable
import io.requery.TransactionIsolation
import io.requery.kotlin.`in`
import io.requery.kotlin.eq
import io.requery.kotlin.invoke
import io.requery.kotlin.isNull
import io.requery.rx.KotlinRxEntityStore
import io.requery.sql.*
import io.requery.sql.platform.Generic
@ -525,6 +527,155 @@ class VaultSchemaTest {
* Soft locking tests
fun testSingleSoftLockUpdate() {
// insert unconsumed state
val stateEntity = createStateEntity(transaction!!.inputs[0])
data.invoke {
// reserve soft lock on state
stateEntity.apply {
this.lockId = "LOCK#1"
this.lockUpdateTime = Instant.now()
data.invoke {
// select unlocked states
data.invoke {
val result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class) where (VaultSchema.VaultStates::txId eq stateEntity.txId)
.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId.isNull())
assertEquals(0, result.get().count())
// release soft lock on state
data.invoke {
val update = update(VaultStatesEntity::class)
.set(VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_ID, null)
.set(VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_UPDATE_TIME, Instant.now())
.where (VaultStatesEntity.STATE_STATUS eq Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED)
.and (VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_ID eq "LOCK#1").get()
assertEquals(1, update.value())
// select unlocked states
data.invoke {
val result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class) where (VaultSchema.VaultStates::txId eq stateEntity.txId)
.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId.isNull())
assertEquals(1, result.get().count())
fun testMultipleSoftLocksUpdate() {
// insert unconsumed state
data.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
transaction!!.inputs.forEach {
val stateEntity = createStateEntity(it)
val result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class)
Assert.assertSame(3, result().toList().size)
// reserve soft locks on states
transaction!!.inputs.forEach {
val stateEntity = createStateEntity(it)
stateEntity.apply {
this.lockId = "LOCK#1"
this.lockUpdateTime = Instant.now()
data.invoke {
// select unlocked states
val txnIds = transaction!!.inputs.map { it.ref.txhash.toString() }.toSet()
data.invoke {
val result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class) where (VaultSchema.VaultStates::txId `in` txnIds)
.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId eq "")
assertEquals(0, result.get().count())
// release soft lock on states
data.invoke {
val query = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class) where (VaultSchema.VaultStates::txId `in` txnIds)
.and(VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId eq "LOCK#1")
val result = query.get()
assertEquals(3, result.count())
result.forEach {
it.lockId = ""
it.lockUpdateTime = Instant.now()
// select unlocked states
data.invoke {
val result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class) where (VaultSchema.VaultStates::txId `in` txnIds)
.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId eq "")
assertEquals(3, result.get().count())
fun testMultipleSoftLocksUsingNativeJDBC() {
// NOTE:
// - Requery using raw SelectForUpdate not working
// - Requery using raw Update not working
// using native JDBC
val refs = transaction!!.inputs.map { it.ref }
// insert unconsumed state
data.invoke {
transaction!!.inputs.forEach {
val stateEntity = createStateEntity(it)
// update refs with soft lock id
val stateRefs = refs.fold("") { stateRefs, it -> stateRefs + "('${it.txhash}','${it.index}')," }.dropLast(1)
val lockId = "LOCK#1"
val selectForUpdateStatement = """
SELECT transaction_id, output_index, lock_id, lock_timestamp FROM VAULT_STATES
WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefs)) FOR UPDATE
val statement = jdbcConn.createStatement()
val rs = statement.executeQuery(selectForUpdateStatement)
while (rs.next()) {
val txHash = SecureHash.parse(rs.getString(1))
val index = rs.getInt(2)
val statement = jdbcConn.createStatement()
val updateStatement = """
UPDATE VAULT_STATES SET lock_id = '$lockId', lock_timestamp = '${Instant.now()}'
WHERE (transaction_id = '$txHash' AND output_index = $index)
// count locked state refs
val selectStatement = """
SELECT transaction_id, output_index, contract_state FROM VAULT_STATES
WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefs)) AND (lock_id != '')
val rsQuery = statement.executeQuery(selectStatement)
var countQuery = 0
while (rsQuery.next()) countQuery++
assertEquals(3, countQuery)
fun insertWithBigCompositeKey() {
val keys = (1..314).map { generateKeyPair().public.composite }
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.StateMachineManager
import net.corda.node.services.transactions.*
import net.corda.node.services.vault.CashBalanceAsMetricsObserver
import net.corda.node.services.vault.NodeVaultService
import net.corda.node.services.vault.VaultSoftLockManager
import net.corda.node.utilities.AddOrRemove.ADD
import net.corda.node.utilities.AffinityExecutor
import net.corda.node.utilities.configureDatabase
@ -278,9 +279,10 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
private fun makeVaultObservers() {
VaultSoftLockManager(vault, smm)
CashBalanceAsMetricsObserver(services, database)
HibernateObserver(vault, schemas)
private fun makeInfo(): NodeInfo {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ interface SchemaService {
* Represents any options configured on the node for a schema.
data class SchemaOptions(val databaseSchema: String?, val tablePrefix: String?)
data class SchemaOptions(val databaseSchema: String? = null, val tablePrefix: String? = null)
* Options configured for this node's schemas. A missing entry for a schema implies all properties are null.
@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ import kotlinx.support.jdk7.use
import net.corda.core.contracts.ContractState
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateAndRef
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateRef
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.schemas.MappedSchema
import net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentStateRef
import net.corda.core.schemas.QueryableState
import net.corda.core.utilities.debug
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import net.corda.node.services.api.ServiceHubInternal
import net.corda.node.services.api.SchemaService
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
@ -25,17 +26,19 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* A vault observer that extracts Object Relational Mappings for contract states that support it, and persists them with Hibernate.
// TODO: Manage version evolution of the schemas via additional tooling.
class HibernateObserver(services: ServiceHubInternal) {
class HibernateObserver(vaultService: VaultService, val schemaService: SchemaService) {
companion object {
val logger = loggerFor<HibernateObserver>()
val schemaService = services.schemaService
// TODO: make this a guava cache or similar to limit ability for this to grow forever.
val sessionFactories = ConcurrentHashMap<MappedSchema, SessionFactory>()
init {
services.vaultService.rawUpdates.subscribe { persist(it.produced) }
schemaService.schemaOptions.map { it.key }.forEach {
vaultService.rawUpdates.subscribe { persist(it.produced) }
private fun sessionFactoryForSchema(schema: MappedSchema): SessionFactory {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentState
import net.corda.core.schemas.QueryableState
import net.corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
import net.corda.node.services.api.SchemaService
import net.corda.schemas.CashSchemaV1
* Most basic implementation of [SchemaService].
@ -12,10 +13,15 @@ import net.corda.node.services.api.SchemaService
* TODO: support loading schema options from node configuration.
* TODO: support configuring what schemas are to be selected for persistence.
* TODO: support plugins for schema version upgrading or custom mapping not supported by original [QueryableState].
* TODO: create whitelisted tables when a CorDapp is first installed
class NodeSchemaService : SchemaService, SingletonSerializeAsToken() {
// Currently does not support configuring schema options.
override val schemaOptions: Map<MappedSchema, SchemaService.SchemaOptions> = emptyMap()
// Whitelisted tables are those required by internal Corda services
// For example, cash is used by the vault for coin selection
// This whitelist will grow as we add further functionality (eg. other fungible assets)
override val schemaOptions: Map<MappedSchema, SchemaService.SchemaOptions> = mapOf(Pair(CashSchemaV1, SchemaService.SchemaOptions()))
// Currently returns all schemas supported by the state, with no filtering or enrichment.
override fun selectSchemas(state: QueryableState): Iterable<MappedSchema> {
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Transaction
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.TransactionManager
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.SQLException
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
@ -46,6 +47,24 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
* Return the current [FlowStateMachineImpl] or null if executing outside of one.
fun currentStateMachine(): FlowStateMachineImpl<*>? = Strand.currentStrand() as? FlowStateMachineImpl<*>
* Provide a mechanism to sleep within a Strand without locking any transactional state
// TODO: inlined due to an intermittent Quasar error (to be fully investigated)
inline fun sleep(millis: Long) {
if (currentStateMachine() != null) {
val db = StrandLocalTransactionManager.database
StrandLocalTransactionManager.database = db
else Strand.sleep(millis)
// These fields shouldn't be serialised, so they are marked @Transient.
@ -92,7 +111,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
// Check if the FlowException was propagated by looking at where the stack trace originates (see suspendAndExpectReceive).
val propagated = e.stackTrace[0].className == javaClass.name
processException(e, propagated)
logger.debug(if (propagated) "Flow ended due to receiving exception" else "Flow finished with exception", e)
logger.error(if (propagated) "Flow ended due to receiving exception" else "Flow finished with exception", e)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
recordDuration(startTime, success = false)
@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
package net.corda.node.services.vault
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import co.paralleluniverse.strands.Strand
import io.requery.TransactionIsolation
import io.requery.kotlin.`in`
import io.requery.kotlin.eq
import io.requery.kotlin.isNull
import io.requery.kotlin.notNull
import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.core.ThreadBox
import net.corda.core.bufferUntilSubscribed
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.AbstractParty
import net.corda.core.crypto.CompositeKey
import net.corda.core.crypto.Party
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.node.ServiceHub
import net.corda.core.node.services.StatesNotAvailableException
import net.corda.core.node.services.Vault
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.node.services.unconsumedStates
@ -24,13 +30,20 @@ import net.corda.core.transactions.WireTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import net.corda.core.utilities.trace
import net.corda.node.services.database.RequeryConfiguration
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.FlowStateMachineImpl
import net.corda.node.services.vault.schemas.*
import net.corda.node.utilities.StrandLocalTransactionManager
import net.corda.node.utilities.bufferUntilDatabaseCommit
import net.corda.node.utilities.wrapWithDatabaseTransaction
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.TransactionManager
import rx.Observable
import rx.subjects.PublishSubject
import java.security.PublicKey
import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.SQLException
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock
import kotlin.concurrent.withLock
* Currently, the node vault service is a very simple RDBMS backed implementation. It will change significantly when
@ -60,74 +73,85 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
// For use during publishing only.
val updatesPublisher: rx.Observer<Vault.Update> get() = _updatesPublisher.bufferUntilDatabaseCommit().tee(_rawUpdatesPublisher)
fun recordUpdate(update: Vault.Update): Vault.Update {
if (update != Vault.NoUpdate) {
val producedStateRefs = update.produced.map { it.ref }
val producedStateRefsMap = update.produced.associateBy { it.ref }
val consumedStateRefs = update.consumed.map { it.ref }
log.trace { "Removing $consumedStateRefs consumed contract states and adding $producedStateRefs produced contract states to the database." }
private fun recordUpdate(update: Vault.Update): Vault.Update {
if (update != Vault.NoUpdate) {
val producedStateRefs = update.produced.map { it.ref }
val producedStateRefsMap = update.produced.associateBy { it.ref }
val consumedStateRefs = update.consumed.map { it.ref }
log.trace { "Removing $consumedStateRefs consumed contract states and adding $producedStateRefs produced contract states to the database." }
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
producedStateRefsMap.forEach { it ->
val state = VaultStatesEntity().apply {
txId = it.key.txhash.toString()
index = it.key.index
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED
contractStateClassName = it.value.state.data.javaClass.name
contractState = it.value.state.serialize(storageKryo()).bytes
notaryName = it.value.state.notary.name
notaryKey = it.value.state.notary.owningKey.toBase58String()
recordedTime = services.clock.instant()
// TODO: awaiting support of UPDATE WHERE <Composite key> IN in Requery DSL
consumedStateRefs.forEach { stateRef ->
val queryKey = io.requery.proxy.CompositeKey(mapOf(VaultStatesEntity.TX_ID to stateRef.txhash.toString(),
VaultStatesEntity.INDEX to stateRef.index))
val state = findByKey(VaultStatesEntity::class, queryKey)
state?.run {
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.CONSUMED
consumedTime = services.clock.instant()
// remove lock (if held)
if (lockId != null) {
lockId = null
lockUpdateTime = services.clock.instant()
log.trace("Releasing soft lock on consumed state: $stateRef")
return update
// TODO: consider moving this logic outside the vault
// TODO: revisit the concurrency safety of this logic when we move beyond single threaded SMM.
// For example, we update currency totals in a non-deterministic order and so expose ourselves to deadlock.
private fun maybeUpdateCashBalances(update: Vault.Update) {
if (update.containsType<Cash.State>()) {
val consumed = sumCashStates(update.consumed)
val produced = sumCashStates(update.produced)
(produced.keys + consumed.keys).map { currency ->
val producedAmount = produced[currency] ?: Amount(0, currency)
val consumedAmount = consumed[currency] ?: Amount(0, currency)
val cashBalanceEntity = VaultCashBalancesEntity()
cashBalanceEntity.currency = currency.currencyCode
cashBalanceEntity.amount = producedAmount.quantity - consumedAmount.quantity
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
producedStateRefsMap.forEach { it ->
val state = VaultStatesEntity().apply {
txId = it.key.txhash.toString()
index = it.key.index
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED
contractStateClassName = it.value.state.data.javaClass.name
contractState = it.value.state.serialize(storageKryo()).bytes
notaryName = it.value.state.notary.name
notaryKey = it.value.state.notary.owningKey.toBase58String()
recordedTime = services.clock.instant()
consumedStateRefs.forEach { stateRef ->
val queryKey = io.requery.proxy.CompositeKey(mapOf(VaultStatesEntity.TX_ID to stateRef.txhash.toString(),
VaultStatesEntity.INDEX to stateRef.index))
val state = findByKey(VaultStatesEntity::class, queryKey)
state?.run {
stateStatus = Vault.StateStatus.CONSUMED
consumedTime = services.clock.instant()
return update
// TODO: consider moving this logic outside the vault
fun maybeUpdateCashBalances(update: Vault.Update) {
if (update.containsType<Cash.State>()) {
val consumed = sumCashStates(update.consumed)
val produced = sumCashStates(update.produced)
(produced.keys + consumed.keys).map { currency ->
val producedAmount = produced[currency] ?: Amount(0, currency)
val consumedAmount = consumed[currency] ?: Amount(0, currency)
val cashBalanceEntity = VaultCashBalancesEntity()
cashBalanceEntity.currency = currency.currencyCode
cashBalanceEntity.amount = producedAmount.quantity - consumedAmount.quantity
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
val state = findByKey(VaultCashBalancesEntity::class, currency.currencyCode)
state?.run {
amount += producedAmount.quantity - consumedAmount.quantity
upsert(state ?: cashBalanceEntity)
val state = findByKey(VaultCashBalancesEntity::class, currency.currencyCode)
state?.run {
amount += producedAmount.quantity - consumedAmount.quantity
upsert(state ?: cashBalanceEntity)
val total = state?.amount ?: cashBalanceEntity.amount
log.trace{"Updating Cash balance for $currency by ${cashBalanceEntity.amount} pennies (total: $total)"}
private fun sumCashStates(states: Iterable<StateAndRef<ContractState>>): Map<Currency, Amount<Currency>> {
return states.mapNotNull { (it.state.data as? FungibleAsset<Currency>)?.amount }
.groupBy { it.token.product }
.mapValues { it.value.map { Amount(it.quantity, it.token.product) }.sumOrThrow() }
private fun sumCashStates(states: Iterable<StateAndRef<ContractState>>): Map<Currency, Amount<Currency>> {
return states.mapNotNull { (it.state.data as? FungibleAsset<Currency>)?.amount }
.groupBy { it.token.product }
.mapValues { it.value.map { Amount(it.quantity, it.token.product) }.sumOrThrow() }
override val cashBalances: Map<Currency, Amount<Currency>> get() {
val cashBalancesByCurrency =
@ -151,15 +175,17 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
override fun <T: ContractState> states(clazzes: Set<Class<T>>, statuses: EnumSet<Vault.StateStatus>): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>> {
override fun <T: ContractState> states(clazzes: Set<Class<T>>, statuses: EnumSet<Vault.StateStatus>, includeSoftLockedStates: Boolean): Iterable<StateAndRef<T>> {
val stateAndRefs =
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
var result = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class)
var query = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class)
.where(VaultSchema.VaultStates::stateStatus `in` statuses)
// TODO: temporary fix to continue supporting track() function (until becomes Typed)
if (!clazzes.map {it.name}.contains(ContractState::class.java.name))
result.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::contractStateClassName `in` (clazzes.map { it.name }))
val iterator = result.get().iterator()
query.and (VaultSchema.VaultStates::contractStateClassName `in` (clazzes.map { it.name }))
if (!includeSoftLockedStates)
val iterator = query.get().iterator()
.map { it ->
val stateRef = StateRef(SecureHash.parse(it.txId), it.index)
@ -195,10 +221,13 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
val ourKeys = services.keyManagementService.keys.keys
val netDelta = txns.fold(Vault.NoUpdate) { netDelta, txn -> netDelta + makeUpdate(txn, ourKeys) }
if (netDelta != Vault.NoUpdate) {
mutex.locked {
// flowId required by SoftLockManager to perform auto-registration of soft locks for new states
val uuid = (Strand.currentStrand() as? FlowStateMachineImpl<*>)?.id?.uuid
val vaultUpdate = if (uuid != null) netDelta.copy(flowId = uuid) else netDelta
@ -218,6 +247,208 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
override fun softLockReserve(id: UUID, stateRefs: Set<StateRef>) {
if (stateRefs.isNotEmpty()) {
val stateRefsAsStr = stateRefsToCompositeKeyStr(stateRefs.toList())
val softLockTimestamp = services.clock.instant()
// TODO: awaiting support of UPDATE WHERE <Composite key> IN in Requery DSL
val updateStatement = """
UPDATE VAULT_STATES SET lock_id = '$id', lock_timestamp = '$softLockTimestamp'
WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefsAsStr))
AND (state_status = 0)
AND ((lock_id = '$id') OR (lock_id is null));
val statement = configuration.jdbcSession().createStatement()
try {
val rs = statement.executeUpdate(updateStatement)
if (rs > 0 && rs == stateRefs.size) {
log.trace("Reserving soft lock states for $id: $stateRefs")
else {
// revert partial soft locks
val revertUpdateStatement = """
WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefsAsStr))
AND (lock_timestamp = '$softLockTimestamp') AND (lock_id = '$id');
val rsr = statement.executeUpdate(revertUpdateStatement)
if (rsr > 0) {
log.trace("Reverting $rsr partially soft locked states for $id")
throw StatesNotAvailableException("Attempted to reserve $stateRefs for $id but only $rs rows available")
catch (e: SQLException) {
log.error("""soft lock update error attempting to reserve states: $stateRefs for $id
throw StatesNotAvailableException("Failed to reserve $stateRefs for $id", e)
finally { statement.close() }
override fun softLockRelease(id: UUID, stateRefs: Set<StateRef>?) {
if (stateRefs == null) {
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
val update = update(VaultStatesEntity::class)
.set(VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_ID, null)
.set(VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_UPDATE_TIME, services.clock.instant())
.where (VaultStatesEntity.STATE_STATUS eq Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED)
.and (VaultStatesEntity.LOCK_ID eq id.toString()).get()
if (update.value() > 0) {
log.trace("Releasing ${update.value()} soft locked states for $id")
else if (stateRefs.isNotEmpty()) {
val stateRefsAsStr = stateRefsToCompositeKeyStr(stateRefs.toList())
// TODO: awaiting support of UPDATE WHERE <Composite key> IN in Requery DSL
val updateStatement = """
UPDATE VAULT_STATES SET lock_id = null, lock_timestamp = '${services.clock.instant()}'
WHERE (transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefsAsStr)
AND (state_status = 0) AND (lock_id = '$id');
val statement = configuration.jdbcSession().createStatement()
try {
val rs = statement.executeUpdate(updateStatement)
if (rs > 0) {
log.trace("Releasing $rs soft locked states for $id and stateRefs $stateRefs")
} catch (e: SQLException) {
log.error("""soft lock update error attempting to release states for $id and $stateRefs")
} finally {
// coin selection retry loop counter, sleep (msecs) and lock for selecting states
val RETRY_SLEEP = 100
val spendLock: ReentrantLock = ReentrantLock()
internal fun <T : ContractState> unconsumedStatesForSpending(amount: Amount<Currency>, onlyFromIssuerParties: Set<AbstractParty>? = null, notary: Party? = null, lockId: UUID): List<StateAndRef<T>> {
val issuerKeysStr = onlyFromIssuerParties?.fold("") { left, right -> left + "('${right.owningKey.toBase58String()}')," }?.dropLast(1)
var stateAndRefs = mutableListOf<StateAndRef<T>>()
// TODO: Need to provide a database provider independent means of performing this function.
// We are using an H2 specific means of selecting a minimum set of rows that match a request amount of coins:
// 1) There is no standard SQL mechanism of calculating a cumulative total on a field and restricting row selection on the
// running total of such an accumulator
// 2) H2 uses session variables to perform this accumulator function:
// http://www.h2database.com/html/functions.html#set
// 3) H2 does not support JOIN's in FOR UPDATE (hence we are forced to execute 2 queries)
for (retryCount in 1..MAX_RETRIES) {
spendLock.withLock {
val statement = configuration.jdbcSession().createStatement()
try {
statement.execute("CALL SET(@t, 0);")
// we select spendable states irrespective of lock but prioritised by unlocked ones (Eg. null)
// the softLockReserve update will detect whether we try to lock states locked by others
val selectJoin = """
SELECT vs.transaction_id, vs.output_index, vs.contract_state, ccs.pennies, SET(@t, ifnull(@t,0)+ccs.pennies) total_pennies, vs.lock_id
FROM vault_states AS vs, contract_cash_states AS ccs
WHERE vs.transaction_id = ccs.transaction_id AND vs.output_index = ccs.output_index
AND vs.state_status = 0
AND ccs.ccy_code = '${amount.token}' and @t < ${amount.quantity}
AND (vs.lock_id = '$lockId' OR vs.lock_id is null)
""" +
(if (notary != null)
" AND vs.notary_key = '${notary.owningKey.toBase58String()}'" else "") +
(if (issuerKeysStr != null)
" AND ccs.issuer_key IN $issuerKeysStr" else "")
// Retrieve spendable state refs
val rs = statement.executeQuery(selectJoin)
var totalPennies = 0L
while (rs.next()) {
val txHash = SecureHash.parse(rs.getString(1))
val index = rs.getInt(2)
val stateRef = StateRef(txHash, index)
val state = rs.getBytes(3).deserialize<TransactionState<T>>(storageKryo())
val pennies = rs.getLong(4)
totalPennies = rs.getLong(5)
val rowLockId = rs.getString(6)
stateAndRefs.add(StateAndRef(state, stateRef))
log.trace { "ROW: $rowLockId ($lockId): $stateRef : $pennies ($totalPennies)" }
if (stateAndRefs.isNotEmpty() && totalPennies >= amount.quantity) {
// we should have a minimum number of states to satisfy our selection `amount` criteria
log.trace("Coin selection for $amount retrieved ${stateAndRefs.count()} states totalling $totalPennies pennies: $stateAndRefs")
// update database
softLockReserve(lockId, stateAndRefs.map { it.ref }.toSet())
return stateAndRefs
log.trace("Coin selection requested $amount but retrieved $totalPennies pennies with state refs: ${stateAndRefs.map { it.ref }}")
// retry as more states may become available
} catch (e: SQLException) {
log.error("""Failed retrieving unconsumed states for: amount [$amount], onlyFromIssuerParties [$onlyFromIssuerParties], notary [$notary], lockId [$lockId]
} catch (e: StatesNotAvailableException) {
// retry only if there are locked states that may become available again (or consumed with change)
} finally {
log.warn("Coin selection failed on attempt $retryCount")
// TODO: revisit the back off strategy for contended spending.
if (retryCount != MAX_RETRIES) {
FlowStateMachineImpl.sleep(RETRY_SLEEP * retryCount.toLong())
log.warn("Insufficient spendable states identified for $amount")
return stateAndRefs
override fun <T : ContractState> softLockedStates(lockId: UUID?): List<StateAndRef<T>> {
val stateAndRefs =
session.withTransaction(TransactionIsolation.REPEATABLE_READ) {
var query = select(VaultSchema.VaultStates::class)
.where(VaultSchema.VaultStates::stateStatus eq Vault.StateStatus.UNCONSUMED)
.and(VaultSchema.VaultStates::contractStateClassName eq Cash.State::class.java.name)
if (lockId != null)
query.and(VaultSchema.VaultStates::lockId eq lockId)
.map { it ->
val stateRef = StateRef(SecureHash.parse(it.txId), it.index)
val state = it.contractState.deserialize<TransactionState<T>>(storageKryo())
StateAndRef(state, stateRef)
return stateAndRefs
* Generate a transaction that moves an amount of currency to the given pubkey.
* @param onlyFromParties if non-null, the asset states will be filtered to only include those issued by the set
* of given parties. This can be useful if the party you're trying to pay has expectations
* about which type of asset claims they are willing to accept.
override fun generateSpend(tx: TransactionBuilder,
amount: Amount<Currency>,
to: CompositeKey,
@ -242,30 +473,25 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
// Finally, we add the states to the provided partial transaction.
val assetsStates = unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
// Retrieve unspent and unlocked cash states that meet our spending criteria.
val acceptableCoins = unconsumedStatesForSpending<Cash.State>(amount, onlyFromParties, tx.notary, tx.lockId)
val currency = amount.token
var acceptableCoins = run {
val ofCurrency = assetsStates.filter { it.state.data.amount.token.product == currency }
if (onlyFromParties != null)
ofCurrency.filter { it.state.data.amount.token.issuer.party in onlyFromParties }
tx.notary = acceptableCoins.firstOrNull()?.state?.notary
// TODO: We should be prepared to produce multiple transactions spending inputs from
// different notaries, or at least group states by notary and take the set with the
// highest total value
acceptableCoins = acceptableCoins.filter { it.state.notary == tx.notary }
// highest total value.
// notary may be associated with locked state only
tx.notary = acceptableCoins.firstOrNull()?.state?.notary
val (gathered, gatheredAmount) = gatherCoins(acceptableCoins, amount)
val takeChangeFrom = gathered.firstOrNull()
val change = if (takeChangeFrom != null && gatheredAmount > amount) {
Amount(gatheredAmount.quantity - amount.quantity, takeChangeFrom.state.data.amount.token)
} else {
val keysUsed = gathered.map { it.state.data.owner }.toSet()
val keysUsed = gathered.map { it.state.data.owner }
val states = gathered.groupBy { it.state.data.amount.token.issuer }.map {
val coins = it.value
@ -293,15 +519,14 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
for (state in outputs) tx.addOutputState(state)
// What if we already have a move command with the right keys? Filter it out here or in platform code?
val keysList = keysUsed.toList()
tx.addCommand(Cash().generateMoveCommand(), keysList)
tx.addCommand(Cash().generateMoveCommand(), keysUsed)
// update Vault
// notify(tx.toWireTransaction())
// Vault update must be completed AFTER transaction is recorded to ledger storage!!!
// (this is accomplished within the recordTransaction function)
return Pair(tx, keysList)
return Pair(tx, keysUsed)
private fun deriveState(txState: TransactionState<Cash.State>, amount: Amount<Issued<Currency>>, owner: CompositeKey)
@ -325,8 +550,12 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
gatheredAmount += Amount(c.state.data.amount.quantity, amount.token)
if (gatheredAmount < amount)
if (gatheredAmount < amount) {
log.trace("Insufficient balance: requested $amount, available $gatheredAmount (total balance ${cashBalances[amount.token]})")
throw InsufficientBalanceException(amount - gatheredAmount)
log.trace("Gathered coins: requested $amount, available $gatheredAmount, change: ${gatheredAmount - amount}")
return Pair(gathered, gatheredAmount)
@ -339,20 +568,28 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
// Retrieve all unconsumed states for this transaction's inputs
val consumedStates = HashSet<StateAndRef<ContractState>>()
if (tx.inputs.isNotEmpty()) {
val stateRefs = tx.inputs.fold("") { stateRefs, it -> stateRefs + "('${it.txhash}','${it.index}')," }.dropLast(1)
val stateRefs = stateRefsToCompositeKeyStr(tx.inputs)
// TODO: using native JDBC until requery supports SELECT WHERE COMPOSITE_KEY IN
// https://github.com/requery/requery/issues/434
val statement = configuration.jdbcSession().createStatement()
val rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT transaction_id, output_index, contract_state " +
"FROM vault_states " +
"WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefs)) " +
"AND (state_status = 0)")
while (rs.next()) {
val txHash = SecureHash.parse(rs.getString(1))
val index = rs.getInt(2)
val state = rs.getBytes(3).deserialize<TransactionState<ContractState>>(storageKryo())
consumedStates.add(StateAndRef(state, StateRef(txHash, index)))
try {
// TODO: upgrade to Requery 1.2.0 and rewrite with Requery DSL (https://github.com/requery/requery/issues/434)
val rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT transaction_id, output_index, contract_state " +
"FROM vault_states " +
"WHERE ((transaction_id, output_index) IN ($stateRefs)) " +
"AND (state_status = 0)")
while (rs.next()) {
val txHash = SecureHash.parse(rs.getString(1))
val index = rs.getInt(2)
val state = rs.getBytes(3).deserialize<TransactionState<ContractState>>(storageKryo())
consumedStates.add(StateAndRef(state, StateRef(txHash, index)))
} catch (e: SQLException) {
log.error("""Failed retrieving state refs for: $stateRefs
finally { statement.close() }
// Is transaction irrelevant?
@ -387,4 +624,11 @@ class NodeVaultService(private val services: ServiceHub, dataSourceProperties: P
is LinearState -> state.isRelevant(ourKeys)
else -> false
* Helper method to generate a string formatted list of Composite Keys for SQL IN clause
private fun stateRefsToCompositeKeyStr(stateRefs: List<StateRef>): String {
return stateRefs.fold("") { stateRefsAsStr, it -> stateRefsAsStr + "('${it.txhash}','${it.index}')," }.dropLast(1)
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package net.corda.node.services.vault
import net.corda.core.contracts.StateRef
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.StateMachineRunId
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.StateMachineManager
import net.corda.node.utilities.AddOrRemove
import java.util.*
class VaultSoftLockManager(val vault: VaultService, smm: StateMachineManager) {
private companion object {
val log = loggerFor<VaultSoftLockManager>()
private val trackingFlowIds: MutableSet<UUID> = Collections.synchronizedSet(HashSet())
init {
smm.changes.subscribe { change ->
if (change.addOrRemove == AddOrRemove.REMOVE && trackingFlowIds.contains(change.id.uuid)) {
log.trace( "${change.addOrRemove} Flow name ${change.logic.javaClass} with id ${change.id}")
unregisterSoftLocks(change.id, change.logic)
// Discussion
// The intent of the following approach is to support what might be a common pattern in a flow:
// 1. Create state
// 2. Do something with state
// without possibility of another flow intercepting the state between 1 and 2,
// since we cannot lock the state before it exists. e.g. Issue and then Move some Cash.
// The downside is we could have a long running flow that holds a lock for a long period of time.
// However, the lock can be programmatically released, like any other soft lock,
// should we want a long running flow that creates a visible state mid way through.
vault.rawUpdates.subscribe { update ->
update.flowId?.let {
if (update.produced.isNotEmpty()) {
registerSoftLocks(update.flowId as UUID, update.produced.map { it.ref })
trackingFlowIds.add(update.flowId as UUID)
private fun registerSoftLocks(flowId: UUID, stateRefs: List<StateRef>) {
log.trace("Reserving soft locks for flow id $flowId and states $stateRefs")
vault.softLockReserve(flowId, stateRefs.toSet())
private fun unregisterSoftLocks(id: StateMachineRunId, logic: FlowLogic<*>) {
val flowClassName = logic.javaClass.simpleName
log.trace("Releasing soft locks for flow $flowClassName with flow id ${id.uuid}")
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
package net.corda.node.services
import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.contracts.testing.fillWithSomeTestCash
import net.corda.core.contracts.DOLLARS
import net.corda.core.contracts.POUNDS
import net.corda.core.contracts.TransactionType
import net.corda.core.contracts.`issued by`
import net.corda.core.crypto.composite
import net.corda.core.node.services.TxWritableStorageService
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.node.services.unconsumedStates
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.core.utilities.LogHelper
import net.corda.node.services.vault.NodeVaultService
import net.corda.node.utilities.configureDatabase
import net.corda.node.utilities.databaseTransaction
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP_KEY
import net.corda.testing.node.MockServices
import net.corda.testing.node.makeTestDataSourceProperties
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Database
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.Closeable
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class NodeVaultServiceTest {
lateinit var dataSource: Closeable
lateinit var database: Database
private val dataSourceProps = makeTestDataSourceProperties()
fun setUp() {
val dataSourceAndDatabase = configureDatabase(dataSourceProps)
dataSource = dataSourceAndDatabase.first
database = dataSourceAndDatabase.second
fun tearDown() {
fun `states not local to instance`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val services1 = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
services1.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val w1 = services1.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
val originalStorage = services1.storageService
val originalVault = services1.vaultService
val services2 = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService get() = originalVault
// We need to be able to find the same transactions as before, too.
override val storageService: TxWritableStorageService get() = originalStorage
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
val w2 = services2.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
fun `states for refs`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val services1 = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
services1.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val w1 = services1.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val stateRefs = listOf(w1[1].ref, w1[2].ref)
val states = services1.vaultService.statesForRefs(stateRefs)
fun addNoteToTransaction() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val services = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
// Refactored to use notifyAll() as we have no other unit test for that method with multiple transactions.
vaultService.notifyAll(txs.map { it.tx })
val freshKey = services.legalIdentityKey
// Issue a txn to Send us some Money
val usefulTX = TransactionType.General.Builder(null).apply {
Cash().generateIssue(this, 100.DOLLARS `issued by` MEGA_CORP.ref(1), freshKey.public.composite, DUMMY_NOTARY)
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 1")
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 2")
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 3")
assertEquals(3, services.vaultService.getTransactionNotes(usefulTX.id).count())
// Issue more Money (GBP)
val anotherTX = TransactionType.General.Builder(null).apply {
Cash().generateIssue(this, 200.POUNDS `issued by` MEGA_CORP.ref(1), freshKey.public.composite, DUMMY_NOTARY)
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(anotherTX.id, "GPB Sample Note 1")
assertEquals(1, services.vaultService.getTransactionNotes(anotherTX.id).count())
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import net.corda.contracts.testing.fillWithSomeTestDeals
import net.corda.contracts.testing.fillWithSomeTestLinearStates
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.composite
import net.corda.core.node.recordTransactions
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.node.services.consumedStates
import net.corda.core.node.services.unconsumedStates
@ -15,6 +14,8 @@ import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY_KEY
import net.corda.core.utilities.LogHelper
import net.corda.node.services.schema.HibernateObserver
import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
import net.corda.node.services.vault.NodeVaultService
import net.corda.node.utilities.configureDatabase
import net.corda.node.utilities.databaseTransaction
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.Closeable
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNull
@ -52,7 +55,7 @@ class VaultWithCashTest {
database = dataSourceAndDatabase.second
databaseTransaction(database) {
services = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
@ -128,6 +131,98 @@ class VaultWithCashTest {
fun `issue and attempt double spend`() {
val freshKey = services.keyManagementService.freshKey()
databaseTransaction(database) {
// A tx that sends us money.
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 10, 10, Random(0L),
issuedBy = MEGA_CORP.ref(1),
issuerKey = MEGA_CORP_KEY,
ownedBy = freshKey.public.composite)
println("Cash balance: ${vault.cashBalances[USD]}")
val backgroundExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
val countDown = CountDownLatch(2)
// 1st tx that spends our money.
backgroundExecutor.submit {
databaseTransaction(database) {
try {
val txn1 =
TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY).apply {
vault.generateSpend(this, 60.DOLLARS, BOB_PUBKEY)
println("txn1: ${txn1.id} spent ${((txn1.tx.outputs[0].data) as Cash.State).amount}")
println("""txn1 states:
UNCONSUMED: ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()},
CONSUMED: ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>()},
LOCKED: ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>()}
println("txn1: Cash balance: ${vault.cashBalances[USD]}")
println("""txn1 states:
UNCONSUMED: ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()},
CONSUMED: ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>()},
LOCKED: ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>()}
catch(e: Exception) {
println("txn1 COMMITTED!")
// 2nd tx that attempts to spend same money
backgroundExecutor.submit {
databaseTransaction(database) {
try {
val txn2 =
TransactionType.General.Builder(DUMMY_NOTARY).apply {
vault.generateSpend(this, 80.DOLLARS, BOB_PUBKEY)
println("txn2: ${txn2.id} spent ${((txn2.tx.outputs[0].data) as Cash.State).amount}")
println("""txn2 states:
UNCONSUMED: ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()},
CONSUMED: ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>()},
LOCKED: ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>()}
println("txn2: Cash balance: ${vault.cashBalances[USD]}")
println("""txn2 states:
UNCONSUMED: ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()},
CONSUMED: ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.consumedStates<Cash.State>()},
LOCKED: ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>().count()} : ${vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>()}
catch(e: Exception) {
println("txn2 COMMITTED!")
databaseTransaction(database) {
println("Cash balance: ${vault.cashBalances[USD]}")
fun `branching LinearStates fails to verify`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
package net.corda.node.services.vault
import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.contracts.testing.fillWithSomeTestCash
import net.corda.core.contracts.*
import net.corda.core.crypto.composite
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowException
import net.corda.core.node.services.TxWritableStorageService
import net.corda.core.node.services.VaultService
import net.corda.core.node.services.unconsumedStates
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.core.utilities.LogHelper
import net.corda.node.services.schema.HibernateObserver
import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
import net.corda.node.utilities.configureDatabase
import net.corda.node.utilities.databaseTransaction
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP_KEY
import net.corda.testing.node.MockServices
import net.corda.testing.node.makeTestDataSourceProperties
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Database
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import java.io.Closeable
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertNull
class NodeVaultServiceTest {
lateinit var services: MockServices
val vault: VaultService get() = services.vaultService
lateinit var dataSource: Closeable
lateinit var database: Database
fun setUp() {
val dataSourceProps = makeTestDataSourceProperties()
val dataSourceAndDatabase = configureDatabase(dataSourceProps)
dataSource = dataSourceAndDatabase.first
database = dataSourceAndDatabase.second
databaseTransaction(database) {
services = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService = makeVaultService(dataSourceProps)
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
// Refactored to use notifyAll() as we have no other unit test for that method with multiple transactions.
vaultService.notifyAll(txs.map { it.tx })
fun tearDown() {
fun `states not local to instance`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val w1 = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
val originalStorage = services.storageService
val originalVault = services.vaultService
val services2 = object : MockServices() {
override val vaultService: VaultService get() = originalVault
// We need to be able to find the same transactions as before, too.
override val storageService: TxWritableStorageService get() = originalStorage
override fun recordTransactions(txs: Iterable<SignedTransaction>) {
for (stx in txs) {
val w2 = services2.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
fun `states for refs`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val w1 = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val stateRefs = listOf(w1[1].ref, w1[2].ref)
val states = services.vaultService.statesForRefs(stateRefs)
fun `states soft locking reserve and release`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val unconsumedStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val stateRefsToSoftLock = setOf(unconsumedStates[1].ref, unconsumedStates[2].ref)
// soft lock two of the three states
val softLockId = UUID.randomUUID()
services.vaultService.softLockReserve(softLockId, stateRefsToSoftLock)
// all softlocked states
// my softlocked states
// excluding softlocked states
val unlockedStates1 = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>(includeSoftLockedStates = false)
// soft lock release one of the states explicitly
services.vaultService.softLockRelease(softLockId, setOf(unconsumedStates[1].ref))
val unlockedStates2 = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>(includeSoftLockedStates = false)
// soft lock release the rest by id
val unlockedStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>(includeSoftLockedStates = false).toList()
// should be back to original states
fun `soft locking attempt concurrent reserve`() {
val backgroundExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
val countDown = CountDownLatch(2)
val softLockId1 = UUID.randomUUID()
val softLockId2 = UUID.randomUUID()
val vaultStates =
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val stateRefsToSoftLock = vaultStates.states.map { it.ref }.toSet()
println("State Refs:: $stateRefsToSoftLock")
// 1st tx locks states
backgroundExecutor.submit {
try {
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, stateRefsToSoftLock)
println("SOFT LOCK STATES #1 succeeded")
} catch(e: Throwable) {
println("SOFT LOCK STATES #1 failed")
} finally {
// 2nd tx attempts to lock same states
backgroundExecutor.submit {
try {
Thread.sleep(100) // let 1st thread soft lock them 1st
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId2, stateRefsToSoftLock)
println("SOFT LOCK STATES #2 succeeded")
} catch(e: Throwable) {
println("SOFT LOCK STATES #2 failed")
} finally {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val lockStatesId1 = vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>(softLockId1)
println("SOFT LOCK #1 final states: $lockStatesId1")
assertThat(lockStatesId1.size).isIn(0, 3)
val lockStatesId2 = vault.softLockedStates<Cash.State>(softLockId2)
println("SOFT LOCK #2 final states: $lockStatesId2")
assertThat(lockStatesId2.size).isIn(0, 3)
fun `soft locking partial reserve states fails`() {
val softLockId1 = UUID.randomUUID()
val softLockId2 = UUID.randomUUID()
val vaultStates =
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val stateRefsToSoftLock = vaultStates.states.map { it.ref }.toSet()
println("State Refs:: $stateRefsToSoftLock")
// lock 1st state with LockId1
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, setOf(stateRefsToSoftLock.first()))
// attempt to lock all 3 states with LockId2
databaseTransaction(database) {
{ vault.softLockReserve(softLockId2, stateRefsToSoftLock) }
).withMessageContaining("only 2 rows available").withNoCause()
fun `attempt to lock states already soft locked by me`() {
val softLockId1 = UUID.randomUUID()
val vaultStates =
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val stateRefsToSoftLock = vaultStates.states.map { it.ref }.toSet()
println("State Refs:: $stateRefsToSoftLock")
// lock states with LockId1
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, stateRefsToSoftLock)
// attempt to relock same states with LockId1
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, stateRefsToSoftLock)
fun `lock additional states to some already soft locked by me`() {
val softLockId1 = UUID.randomUUID()
val vaultStates =
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 3, 3, Random(0L))
val stateRefsToSoftLock = vaultStates.states.map { it.ref }.toSet()
println("State Refs:: $stateRefsToSoftLock")
// lock states with LockId1
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, setOf(stateRefsToSoftLock.first()))
// attempt to lock all states with LockId1 (including previously already locked one)
databaseTransaction(database) {
vault.softLockReserve(softLockId1, stateRefsToSoftLock)
fun `unconsumedStatesForSpending exact amount`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 1, 1, Random(0L))
val unconsumedStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val spendableStatesUSD = (services.vaultService as NodeVaultService).unconsumedStatesForSpending<Cash.State>(100.DOLLARS, lockId = UUID.randomUUID())
fun `unconsumedStatesForSpending insufficient amount`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 1, 1, Random(0L))
val unconsumedStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val spendableStatesUSD = (services.vaultService as NodeVaultService).unconsumedStatesForSpending<Cash.State>(110.DOLLARS, lockId = UUID.randomUUID())
fun `unconsumedStatesForSpending small amount`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 2, 2, Random(0L))
val unconsumedStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>().toList()
val spendableStatesUSD = (services.vaultService as NodeVaultService).unconsumedStatesForSpending<Cash.State>(1.DOLLARS, lockId = UUID.randomUUID())
fun `states soft locking query granularity`() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.DOLLARS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 10, 10, Random(0L))
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.POUNDS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 10, 10, Random(0L))
services.fillWithSomeTestCash(100.SWISS_FRANCS, DUMMY_NOTARY, 10, 10, Random(0L))
val allStates = services.vaultService.unconsumedStates<Cash.State>()
for (i in 1..5) {
val spendableStatesUSD = (services.vaultService as NodeVaultService).unconsumedStatesForSpending<Cash.State>(20.DOLLARS, lockId = UUID.randomUUID())
// note only 3 spend attempts succeed with a total of 8 states
fun addNoteToTransaction() {
databaseTransaction(database) {
val freshKey = services.legalIdentityKey
// Issue a txn to Send us some Money
val usefulTX = TransactionType.General.Builder(null).apply {
Cash().generateIssue(this, 100.DOLLARS `issued by` MEGA_CORP.ref(1), freshKey.public.composite, DUMMY_NOTARY)
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 1")
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 2")
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(usefulTX.id, "USD Sample Note 3")
assertEquals(3, services.vaultService.getTransactionNotes(usefulTX.id).count())
// Issue more Money (GBP)
val anotherTX = TransactionType.General.Builder(null).apply {
Cash().generateIssue(this, 200.POUNDS `issued by` MEGA_CORP.ref(1), freshKey.public.composite, DUMMY_NOTARY)
services.vaultService.addNoteToTransaction(anotherTX.id, "GPB Sample Note 1")
assertEquals(1, services.vaultService.getTransactionNotes(anotherTX.id).count())
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures
import net.corda.contracts.testing.calculateRandomlySizedAmounts
import net.corda.core.contracts.Amount
import net.corda.core.contracts.DOLLARS
import net.corda.core.contracts.Issued
import net.corda.core.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.messaging.CordaRPCOps
import net.corda.core.messaging.startFlow
@ -24,14 +25,14 @@ class TraderDemoClientApi(val rpc: CordaRPCOps) {
val logger = loggerFor<TraderDemoClientApi>()
fun runBuyer(amount: Amount<Currency> = 30000.0.DOLLARS) {
fun runBuyer(amount: Amount<Currency> = 30000.DOLLARS) {
val bankOfCordaParty = rpc.partyFromName(BOC.name)
?: throw Exception("Unable to locate ${BOC.name} in Network Map Service")
val me = rpc.nodeIdentity()
// TODO: revert back to multiple issue request amounts (3,10) when soft locking implemented
val amounts = calculateRandomlySizedAmounts(amount, 1, 1, Random())
val resultFutures = amounts.map {
rpc.startFlow(::IssuanceRequester, amount, me.legalIdentity, OpaqueBytes.of(1), bankOfCordaParty).returnValue
val amounts = calculateRandomlySizedAmounts(amount, 3, 10, Random())
// issuer random amounts of currency totaling 30000.DOLLARS in parallel
val resultFutures = amounts.map { pennies ->
rpc.startFlow(::IssuanceRequester, Amount(pennies, amount.token), me.legalIdentity, OpaqueBytes.of(1), bankOfCordaParty).returnValue
@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import net.corda.core.serialization.SingletonSerializeAsToken
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.DUMMY_NOTARY
import net.corda.node.services.persistence.InMemoryStateMachineRecordedTransactionMappingStorage
import net.corda.node.services.schema.HibernateObserver
import net.corda.node.services.schema.NodeSchemaService
import net.corda.node.services.vault.NodeVaultService
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MINI_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MOCK_VERSION
@ -65,6 +68,13 @@ open class MockServices(val key: KeyPair = generateKeyPair()) : ServiceHub {
override val clock: Clock get() = Clock.systemUTC()
override val schedulerService: SchedulerService get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val myInfo: NodeInfo get() = NodeInfo(object : SingleMessageRecipient {}, Party("MegaCorp", key.public.composite), MOCK_VERSION)
fun makeVaultService(dataSourceProps: Properties): VaultService {
val vaultService = NodeVaultService(this, dataSourceProps)
// Vault cash spending requires access to contract_cash_states and their updates
HibernateObserver(vaultService, NodeSchemaService())
return vaultService
@ -170,7 +180,7 @@ class MockStorageService(override val attachments: AttachmentStorage = MockAttac
fun makeTestDataSourceProperties(nodeName: String = SecureHash.randomSHA256().toString()): Properties {
val props = Properties()
props.setProperty("dataSourceClassName", "org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource")
props.setProperty("dataSource.url", "jdbc:h2:mem:${nodeName}_persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE")
props.setProperty("dataSource.url", "jdbc:h2:mem:${nodeName}_persistence;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE")
props.setProperty("dataSource.user", "sa")
props.setProperty("dataSource.password", "")
return props
@ -12,10 +12,14 @@ import joptsimple.OptionParser
import net.corda.client.jfx.model.Models
import net.corda.client.jfx.model.observableValue
import net.corda.client.mock.EventGenerator
import net.corda.contracts.asset.Cash
import net.corda.core.contracts.GBP
import net.corda.core.contracts.USD
import net.corda.core.messaging.FlowHandle
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceInfo
import net.corda.core.node.services.ServiceType
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.loggerFor
import net.corda.explorer.model.CordaViewModel
import net.corda.explorer.model.SettingsModel
import net.corda.explorer.views.*
@ -35,6 +39,9 @@ import tornadofx.App
import tornadofx.addStageIcon
import tornadofx.find
import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException
import kotlin.concurrent.thread
* Main class for Explorer, you will need Tornado FX to run the explorer.
@ -43,6 +50,10 @@ class Main : App(MainView::class) {
private val loginView by inject<LoginView>()
private val fullscreen by observableValue(SettingsModel::fullscreenProperty)
companion object {
val log = loggerFor<Main>()
override fun start(stage: Stage) {
// Login to Corda node
@ -207,34 +218,93 @@ fun main(args: Array<String>) {
currencies = listOf(USD)
for (i in 0..1000) {
val maxIterations = 100000
val flowHandles = mapOf(
"GBPIssuer" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1),
"USDIssuer" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1),
"Alice" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1),
"Bob" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1),
"GBPExit" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1),
"USDExit" to ArrayBlockingQueue<FlowHandle<SignedTransaction>>(maxIterations+1)
flowHandles.forEach {
thread {
for (i in 0..maxIterations) {
val item = it.value.take()
val out = "[$i] ${it.key} ${item.id} :"
try {
val result = item.returnValue.get()
Main.log.info("$out ${result.id} ${(result.tx.outputs.first().data as Cash.State).amount}")
} catch(e: ExecutionException) {
Main.log.info("$out ${e.cause!!.message}")
for (i in 0..maxIterations) {
// Party pay requests
listOf(aliceRPC, bobRPC).forEach {
eventGenerator.clientCommandGenerator.map { command ->
// Issuer requests
if ((i % 5) == 0) {
issuerGBPEventGenerator.bankOfCordaIssueGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] ISSUING ${command.amount} with ref ${command.issueRef} to ${command.recipient}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(issuerRPCGBP)
issuerUSDEventGenerator.bankOfCordaIssueGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] ISSUING ${command.amount} with ref ${command.issueRef} to ${command.recipient}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(issuerRPCUSD)
// Exit requests
issuerGBPEventGenerator.bankOfCordaExitGenerator.map { command ->
if ((i % 10) == 0) {
issuerGBPEventGenerator.bankOfCordaExitGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] EXITING ${command.amount} with ref ${command.issueRef}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(issuerRPCGBP)
issuerUSDEventGenerator.bankOfCordaExitGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] EXITING ${command.amount} with ref ${command.issueRef}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(issuerRPCUSD)
// Party pay requests
// Alice
eventGenerator.clientCommandGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] SENDING ${command.amount} from ${aliceRPC.nodeIdentity().legalIdentity} to ${command.recipient}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(aliceRPC)
issuerUSDEventGenerator.bankOfCordaExitGenerator.map { command ->
// Issuer requests
issuerGBPEventGenerator.bankOfCordaIssueGenerator.map { command ->
issuerUSDEventGenerator.bankOfCordaIssueGenerator.map { command ->
// Bob
eventGenerator.clientCommandGenerator.map { command ->
println("[$i] SENDING ${command.amount} from ${bobRPC.nodeIdentity().legalIdentity} to ${command.recipient}")
val cmd = command.startFlow(bobRPC)
println("Simulation completed")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user