mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 01:08:09 +00:00
Introduce FlowSession, startCounterFlow, Deprecate send/receive expec… (#1506)
* Introduce FlowSession, startCounterFlow, Deprecate send/receive expecting a Party * FlowSessionImpl * Change flow construtors to accept FlowSession * Add some docs and a small guide to porting * otherParty -> counterparty * minor kdoc fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,15 +53,19 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
val serviceHub: ServiceHub get() = stateMachine.serviceHub
fun initiateFlow(party: Party): FlowSession = stateMachine.initiateFlow(party, flowUsedForSessions)
* Returns a [FlowContext] object describing the flow [otherParty] is using. With [FlowContext.flowVersion] it
* Returns a [FlowInfo] object describing the flow [otherParty] is using. With [FlowInfo.flowVersion] it
* provides the necessary information needed for the evolution of flows and enabling backwards compatibility.
* This method can be called before any send or receive has been done with [otherParty]. In such a case this will force
* them to start their flow.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.getFlowInfo()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
fun getFlowContext(otherParty: Party): FlowContext = stateMachine.getFlowContext(otherParty, flowUsedForSessions)
fun getFlowInfo(otherParty: Party): FlowInfo = stateMachine.getFlowInfo(otherParty, flowUsedForSessions)
* Serializes and queues the given [payload] object for sending to the [otherParty]. Suspends until a response
@ -76,6 +80,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.sendAndReceive()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
inline fun <reified R : Any> sendAndReceive(otherParty: Party, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return sendAndReceive(R::class.java, otherParty, payload)
@ -91,6 +96,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.sendAndReceive()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
open fun <R : Any> sendAndReceive(receiveType: Class<R>, otherParty: Party, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(receiveType, otherParty, payload, flowUsedForSessions)
@ -105,8 +111,13 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* oracle services. If one or more nodes in the service cluster go down mid-session, the message will be redelivered
* to a different one, so there is no need to wait until the initial node comes back up to obtain a response.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.sendAndReceiveWithRetry()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
internal inline fun <reified R : Any> sendAndReceiveWithRetry(otherParty: Party, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(R::class.java, otherParty, payload, flowUsedForSessions, true)
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(R::class.java, otherParty, payload, flowUsedForSessions, retrySend = true)
internal fun <R : Any> FlowSession.sendAndReceiveWithRetry(receiveType: Class<R>, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(receiveType, counterparty, payload, flowUsedForSessions, retrySend = true)
@ -116,6 +127,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* verified for consistency and that all expectations are satisfied, as a malicious peer may send you subtly
* corrupted data in order to exploit your code.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.receive()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
inline fun <reified R : Any> receive(otherParty: Party): UntrustworthyData<R> = receive(R::class.java, otherParty)
@ -127,6 +139,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.receive()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
open fun <R : Any> receive(receiveType: Class<R>, otherParty: Party): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.receive(receiveType, otherParty, flowUsedForSessions)
@ -139,6 +152,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* is offline then message delivery will be retried until it comes back or until the message is older than the
* network's event horizon time.
@Deprecated("Use FlowSession.send()", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
open fun send(otherParty: Party, payload: Any) = stateMachine.send(otherParty, payload, flowUsedForSessions)
@ -294,7 +308,7 @@ abstract class FlowLogic<out T> {
* Version and name of the CorDapp hosting the other side of the flow.
data class FlowContext(
data class FlowInfo(
* The integer flow version the other side is using.
* @see InitiatingFlow
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
package net.corda.core.flows
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
* To port existing flows:
* Look for [Deprecated] usages of send/receive/sendAndReceive/getFlowInfo.
* If it's an InitiatingFlow:
* Look for the send/receive that kicks off the counter flow. Insert a
* val session = initiateFlow(party)
* and use this session afterwards for send/receives.
* For example:
* send(party, something)
* will become
* session.send(something)
* If it's an InitiatedBy flow:
* Change the constructor to take an initiatingSession: FlowSession instead of a counterparty: Party
* Then look for usages of the deprecated functions and change them to use the FlowSession
* For example:
* send(counterparty, something)
* will become
* initiatingSession.send(something)
abstract class FlowSession {
abstract val counterparty: Party
* Returns a [FlowInfo] object describing the flow [counterparty] is using. With [FlowInfo.flowVersion] it
* provides the necessary information needed for the evolution of flows and enabling backwards compatibility.
* This method can be called before any send or receive has been done with [counterparty]. In such a case this will force
* them to start their flow.
abstract fun getCounterpartyFlowInfo(): FlowInfo
* Serializes and queues the given [payload] object for sending to the [counterparty]. Suspends until a response
* is received, which must be of the given [R] type.
* Remember that when receiving data from other parties the data should not be trusted until it's been thoroughly
* verified for consistency and that all expectations are satisfied, as a malicious peer may send you subtly
* corrupted data in order to exploit your code.
* Note that this function is not just a simple send+receive pair: it is more efficient and more correct to
* use this when you expect to do a message swap than do use [send] and then [receive] in turn.
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
inline fun <reified R : Any> sendAndReceive(payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return sendAndReceive(R::class.java, payload)
* Serializes and queues the given [payload] object for sending to the [counterparty]. Suspends until a response
* is received, which must be of the given [receiveType]. Remember that when receiving data from other parties the data
* should not be trusted until it's been thoroughly verified for consistency and that all expectations are
* satisfied, as a malicious peer may send you subtly corrupted data in order to exploit your code.
* Note that this function is not just a simple send+receive pair: it is more efficient and more correct to
* use this when you expect to do a message swap than do use [send] and then [receive] in turn.
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
abstract fun <R : Any> sendAndReceive(receiveType: Class<R>, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R>
* Suspends until [counterparty] sends us a message of type [R].
* Remember that when receiving data from other parties the data should not be trusted until it's been thoroughly
* verified for consistency and that all expectations are satisfied, as a malicious peer may send you subtly
* corrupted data in order to exploit your code.
inline fun <reified R : Any> receive(): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return receive(R::class.java)
* Suspends until [counterparty] sends us a message of type [receiveType].
* Remember that when receiving data from other parties the data should not be trusted until it's been thoroughly
* verified for consistency and that all expectations are satisfied, as a malicious peer may send you subtly
* corrupted data in order to exploit your code.
* @returns an [UntrustworthyData] wrapper around the received object.
abstract fun <R : Any> receive(receiveType: Class<R>): UntrustworthyData<R>
* Queues the given [payload] for sending to the [counterparty] and continues without suspending.
* Note that the other party may receive the message at some arbitrary later point or not at all: if [counterparty]
* is offline then message delivery will be retried until it comes back or until the message is older than the
* network's event horizon time.
abstract fun send(payload: Any)
@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ import org.slf4j.Logger
/** This is an internal interface that is implemented by code in the node module. You should look at [FlowLogic]. */
interface FlowStateMachine<R> {
fun getFlowContext(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowContext
fun getFlowInfo(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowInfo
fun initiateFlow(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSession
fun <T : Any> sendAndReceive(receiveType: Class<T>,
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class AttachmentSerializationTest {
private fun launchFlow(clientLogic: ClientLogic, rounds: Int, sendData: Boolean = false) {
InitiatedFlowFactory.Core { ServerLogic(it, sendData) },
InitiatedFlowFactory.Core { ServerLogic(it.counterparty, sendData) },
track = false)
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ class FlowVersioningTest : NodeBasedTest() {
val alicePlatformVersionAccordingToBob = receive<Int>(initiatedParty).unwrap { it }
return Pair(
private class PretendInitiatedCoreFlow(val initiatingParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Unit>() {
override fun call() = send(initiatingParty, getFlowContext(initiatingParty).flowVersion)
override fun call() = send(initiatingParty, getFlowInfo(initiatingParty).flowVersion)
@ -293,14 +293,35 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
return registerInitiatedFlowInternal(initiatedFlowClass, track = true)
// TODO remove once not needed
private fun deprecatedFlowConstructorMessage(flowClass: Class<*>): String {
return "Installing flow factory for $flowClass accepting a ${Party::class.java.simpleName}, which is deprecated. " +
"It should accept a ${FlowSession::class.java.simpleName} instead"
private fun <F : FlowLogic<*>> registerInitiatedFlowInternal(initiatedFlow: Class<F>, track: Boolean): Observable<F> {
val ctor = initiatedFlow.getDeclaredConstructor(Party::class.java).apply { isAccessible = true }
val constructors = initiatedFlow.declaredConstructors.associateBy { it.parameterTypes.toList() }
val flowSessionCtor = constructors[listOf(FlowSession::class.java)]?.apply { isAccessible = true }
val ctor: (FlowSession) -> F = if (flowSessionCtor == null) {
// Try to fallback to a Party constructor
val partyCtor = constructors[listOf(Party::class.java)]?.apply { isAccessible = true }
if (partyCtor == null) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("$initiatedFlow must have a constructor accepting a ${FlowSession::class.java.name}")
} else {
{ flowSession: FlowSession -> partyCtor.newInstance(flowSession.counterparty) as F }
} else {
{ flowSession: FlowSession -> flowSessionCtor.newInstance(flowSession) as F }
val initiatingFlow = initiatedFlow.requireAnnotation<InitiatedBy>().value.java
val (version, classWithAnnotation) = initiatingFlow.flowVersionAndInitiatingClass
require(classWithAnnotation == initiatingFlow) {
"${InitiatedBy::class.java.name} must point to ${classWithAnnotation.name} and not ${initiatingFlow.name}"
val flowFactory = InitiatedFlowFactory.CorDapp(version, initiatedFlow.appName, { ctor.newInstance(it) })
val flowFactory = InitiatedFlowFactory.CorDapp(version, initiatedFlow.appName, ctor)
val observable = internalRegisterFlowFactory(initiatingFlow, flowFactory, initiatedFlow, track)
log.info("Registered ${initiatingFlow.name} to initiate ${initiatedFlow.name} (version $version)")
return observable
@ -326,8 +347,15 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
* compatibility [flowFactory] provides a second parameter which is the platform version of the initiating party.
* @suppress
@Deprecated("Use installCoreFlowExpectingFlowSession() instead")
fun installCoreFlow(clientFlowClass: KClass<out FlowLogic<*>>, flowFactory: (Party) -> FlowLogic<*>) {
installCoreFlowExpectingFlowSession(clientFlowClass, { flowSession -> flowFactory(flowSession.counterparty) })
fun installCoreFlowExpectingFlowSession(clientFlowClass: KClass<out FlowLogic<*>>, flowFactory: (FlowSession) -> FlowLogic<*>) {
require(clientFlowClass.java.flowVersionAndInitiatingClass.first == 1) {
"${InitiatingFlow::class.java.name}.version not applicable for core flows; their version is the node's platform version"
@ -335,6 +363,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode(open val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
log.debug { "Installed core flow ${clientFlowClass.java.name}" }
private fun installCoreFlows() {
installCoreFlow(BroadcastTransactionFlow::class, ::NotifyTransactionHandler)
installCoreFlow(NotaryChangeFlow::class, ::NotaryChangeHandler)
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
package net.corda.node.internal
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowSession
sealed class InitiatedFlowFactory<out F : FlowLogic<*>> {
protected abstract val factory: (Party) -> F
fun createFlow(otherParty: Party): F = factory(otherParty)
protected abstract val factory: (FlowSession) -> F
fun createFlow(initiatingFlowSession: FlowSession): F = factory(initiatingFlowSession)
data class Core<out F : FlowLogic<*>>(override val factory: (Party) -> F) : InitiatedFlowFactory<F>()
data class Core<out F : FlowLogic<*>>(override val factory: (FlowSession) -> F) : InitiatedFlowFactory<F>()
data class CorDapp<out F : FlowLogic<*>>(val flowVersion: Int,
val appName: String,
override val factory: (Party) -> F) : InitiatedFlowFactory<F>()
override val factory: (FlowSession) -> F) : InitiatedFlowFactory<F>()
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ interface FlowIORequest {
interface WaitingRequest : FlowIORequest
interface SessionedFlowIORequest : FlowIORequest {
val session: FlowSession
val session: FlowSessionInternal
interface SendRequest : SessionedFlowIORequest {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ interface ReceiveRequest<T : SessionMessage> : SessionedFlowIORequest, WaitingRe
val userReceiveType: Class<*>?
data class SendAndReceive<T : SessionMessage>(override val session: FlowSession,
data class SendAndReceive<T : SessionMessage>(override val session: FlowSessionInternal,
override val message: SessionMessage,
override val receiveType: Class<T>,
override val userReceiveType: Class<*>?) : SendRequest, ReceiveRequest<T> {
@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ data class SendAndReceive<T : SessionMessage>(override val session: FlowSession,
override val stackTraceInCaseOfProblems: StackSnapshot = StackSnapshot()
data class ReceiveOnly<T : SessionMessage>(override val session: FlowSession,
data class ReceiveOnly<T : SessionMessage>(override val session: FlowSessionInternal,
override val receiveType: Class<T>,
override val userReceiveType: Class<*>?) : ReceiveRequest<T> {
override val stackTraceInCaseOfProblems: StackSnapshot = StackSnapshot()
data class SendOnly(override val session: FlowSession, override val message: SessionMessage) : SendRequest {
data class SendOnly(override val session: FlowSessionInternal, override val message: SessionMessage) : SendRequest {
override val stackTraceInCaseOfProblems: StackSnapshot = StackSnapshot()
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package net.corda.node.services.statemachine
import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowInfo
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowSession
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FlowStateMachine
import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
class FlowSessionImpl(
override val counterparty: Party
) : FlowSession() {
internal lateinit var stateMachine: FlowStateMachine<*>
internal lateinit var sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>
override fun getCounterpartyFlowInfo(): FlowInfo {
return stateMachine.getFlowInfo(counterparty, sessionFlow)
override fun <R : Any> sendAndReceive(receiveType: Class<R>, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(receiveType, counterparty, payload, sessionFlow)
internal fun <R : Any> sendAndReceiveWithRetry(receiveType: Class<R>, payload: Any): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.sendAndReceive(receiveType, counterparty, payload, sessionFlow, retrySend = true)
override fun <R : Any> receive(receiveType: Class<R>): UntrustworthyData<R> {
return stateMachine.receive(receiveType, counterparty, sessionFlow)
override fun send(payload: Any) {
return stateMachine.send(counterparty, payload, sessionFlow)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package net.corda.node.services.statemachine
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowContext
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowInfo
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.node.services.statemachine.FlowSessionState.Initiated
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
* is received. Note that this requires the party on the other end to be a distributed service and run an idempotent flow
* that only sends back a single [SessionData] message before termination.
class FlowSession(
// TODO rename this
class FlowSessionInternal(
val flow: FlowLogic<*>,
val ourSessionId: Long,
val initiatingParty: Party?,
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ sealed class FlowSessionState {
override val sendToParty: Party get() = otherParty
data class Initiated(val peerParty: Party, val peerSessionId: Long, val context: FlowContext) : FlowSessionState() {
data class Initiated(val peerParty: Party, val peerSessionId: Long, val context: FlowInfo) : FlowSessionState() {
override val sendToParty: Party get() = peerParty
@ -11,12 +11,9 @@ import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.crypto.random63BitValue
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FlowStateMachine
import net.corda.core.internal.abbreviate
import net.corda.core.internal.*
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.OpenFuture
import net.corda.core.internal.concurrent.openFuture
import net.corda.core.internal.isRegularFile
import net.corda.core.internal.staticField
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.*
import net.corda.node.services.api.FlowAppAuditEvent
@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
get() = _resultFuture ?: openFuture<R>().also { _resultFuture = it }
// This state IS serialised, as we need it to know what the fiber is waiting for.
internal val openSessions = HashMap<Pair<FlowLogic<*>, Party>, FlowSession>()
internal val openSessions = HashMap<Pair<FlowLogic<*>, Party>, FlowSessionInternal>()
internal var waitingForResponse: WaitingRequest? = null
internal var hasSoftLockedStates: Boolean = false
set(value) {
@ -158,7 +155,15 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
override fun getFlowContext(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowContext {
override fun initiateFlow(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSession {
val flowSession = FlowSessionImpl(otherParty)
flowSession.stateMachine = this
flowSession.sessionFlow = sessionFlow
return flowSession
override fun getFlowInfo(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowInfo {
val state = getConfirmedSession(otherParty, sessionFlow).state as FlowSessionState.Initiated
return state.context
@ -279,20 +284,20 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
* This method will suspend the state machine and wait for incoming session init response from other party.
private fun FlowSession.waitForConfirmation() {
private fun FlowSessionInternal.waitForConfirmation() {
val (peerParty, sessionInitResponse) = receiveInternal<SessionInitResponse>(this, null)
if (sessionInitResponse is SessionConfirm) {
state = FlowSessionState.Initiated(
FlowContext(sessionInitResponse.flowVersion, sessionInitResponse.appName))
FlowInfo(sessionInitResponse.flowVersion, sessionInitResponse.appName))
} else {
sessionInitResponse as SessionReject
throw UnexpectedFlowEndException("Party ${state.sendToParty} rejected session request: ${sessionInitResponse.errorMessage}")
private fun createSessionData(session: FlowSession, payload: Any): SessionData {
private fun createSessionData(session: FlowSessionInternal, payload: Any): SessionData {
val sessionState = session.state
val peerSessionId = when (sessionState) {
is FlowSessionState.Initiating -> throw IllegalStateException("We've somehow held onto an unconfirmed session: $session")
@ -302,23 +307,23 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
private fun sendInternal(session: FlowSession, message: SessionMessage) = suspend(SendOnly(session, message))
private fun sendInternal(session: FlowSessionInternal, message: SessionMessage) = suspend(SendOnly(session, message))
private inline fun <reified M : ExistingSessionMessage> receiveInternal(
session: FlowSession,
session: FlowSessionInternal,
userReceiveType: Class<*>?): ReceivedSessionMessage<M> {
return waitForMessage(ReceiveOnly(session, M::class.java, userReceiveType))
private inline fun <reified M : ExistingSessionMessage> sendAndReceiveInternal(
session: FlowSession,
session: FlowSessionInternal,
message: SessionMessage,
userReceiveType: Class<*>?): ReceivedSessionMessage<M> {
return waitForMessage(SendAndReceive(session, message, M::class.java, userReceiveType))
private fun getConfirmedSessionIfPresent(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSession? {
private fun getConfirmedSessionIfPresent(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSessionInternal? {
return openSessions[Pair(sessionFlow, otherParty)]?.apply {
if (state is FlowSessionState.Initiating) {
// Session still initiating, wait for the confirmation
@ -328,7 +333,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
private fun getConfirmedSession(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSession {
private fun getConfirmedSession(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowSessionInternal {
return getConfirmedSessionIfPresent(otherParty, sessionFlow) ?:
startNewSession(otherParty, sessionFlow, null, waitForConfirmation = true)
@ -344,9 +349,9 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>,
firstPayload: Any?,
waitForConfirmation: Boolean,
retryable: Boolean = false): FlowSession {
retryable: Boolean = false): FlowSessionInternal {
logger.trace { "Initiating a new session with $otherParty" }
val session = FlowSession(sessionFlow, random63BitValue(), null, FlowSessionState.Initiating(otherParty), retryable)
val session = FlowSessionInternal(sessionFlow, random63BitValue(), null, FlowSessionState.Initiating(otherParty), retryable)
openSessions[Pair(sessionFlow, otherParty)] = session
val (version, initiatingFlowClass) = sessionFlow.javaClass.flowVersionAndInitiatingClass
val sessionInit = SessionInit(session.ourSessionId, initiatingFlowClass.name, version, sessionFlow.javaClass.appName, firstPayload)
@ -403,7 +408,7 @@ class FlowStateMachineImpl<R>(override val id: StateMachineRunId,
private fun FlowSession.erroredEnd(end: ErrorSessionEnd): Nothing {
private fun FlowSessionInternal.erroredEnd(end: ErrorSessionEnd): Nothing {
if (end.errorResponse != null) {
(end.errorResponse as java.lang.Throwable).fillInStackTrace()
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHubInternal,
private val totalStartedFlows = metrics.counter("Flows.Started")
private val totalFinishedFlows = metrics.counter("Flows.Finished")
private val openSessions = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, FlowSession>()
private val openSessions = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, FlowSessionInternal>()
private val recentlyClosedSessions = ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Party>()
internal val tokenizableServices = ArrayList<Any>()
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHubInternal,
// We resume the fiber if it's received a response for which it was waiting for or it's waiting for a ledger
// commit but a counterparty flow has ended with an error (in which case our flow also has to end)
private fun resumeOnMessage(message: ExistingSessionMessage, session: FlowSession): Boolean {
private fun resumeOnMessage(message: ExistingSessionMessage, session: FlowSessionInternal): Boolean {
val waitingForResponse = session.fiber.waitingForResponse
return (waitingForResponse as? ReceiveRequest<*>)?.session === session ||
waitingForResponse is WaitForLedgerCommit && message is ErrorSessionEnd
@ -355,21 +355,24 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHubInternal,
val (session, initiatedFlowFactory) = try {
val initiatedFlowFactory = getInitiatedFlowFactory(sessionInit)
val flow = initiatedFlowFactory.createFlow(sender)
val flowSession = FlowSessionImpl(sender)
val flow = initiatedFlowFactory.createFlow(flowSession)
val senderFlowVersion = when (initiatedFlowFactory) {
is InitiatedFlowFactory.Core -> receivedMessage.platformVersion // The flow version for the core flows is the platform version
is InitiatedFlowFactory.CorDapp -> sessionInit.flowVersion
val session = FlowSession(
val session = FlowSessionInternal(
FlowSessionState.Initiated(sender, senderSessionId, FlowContext(senderFlowVersion, sessionInit.appName)))
FlowSessionState.Initiated(sender, senderSessionId, FlowInfo(senderFlowVersion, sessionInit.appName)))
if (sessionInit.firstPayload != null) {
session.receivedMessages += ReceivedSessionMessage(sender, SessionData(session.ourSessionId, sessionInit.firstPayload))
openSessions[session.ourSessionId] = session
val fiber = createFiber(flow, FlowInitiator.Peer(sender))
flowSession.sessionFlow = flow
flowSession.stateMachine = fiber
fiber.openSessions[Pair(flow, sender)] = session
session to initiatedFlowFactory
@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ class StateMachineManager(val serviceHub: ServiceHubInternal,
private fun FlowSession.endSession(exception: Throwable?, propagated: Boolean) {
private fun FlowSessionInternal.endSession(exception: Throwable?, propagated: Boolean) {
val initiatedState = state as? FlowSessionState.Initiated ?: return
val sessionEnd = if (exception == null) {
@ -4,10 +4,7 @@ import co.paralleluniverse.fibers.Suspendable
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.identity.CordaX500Name
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.copyToDirectory
import net.corda.core.internal.createDirectories
import net.corda.core.internal.div
import net.corda.core.internal.list
import net.corda.core.internal.*
import net.corda.core.messaging.startFlow
import net.corda.core.utilities.getOrThrow
import net.corda.core.utilities.unwrap
@ -66,14 +63,14 @@ class CordappSmokeTest {
class GatherContextsFlow(private val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Pair<FlowContext, FlowContext>>() {
class GatherContextsFlow(private val otherParty: Party) : FlowLogic<Pair<FlowInfo, FlowInfo>>() {
override fun call(): Pair<FlowContext, FlowContext> {
override fun call(): Pair<FlowInfo, FlowInfo> {
// This receive will kick off SendBackInitiatorFlowContext by sending a session-init with our app name.
// SendBackInitiatorFlowContext will send back our context using the information from this session-init
val sessionInitContext = receive<FlowContext>(otherParty).unwrap { it }
val sessionInitContext = receive<FlowInfo>(otherParty).unwrap { it }
// This context is taken from the session-confirm message
val sessionConfirmContext = getFlowContext(otherParty)
val sessionConfirmContext = getFlowInfo(otherParty)
return Pair(sessionInitContext, sessionConfirmContext)
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ class CordappSmokeTest {
override fun call() {
// An initiated flow calling getFlowContext on its initiator will get the context from the session-init
val sessionInitContext = getFlowContext(otherParty)
val sessionInitContext = getFlowInfo(otherParty)
send(otherParty, sessionInitContext)
@ -1,16 +1,13 @@
package net.corda.node
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory
import net.corda.core.concurrent.CordaFuture
import com.nhaarman.mockito_kotlin.mock
import net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport
import net.corda.core.contracts.Amount
import net.corda.core.crypto.SecureHash
import net.corda.core.flows.*
import net.corda.core.flows.FlowLogic
import net.corda.core.identity.Party
import net.corda.core.internal.FlowStateMachine
import net.corda.core.node.ServiceHub
import net.corda.core.transactions.SignedTransaction
import net.corda.core.utilities.UntrustworthyData
import net.corda.client.jackson.JacksonSupport
import net.corda.core.utilities.ProgressTracker
import net.corda.node.services.identity.InMemoryIdentityService
import net.corda.node.shell.InteractiveShell
@ -18,7 +15,6 @@ import net.corda.testing.DUMMY_CA
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP
import net.corda.testing.MEGA_CORP_IDENTITY
import org.junit.Test
import org.slf4j.Logger
import java.util.*
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
@ -51,9 +47,11 @@ class InteractiveShellTest {
check("b: 12, c: Yo", "12Yo")
@Test fun flowStartWithComplexTypes() = check("amount: £10", "10.00 GBP")
fun flowStartWithComplexTypes() = check("amount: £10", "10.00 GBP")
@Test fun flowStartWithNestedTypes() = check(
fun flowStartWithNestedTypes() = check(
"pair: { first: $100.12, second: df489807f81c8c8829e509e1bcb92e6692b9dd9d624b7456435cb2f51dc82587 }",
"($100.12, df489807f81c8c8829e509e1bcb92e6692b9dd9d624b7456435cb2f51dc82587)"
@ -70,30 +68,5 @@ class InteractiveShellTest {
fun party() = check("party: \"${MEGA_CORP.name}\"", MEGA_CORP.name.toString())
class DummyFSM(val logic: FlowA) : FlowStateMachine<Any?> {
override fun getFlowContext(otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): FlowContext {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")
override fun <T : Any> sendAndReceive(receiveType: Class<T>, otherParty: Party, payload: Any, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>, retrySend: Boolean): UntrustworthyData<T> {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")
override fun <T : Any> receive(receiveType: Class<T>, otherParty: Party, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): UntrustworthyData<T> {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")
override fun send(otherParty: Party, payload: Any, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")
override fun waitForLedgerCommit(hash: SecureHash, sessionFlow: FlowLogic<*>): SignedTransaction {
throw UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented")
override val serviceHub: ServiceHub get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val logger: Logger get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val id: StateMachineRunId get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val resultFuture: CordaFuture<Any?> get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override val flowInitiator: FlowInitiator get() = throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun checkFlowPermission(permissionName: String, extraAuditData: Map<String, String>) = Unit
override fun recordAuditEvent(eventType: String, comment: String, extraAuditData: Map<String, String>) = Unit
override fun flowStackSnapshot(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>): FlowStackSnapshot? = null
override fun persistFlowStackSnapshot(flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>) = Unit
class DummyFSM(val logic: FlowA) : FlowStateMachine<Any?> by mock()
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
node1 sent sessionInit(SendFlow::class, flowVersion = 1, payload = "Old initiating") to node2,
node2 sent sessionConfirm(flowVersion = 2) to node1
@ -756,10 +756,19 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
return smm.findStateMachines(P::class.java).single()
@Deprecated("Use registerFlowFactoryExpectingFlowSession() instead")
private inline fun <reified P : FlowLogic<*>> StartedNode<*>.registerFlowFactory(
initiatingFlowClass: KClass<out FlowLogic<*>>,
initiatedFlowVersion: Int = 1,
noinline flowFactory: (Party) -> P): CordaFuture<P>
return registerFlowFactoryExpectingFlowSession(initiatingFlowClass, initiatedFlowVersion, { flowFactory(it.counterparty) })
private inline fun <reified P : FlowLogic<*>> StartedNode<*>.registerFlowFactoryExpectingFlowSession(
initiatingFlowClass: KClass<out FlowLogic<*>>,
initiatedFlowVersion: Int = 1,
noinline flowFactory: (FlowSession) -> P): CordaFuture<P>
val observable = internals.internalRegisterFlowFactory(
@ -976,7 +985,7 @@ class FlowFrameworkTests {
override fun call(): Pair<Any, Int> {
val received = receive<Any>(otherParty).unwrap { it }
val otherFlowVersion = getFlowContext(otherParty).flowVersion
val otherFlowVersion = getFlowInfo(otherParty).flowVersion
return Pair(received, otherFlowVersion)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user