mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 16:26:36 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'open/master' into tlil-os-merge-20180613
This commit is contained in:
@ -6527,27 +6527,22 @@ public static final class net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClient$Companion extends
public final net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClient createWithSsl(net.corda.core.utilities.NetworkHostAndPort, net.corda.core.messaging.ClientRpcSslOptions, net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration)
public interface net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration
public abstract int getCacheConcurrencyLevel()
public class net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration extends java.lang.Object
public <init>(java.time.Duration)
public abstract java.time.Duration getConnectionMaxRetryInterval()
public final java.time.Duration component1()
public abstract java.time.Duration getConnectionRetryInterval()
public abstract double getConnectionRetryIntervalMultiplier()
public final net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration copy(java.time.Duration)
public boolean equals(Object)
public abstract java.time.Duration getDeduplicationCacheExpiry()
public abstract int getMaxFileSize()
public abstract int getMaxReconnectAttempts()
public abstract int getMinimumServerProtocolVersion()
public abstract int getObservationExecutorPoolSize()
public abstract java.time.Duration getReapInterval()
public abstract boolean getTrackRpcCallSites()
public java.time.Duration getConnectionMaxRetryInterval()
public int hashCode()
public String toString()
public static final net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration$Companion Companion
public static final net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration DEFAULT
public static final class net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration$Companion extends java.lang.Object
public final net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration default()
public final class net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCConnection extends java.lang.Object implements net.corda.client.rpc.RPCConnection
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class NodeMonitorModel {
// Only execute using "runLater()" if JavaFX been initialized.
// It may not be initialized in the unit test.
// Also if we are already in the JavaFX thread - perform direct invocation without postponing it.
if(initialized.value.get() && !Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {
if (initialized.value.get() && !Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) {
} else {
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class NodeMonitorModel {
// Proxy may change during re-connect, ensure that subject wiring accurately reacts to this activity.
proxyObservable.addListener { _, _, wrapper ->
if(wrapper != null) {
if (wrapper != null) {
val proxy = wrapper.cordaRPCOps
// Vault snapshot (force single page load with MAX_PAGE_SIZE) + updates
val (statesSnapshot, vaultUpdates) = proxy.vaultTrackBy<ContractState>(QueryCriteria.VaultQueryCriteria(Vault.StateStatus.ALL),
@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ class NodeMonitorModel {
val futureProgressTrackerUpdates = stateMachineUpdatesSubject.map { stateMachineUpdate ->
if (stateMachineUpdate is StateMachineUpdate.Added) {
ProgressTrackingEvent.createStreamFromStateMachineInfo(stateMachineUpdate.stateMachineInfo) ?: Observable.empty<ProgressTrackingEvent>()
?: Observable.empty<ProgressTrackingEvent>()
} else {
@ -193,29 +194,28 @@ class NodeMonitorModel {
logger.info("Connecting to: $nodeHostAndPort")
val client = CordaRPCClient(
object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val connectionMaxRetryInterval = retryInterval
connectionMaxRetryInterval = retryInterval
val _connection = client.start(username, password)
// Check connection is truly operational before returning it.
val nodeInfo = _connection.proxy.nodeInfo()
} catch(secEx: ActiveMQException) {
} catch (secEx: ActiveMQException) {
// Happens when:
// * incorrect credentials provided;
// * incorrect endpoint specified;
// - no point to retry connecting.
throw secEx
catch(th: Throwable) {
} catch (th: Throwable) {
// Deliberately not logging full stack trace as it will be full of internal stacktraces.
logger.info("Exception upon establishing connection: " + th.message)
if(connection != null) {
if (connection != null) {
logger.info("Connection successfully established with: $nodeHostAndPort")
return connection
@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ class CordaRPCClientTest : NodeBasedTest(listOf("net.corda.finance.contracts", C
override fun setUp() {
node = startNode(ALICE_NAME, rpcUsers = listOf(rpcUser))
client = CordaRPCClient(node.internals.configuration.rpcOptions.address!!, object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val maxReconnectAttempts = 5
client = CordaRPCClient(node.internals.configuration.rpcOptions.address!!, CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
maxReconnectAttempts = 5
identity = node.info.identityFromX500Name(ALICE_NAME)
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
package net.corda.client.rpc
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.RPCClient
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.core.context.Trace
import net.corda.core.crypto.random63BitValue
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.fork
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
Try.on {
configuration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default.copy(minimumServerProtocolVersion = 1)
configuration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(minimumServerProtocolVersion = 1)
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
rpcDriver {
fun startAndCloseServer(broker: RpcBrokerHandle) {
configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.default,
configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT,
ops = DummyOps,
brokerHandle = broker
@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
fun `rpc client close doesnt leak broker resources`() {
rpcDriver {
val server = startRpcServer(configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.default, ops = DummyOps).get()
val server = startRpcServer(configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT, ops = DummyOps).get()
RPCClient<RPCOps>(server.broker.hostAndPort!!).start(RPCOps::class.java, rpcTestUser.username, rpcTestUser.password).close()
val initial = server.broker.getStats()
repeat(100) {
@ -251,7 +250,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
val serverPort = startRpcServer<ReconnectOps>(ops = ops).getOrThrow().broker.hostAndPort!!
// Set retry interval to 1s to reduce test duration
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 1.seconds)
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 1.seconds)
val clientFollower = shutdownManager.follower()
val client = startRpcClient<ReconnectOps>(serverPort, configuration = clientConfiguration).getOrThrow()
@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
val serverPort = startRpcServer<ReconnectOps>(ops = ops).getOrThrow().broker.hostAndPort!!
// Set retry interval to 1s to reduce test duration
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 1.seconds, maxReconnectAttempts = 5)
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 1.seconds, maxReconnectAttempts = 5)
val clientFollower = shutdownManager.follower()
val client = startRpcClient<ReconnectOps>(serverPort, configuration = clientConfiguration).getOrThrow()
@ -308,7 +307,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
val serverPort = startRpcServer<NoOps>(ops = ops).getOrThrow().broker.hostAndPort!!
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 500.millis, maxReconnectAttempts = 1)
val clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(connectionRetryInterval = 500.millis, maxReconnectAttempts = 1)
val clientFollower = shutdownManager.follower()
val client = startRpcClient<NoOps>(serverPort, configuration = clientConfiguration).getOrThrow()
@ -463,7 +462,7 @@ class RPCStabilityTests {
val server = startRpcServer<TrackSubscriberOps>(
configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.default.copy(
configuration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
reapInterval = 100.millis
ops = trackSubscriberOpsImpl
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
package net.corda.client.rpc
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.RPCClient
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.serialization.amqp.AMQPClientSerializationScheme
import net.corda.core.context.Actor
@ -20,6 +19,9 @@ import net.corda.core.serialization.internal.effectiveSerializationEnv
import net.corda.core.utilities.NetworkHostAndPort
import net.corda.nodeapi.ArtemisTcpTransport.Companion.rpcConnectorTcpTransport
import net.corda.core.messaging.ClientRpcSslOptions
import net.corda.core.utilities.days
import net.corda.core.utilities.minutes
import net.corda.core.utilities.seconds
import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.config.SSLConfiguration
import net.corda.serialization.internal.AMQP_RPC_CLIENT_CONTEXT
import java.time.Duration
@ -34,46 +36,163 @@ class CordaRPCConnection internal constructor(connection: RPCConnection<CordaRPC
* Can be used to configure the RPC client connection.
interface CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
open class CordaRPCClientConfiguration @JvmOverloads constructor(
/** The minimum protocol version required from the server */
val minimumServerProtocolVersion: Int get() = default().minimumServerProtocolVersion
* If set to true the client will track RPC call sites. If an error occurs subsequently during the RPC or in a
* returned Observable stream the stack trace of the originating RPC will be shown as well. Note that
* constructing call stacks is a moderately expensive operation.
val trackRpcCallSites: Boolean get() = default().trackRpcCallSites
* The interval of unused observable reaping. Leaked Observables (unused ones) are detected using weak references
* and are cleaned up in batches in this interval. If set too large it will waste server side resources for this
* duration. If set too low it wastes client side cycles.
val reapInterval: Duration get() = default().reapInterval
/** The number of threads to use for observations (for executing [Observable.onNext]) */
val observationExecutorPoolSize: Int get() = default().observationExecutorPoolSize
* Determines the concurrency level of the Observable Cache. This is exposed because it implicitly determines
* the limit on the number of leaked observables reaped because of garbage collection per reaping.
* See the implementation of [com.google.common.cache.LocalCache] for details.
val cacheConcurrencyLevel: Int get() = default().cacheConcurrencyLevel
/** The retry interval of artemis connections in milliseconds */
val connectionRetryInterval: Duration get() = default().connectionRetryInterval
/** The retry interval multiplier for exponential backoff */
val connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier: Double get() = default().connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier
/** Maximum retry interval */
val connectionMaxRetryInterval: Duration get() = default().connectionMaxRetryInterval
/** Maximum reconnect attempts on failover */
val maxReconnectAttempts: Int get() = default().maxReconnectAttempts
/** Maximum file size */
val maxFileSize: Int get() = default().maxFileSize
/** The cache expiry of a deduplication watermark per client. */
val deduplicationCacheExpiry: Duration get() = default().deduplicationCacheExpiry
* Maximum retry interval.
open val connectionMaxRetryInterval: Duration = 3.minutes,
* The minimum protocol version required from the server.
open val minimumServerProtocolVersion: Int = 0,
* If set to true the client will track RPC call sites. If an error occurs subsequently during the RPC or in a
* returned Observable stream the stack trace of the originating RPC will be shown as well. Note that
* constructing call stacks is a moderately expensive operation.
open val trackRpcCallSites: Boolean = false,
* The interval of unused observable reaping. Leaked Observables (unused ones) are detected using weak references
* and are cleaned up in batches in this interval. If set too large it will waste server side resources for this
* duration. If set too low it wastes client side cycles.
open val reapInterval: Duration = 1.seconds,
* The number of threads to use for observations (for executing [Observable.onNext]).
open val observationExecutorPoolSize: Int = 4,
* Determines the concurrency level of the Observable Cache. This is exposed because it implicitly determines
* the limit on the number of leaked observables reaped because of garbage collection per reaping.
* See the implementation of [com.google.common.cache.LocalCache] for details.
open val cacheConcurrencyLevel: Int = 1,
* The retry interval of Artemis connections in milliseconds.
open val connectionRetryInterval: Duration = 5.seconds,
* The retry interval multiplier for exponential backoff.
open val connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier: Double = 1.5,
* Maximum reconnect attempts on failover>
open val maxReconnectAttempts: Int = unlimitedReconnectAttempts,
* Maximum file size, in bytes.
open val maxFileSize: Int = 10485760,
// 10 MiB maximum allowed file size for attachments, including message headers.
// TODO: acquire this value from Network Map when supported.
* The cache expiry of a deduplication watermark per client.
open val deduplicationCacheExpiry: Duration = 1.days
) {
companion object {
fun default(): CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
private const val unlimitedReconnectAttempts = -1
val DEFAULT: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration()
* Create a new copy of a configuration object with zero or more parameters modified.
fun copy(
connectionMaxRetryInterval: Duration = this.connectionMaxRetryInterval,
minimumServerProtocolVersion: Int = this.minimumServerProtocolVersion,
trackRpcCallSites: Boolean = this.trackRpcCallSites,
reapInterval: Duration = this.reapInterval,
observationExecutorPoolSize: Int = this.observationExecutorPoolSize,
cacheConcurrencyLevel: Int = this.cacheConcurrencyLevel,
connectionRetryInterval: Duration = this.connectionRetryInterval,
connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier: Double = this.connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier,
maxReconnectAttempts: Int = this.maxReconnectAttempts,
maxFileSize: Int = this.maxFileSize,
deduplicationCacheExpiry: Duration = this.deduplicationCacheExpiry
): CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
return CordaRPCClientConfiguration(
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (javaClass != other?.javaClass) return false
other as CordaRPCClientConfiguration
if (connectionMaxRetryInterval != other.connectionMaxRetryInterval) return false
if (minimumServerProtocolVersion != other.minimumServerProtocolVersion) return false
if (trackRpcCallSites != other.trackRpcCallSites) return false
if (reapInterval != other.reapInterval) return false
if (observationExecutorPoolSize != other.observationExecutorPoolSize) return false
if (cacheConcurrencyLevel != other.cacheConcurrencyLevel) return false
if (connectionRetryInterval != other.connectionRetryInterval) return false
if (connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier != other.connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier) return false
if (maxReconnectAttempts != other.maxReconnectAttempts) return false
if (maxFileSize != other.maxFileSize) return false
if (deduplicationCacheExpiry != other.deduplicationCacheExpiry) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = minimumServerProtocolVersion
result = 31 * result + connectionMaxRetryInterval.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + trackRpcCallSites.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + reapInterval.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + observationExecutorPoolSize
result = 31 * result + cacheConcurrencyLevel
result = 31 * result + connectionRetryInterval.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + maxReconnectAttempts
result = 31 * result + maxFileSize
result = 31 * result + deduplicationCacheExpiry.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "CordaRPCClientConfiguration(" +
"connectionMaxRetryInterval=$connectionMaxRetryInterval, " +
"minimumServerProtocolVersion=$minimumServerProtocolVersion, trackRpcCallSites=$trackRpcCallSites, " +
"reapInterval=$reapInterval, observationExecutorPoolSize=$observationExecutorPoolSize, " +
"cacheConcurrencyLevel=$cacheConcurrencyLevel, connectionRetryInterval=$connectionRetryInterval, " +
"connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier=$connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier, " +
"maxReconnectAttempts=$maxReconnectAttempts, maxFileSize=$maxFileSize, " +
// Left is for backwards compatibility with version 3.1
operator fun component1() = connectionMaxRetryInterval
@ -115,7 +234,7 @@ interface CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
private val hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
private val configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
private val configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
private val sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
private val nodeSslConfiguration: SSLConfiguration? = null,
private val classLoader: ClassLoader? = null,
@ -124,7 +243,7 @@ class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
) {
constructor(hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default())
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT)
: this(hostAndPort, configuration, null)
@ -134,13 +253,13 @@ class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
* @param configuration An optional configuration used to tweak client behaviour.
constructor(haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>, configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default()) : this(haAddressPool.first(), configuration, null, null, null, haAddressPool)
constructor(haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>, configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT) : this(haAddressPool.first(), configuration, null, null, null, haAddressPool)
companion object {
fun createWithSsl(
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default()
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
): CordaRPCClient {
return CordaRPCClient(hostAndPort, configuration, sslConfiguration)
@ -148,14 +267,14 @@ class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
fun createWithSsl(
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default()
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
): CordaRPCClient {
return CordaRPCClient(haAddressPool.first(), configuration, sslConfiguration, haAddressPool = haAddressPool)
internal fun createWithSslAndClassLoader(
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
): CordaRPCClient {
@ -164,7 +283,7 @@ class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
internal fun createWithInternalSslAndClassLoader(
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: SSLConfiguration?,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
): CordaRPCClient {
@ -173,7 +292,7 @@ class CordaRPCClient private constructor(
internal fun createWithSslAndClassLoader(
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
): CordaRPCClient {
@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ import rx.Observable
/** Utility which exposes the internal Corda RPC constructor to other internal Corda components */
fun createCordaRPCClientWithSslAndClassLoader(
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
) = CordaRPCClient.createWithSslAndClassLoader(hostAndPort, configuration, sslConfiguration, classLoader)
fun createCordaRPCClientWithInternalSslAndClassLoader(
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: SSLConfiguration? = null,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
) = CordaRPCClient.createWithInternalSslAndClassLoader(hostAndPort, configuration, sslConfiguration, classLoader)
fun createCordaRPCClientWithSslAndClassLoader(
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.default(),
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
classLoader: ClassLoader? = null
) = CordaRPCClient.createWithSslAndClassLoader(haAddressPool, configuration, sslConfiguration, classLoader)
@ -33,69 +33,34 @@ import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.SimpleString
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.TransportConfiguration
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.client.ActiveMQClient
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
import java.time.Duration
* This configuration may be used to tweak the internals of the RPC client.
data class CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl(
override val minimumServerProtocolVersion: Int,
override val trackRpcCallSites: Boolean,
override val reapInterval: Duration,
override val observationExecutorPoolSize: Int,
override val connectionRetryInterval: Duration,
override val connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier: Double,
override val connectionMaxRetryInterval: Duration,
override val maxReconnectAttempts: Int,
override val maxFileSize: Int,
override val deduplicationCacheExpiry: Duration
) : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
companion object {
private const val unlimitedReconnectAttempts = -1
val default = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl(
minimumServerProtocolVersion = 0,
trackRpcCallSites = false,
reapInterval = 1.seconds,
observationExecutorPoolSize = 4,
connectionRetryInterval = 5.seconds,
connectionRetryIntervalMultiplier = 1.5,
connectionMaxRetryInterval = 3.minutes,
maxReconnectAttempts = unlimitedReconnectAttempts,
/** 10 MiB maximum allowed file size for attachments, including message headers. TODO: acquire this value from Network Map when supported. */
maxFileSize = 10485760,
deduplicationCacheExpiry = 1.days
* This runs on the client JVM
class RPCClient<I : RPCOps>(
val transport: TransportConfiguration,
val rpcConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default,
val rpcConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
val serializationContext: SerializationContext = SerializationDefaults.RPC_CLIENT_CONTEXT,
val haPoolTransportConfigurations: List<TransportConfiguration> = emptyList()
) {
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
serializationContext: SerializationContext = SerializationDefaults.RPC_CLIENT_CONTEXT
) : this(rpcConnectorTcpTransport(hostAndPort, sslConfiguration), configuration, serializationContext)
hostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort,
sslConfiguration: SSLConfiguration,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
serializationContext: SerializationContext = SerializationDefaults.RPC_CLIENT_CONTEXT
) : this(rpcInternalClientTcpTransport(hostAndPort, sslConfiguration), configuration, serializationContext)
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
sslConfiguration: ClientRpcSslOptions? = null,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
serializationContext: SerializationContext = SerializationDefaults.RPC_CLIENT_CONTEXT
) : this(rpcConnectorTcpTransport(haAddressPool.first(), sslConfiguration),
configuration, serializationContext, rpcConnectorTcpTransportsFromList(haAddressPool, sslConfiguration))
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
package net.corda.client.rpc
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.flatMap
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.map
import net.corda.core.messaging.RPCOps
@ -54,8 +53,8 @@ open class AbstractRPCTest {
inline fun <reified I : RPCOps> RPCDriverDSL.testProxy(
ops: I,
rpcUser: User = rpcTestUser,
clientConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default,
serverConfiguration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default
clientConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT,
serverConfiguration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT
): TestProxy<I> {
return when (mode) {
RPCTestMode.InVm ->
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
package net.corda.client.rpc
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.core.crypto.random63BitValue
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.fork
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.transpose
@ -100,10 +99,10 @@ class RPCConcurrencyTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
private fun RPCDriverDSL.testProxy(): TestProxy<TestOps> {
return testProxy<TestOps>(
clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default.copy(
clientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
reapInterval = 100.millis
serverConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default.copy(
serverConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
rpcThreadPoolSize = 4
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
package net.corda.client.rpc
import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.doneFuture
import net.corda.core.messaging.RPCOps
import net.corda.core.utilities.minutes
@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ class RPCPerformanceTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
private fun RPCDriverDSL.testProxy(
clientConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl,
clientConfiguration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration,
serverConfiguration: RPCServerConfiguration
): TestProxy<TestOps> {
return testProxy<TestOps>(
@ -66,8 +65,8 @@ class RPCPerformanceTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
private fun warmup() {
rpcDriver {
val proxy = testProxy(
val executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4)
val N = 10000
@ -96,10 +95,10 @@ class RPCPerformanceTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
measure(inputOutputSizes, (1..5)) { inputOutputSize, _ ->
rpcDriver {
val proxy = testProxy(
observationExecutorPoolSize = 2
rpcThreadPoolSize = 8
@ -135,10 +134,10 @@ class RPCPerformanceTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
rpcDriver {
val metricRegistry = startReporter(shutdownManager)
val proxy = testProxy(
reapInterval = 1.seconds
rpcThreadPoolSize = 8
@ -168,8 +167,8 @@ class RPCPerformanceTests : AbstractRPCTest() {
// TODO this hangs with more parallelism
rpcDriver {
val proxy = testProxy(
val numberOfMessages = 1000
val bigSize = 10_000_000
@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ Unreleased
* Introduced a hierarchy of ``DatabaseMigrationException``s, allowing ``NodeStartup`` to gracefully inform users of problems related to database migrations before exiting with a non-zero code.
* H2 database changes:
* The node's H2 database now listens on ``localhost`` by default.
* The database server address must also be enabled in the node configuration.
* A new ``h2Settings`` configuration block supercedes the ``h2Port`` option.
* Improved documentation PDF quality. Building the documentation now requires ``LaTex`` to be installed on the OS.
* Add ``devModeOptions.allowCompatibilityZone`` to re-enable the use of a compatibility zone and ``devMode``
@ -48,6 +53,8 @@ Unreleased
* The node's configuration is only printed on startup if ``devMode`` is ``true``, avoiding the risk of printing passwords
in a production setup.
* ``NodeStartup`` will now only print node's configuration if ``devMode`` is ``true``, avoiding the risk of printing passwords in a production setup.
* SLF4J's MDC will now only be printed to the console if not empty. No more log lines ending with "{}".
* ``WireTransaction.Companion.createComponentGroups`` has been marked as ``@CordaInternal``. It was never intended to be
@ -143,8 +143,26 @@ The webserver JAR will be copied into the node's ``build`` folder with the name
The Dockerform task
The ``Dockerform`` is a sister task of ``Cordform``. It has nearly the same syntax and produces very
similar results - enhanced by an extra file to enable easy spin up of nodes using ``docker-compose``.
The ``Dockerform`` is a sister task of ``Cordform`` that provides an extra file allowing you to easily spin up
nodes using ``docker-compose``. It supports the following configuration options for each node:
* ``name``
* ``notary``
* ``cordapps``
* ``rpcUsers``
* ``useTestClock``
There is no need to specify the nodes' ports, as every node has a separate container, so no ports conflict will occur.
Every node will expose port ``10003`` for RPC connections.
The nodes' webservers will not be started. Instead, you should interact with each node via its shell over SSH
(see the :doc:`node configuration options <corda-configuration-file>`). You have to enable the shell by adding the
following line to each node's ``node.conf`` file:
``sshd { port = 2222 }``
Where ``2222`` is the port you want to open to SSH into the shell.
Below you can find the example task from the `IRS Demo <https://github.com/corda/corda/blob/release-V3.0/samples/irs-demo/cordapp/build.gradle#L111>`_ included in the samples directory of main Corda GitHub repository:
.. sourcecode:: groovy
@ -194,13 +212,6 @@ Below you can find the example task from the `IRS Demo <https://github.com/corda
There is no need to specify the ports, as every node is a separated container, so no ports conflict will occur. Every
node by default will expose port 10003 which is the default port for RPC connections.
.. warning:: The node webserver is not supported by this task!
.. warning:: Nodes are run without the local shell enabled!
Running the Cordform/Dockerform tasks
To create the nodes defined in our ``deployNodes`` task, run the following command in a terminal window from the root
@ -59,11 +59,10 @@ Node can be configured to run SSH server. See :doc:`shell` for details.
Database access
The node exposes its internal database over a socket which can be browsed using any tool that can use JDBC drivers.
The node can be configured to expose its internal database over socket which can be browsed using any tool that can use JDBC drivers.
The JDBC URL is printed during node startup to the log and will typically look like this:
The username and password can be altered in the :doc:`corda-configuration-file` but default to username "sa" and a blank
@ -72,7 +71,18 @@ Any database browsing tool that supports JDBC can be used, but if you have Intel
a tool integrated with your IDE. Just open the database window and add an H2 data source with the above details.
You will now be able to browse the tables and row data within them.
.. _jolokia_ref:
By default the node will expose its database on the localhost network interface. This behaviour can be
overridden by specifying the full network address (interface and port), using the new h2Settings
syntax in the node configuration:
.. sourcecode:: groovy
h2Settings {
address: "localhost:12345"
The configuration above will restrict the H2 service to run on localhost. If remote access is required, the address
can be changed to However it is recommended to change the default username and password
before doing so.
Monitoring your node
@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ Default in-memory database
By default, nodes store their data in an H2 database. You can connect directly to a running node's database to see its
stored states, transactions and attachments as follows:
* Enable the H2 database access in the node configuration using the following syntax:
.. sourcecode:: groovy
h2Settings {
address: "localhost:0"
* Download the **last stable** `h2 platform-independent zip <http://www.h2database.com/html/download.html>`_, unzip the zip, and
navigate in a terminal window to the unzipped folder
* Change directories to the bin folder: ``cd h2/bin``
@ -25,6 +32,10 @@ stored states, transactions and attachments as follows:
You will be presented with a web interface that shows the contents of your node's storage and vault, and provides an
interface for you to query them using SQL.
The default behaviour is to expose the H2 database on localhost. This can be overridden in the
node configuration using ``h2Settings.address`` and specifying the address of the network interface to listen on,
or simply using ```` to listen on all interfaces.
.. _standalone_database_config_examples_ref:
Standalone database
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ class Node(
val user = config.users.first()
val address = config.nodeInterface
val targetHost = NetworkHostAndPort(address.host, address.rpcPort)
val config = object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val connectionMaxRetryInterval = 10.seconds
val config = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
connectionMaxRetryInterval = 10.seconds
log.info("Establishing RPC connection to ${targetHost.host} on port ${targetHost.port} ...")
CordaRPCClient(targetHost, config).use(user.username, user.password) {
log.info("RPC connection to ${targetHost.host}:${targetHost.port} established")
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ abstract class AbstractScenarioRunner(options: OptionSet) {
val retryInterval = 5.seconds
val client = CordaRPCClient(endpoint,
object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val connectionMaxRetryInterval = retryInterval
connectionMaxRetryInterval = retryInterval
val connection = client.start(user, password)
return connection.proxy
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ open class Node(configuration: NodeConfiguration,
printBasicNodeInfo("Advertised P2P messaging addresses", info.addresses.joinToString())
val rpcServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default.copy(
val rpcServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
rpcThreadPoolSize = configuration.enterpriseConfiguration.tuning.rpcThreadPoolSize
rpcServerAddresses?.let {
@ -362,15 +362,19 @@ open class Node(configuration: NodeConfiguration,
wellKnownPartyFromAnonymous: (AbstractParty) -> Party?): CordaPersistence {
val databaseUrl = configuration.dataSourceProperties.getProperty("dataSource.url")
val h2Prefix = "jdbc:h2:file:"
if (databaseUrl != null && databaseUrl.startsWith(h2Prefix)) {
val h2Port = databaseUrl.substringAfter(";AUTO_SERVER_PORT=", "").substringBefore(';')
if (h2Port.isNotBlank()) {
val effectiveH2Settings = configuration.effectiveH2Settings
if(effectiveH2Settings != null && effectiveH2Settings.address != null) {
val databaseName = databaseUrl.removePrefix(h2Prefix).substringBefore(';')
val server = org.h2.tools.Server.createTcpServer(
"-tcpPort", h2Port,
"-tcpPort", effectiveH2Settings.address.port.toString(),
"-key", "node", databaseName)
// override interface that createTcpServer listens on (which is always
System.setProperty("h2.bindAddress", effectiveH2Settings.address.host)
runOnStop += server::stop
val url = server.start().url
printBasicNodeInfo("Database connection url is", "jdbc:h2:$url/node")
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ interface NodeConfiguration : NodeSSLConfiguration {
val extraNetworkMapKeys: List<UUID>
val tlsCertCrlDistPoint: URL?
val tlsCertCrlIssuer: String?
val effectiveH2Settings: NodeH2Settings?
fun validate(): List<String>
companion object {
@ -249,12 +249,14 @@ data class NodeConfigurationImpl(
override val graphiteOptions: GraphiteOptions? = null,
override val extraNetworkMapKeys: List<UUID> = emptyList(),
// do not use or remove (breaks DemoBench together with rejection of unknown configuration keys during parsing)
private val h2port: Int = 0,
private val h2port: Int? = null,
private val h2Settings: NodeH2Settings? = null,
// do not use or remove (used by Capsule)
private val jarDirs: List<String> = emptyList()
) : NodeConfiguration {
companion object {
private val logger = loggerFor<NodeConfigurationImpl>()
override val rpcOptions: NodeRpcOptions = initialiseRpcOptions(rpcAddress, rpcSettings, BrokerRpcSslOptions(baseDirectory / "certificates" / "nodekeystore.jks", keyStorePassword))
@ -274,6 +276,7 @@ data class NodeConfigurationImpl(
private fun validateTlsCertCrlConfig(): List<String> {
val errors = mutableListOf<String>()
if (tlsCertCrlIssuer != null) {
@ -298,6 +301,15 @@ data class NodeConfigurationImpl(
errors += validateRpcOptions(rpcOptions)
errors += validateTlsCertCrlConfig()
errors += validateNetworkServices()
errors += validateH2Settings()
return errors
private fun validateH2Settings(): List<String> {
val errors = mutableListOf<String>()
if (h2port != null && h2Settings != null) {
errors += "Cannot specify both 'h2port' and 'h2Settings' in configuration"
return errors
@ -345,6 +357,11 @@ data class NodeConfigurationImpl(
override val attachmentContentCacheSizeBytes: Long
get() = attachmentContentCacheSizeMegaBytes?.MB ?: super.attachmentContentCacheSizeBytes
override val effectiveH2Settings: NodeH2Settings?
get() = when {
h2port != null -> NodeH2Settings(address = NetworkHostAndPort(host="localhost", port=h2port))
else -> h2Settings
init {
// This is a sanity feature do not remove.
@ -387,9 +404,12 @@ data class NodeConfigurationImpl(
if (compatibilityZoneURL != null && networkServices == null) {
networkServices = NetworkServicesConfig(compatibilityZoneURL, compatibilityZoneURL, true)
require(h2port == null || h2Settings == null) { "Cannot specify both 'h2port' and 'h2Settings' in configuration" }
data class NodeRpcSettings(
val address: NetworkHostAndPort?,
val adminAddress: NetworkHostAndPort?,
@ -412,6 +432,10 @@ data class NodeRpcSettings(
data class NodeH2Settings(
val address: NetworkHostAndPort?
enum class VerifierType {
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ data class RPCServerConfiguration(
val deduplicationCacheExpiry: Duration
) {
companion object {
val default = RPCServerConfiguration(
val DEFAULT = RPCServerConfiguration(
rpcThreadPoolSize = 4,
reapInterval = 1.seconds,
deduplicationCacheExpiry = 1.days
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ crlCheckSoftFail = true
lazyBridgeStart = true
dataSourceProperties = {
dataSourceClassName = org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource
dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:file:"${baseDirectory}"/persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;WRITE_DELAY=0;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000;AUTO_SERVER_PORT="${h2port}
dataSource.url = "jdbc:h2:file:"${baseDirectory}"/persistence;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;WRITE_DELAY=0;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000"
dataSource.user = sa
dataSource.password = ""
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ database = {
transactionIsolationLevel = "REPEATABLE_READ"
exportHibernateJMXStatistics = "false"
h2port = 0
useTestClock = false
verifierType = InMemory
enterpriseConfiguration = {
@ -46,6 +46,6 @@ rpcSettings = {
flowTimeout {
timeout = 30 seconds
maxRestartCount = 3
backoffBase = 2.0
maxRestartCount = 5
backoffBase = 1.8
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class ArtemisRpcTests {
artemisBroker.use { broker ->
InternalRPCMessagingClient(nodeSSlconfig, adminAddress, maxMessageSize, CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"), RPCServerConfiguration.default).use { server ->
InternalRPCMessagingClient(nodeSSlconfig, adminAddress, maxMessageSize, CordaX500Name("MegaCorp", "London", "GB"), RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT).use { server ->
server.start(TestRpcOpsImpl(), securityManager, broker.serverControl)
val client = RPCClient<TestRpcOps>(rpcConnectorTcpTransport(broker.addresses.primary, clientSslOptions))
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
package net.corda.testing.node.internal
import net.corda.client.mock.Generator
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl
import net.corda.client.rpc.CordaRPCClientConfiguration
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.RPCClient
import net.corda.client.rpc.internal.serialization.amqp.AMQPClientSerializationScheme
import net.corda.core.concurrent.CordaFuture
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ import net.corda.nodeapi.internal.config.User as InternalUser
inline fun <reified I : RPCOps> RPCDriverDSL.startInVmRpcClient(
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
) = startInVmRpcClient(I::class.java, username, password, configuration)
inline fun <reified I : RPCOps> RPCDriverDSL.startRandomRpcClient(
@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ inline fun <reified I : RPCOps> RPCDriverDSL.startRpcClient(
rpcAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
) = startRpcClient(I::class.java, rpcAddress, username, password, configuration)
inline fun <reified I : RPCOps> RPCDriverDSL.startRpcClient(
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
) = startRpcClient(I::class.java, haAddressPool, username, password, configuration)
data class RpcBrokerHandle(
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
nodeLegalName: CordaX500Name = fakeNodeLegalName,
maxFileSize: Int = MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
maxBufferedBytesPerClient: Long = 10L * MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT,
ops: I
): CordaFuture<RpcServerHandle> {
return startInVmRpcBroker(rpcUser, maxFileSize, maxBufferedBytesPerClient).map { broker ->
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
rpcOpsClass: Class<I>,
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
): CordaFuture<I> {
return driverDSL.executorService.fork {
val client = RPCClient<I>(inVmClientTransportConfiguration, configuration)
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
nodeLegalName: CordaX500Name = fakeNodeLegalName,
maxFileSize: Int = MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
maxBufferedBytesPerClient: Long = 10L * MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT,
customPort: NetworkHostAndPort? = null,
ops: I
): CordaFuture<RpcServerHandle> {
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
rpcAddress: NetworkHostAndPort,
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
): CordaFuture<I> {
return driverDSL.executorService.fork {
val client = RPCClient<I>(ArtemisTcpTransport.rpcConnectorTcpTransport(rpcAddress, null), configuration)
@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
haAddressPool: List<NetworkHostAndPort>,
username: String = rpcTestUser.username,
password: String = rpcTestUser.password,
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl = CordaRPCClientConfigurationImpl.default
configuration: CordaRPCClientConfiguration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT
): CordaFuture<I> {
return driverDSL.executorService.fork {
val client = RPCClient<I>(haAddressPool, null, configuration)
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ data class RPCDriverDSL(
fun <I : RPCOps> startRpcServerWithBrokerRunning(
rpcUser: User = rpcTestUser,
nodeLegalName: CordaX500Name = fakeNodeLegalName,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.default,
configuration: RPCServerConfiguration = RPCServerConfiguration.DEFAULT,
ops: I,
brokerHandle: RpcBrokerHandle
): RpcServerHandle {
@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ class RPCProxyWebService(targetHostAndPort: NetworkHostAndPort) {
private fun <T> use(action: (CordaRPCOps) -> T): Response {
val targetHost = NetworkHostAndPort("localhost", targetPort)
val config = object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val connectionMaxRetryInterval = 10.seconds
val config = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
connectionMaxRetryInterval = 10.seconds
log.info("Establishing RPC connection to ${targetHost.host} on port ${targetHost.port} ...")
return try {
CordaRPCClient(targetHost, config).use("corda", DEFAULT_PASSWORD) {
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ class NodeConfigTest {
assertEquals(localPort(40002), fullConfig.rpcOptions.address)
assertEquals(localPort(10001), fullConfig.p2pAddress)
assertEquals(listOf(user("jenny")), fullConfig.rpcUsers)
assertThat(fullConfig.dataSourceProperties[DataSourceConfigTag.DATA_SOURCE_URL] as String).contains("AUTO_SERVER_PORT=30001")
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ object InteractiveShell {
fun startShell(configuration: ShellConfiguration, classLoader: ClassLoader? = null) {
rpcOps = { username: String, credentials: String ->
val client = createCordaRPCClientWithSslAndClassLoader(hostAndPort = configuration.hostAndPort,
configuration = object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val maxReconnectAttempts = 1
configuration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
maxReconnectAttempts = 1
sslConfiguration = configuration.ssl,
classLoader = classLoader)
this.connection = client.start(username, credentials)
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ object InteractiveShell {
fun startShellInternal(configuration: ShellConfiguration, classLoader: ClassLoader? = null) {
rpcOps = { username: String, credentials: String ->
val client = createCordaRPCClientWithInternalSslAndClassLoader(hostAndPort = configuration.hostAndPort,
configuration = object : CordaRPCClientConfiguration {
override val maxReconnectAttempts = 1
configuration = CordaRPCClientConfiguration.DEFAULT.copy(
maxReconnectAttempts = 1
sslConfiguration = configuration.nodeSslConfig,
classLoader = classLoader)
this.connection = client.start(username, credentials)
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ object InteractiveShell {
} catch (e: PermissionException) {
output.println(e.message ?: "Access denied", Color.red)
} catch (e: ExecutionException) {
// ignoring it as already logged by the progress handler subscriber
// ignoring it as already logged by the progress handler subscriber
} finally {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user