Merge branch 'release/os/4.12' into merge-release/os/4.11-release/os/4.12-2024-09-24-389

This commit is contained in:
Chris Cochrane 2024-09-25 10:06:18 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 42ec266ed6
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
759 changed files with 14378 additions and 12305 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
FROM azul/zulu-openjdk:11.0.14
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
gnupg2 \
software-properties-common \
ARG USER="stresstester"
RUN useradd -m ${USER}

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
* Jenkins pipeline to build Corda OS release with JDK11
* Kill already started job.
* Assume new commit takes precendence and results from previous
* unfinished builds are not required.
* This feature doesn't play well with disableConcurrentBuilds() option
import static
killAllExistingBuildsForJob(env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger())
* Sense environment
boolean isReleaseTag = (env.TAG_NAME =~ /^release.*JDK11$/)
* Common Gradle arguments for all Gradle executions
].join(' ')
* The name of subfolders to run tests previously on Another Agent and Same Agent
String sameAgentFolder = 'sameAgent'
String anotherAgentFolder = 'anotherAgent'
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
label 'standard'
additionalBuildArgs '--build-arg USER="${USER}"' // DON'T change quotation - USER variable is substituted by SHELL!!!!
filename "${sameAgentFolder}/.ci/dev/compatibility/DockerfileJDK11"
* List options in alphabetical order
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '14', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14'))
checkoutToSubdirectory "${sameAgentFolder}"
timeout(time: 6, unit: 'HOURS')
* List environment variables in alphabetical order
environment {
ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_NAME = "Corda :: Publish :: Publish JDK 11 Release to Artifactory :: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-credentials')
stages {
stage('Compile') {
steps {
dir(sameAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Copy') {
steps {
sh "rm -rf ${anotherAgentFolder} && mkdir -p ${anotherAgentFolder} && cd ${sameAgentFolder} && cp -aR . ../${anotherAgentFolder}"
stage('All Tests') {
parallel {
stage('Another agent') {
post {
always {
dir(anotherAgentFolder) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
stages {
stage('Unit Test') {
steps {
dir(anotherAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Smoke Test') {
steps {
dir(anotherAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Slow Integration Test') {
steps {
dir(anotherAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Same agent') {
post {
always {
dir(sameAgentFolder) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.log', fingerprint: false
junit testResults: '**/build/test-results/**/*.xml', keepLongStdio: true
stages {
stage('Integration Test') {
steps {
dir(sameAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Deploy Node') {
steps {
dir(sameAgentFolder) {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Publish to Artifactory') {
when {
expression { isReleaseTag }
steps {
dir(sameAgentFolder) {
id: 'R3-Artifactory',
url: '',
credentialsId: 'artifactory-credentials'
id: 'deployer',
serverId: 'R3-Artifactory',
repo: 'corda-releases'
usesPlugin: true,
useWrapper: true,
switches: '-s --info',
tasks: 'artifactoryPublish',
deployerId: 'deployer',
serverId: 'R3-Artifactory',
post {
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
* Jenkins pipeline to build Corda Opensource Pull Requests with JDK11.
import static
killAllExistingBuildsForJob(env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger())
pipeline {
agent {
dockerfile {
label 'standard'
additionalBuildArgs '--build-arg USER="${USER}"' // DON'T change quotation - USER variable is substituted by SHELL!!!!
filename '.ci/dev/compatibility/DockerfileJDK11'
options {
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'HOURS')
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '14', artifactDaysToKeepStr: '14'))
environment {
ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-credentials')
BUILD_CACHE_CREDENTIALS = credentials('gradle-ent-cache-credentials')
CORDA_GRADLE_SCAN_KEY = credentials('gradle-build-scans-key')
CORDA_USE_CACHE = "corda-remotes"
stages {
stage('JDK 11 Compile') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --parallel --build-cache -Pcompilation.allWarningsAsErrors=true -Ptests.failFast=false " +
"-Ptests.ignoreFailures=true clean compileAll --stacktrace"
stage('Deploy nodes') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --build-cache deployNodes"
post {
always {
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
* the branch name of origin branch, it should match the current branch
* and it acts as a fail-safe inside {@code forwardMerger} pipeline
String originBranch = 'release/os/4.11'
String originBranch = 'release/os/4.12'
* the branch name of target branch, it should be the branch with the next version
* after the one in current branch.
String targetBranch = 'release/os/4.12'
String targetBranch = 'release/os/4.13'
* Forward merge any changes between #originBranch and #targetBranch

View File

@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ pipeline {
CORDA_USE_CACHE = "corda-remotes"
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
JAVA_8_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto"
stages {

View File

@ -15,48 +15,32 @@ pipeline {
* List environment variables in alphabetical order
environment {
SNYK_API_TOKEN = credentials('c4-os-snyk-api-token-secret')
C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID = credentials('c4-os-snyk-org-id')
ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-credentials')
BUILD_CACHE_CREDENTIALS = credentials('gradle-ent-cache-credentials')
CORDA_GRADLE_SCAN_KEY = credentials('gradle-build-scans-key')
CORDA_USE_CACHE = "corda-remotes"
C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID = credentials('c4-os-snyk-org-id')
SNYK_API_TOKEN = credentials('c4-os-snyk-api-token-secret')
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
stages {
stage('Detekt check') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --parallel --build-cache clean detekt"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon clean detekt"
stage('Compilation warnings check') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --parallel --build-cache -Pcompilation.warningsAsErrors=true compileAll"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon -Pcompilation.warningsAsErrors=true compileAll"
stage('Snyk Delta') {
agent {
docker {
image 'build-zulu-openjdk:8'
reuseNode true
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId 'artifactory-credentials'
args '-v /tmp:/host_tmp'
environment {
GRADLE_USER_HOME = "/host_tmp/gradle"
agent { label 'standard' }
steps {
sh 'mkdir -p ${GRADLE_USER_HOME}'
snykDeltaScan(env.SNYK_API_TOKEN, env.C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID)
@ -64,21 +48,19 @@ pipeline {
stage('No API change check') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --parallel --build-cache generateApi"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon generateApi"
sh ".ci/"
stage('Deploy Nodes') {
steps {
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon --build-cache jar deployNodes"
sh "./gradlew --no-daemon jar deployNodes"
post {
always {
cleanup {
deleteDir() /* clean up our workspace */

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ pipeline {
ARTIFACTORY_CREDENTIALS = credentials('artifactory-credentials')
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
stages {

View File

@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ pipeline {
USE_CACHE = 'corda-remotes'
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
stages {

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ pipeline {
// in the name
ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_NAME = "Corda / Publish / Publish Preview to Artifactory"
.replaceAll("/", " :: ")
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
stages {

View File

@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ pipeline {
SNYK_API_KEY = "c4-os-snyk" //Jenkins credential type: Snyk Api token
SNYK_TOKEN = credentials('c4-os-snyk-api-token-secret') //Jenkins credential type: Secret text
C4_OS_SNYK_ORG_ID = credentials('corda4-os-snyk-org-id')
JAVA_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto"
JAVA_8_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto"
stages {
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ pipeline {
'--image OFFICIAL'
].join(' ')

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
# PR Checklist:
- [ ] Have you run the unit, integration and smoke tests as described [here](
- [ ] Have you run the unit, integration and smoke tests as described [here](
- [ ] If you added public APIs, did you write the JavaDocs/kdocs?
- [ ] If the changes are of interest to application developers, have you added them to the changelog, and potentially the [release notes]( (``)?
- [ ] If you are contributing for the first time, please read the [contributor agreement]( now and add a comment to this pull request stating that your PR is in accordance with the [Developer's Certificate of Origin](
- [ ] If the changes are of interest to application developers, have you added them to the changelog, and potentially the [release notes]( (``)?
- [ ] If you are contributing for the first time, please read the [contributor agreement]( now and add a comment to this pull request stating that your PR is in accordance with the [Developer's Certificate of Origin](
Thanks for your code, it's appreciated! :)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ jobs:
- uses: morrisoncole/pr-lint-action@v1.7.1
title-regex: '^((CORDA|AG|EG|ENT|INFRA|ES)-\d+)(.*)'
title-regex: '^((CORDA|AG|EG|ENT|INFRA|ES|DOC)-\d+)(.*)'
on-failed-regex-comment: "PR title failed to match regex -> `%regex%`"
repo-token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"

View File

@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
Corda is an open-source project and contributions are welcome!
To find out how to contribute, please see our [contributing docs](
To find out how to contribute, please see our [contributing docs](

Jenkinsfile vendored
View File

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ pipeline {
CORDA_GRADLE_SCAN_KEY = credentials('gradle-build-scans-key')
CORDA_USE_CACHE = "corda-remotes"
JAVA_8_HOME = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-amazon-corretto"
stages {
@ -119,6 +121,24 @@ pipeline {
].join(' ')
stage('Smoke Test') {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Slow Integration Test') {
steps {
sh script: [
].join(' ')
stage('Same agent') {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Corda" width="500">
<img src="" alt="Corda" width="500">
<a href=""><img src=""/></a> [![License](](
@ -25,27 +25,26 @@ However, like all things, Corda must evolve to serve the more stringent needs of
## Getting started
1. Read the [Getting Started]( documentation
2. Run the [Example CorDapp](
3. Read about Corda's [Key Concepts](
4. Follow the [Hello, World! tutorial](
1. Read the [Getting Started]( documentation
2. Run the [Example CorDapp](
3. Read about Corda's [Key Concepts](
4. Follow the [Hello, World! tutorial](
## Useful links
* [Project Website](
* [Mailing List](
* [Documentation](
* [Documentation](
* [Stack Overflow Tag](
* [Slack Channel](
* [Twitter](
* [Meetups](
* [Training Courses](
* [Twitter](
* [Training Courses](
## Contributing
Corda is an open-source project and contributions are welcome!
To find out how to contribute, please see our [contributing docs](
To find out how to contribute, please see our [contributing docs](
## License

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
import com.r3.testing.DistributeTestsBy
import com.r3.testing.PodLogLevel
import net.corda.plugins.apiscanner.GenerateApi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile
import static org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.VERSION_11
import static org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
import static org.gradle.api.JavaVersion.VERSION_17
import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.JvmTarget.JVM_17
import static org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinVersion.KOTLIN_1_9
buildscript {
// For sharing constants between builds
@ -15,26 +18,18 @@ buildscript {
ext.corda_build_edition = System.getenv("CORDA_BUILD_EDITION")?.trim() ?: "Corda Open Source"
ext.corda_platform_version = constants.getProperty("platformVersion")
ext.corda_shell_version = constants.getProperty("cordaShellVersion")
ext.gradle_plugins_version = constants.getProperty("gradlePluginsVersion")
// Dependency versions. Can run 'gradle dependencyUpdates' to find new versions of things.
// TODO: Sort this alphabetically.
ext.kotlin_version = constants.getProperty("kotlinVersion")
ext.warnings_as_errors = project.hasProperty("compilation.warningsAsErrors") ?"compilation.warningsAsErrors").toBoolean() : false
ext.quasar_group = 'co.paralleluniverse'
// Set version of Quasar according to version of Java used:
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava8()) {
ext.quasar_version = constants.getProperty("quasarVersion")
ext.quasar_classifier = constants.getProperty("quasarClassifier")
ext.jdkClassifier = constants.getProperty("jdkClassifier")
} else {
ext.quasar_version = constants.getProperty("quasarVersion11")
ext.quasar_classifier = constants.getProperty("quasarClassifier11")
ext.jdkClassifier = constants.getProperty("jdkClassifier11")
ext.cordaScanApiClassifier = jdkClassifier
ext.quasar_version = constants.getProperty("quasarVersion")
ext.quasar_classifier = constants.getProperty("quasarClassifier")
ext.quasar_exclusions = [
@ -49,7 +44,7 @@ buildscript {
@ -95,7 +90,6 @@ buildscript {
ext.h2_version = constants.getProperty("h2Version")
ext.rxjava_version = constants.getProperty("rxjavaVersion")
ext.dokka_version = constants.getProperty("dokkaVersion")
ext.eddsa_version = constants.getProperty("eddsaVersion")
ext.dependency_checker_version = constants.getProperty("dependencyCheckerVersion")
ext.commons_collections_version = constants.getProperty("commonsCollectionsVersion")
ext.beanutils_version = constants.getProperty("beanutilsVersion")
@ -116,7 +110,6 @@ buildscript {
ext.class_graph_version = constants.getProperty('classgraphVersion')
ext.jcabi_manifests_version = constants.getProperty("jcabiManifestsVersion")
ext.picocli_version = constants.getProperty("picocliVersion")
ext.commons_lang_version = constants.getProperty("commonsLangVersion")
ext.commons_io_version = constants.getProperty("commonsIoVersion")
ext.controlsfx_version = constants.getProperty("controlsfxVersion")
ext.detekt_version = constants.getProperty('detektVersion')
@ -124,20 +117,10 @@ buildscript {
ext.commons_configuration2_version = constants.getProperty("commonsConfiguration2Version")
ext.commons_text_version = constants.getProperty("commonsTextVersion")
ext.snake_yaml_version = constants.getProperty("snakeYamlVersion")
ext.fontawesomefx_commons_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxCommonsVersion")
ext.fontawesomefx_fontawesome_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxFontawesomeVersion")
ext.javaassist_version = constants.getProperty("javaassistVersion")
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava8()) {
ext.fontawesomefx_commons_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxCommonsJava8Version")
ext.fontawesomefx_fontawesome_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxFontawesomeJava8Version")
} else {
ext.fontawesomefx_commons_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxCommonsVersion")
ext.fontawesomefx_fontawesome_version = constants.getProperty("fontawesomefxFontawesomeVersion")
// Update 121 is required for ObjectInputFilter.
// Updates [131, 161] also have zip compression bugs on MacOS (High Sierra).
// when the java version in NodeStartup.hasMinimumJavaVersion() changes, so must this check
ext.java8_minUpdateVersion = constants.getProperty('java8MinUpdateVersion')
ext.corda_revision = {
try {
"git rev-parse HEAD".execute().text.trim()
@ -171,6 +154,7 @@ buildscript {
content {
includeGroupByRegex 'net\\.corda(\\..*)?'
includeGroupByRegex 'com\\.r3(\\..*)?'
includeGroup 'co.paralleluniverse'
maven {
@ -180,7 +164,6 @@ buildscript {
includeGroupByRegex 'com\\.r3(\\..*)?'
maven {
url "${publicArtifactURL}/jcenter-backup"
@ -188,28 +171,21 @@ buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-allopen:$kotlin_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:publish-utils:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:quasar-utils:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:cordformation:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:cordapp:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:api-scanner:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.corda.plugins:jar-filter:$gradle_plugins_version"
classpath "net.sf.proguard:proguard-gradle:$proguard_version"
classpath "com.guardsquare:proguard-gradle:$proguard_version"
classpath 'com.github.ben-manes:gradle-versions-plugin:0.15.0'
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-noarg:$kotlin_version"
classpath "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-gradle-plugin:${dokka_version}"
classpath "net.i2p.crypto:eddsa:$eddsa_version" // Needed for ServiceIdentityGenerator in the build environment.
classpath "org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle:${dependency_checker_version}"
classpath "org.jetbrains.dokka:dokka-base:$dokka_version"
classpath "org.owasp:dependency-check-gradle:$dependency_checker_version"
classpath "org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:$artifactory_plugin_version"
// Capsule gradle plugin forked and maintained locally to support Gradle 5.x
// See
classpath "us.kirchmeier:gradle-capsule-plugin:1.0.4_r3"
classpath "us.kirchmeier:gradle-capsule-plugin:1.0.5_r3"
classpath group: "com.r3.testing", name: "gradle-distributed-testing-plugin", version: '1.3.0'
classpath "org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin:2.8"
classpath "com.gradle:gradle-enterprise-gradle-plugin:$gradleEnterprisePlugin"
classpath "com.gradle:common-custom-user-data-gradle-plugin:$customUserDataGradlePlugin"
configurations.classpath {
@ -219,34 +195,20 @@ buildscript {
plugins {
// Add the shadow plugin to the plugins classpath for the entire project.
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '2.0.4' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.allopen' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.jpa' apply false
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '7.1.2' apply false
id "org.ajoberstar.grgit" version "4.0.0"
id 'corda.root-publish'
id "org.jetbrains.dokka" version "1.8.20"
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply plugin: 'com.github.ben-manes.versions'
apply plugin: 'net.corda.plugins.publish-utils'
apply plugin: 'com.jfrog.artifactory'
apply plugin: 'com.r3.testing.distributed-testing'
apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: "com.gradle.common-custom-user-data-gradle-plugin"
buildScan {
server = gradleEnterpriseUrl
allowUntrustedServer = false
def apiKey = project.findProperty('CORDA_GRADLE_SCAN_KEY') ?: System.getenv('CORDA_GRADLE_SCAN_KEY')
if (apiKey?.trim()) {
capture {
taskInputFiles = true
uploadInBackground = false
accessKey = apiKey
// If the command line project option -PversionFromGit is added to the gradle invocation, we'll resolve
// If the command line project option -PversionFromGit is added to the gradle invocation, we'll resolve
// the latest git commit hash and timestamp and create a version postfix from that
if (project.hasProperty("versionFromGit")){
ext.versionSuffix = "${grgit.head().dateTime.format("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss")}-${grgit.head().abbreviatedId}"
@ -259,26 +221,17 @@ if (ext.versionSuffix != ""){
ext.corda_release_version = "${ext.baseVersion}".toString()
// We need the following three lines even though they're inside an allprojects {} block below because otherwise
// IntelliJ gets confused when importing the project and ends up erasing and recreating the .idea directory, along
// with the run configurations. It also doesn't realise that the project is a Java 8 project and misconfigures
// the resulting import. This fixes it.
apply plugin: 'java'
logger.lifecycle("Java version: {}", JavaVersion.current())
sourceCompatibility = VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.current().isJava8() ? VERSION_1_8 : VERSION_11
logger.lifecycle("Java source compatibility: {}", sourceCompatibility)
logger.lifecycle("Java target compatibility: {}", targetCompatibility)
logger.lifecycle("JDK: {}", System.getProperty("java.home"))
logger.lifecycle("Quasar version: {}", quasar_version)
logger.lifecycle("Quasar classifier: {}", quasar_classifier.toString())
logger.lifecycle("Building Corda version: {}", corda_release_version)
logger.lifecycle("User home: {}", System.getProperty('user.home'))
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-allopen'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'org.owasp.dependencycheck'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-allopen'
apply plugin: 'org.sonarqube'
allOpen {
@ -289,19 +242,6 @@ allprojects {
// we do this to allow for Gradle task caching.
// below block tells Gradle to ignore specifically the dymaically generated files in the manifest when checking if a file is up to date
// this has no impact on publishing or production of jar, This only reates to Grades mechamish for verifying the Cache key
normalization {
runtimeClasspath {
ignore("**/*.EC") //signing related
ignore("**/*.SF") //signing related
dependencyCheck {
suppressionFile = '.ci/dependency-checker/suppressedLibraries.xml'
cveValidForHours = 1
@ -316,12 +256,17 @@ allprojects {
nugetconfEnabled = false
sourceCompatibility = VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.current().isJava8() ? VERSION_1_8 : VERSION_11
sourceCompatibility = VERSION_17
targetCompatibility = VERSION_17
jacoco {
// JDK11 official support (
toolVersion = "0.8.3"
toolVersion = "0.8.7"
java {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
@ -336,13 +281,13 @@ allprojects {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).configureEach {
kotlinOptions {
languageVersion = "1.2"
apiVersion = "1.2"
jvmTarget = VERSION_1_8
tasks.withType(KotlinCompile).configureEach {
compilerOptions {
languageVersion = KOTLIN_1_9
apiVersion = KOTLIN_1_9
jvmTarget = JVM_17
javaParameters = true // Useful for reflection.
freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=compatibility']
freeCompilerArgs = ['-Xjvm-default=all-compatibility']
allWarningsAsErrors = warnings_as_errors
@ -362,15 +307,14 @@ allprojects {
attributes('Corda-Docs-Link': corda_docs_link)
tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
jvmArgs += project(":node:capsule").file("src/main/resources/node-jvm-args.txt").readLines()
jvmArgs += "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.foreign" // For the SharedMemoryIncremental
forkEvery = 20
ignoreFailures = project.hasProperty('tests.ignoreFailures') ?'tests.ignoreFailures').toBoolean() : false
failFast = project.hasProperty('tests.failFast') ?'tests.failFast').toBoolean() : false
// Prevent the project from creating temporary files outside of the build directory.
systemProperty '', buildDir.absolutePath
maxHeapSize = "1g"
if (project.path.startsWith(':experimental') && System.getProperty("experimental.test.enable") == null) {
@ -380,25 +324,18 @@ allprojects {
// Required to use Gradle build cache (until Gradle 5.0 is released with default value of "append" set to false)
// See and
extensions.configure(TypeOf.typeOf(JacocoTaskExtension)) { ex ->
ex.append = false
// ex.append = false
maxParallelForks = (System.env.CORDA_TESTING_FORKS == null) ? 1 : "$System.env.CORDA_TESTING_FORKS".toInteger()
systemProperty '', 'file:/dev/./urandom'
tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
if (name.contains("integrationTest")) {
maxParallelForks = (System.env.CORDA_INT_TESTING_FORKS == null) ? 1 : "$System.env.CORDA_INT_TESTING_FORKS".toInteger()
} else {
maxParallelForks = (System.env.CORDA_TESTING_FORKS == null) ? 1 : "$System.env.CORDA_TESTING_FORKS".toInteger()
if (jdkClassifier) {
jar {
// JDK11 built and published artifacts to include classifier
archiveClassifier = jdkClassifier
// Prevent the project from creating temporary files outside of the build directory.
systemProperty '', buildDir.absolutePath
systemProperty '', 'file:/dev/./urandom'
group 'net.corda'
@ -439,6 +376,16 @@ allprojects {
includeGroup 'com.github.bft-smart'
includeGroup 'com.github.detro'
metadataSources {
maven {
url "${publicArtifactURL}/corda-dependencies-dev"
content {
includeGroup 'co.paralleluniverse'
maven {
url "${publicArtifactURL}/corda-dev"
@ -468,12 +415,12 @@ allprojects {
configurations {
all {
configureEach {
resolutionStrategy {
// Force dependencies to use the same version of Kotlin as Corda.
force "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"
force "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"
force "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
if (pluginManager.hasPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")) {
// Force dependencies to use the same version of Kotlin as Corda.
force "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
// Force dependencies to use the same version of Guava as Corda.
force "$guava_version"
@ -508,7 +455,7 @@ allprojects {
substitute module('commons-logging:commons-logging') with module("org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:$slf4j_version")
// Remove any transitive dependency on Logback (e.g. Liquibase 3.6 introduces this dependency)
substitute module('ch.qos.logback:logback-classic') with module("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:$log4j_version")
substitute module('ch.qos.logback:logback-classic') with module("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j2-impl:$log4j_version")
// Netty-All is an uber-jar which contains every Netty module.
// Exclude it to force us to use the individual Netty modules instead.
@ -519,27 +466,32 @@ allprojects {
// Effectively delete this unused and unwanted transitive dependency of Artemis.
substitute module('org.jgroups:jgroups') with module("org.apache.activemq:artemis-commons:$artemis_version")
// Select all of the compileClasspath and runtimeClasspath etc configurations,
// but NOT the "classpath" configuration, as that is used by the Gradle plugins.
matching {"Classpath") }.configureEach { cfg ->
cfg.resolutionStrategy {
dependencySubstitution {
// Force dependencies to use the same version of Kotlin as Corda.
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version")
// Force use of LTS version of BC everywhere
substitute module('org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk18on') with module("org.bouncycastle:bcutil-lts8on:$bouncycastle_version")
substitute module('org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk18on') with module("org.bouncycastle:bcprov-lts8on:$bouncycastle_version")
substitute module('org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on') with module("org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-lts8on:$bouncycastle_version")
// FORCE Gradle to use latest SNAPSHOT dependencies.
cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds'
if (pluginManager.hasPlugin("org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm")) {
// Select all of the compileClasspath and runtimeClasspath etc configurations,
// but NOT the "classpath" configuration, as that is used by the Gradle plugins.
matching {"Classpath") }.configureEach { cfg ->
cfg.resolutionStrategy {
dependencySubstitution {
// Force dependencies to use the same version of Kotlin as Corda.
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-common:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version")
substitute module('org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect') with module("org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version")
@ -554,37 +506,29 @@ sonarqube {
// Check that we are running on a Java 8 JDK. The source/targetCompatibility values above aren't sufficient to
// guarantee this because those are properties checked by the Java plugin, but we're using Kotlin.
// We recommend a specific minor version (unfortunately, not checkable directly) because JavaFX adds APIs in
// minor releases, so we can't work with just any Java 8, it has to be a recent one.
if (!JavaVersion.current().java8Compatible)
throw new GradleException("Corda requires Java 8, please upgrade to at least 1.8.0_$java8_minUpdateVersion")
configurations {
// Required for building out the fat JAR.
dependencies {
compile project(':node')
compile "$guava_version"
implementation project(':node')
implementation "$guava_version"
// Set to corda compile to ensure it exists now deploy nodes no longer relies on build
compile project(path: ":node:capsule", configuration: 'runtimeArtifacts')
compile project(path: ":testing:testserver:testcapsule:", configuration: 'runtimeArtifacts')
// Set to corda implementation to ensure it exists now deploy nodes no longer relies on build
implementation project(path: ":node:capsule", configuration: 'runtimeArtifacts')
implementation project(path: ":testing:testserver:testcapsule:", configuration: 'runtimeArtifacts')
// For the buildCordappDependenciesJar task
runtime project(':client:jfx')
runtime project(':client:mock')
runtime project(':client:rpc')
runtime project(':core')
runtime project(':confidential-identities')
runtime project(':finance:workflows')
runtime project(':finance:contracts')
runtime project(':testing:testserver')
testCompile project(':test-utils')
runtimeOnly project(':client:jfx')
runtimeOnly project(':client:mock')
runtimeOnly project(':client:rpc')
runtimeOnly project(':core')
runtimeOnly project(':confidential-identities')
runtimeOnly project(':finance:workflows')
runtimeOnly project(':finance:contracts')
runtimeOnly project(':testing:testserver')
testImplementation project(':test-utils')
detekt 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt:detekt-cli:1.0.1'
@ -593,16 +537,16 @@ jar {
enabled = false
task jacocoRootReport(type: org.gradle.testing.jacoco.tasks.JacocoReport) {
tasks.register('jacocoRootReport', JacocoReport) {
dependsOn = subprojects.test
additionalSourceDirs = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
sourceDirectories = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
classDirectories = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.output)
executionData = files(subprojects.jacocoTestReport.executionData)
// additionalSourceDirs = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
// sourceDirectories = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.allSource.srcDirs)
// classDirectories = files(subprojects.sourceSets.main.output)
// executionData = files(subprojects.jacocoTestReport.executionData)
reports {
html.enabled = true
xml.enabled = true
csv.enabled = false
html.required = true
xml.required = true
csv.required = false
onlyIf = {
@ -622,13 +566,13 @@ tasks.register('detekt', JavaExec) {
def plugins = detektPluginsJar.outputs.files.singleFile
def params = ['-i', input, '-c', config, '-b', baseline, '--plugins', plugins]
inputs.files(detektPluginsJar, config, baseline)
main = "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.cli.Main"
mainClass = "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.detekt
tasks.register('detektBaseline', JavaExec) {
main = "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.cli.Main"
mainClass = "io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt.cli.Main"
classpath = configurations.detekt
def input = "$projectDir"
def config = "$projectDir/detekt-config.yml, $projectDir/detekt-baseline-config.yml"
@ -638,103 +582,28 @@ tasks.register('detektBaseline', JavaExec) {
tasks.withType(Test).configureEach {
reports.html.destination = file("${reporting.baseDir}/${name}")
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
tasks.register('testReport', TestReport) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
// Include the results from the `test` task in all subprojects
reportOn subprojects*.test
bintrayConfig {
user = System.getenv('CORDA_BINTRAY_USER')
key = System.getenv('CORDA_BINTRAY_KEY')
repo = 'corda'
org = 'r3'
licenses = ['Apache-2.0']
vcsUrl = ''
projectUrl = ''
gpgSign = true
gpgPassphrase = System.getenv('CORDA_BINTRAY_GPG_PASSPHRASE')
publications = [
license {
name = 'Apache-2.0'
url = ''
distribution = 'repo'
developer {
id = 'R3'
name = 'R3'
email = ''
// Build a ZIP of all JARs required to compile the Cordapp template
// Note: corda.jar is used at runtime so no runtime ZIP is necessary.
// Resulting ZIP can be found in "build/distributions"
task buildCordappDependenciesZip(type: Zip) {
tasks.register('buildCordappDependenciesZip', Zip) {
baseName 'corda-deps'
from configurations.runtime
from configurations.compile
from configurations.testCompile
from configurations.runtimeOnly
from configurations.implementation
from configurations.testImplementation
from buildscript.configurations.classpath
from 'node/capsule/NOTICE' // CDDL notice
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE
artifactory {
publish {
contextUrl = artifactory_contextUrl
repository {
repoKey = 'corda-dev'
username = System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME')
password = System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD')
defaults {
// Root project applies the plugin (for this block) but does not need to be published
if (project != rootProject) {
tasks.register('generateApi', net.corda.plugins.apiscanner.GenerateApi) {
tasks.register('generateApi', GenerateApi) {
baseName = "api-corda"
@ -770,7 +639,7 @@ if (file('corda-docs-only-build').exists() || (System.getenv('CORDA_DOCS_ONLY_BU
wrapper {
gradleVersion = '5.6.4'
gradleVersion = '7.6.4'
distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL

buildCacheSettings.gradle Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// Gradle Build Cache configuration recommendation:
ext {
isCiServer = System.getenv().containsKey("CORDA_CI")
gradleBuildCacheURL = System.getenv().containsKey("GRADLE_BUILD_CACHE_URL") ? System.getenv().get("GRADLE_BUILD_CACHE_URL") : 'http://localhost:5071/cache/'
buildCache {
local {
enabled = !isCiServer
remote(HttpBuildCache) {
enabled = isCiServer
url = gradleBuildCacheURL
push = isCiServer

View File

@ -1,11 +1,56 @@
plugins {
id 'groovy-gradle-plugin'
Properties constants = new Properties()
file("$rootDir/../").withInputStream { constants.load(it) }
def internalPublishVersion = constants.getProperty('internalPublishVersion')
def artifactoryContextUrl = constants.getProperty('artifactoryContextUrl')
repositories {
def cordaUseCache = System.getenv("CORDA_USE_CACHE")
if (cordaUseCache != null) {
maven {
url = "${artifactoryContextUrl}/${cordaUseCache}"
name = "R3 Maven remote repositories"
authentication {
credentials {
username = findProperty('cordaArtifactoryUsername') ?: System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME')
password = findProperty('cordaArtifactoryPassword') ?: System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD')
metadataSources {
} else {
maven {
url "${artifactoryContextUrl}/engineering-tools-maven"
authentication {
credentials {
username = findProperty('cordaArtifactoryUsername') ?: System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME')
password = findProperty('cordaArtifactoryPassword') ?: System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD')
content {
includeGroupByRegex 'com\\.r3\\.internal(\\..*)?'
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.github.docker-java', name: 'docker-java', version: constants.dockerJavaVersion
compile group: 'com.github.docker-java', name: 'docker-java-transport-httpclient5', version: constants.dockerJavaVersion
implementation "com.github.docker-java:docker-java:$constants.dockerJavaVersion"
implementation "com.github.docker-java:docker-java-transport-httpclient5:$constants.dockerJavaVersion"
implementation "org.jooq:joor:$constants.joorVersion"
if (System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME') != null || project.hasProperty('cordaArtifactoryUsername')) {
implementation "com.r3.internal.gradle.plugins:publish:$internalPublishVersion"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
// plugin to cater for R3 vs Non R3 users building code base. R3 employees will leverage internal plugins non
// R3 users will use standard Maven publishing conventions as provided by the Maven-publish gradle plugin
if (System.getenv('CORDA_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME') != null || project.hasProperty('cordaArtifactoryUsername')) {"Internal R3 user - resolving publication build dependencies from internal plugins")
afterEvaluate {
publishing {
publications {
configureEach {
def repo = ""
pom {
description = project.description
name =
url = repo
scm {
url = repo
licenses {
license {
name = 'Apache-2.0'
url = ''
distribution = 'repo'
developers {
developer {
id = 'R3'
name = 'R3'
email = ''
} else {"External user - using standard maven publishing")
pluginManager.withPlugin('java') {
afterEvaluate {
publishing {
if (publications.isEmpty()) {
// If we haven't already created a MavenPublication then create one now.
publications {
maven(MavenPublication) {
artifactId = tasks.named('jar', Jar).flatMap { it.archiveBaseName }.get()
groupId group.toString()
from findSoftwareComponent(components).get()
if (artifacts.matching { it.classifier == 'sources' }.isEmpty()) {
try {
artifact tasks.named('sourcesJar', Jar)
} catch (UnknownTaskException ignored) {
try {
artifact tasks.named('javadocJar', Jar)
} catch (UnknownTaskException ignored) {
tasks.withType(GenerateModuleMetadata).configureEach {
enabled = false
tasks.register('install') {
dependsOn 'publishToMavenLocal'
private static Provider<SoftwareComponent> findSoftwareComponent(SoftwareComponentContainer components) {
try {
return components.named('cordapp')
} catch (UnknownDomainObjectException ignored) {
try {
return components.named('kotlin')
} catch (UnknownDomainObjectException ignored2) {
return components.named('java')