* Introduce and check @BelongsToContract annotation
* Fix broken ObligationTests
* TransactionContractConflictException inherits from TransactionVerificationException
* Really fix broken ObligationTests
* Convert fun to val
* Update kdoc on BelongsToContract, simplify contract checking
* Warn in TransactionBuilder if ContractState has no owning contract
* Fix failing tests
* Unseal TransactionVerificationException
* Make contract parameter of TransactionState optional
* Replace exception with a warning for now
* Update api-current to permit @BelongsToContract annotation to be added
* cosmetic tweaks
* Throw IllegalArgumentException, not NPE
* Throw IllegalArgumentException, not NPE
* Add registerFlowFactory method to public test API
* Return CordaFuture rather than a plain Future
* Rename method
* Improve KDoc
* Hide internal interface with public wrapper
* Modify API current to include ResponderFlowFactory interface
* Take API definition change from generated file
* Note API change in changelog
* Remove all notion of message level retry.
* Introduce randomness into de-duplication IDs based on the session rather than the flow, in support of idempotent flows.
* CORDA-1494: Re-enable notarisation retries in the new state machine manager.
The original message-based retry approach does not work well with the new
flow state machine due to the way sessions are handled. We decided to move
the retry logic to flow-level: introduce RetryableFlow that won't have
checkpoints persisted and will be restarted after a configurable timeout
if it does not complete in time.
The RetryableFlow functionality will be internal for now, as it's mainly
tailored for the notary client flow, and there are many subtle ways it can
fail when used with arbitrary flows.
JPA/Hibernate entities need to impose the correct NULL/NOT NULL constraints on the database - whatever these correct values actually are.
API change: net.corda.core.schemas.PersistentStateRef fields (index and txId) are now non-nullable. Rationale: The fields were always effectively non-nullable - values were set from non-nullable fields of other objects. The class is used in context of database table Primary Key of for other entities and a database already imposes those columns as non-nullable (even if JPA annotation nullable=false was absent).
* Update api current from v3
* Update Cordapp Context as per CORDA-556
* Update Exception base classes as per CORDA-1334: port enterprise statemachine (#2964)
* Move notary service related classes and interfaces in core to internal (#2827)
* CordaRPCClient changes from CORDA-1099: Orchestrated clean shutdown from Shell (#2831)
* [CORDA-1264]: Ensure correct serialisation and masking for throwables raised by a node and propagated through RPC. (#2892)
* CORDA-973 Refactoring for serialization compression support (#2466)
* [CORDA-941]: Add NetworkParameters contract implementation whitelist. (#2580)
* Cleanup and improvements to the serialisation format of JacksonSupport (needed for CORDA-1238) (#3102)
* Existing internal exposures which need removing - see CORDA-1489
* revert to gradle plugins version of api-scanner
* Move notary service related classes and interfaces in core to internal, since we won't be able to stabilise the APIs for writing custom notary services any time soon (the docs already mention it). I left out the wire protocol related classes so we don't accidentally break it.
* ENT-1540: Make sure transactions with "expired" time windows get re-notarised correctly.
Currently the time window is checked before states are being passed to a uniqueness provider. If the time window is
invalid, the transaction will be rejected even if it has already been notarised, which violated idempotency.
For this reason the time window verification was moved alongside state conflict checks.
* Update API - this only affects custom notary interfaces
* Remove exposures of internal classes via testing api
* Remove deleted api from api-current
* Fix merge conflict
* Remove internal usage from api-current.txt