Add, some docs

This commit is contained in:
Andras Slemmer 2017-10-11 10:06:27 +01:00
parent 16b26970a9
commit c56c9fd455
2 changed files with 36 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ fun prettyStatsTree(indent: Int, statsTree: StatsTree, builder: StringBuilder) {
* The hook simply records the write() entries and exits together with the output offset at the time of the call.
* This is recorded in a StrandID -> List<StatsEvent> map.
* Later we "parse" these lists into a tree.
object KryoHook : ClassFileTransformer {
val classPool = ClassPool.getDefault()
@ -88,17 +94,14 @@ object KryoHook : ClassFileTransformer {
return null
// StrandID -> StatsEvent map
val events = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, ArrayList<StatsEvent>>()
val eventCount = AtomicInteger(0)
fun writeEnter(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: Any) {
events.getOrPut(Strand.currentStrand().id) { ArrayList() }.add(
if (eventCount.incrementAndGet() % 100 == 0) {
println("EVENT COUNT ${eventCount}")
fun writeExit(kryo: Kryo, output: Output, obj: Any) {
@ -108,11 +111,17 @@ object KryoHook : ClassFileTransformer {
* TODO we could add events on entries/exits to field serializers to get more info on what's being serialised.
sealed class StatsEvent {
data class Enter(val className: String, val offset: Long) : StatsEvent()
data class Exit(val className: String, val offset: Long) : StatsEvent()
* TODO add Field constructor.
sealed class StatsTree {
data class Object(
val className: String,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
What is this
This is a javaagent that hooks into Kryo serializers to record a breakdown of how many bytes objects take in the output.
The dump is quite ugly now, but the in-memory representation is a simple tree so we could put some nice visualisation on
top if we want.
How do I run it
Build the agent:
./gradlew experimental:kryo-hook:jar
Add this JVM flag to what you're running:
The agent will dump the output when the JVM shuts down.