mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 00:55:24 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'open/master' into anthony-os-merge-2018-10-24
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ shadowJar {
// we will generate better versions from deterministic-rt.jar.
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Appendable.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/CharSequence.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Character\$*.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Character\$Subset.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Character\$Unicode*.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Comparable.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Enum.class'
exclude 'sandbox/java/lang/Iterable.class'
@ -191,12 +191,14 @@ abstract class ClassCommand : CommandBase() {
emitters = ignoreEmitters.emptyListIfTrueOtherwiseNull(),
definitionProviders = if (ignoreDefinitionProviders) { emptyList() } else { Discovery.find() },
enableTracing = !disableTracing,
analysisConfiguration = AnalysisConfiguration(
analysisConfiguration = AnalysisConfiguration.createRoot(
whitelist = whitelist,
minimumSeverityLevel = level,
classPath = getClasspath(),
analyzeAnnotations = analyzeAnnotations,
prefixFilters = prefixFilters.toList()
prefixFilters = prefixFilters.toList(),
sourceClassLoaderFactory = { classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader ->
SourceClassLoader(getClasspath(), classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class WhitelistGenerateCommand : CommandBase() {
override fun validateArguments() = paths.isNotEmpty()
override fun handleCommand(): Boolean {
val entries = AnalysisConfiguration().use { configuration ->
val entries = AnalysisConfiguration.createRoot().use { configuration ->
val entries = mutableListOf<String>()
val visitor = object : ClassAndMemberVisitor(configuration, null) {
override fun visitClass(clazz: ClassRepresentation): ClassRepresentation {
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ public class Object {
private static java.lang.Object unwrap(java.lang.Object arg) {
if (arg instanceof Object) {
return ((Object) arg).fromDJVM();
} else if (Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(arg.getClass())) {
return fromDJVM((Object[]) arg);
} else if (java.lang.Object[].class.isAssignableFrom(arg.getClass())) {
return fromDJVM((java.lang.Object[]) arg);
} else {
return arg;
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package sandbox.java.lang;
import net.corda.djvm.SandboxRuntimeContext;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import sandbox.java.nio.charset.Charset;
import sandbox.java.util.Comparator;
@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ import sandbox.java.util.Locale;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.Map;
public final class String extends Object implements Comparable<String>, CharSequence, Serializable {
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ public final class String extends Object implements Comparable<String>, CharSequ
private static final String TRUE = new String("true");
private static final String FALSE = new String("false");
private static final Map<java.lang.String, String> INTERNAL = new java.util.HashMap<>();
private static final Constructor SHARED;
static {
@ -335,7 +334,7 @@ public final class String extends Object implements Comparable<String>, CharSequ
return toDJVM(value.trim());
public String intern() { return INTERNAL.computeIfAbsent(value, s -> this); }
public String intern() { return (String) SandboxRuntimeContext.getInstance().intern(value, this); }
public char[] toCharArray() {
return value.toCharArray();
@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
package sandbox.java.lang;
import net.corda.djvm.SandboxRuntimeContext;
@SuppressWarnings({"WeakerAccess", "unused"})
public final class System extends Object {
private System() {}
* This class is duplicated into every sandbox, where everything is single-threaded.
private static final java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> objectHashCodes = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<>();
private static int objectCounter = 0;
public static int identityHashCode(java.lang.Object obj) {
int nativeHashCode = java.lang.System.identityHashCode(obj);
// TODO Instead of using a magic offset below, one could take in a per-context seed
return objectHashCodes.computeIfAbsent(nativeHashCode, i -> ++objectCounter + 0xfed_c0de);
return SandboxRuntimeContext.getInstance().getHashCodeFor(nativeHashCode);
public static final String lineSeparator = String.toDJVM("\n");
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import net.corda.djvm.code.DefinitionProvider
import net.corda.djvm.code.EMIT_TRACING
import net.corda.djvm.code.Emitter
import net.corda.djvm.execution.ExecutionProfile
import net.corda.djvm.rewiring.SandboxClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.rules.Rule
import net.corda.djvm.utilities.Discovery
@ -16,24 +17,28 @@ import net.corda.djvm.utilities.Discovery
* @property definitionProviders The meta-data providers to apply to class and member definitions.
* @property executionProfile The execution profile to use in the sandbox.
* @property analysisConfiguration The configuration used in the analysis of classes.
* @property parentClassLoader The [SandboxClassLoader] that this sandbox will use as a parent.
class SandboxConfiguration private constructor(
val rules: List<Rule>,
val emitters: List<Emitter>,
val definitionProviders: List<DefinitionProvider>,
val executionProfile: ExecutionProfile,
val analysisConfiguration: AnalysisConfiguration
val analysisConfiguration: AnalysisConfiguration,
val parentClassLoader: SandboxClassLoader?
) {
companion object {
* Default configuration for the deterministic sandbox.
val DEFAULT = SandboxConfiguration.of()
* Configuration with no emitters, rules, meta-data providers or runtime thresholds.
val EMPTY = SandboxConfiguration.of(
ExecutionProfile.UNLIMITED, emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList()
@ -47,7 +52,8 @@ class SandboxConfiguration private constructor(
emitters: List<Emitter>? = null,
definitionProviders: List<DefinitionProvider> = Discovery.find(),
enableTracing: Boolean = true,
analysisConfiguration: AnalysisConfiguration = AnalysisConfiguration()
analysisConfiguration: AnalysisConfiguration = AnalysisConfiguration.createRoot(),
parentClassLoader: SandboxClassLoader? = null
) = SandboxConfiguration(
executionProfile = profile,
rules = rules,
@ -55,7 +61,8 @@ class SandboxConfiguration private constructor(
enableTracing || it.priority > EMIT_TRACING
definitionProviders = definitionProviders,
analysisConfiguration = analysisConfiguration
analysisConfiguration = analysisConfiguration,
parentClassLoader = parentClassLoader
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package net.corda.djvm
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisContext
import net.corda.djvm.costing.RuntimeCostSummary
import net.corda.djvm.rewiring.SandboxClassLoader
@ -14,16 +13,27 @@ class SandboxRuntimeContext(val configuration: SandboxConfiguration) {
* The class loader to use inside the sandbox.
val classLoader: SandboxClassLoader = SandboxClassLoader(
val classLoader: SandboxClassLoader = SandboxClassLoader.createFor(configuration)
* A summary of the currently accumulated runtime costs (for, e.g., memory allocations, invocations, etc.).
val runtimeCosts = RuntimeCostSummary(configuration.executionProfile)
private val hashCodes: MutableMap<Int, Int> = mutableMapOf()
private var objectCounter: Int = 0
// TODO Instead of using a magic offset below, one could take in a per-context seed
fun getHashCodeFor(nativeHashCode: Int): Int {
return hashCodes.computeIfAbsent(nativeHashCode) { ++objectCounter + MAGIC_HASH_OFFSET }
private val internStrings: MutableMap<String, Any> = mutableMapOf()
fun intern(key: String, value: Any): Any {
return internStrings.computeIfAbsent(key) { value }
* Run a set of actions within the provided sandbox context.
@ -39,10 +49,12 @@ class SandboxRuntimeContext(val configuration: SandboxConfiguration) {
companion object {
private val threadLocalContext = ThreadLocal<SandboxRuntimeContext?>()
private const val MAGIC_HASH_OFFSET = 0xfed_c0de
* When called from within a sandbox, this returns the context for the current sandbox thread.
var instance: SandboxRuntimeContext
get() = threadLocalContext.get()
?: throw IllegalStateException("SandboxContext has not been initialized before use")
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import net.corda.djvm.references.ClassModule
import net.corda.djvm.references.Member
import net.corda.djvm.references.MemberModule
import net.corda.djvm.references.MethodBody
import net.corda.djvm.source.AbstractSourceClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.source.BootstrapClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.source.SourceClassLoader
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*
@ -21,36 +22,36 @@ import java.nio.file.Path
* The configuration to use for an analysis.
* @property whitelist The whitelist of class names.
* @param additionalPinnedClasses Classes that have already been declared in the sandbox namespace and that should be
* made available inside the sandboxed environment.
* @property pinnedClasses Classes that have already been declared in the sandbox namespace and that should be
* made available inside the sandboxed environment. These classes belong to the application
* classloader and so are shared across all sandboxes.
* @property classResolver Functionality used to resolve the qualified name and relevant information about a class.
* @property exceptionResolver Resolves the internal names of synthetic exception classes.
* @property minimumSeverityLevel The minimum severity level to log and report.
* @param classPath The extended class path to use for the analysis.
* @param bootstrapJar The location of a jar containing the Java APIs.
* @property analyzeAnnotations Analyze annotations despite not being explicitly referenced.
* @property prefixFilters Only record messages where the originating class name matches one of the provided prefixes.
* If none are provided, all messages will be reported.
* @property classModule Module for handling evolution of a class hierarchy during analysis.
* @property memberModule Module for handling the specification and inspection of class members.
* @property bootstrapClassLoader Optional provider for the Java API classes.
* @property supportingClassLoader ClassLoader providing the classes to run inside the sandbox.
* @property isRootConfiguration Effectively, whether we are allowed to close [bootstrapClassLoader].
class AnalysisConfiguration(
val whitelist: Whitelist = Whitelist.MINIMAL,
additionalPinnedClasses: Set<String> = emptySet(),
val minimumSeverityLevel: Severity = Severity.WARNING,
classPath: List<Path> = emptyList(),
bootstrapJar: Path? = null,
val analyzeAnnotations: Boolean = false,
val prefixFilters: List<String> = emptyList(),
val classModule: ClassModule = ClassModule(),
val memberModule: MemberModule = MemberModule()
class AnalysisConfiguration private constructor(
val whitelist: Whitelist,
val pinnedClasses: Set<String>,
val classResolver: ClassResolver,
val exceptionResolver: ExceptionResolver,
val minimumSeverityLevel: Severity,
val analyzeAnnotations: Boolean,
val prefixFilters: List<String>,
val classModule: ClassModule,
val memberModule: MemberModule,
private val bootstrapClassLoader: BootstrapClassLoader?,
val supportingClassLoader: AbstractSourceClassLoader,
private val isRootConfiguration: Boolean
) : Closeable {
* Classes that have already been declared in the sandbox namespace and that should be made
* available inside the sandboxed environment. These classes belong to the application
* classloader and so are shared across all sandboxes.
val pinnedClasses: Set<String> = MANDATORY_PINNED_CLASSES + additionalPinnedClasses
* These interfaces are modified as they are mapped into the sandbox by
* having their unsandboxed version "stitched in" as a super-interface.
@ -63,26 +64,39 @@ class AnalysisConfiguration(
val stitchedClasses: Map<String, List<Member>> get() = STITCHED_CLASSES
* Functionality used to resolve the qualified name and relevant information about a class.
val classResolver: ClassResolver = ClassResolver(pinnedClasses, TEMPLATE_CLASSES, whitelist, SANDBOX_PREFIX)
* Resolves the internal names of synthetic exception classes.
val exceptionResolver: ExceptionResolver = ExceptionResolver(JVM_EXCEPTIONS, pinnedClasses, SANDBOX_PREFIX)
private val bootstrapClassLoader = bootstrapJar?.let { BootstrapClassLoader(it, classResolver) }
val supportingClassLoader = SourceClassLoader(classPath, classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader)
override fun close() {
supportingClassLoader.use {
if (isRootConfiguration) {
* Creates a child [AnalysisConfiguration] with this instance as its parent.
* The child inherits the same [whitelist], [pinnedClasses] and [bootstrapClassLoader].
fun createChild(
classPaths: List<Path> = emptyList(),
newMinimumSeverityLevel: Severity?
): AnalysisConfiguration {
return AnalysisConfiguration(
whitelist = whitelist,
pinnedClasses = pinnedClasses,
classResolver = classResolver,
exceptionResolver = exceptionResolver,
minimumSeverityLevel = newMinimumSeverityLevel ?: minimumSeverityLevel,
analyzeAnnotations = analyzeAnnotations,
prefixFilters = prefixFilters,
classModule = classModule,
memberModule = memberModule,
bootstrapClassLoader = bootstrapClassLoader,
supportingClassLoader = SourceClassLoader(classPaths, classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader),
isRootConfiguration = false
fun isTemplateClass(className: String): Boolean = className in TEMPLATE_CLASSES
fun isPinnedClass(className: String): Boolean = className in pinnedClasses
@ -107,7 +121,7 @@ class AnalysisConfiguration(
* These classes will be duplicated into every sandbox's
* classloader.
* parent classloader.
private val TEMPLATE_CLASSES: Set<String> = setOf(
@ -131,6 +145,7 @@ class AnalysisConfiguration(
).sandboxed() + setOf(
@ -139,8 +154,8 @@ class AnalysisConfiguration(
* These are thrown by the JVM itself, and so
* we need to handle them without wrapping them.
* These exceptions are thrown by the JVM itself, and
* so we need to handle them without wrapping them.
* Note that this set is closed, i.e. every one
* of these exceptions' [Throwable] super classes
@ -271,6 +286,41 @@ class AnalysisConfiguration(
private fun Set<Class<*>>.sandboxed(): Set<String> = map(Companion::sandboxed).toSet()
private fun Iterable<Member>.mapByClassName(): Map<String, List<Member>>
= groupBy(Member::className).mapValues(Map.Entry<String, List<Member>>::value)
* @see [AnalysisConfiguration]
fun createRoot(
whitelist: Whitelist = Whitelist.MINIMAL,
additionalPinnedClasses: Set<String> = emptySet(),
minimumSeverityLevel: Severity = Severity.WARNING,
analyzeAnnotations: Boolean = false,
prefixFilters: List<String> = emptyList(),
classModule: ClassModule = ClassModule(),
memberModule: MemberModule = MemberModule(),
bootstrapClassLoader: BootstrapClassLoader? = null,
sourceClassLoaderFactory: (ClassResolver, BootstrapClassLoader?) -> AbstractSourceClassLoader = { classResolver, bootstrapCL ->
SourceClassLoader(emptyList(), classResolver, bootstrapCL)
): AnalysisConfiguration {
val pinnedClasses = MANDATORY_PINNED_CLASSES + additionalPinnedClasses
val classResolver = ClassResolver(pinnedClasses, TEMPLATE_CLASSES, whitelist, SANDBOX_PREFIX)
return AnalysisConfiguration(
whitelist = whitelist,
pinnedClasses = pinnedClasses,
classResolver = classResolver,
exceptionResolver = ExceptionResolver(JVM_EXCEPTIONS, pinnedClasses, SANDBOX_PREFIX),
minimumSeverityLevel = minimumSeverityLevel,
analyzeAnnotations = analyzeAnnotations,
prefixFilters = prefixFilters,
classModule = classModule,
memberModule = memberModule,
bootstrapClassLoader = bootstrapClassLoader,
supportingClassLoader = sourceClassLoaderFactory(classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader),
isRootConfiguration = true
private open class MethodBuilder(
@ -71,14 +71,14 @@ open class SandboxExecutor<in TInput, out TOutput>(
// Load the "entry-point" task class into the sandbox. This task will marshall
// the input and outputs between Java types and sandbox wrapper types.
val taskClass = Class.forName("sandbox.Task", false, classLoader)
val taskClass = classLoader.loadClass("sandbox.Task")
// Create the user's task object inside the sandbox.
val runnable = classLoader.loadForSandbox(runnableClass, context).type.newInstance()
val runnable = classLoader.loadClassForSandbox(runnableClass).newInstance()
// Fetch this sandbox's instance of Class<Function> so we can retrieve Task(Function)
// and then instantiate the Task.
val functionClass = Class.forName("sandbox.java.util.function.Function", false, classLoader)
val functionClass = classLoader.loadClass("sandbox.java.util.function.Function")
val task = taskClass.getDeclaredConstructor(functionClass).newInstance(runnable)
// Execute the task...
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ open class SandboxExecutor<in TInput, out TOutput>(
fun load(classSource: ClassSource): LoadedClass {
val context = AnalysisContext.fromConfiguration(configuration.analysisConfiguration)
val result = IsolatedTask("LoadClass", configuration).run {
classLoader.loadForSandbox(classSource, context)
return result.output ?: throw ClassNotFoundException(classSource.qualifiedClassName)
@ -159,11 +159,13 @@ open class SandboxExecutor<in TInput, out TOutput>(
): ReferenceValidationSummary {
processClassQueue(*classSources.toTypedArray()) { classSource, className ->
val didLoad = try {
classLoader.loadForSandbox(classSource, context)
} catch (exception: SandboxClassLoadingException) {
// Continue; all warnings and errors are captured in [context.messages]
} finally {
if (didLoad) {
context.classes[className]?.apply {
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class MessageCollection(
private val memberMessages = mutableMapOf<String, MutableList<Message>>()
private val provisional = mutableListOf<Message>()
private var cachedEntries: List<Message>? = null
@ -58,6 +59,28 @@ class MessageCollection(
* Hold this message until we've decided whether or not it's real.
fun provisionalAdd(message: Message) {
* Discard all provisional messages.
fun clearProvisional() {
* Accept all provisional messages.
fun acceptProvisional() {
* Get all recorded messages for a given class.
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package net.corda.djvm.rewiring
import net.corda.djvm.SandboxConfiguration
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisConfiguration
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisContext
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ClassAndMemberVisitor
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ExceptionResolver.Companion.getDJVMExceptionOwner
@ -8,30 +9,32 @@ import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ExceptionResolver.Companion.isDJVMException
import net.corda.djvm.code.asPackagePath
import net.corda.djvm.code.asResourcePath
import net.corda.djvm.references.ClassReference
import net.corda.djvm.source.AbstractSourceClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.source.ClassSource
import net.corda.djvm.utilities.loggerFor
import net.corda.djvm.validation.RuleValidator
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
* Class loader that enables registration of rewired classes.
* @param configuration The configuration to use for the sandbox.
* @property analysisConfiguration The configuration to use for the analysis.
* @property ruleValidator The instance used to validate that any loaded class complies with the specified rules.
* @property supportingClassLoader The class loader used to find classes on the extended class path.
* @property rewriter The re-writer to use for registered classes.
* @property context The context in which analysis and processing is performed.
* @param throwableClass This sandbox's definition of [sandbox.java.lang.Throwable].
* @param parent This classloader's parent classloader.
class SandboxClassLoader(
configuration: SandboxConfiguration,
private val context: AnalysisContext
) : ClassLoader() {
private val analysisConfiguration = configuration.analysisConfiguration
* The instance used to validate that any loaded class complies with the specified rules.
private val ruleValidator: RuleValidator = RuleValidator(
rules = configuration.rules,
configuration = analysisConfiguration
class SandboxClassLoader private constructor(
private val analysisConfiguration: AnalysisConfiguration,
private val ruleValidator: RuleValidator,
private val supportingClassLoader: AbstractSourceClassLoader,
private val rewriter: ClassRewriter,
private val context: AnalysisContext,
throwableClass: Class<*>?,
parent: ClassLoader?
) : ClassLoader(parent ?: getSystemClassLoader()) {
* The analyzer used to traverse the class hierarchy.
@ -50,36 +53,65 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
private val loadedClasses = mutableMapOf<String, LoadedClass>()
* The class loader used to find classes on the extended class path.
* We need to load [sandbox.java.lang.Throwable] up front, so that we can
* identify sandboxed exception classes.
private val supportingClassLoader = analysisConfiguration.supportingClassLoader
* The re-writer to use for registered classes.
private val rewriter: ClassRewriter = ClassRewriter(configuration, supportingClassLoader)
* We need to load this class up front, so that we can identify sandboxed exception classes.
private val throwableClass: Class<*>
init {
// Bootstrap the loading of the sandboxed Throwable class.
private val throwableClass: Class<*> = throwableClass ?: run {
loadClassAndBytes(ClassSource.fromClassName("sandbox.java.lang.Object"), context)
loadClassAndBytes(ClassSource.fromClassName("sandbox.java.lang.StackTraceElement"), context)
throwableClass = loadClassAndBytes(ClassSource.fromClassName("sandbox.java.lang.Throwable"), context).type
loadClassAndBytes(ClassSource.fromClassName("sandbox.java.lang.Throwable"), context).type
* Creates an empty [SandboxClassLoader] with exactly the same
* configuration as this one, but with the given [AnalysisContext].
* @param newContext The [AnalysisContext] to use for the child classloader.
fun copyEmpty(newContext: AnalysisContext) = SandboxClassLoader(
* Given a class name, provide its corresponding [LoadedClass] for the sandbox.
* This class may have been loaded by a parent classloader really.
fun loadForSandbox(name: String, context: AnalysisContext): LoadedClass {
return loadClassAndBytes(ClassSource.fromClassName(analysisConfiguration.classResolver.resolveNormalized(name)), context)
fun loadForSandbox(className: String): LoadedClass {
val sandboxClass = loadClassForSandbox(className)
val sandboxName = Type.getInternalName(sandboxClass)
var loader = this
while(true) {
val loaded = loader.loadedClasses[sandboxName]
if (loaded != null) {
return loaded
loader = loader.parent as? SandboxClassLoader ?: return LoadedClass(sandboxClass, UNMODIFIED)
fun loadForSandbox(source: ClassSource, context: AnalysisContext): LoadedClass {
return loadForSandbox(source.qualifiedClassName, context)
fun loadForSandbox(source: ClassSource): LoadedClass {
return loadForSandbox(source.qualifiedClassName)
private fun loadClassForSandbox(className: String): Class<*> {
val sandboxName = analysisConfiguration.classResolver.resolveNormalized(className)
return try {
} finally {
fun loadClassForSandbox(source: ClassSource): Class<*> {
return loadClassForSandbox(source.qualifiedClassName)
@ -95,10 +127,19 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
var clazz = findLoadedClass(name)
if (clazz == null) {
val source = ClassSource.fromClassName(name)
clazz = if (analysisConfiguration.isSandboxClass(source.internalClassName)) {
loadSandboxClass(source, context).type
} else {
super.loadClass(name, resolve)
val isSandboxClass = analysisConfiguration.isSandboxClass(source.internalClassName)
if (!isSandboxClass || parent is SandboxClassLoader) {
try {
clazz = super.loadClass(name, resolve)
} catch (e: ClassNotFoundException) {
} catch (e: SandboxClassLoadingException) {
if (clazz == null && isSandboxClass) {
clazz = loadSandboxClass(source, context).type
if (resolve) {
@ -107,15 +148,31 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
return clazz
* A sandboxed exception class cannot be thrown, and so we may also need to create a
* synthetic throwable wrapper for it. Or perhaps we've just been asked to load the
* synthetic wrapper class belonging to an exception that we haven't loaded yet?
* Either way, we need to load the sandboxed exception first so that we know what
* the synthetic wrapper's super-class needs to be.
private fun loadSandboxClass(source: ClassSource, context: AnalysisContext): LoadedClass {
return if (isDJVMException(source.internalClassName)) {
* We need to load a DJVMException's owner class before we can create
* its wrapper exception. And loading the owner should also create the
* wrapper class automatically.
* its wrapper exception. And loading the owner should then also create
* the wrapper class automatically.
loadedClasses.getOrElse(source.internalClassName) {
loadSandboxClass(ClassSource.fromClassName(getDJVMExceptionOwner(source.qualifiedClassName)), context)
val exceptionOwner = ClassSource.fromClassName(getDJVMExceptionOwner(source.qualifiedClassName))
if (!analysisConfiguration.isJvmException(exceptionOwner.internalClassName)) {
* JVM Exceptions belong to the parent classloader, and so will never
* be found inside a child classloader. Which means we must not try to
* create a duplicate inside any child classloaders either. Hence we
* re-invoke [loadClass] which will delegate back to the parent.
loadClass(exceptionOwner.qualifiedClassName, false)
} ?: throw ClassNotFoundException(source.qualifiedClassName)
} else {
@ -171,6 +228,7 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
// Check if any errors were found during analysis.
if (context.messages.errorCount > 0) {
logger.debug("Errors detected after analyzing class {}", request.qualifiedClassName)
throw SandboxClassLoadingException(context)
@ -214,6 +272,10 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
* Check whether the synthetic throwable wrapper already
* exists for this exception, and create it if it doesn't.
private fun loadWrapperFor(throwable: Class<*>): LoadedClass {
val className = analysisConfiguration.exceptionResolver.getThrowableName(throwable)
return loadedClasses.getOrPut(className) {
@ -223,9 +285,30 @@ class SandboxClassLoader(
private companion object {
companion object {
private val logger = loggerFor<SandboxClassLoader>()
private val UNMODIFIED = ByteCode(ByteArray(0), false)
* Factory function to create a [SandboxClassLoader].
* @param configuration The [SandboxConfiguration] containing the classloader's configuration parameters.
fun createFor(configuration: SandboxConfiguration): SandboxClassLoader {
val analysisConfiguration = configuration.analysisConfiguration
val supportingClassLoader = analysisConfiguration.supportingClassLoader
val parentClassLoader = configuration.parentClassLoader
return SandboxClassLoader(
analysisConfiguration = analysisConfiguration,
supportingClassLoader = supportingClassLoader,
ruleValidator = RuleValidator(rules = configuration.rules,
configuration = analysisConfiguration),
rewriter = ClassRewriter(configuration, supportingClassLoader),
context = AnalysisContext.fromConfiguration(analysisConfiguration),
throwableClass = parentClassLoader?.throwableClass,
parent = parentClassLoader
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class SandboxClassLoadingException(
val messages: MessageCollection = context.messages,
val classes: ClassHierarchy = context.classes,
val classOrigins: Map<String, Set<EntityReference>> = context.classOrigins
) : Exception("Failed to load class") {
) : RuntimeException("Failed to load class") {
* The detailed description of the exception.
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class SandboxClassLoadingException(
get() = StringBuilder().apply {
for (message in messages.sorted().map(Message::toString).distinct()) {
appendln(" - $message")
append(" - ").appendln(message)
}.toString().trimEnd('\r', '\n')
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package net.corda.djvm.source
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisConfiguration.Companion.SANDBOX_PREFIX
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisContext
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ClassResolver
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ExceptionResolver.Companion.getDJVMExceptionOwner
@ -33,19 +35,23 @@ abstract class AbstractSourceClassLoader(
className: String, context: AnalysisContext, origin: String? = null
): ClassReader {
val originalName = classResolver.reverse(className.asResourcePath)
fun throwClassLoadingError(): Nothing {
message ="Class file not found; $originalName.class",
severity = Severity.ERROR,
location = SourceLocation(origin ?: "")
throw SandboxClassLoadingException(context)
return try {
logger.trace("Opening ClassReader for class {}...", originalName)
getResourceAsStream("$originalName.class").use {
getResourceAsStream("$originalName.class")?.use {
} ?: run(::throwClassLoadingError)
} catch (exception: IOException) {
message ="Class file not found; $originalName.class",
severity = Severity.ERROR,
location = SourceLocation(origin ?: "")
logger.error("Failed to open ClassReader for class", exception)
throw SandboxClassLoadingException(context)
@ -78,50 +84,16 @@ abstract class AbstractSourceClassLoader(
protected companion object {
protected val logger = loggerFor<SourceClassLoader>()
private fun resolvePaths(paths: List<Path>): Array<URL> {
return paths.map(this::expandPath).flatMap {
when {
!Files.exists(it) -> throw FileNotFoundException("File not found; $it")
Files.isDirectory(it) -> {
listOf(it.toURL()) + Files.list(it).filter(::isJarFile).map { jar -> jar.toURL() }.toList()
Files.isReadable(it) && isJarFile(it) -> listOf(it.toURL())
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected JAR or class file, but found $it")
}.apply {
logger.trace("Resolved paths: {}", this)
private fun expandPath(path: Path): Path {
val pathString = path.toString()
if (pathString.startsWith("~/")) {
return homeDirectory.resolve(pathString.removePrefix("~/"))
return path
private fun isJarFile(path: Path) = path.toString().endsWith(".jar", true)
private fun Path.toURL(): URL = this.toUri().toURL()
private val homeDirectory: Path
get() = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"))
* Class loader to manage an optional JAR of replacement Java APIs.
* @param bootstrapJar The location of the JAR containing the Java APIs.
* @param classResolver The resolver to use to derive the original name of a requested class.
class BootstrapClassLoader(
bootstrapJar: Path,
classResolver: ClassResolver
) : AbstractSourceClassLoader(listOf(bootstrapJar), classResolver, null) {
bootstrapJar: Path
) : URLClassLoader(resolvePaths(listOf(bootstrapJar)), null) {
* Only search our own jars for the given resource.
@ -129,6 +101,37 @@ class BootstrapClassLoader(
override fun getResource(name: String): URL? = findResource(name)
* Class loader that only provides our built-in sandbox classes.
* @param classResolver The resolver to use to derive the original name of a requested class.
class SandboxSourceClassLoader(
classResolver: ClassResolver,
private val bootstrap: BootstrapClassLoader
) : AbstractSourceClassLoader(emptyList(), classResolver, SandboxSourceClassLoader::class.java.classLoader) {
* Always check the bootstrap classloader first. If we're requesting
* built-in sandbox classes then delegate to our parent classloader,
* otherwise deny the request.
override fun getResource(name: String): URL? {
val resource = bootstrap.findResource(name)
if (resource != null) {
return resource
} else if (isJvmInternal(name)) {
logger.error("Denying request for actual {}", name)
return null
return if (name.startsWith(SANDBOX_PREFIX)) {
} else {
* Customizable class loader that allows the user to explicitly specify additional JARs and directories to scan.
@ -168,12 +171,41 @@ class SourceClassLoader(
return if (name.startsWith("net/corda/djvm/")) null else super.findResource(name)
* Does [name] exist within any of the packages reserved for Java itself?
private fun isJvmInternal(name: String): Boolean = name.startsWith("java/")
|| name.startsWith("javax/")
|| name.startsWith("com/sun/")
|| name.startsWith("sun/")
|| name.startsWith("jdk/")
private fun resolvePaths(paths: List<Path>): Array<URL> {
return paths.map(::expandPath).flatMap {
when {
!Files.exists(it) -> throw FileNotFoundException("File not found; $it")
Files.isDirectory(it) -> {
listOf(it.toURL()) + Files.list(it).filter(::isJarFile).map { jar -> jar.toURL() }.toList()
Files.isReadable(it) && isJarFile(it) -> listOf(it.toURL())
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Expected JAR or class file, but found $it")
private fun expandPath(path: Path): Path {
val pathString = path.toString()
if (pathString.startsWith("~/")) {
return homeDirectory.resolve(pathString.removePrefix("~/"))
return path
private fun isJarFile(path: Path) = path.toString().endsWith(".jar", true)
private fun Path.toURL(): URL = this.toUri().toURL()
private val homeDirectory: Path
get() = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home"))
* Does [name] exist within any of the packages reserved for Java itself?
private fun isJvmInternal(name: String): Boolean = name.startsWith("java/")
|| name.startsWith("javax/")
|| name.startsWith("com/sun/")
|| name.startsWith("sun/")
|| name.startsWith("jdk/")
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
package sandbox.java.lang
import net.corda.djvm.SandboxRuntimeContext
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.AnalysisConfiguration.Companion.JVM_EXCEPTIONS
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.ExceptionResolver.Companion.getDJVMException
import net.corda.djvm.rules.implementation.*
@ -42,14 +43,14 @@ fun Any.sandbox(): Any {
private fun Array<*>.fromDJVMArray(): Array<*> = Object.fromDJVM(this)
* These functions use the "current" classloader, i.e. classloader
* that owns this DJVM class.
* Use the sandbox's classloader explicitly, because this class
* might belong to the shared parent classloader.
internal fun Class<*>.toDJVMType(): Class<*> = Class.forName(name.toSandboxPackage())
internal fun Class<*>.toDJVMType(): Class<*> = SandboxRuntimeContext.instance.classLoader.loadClass(name.toSandboxPackage())
internal fun Class<*>.fromDJVMType(): Class<*> = Class.forName(name.fromSandboxPackage())
internal fun Class<*>.fromDJVMType(): Class<*> = SandboxRuntimeContext.instance.classLoader.loadClass(name.fromSandboxPackage())
private fun kotlin.String.toSandboxPackage(): kotlin.String {
return if (startsWith(SANDBOX_PREFIX)) {
@ -190,10 +191,11 @@ fun fromDJVM(t: Throwable?): kotlin.Throwable {
val sandboxedName = t!!.javaClass.name
if (Type.getInternalName(t.javaClass) in JVM_EXCEPTIONS) {
// We map these exceptions to their equivalent JVM classes.
} else {
// Whereas the sandbox creates a synthetic throwable wrapper for these.
.newInstance(t) as kotlin.Throwable
@ -12,13 +12,11 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
public class SandboxEnumJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testEnumInsideSandbox() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<Integer, String[]> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<String[]> output = WithJava.run(executor, TransformEnum.class, 0);
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ public class SandboxEnumJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testReturnEnumFromSandbox() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<String, ExampleEnum> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<ExampleEnum> output = WithJava.run(executor, FetchEnum.class, "THREE");
@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ public class SandboxEnumJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testWeCanIdentifyClassAsEnum() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Boolean> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<Boolean> output = WithJava.run(executor, AssertEnum.class, ExampleEnum.THREE);
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class SandboxEnumJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testWeCanCreateEnumMap() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Integer> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<Integer> output = WithJava.run(executor, UseEnumMap.class, ExampleEnum.TWO);
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ public class SandboxEnumJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testWeCanCreateEnumSet() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Boolean> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<Boolean> output = WithJava.run(executor, UseEnumSet.class, ExampleEnum.ONE);
@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static java.util.Collections.emptySet;
import static org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat;
public class SandboxThrowableJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testUserExceptionHandling() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<String, String[]> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<String[]> output = WithJava.run(executor, ThrowAndCatchJavaExample.class, "Hello World!");
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ public class SandboxThrowableJavaTest extends TestBase {
public void testCheckedExceptions() {
sandbox(new Object[]{ DEFAULT }, emptySet(), WARNING, true, ctx -> {
parentedSandbox(WARNING, true, ctx -> {
SandboxExecutor<String, String> executor = new DeterministicSandboxExecutor<>(ctx.getConfiguration());
ExecutionSummaryWithResult<String> success = WithJava.run(executor, JavaWithCheckedExceptions.class, "http://localhost:8080/hello/world");
@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
package net.corda.djvm
import net.corda.djvm.assertions.AssertionExtensions.assertThatDJVM
import net.corda.djvm.rewiring.SandboxClassLoadingException
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType
import org.junit.Test
import sandbox.SandboxFunction
import sandbox.Task
import sandbox.java.lang.sandbox
import java.util.*
class DJVMExceptionTest {
class DJVMExceptionTest : TestBase() {
fun testSingleException() {
fun testSingleException() = parentedSandbox {
val result = Task(SingleExceptionTask()).apply("Hello World")
result as Throwable
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ class DJVMExceptionTest {
fun testMultipleExceptions() {
fun testMultipleExceptions() = parentedSandbox {
val result = Task(MultipleExceptionsTask()).apply("Hello World")
result as Throwable
@ -56,24 +58,92 @@ class DJVMExceptionTest {
fun testJavaThrowableToSandbox() {
val result = Throwable("Hello World").sandbox()
result as sandbox.java.lang.Throwable
fun testJavaThrowableToSandbox() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
val helloWorld = djvm.stringOf("Hello World")
assertThat(result.message).isEqualTo("Hello World".toDJVM())
val result = djvm.sandbox(Throwable("Hello World"))
.hasGetterValue("getMessage", helloWorld)
fun testWeTryToCreateCorrectSandboxExceptionsAtRuntime() {
fun testWeCreateCorrectJVMExceptionAtRuntime() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
val helloWorld = djvm.stringOf("Hello World")
val result = djvm.sandbox(RuntimeException("Hello World"))
.hasGetterValue("getMessage", helloWorld)
.isThrownBy { Exception("Hello World").sandbox() }
.isThrownBy { djvm.classFor("sandbox.java.lang.RuntimeException\$1DJVM") }
fun testWeCreateCorrectSyntheticExceptionAtRuntime() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
val result = djvm.sandbox(EmptyStackException())
fun testWeCannotCreateSyntheticExceptionForNonException() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
.isThrownBy { RuntimeException("Hello World").sandbox() }
.isThrownBy { djvm.classFor("sandbox.java.util.LinkedList\$1DJVM") }
* This scenario should never happen in practice. We just need to be sure
* that the classloader can handle it.
fun testWeCannotCreateSyntheticExceptionForImaginaryJavaClass() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
.isThrownBy { djvm.classFor("sandbox.java.util.DoesNotExist\$1DJVM") }
.withMessageContaining("Failed to load class")
* This scenario should never happen in practice. We just need to be sure
* that the classloader can handle it.
fun testWeCannotCreateSyntheticExceptionForImaginaryUserClass() = parentedSandbox {
val djvm = DJVM(classLoader)
.isThrownBy { djvm.classFor("sandbox.com.example.DoesNotExist\$1DJVM") }
.withMessageContaining("Failed to load class")
@ -92,7 +162,7 @@ class MultipleExceptionsTask : SandboxFunction<Any?, sandbox.java.lang.Throwable
private infix operator fun sandbox.java.lang.String.plus(s: String): sandbox.java.lang.String {
return (toString() + s).toDJVM()
return sandbox.java.lang.String.valueOf(toString() + s)
private fun Array<StackTraceElement>.toLineNumbers(): IntArray {
@ -4,9 +4,8 @@ import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Test
import sandbox.java.lang.sandbox
import sandbox.java.lang.unsandbox
class DJVMTest {
class DJVMTest : TestBase() {
fun testDJVMString() {
@ -16,39 +15,59 @@ class DJVMTest {
fun testSimpleIntegerFormats() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("%d-%d-%d-%d".toDJVM(),
10.toDJVM(), 999999L.toDJVM(), 1234.toShort().toDJVM(), 108.toByte().toDJVM()).toString()
fun testSimpleIntegerFormats() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
arrayOf(intOf(10), longOf(999999L), shortOf(1234), byteOf(108))
assertEquals("10-999999-1234-108", result)
fun testHexFormat() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("%0#6x".toDJVM(), 768.toDJVM()).toString()
fun testHexFormat() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
.invoke(null, stringOf("%0#6x"), arrayOf(intOf(768))).toString()
assertEquals("0x0300", result)
fun testDoubleFormat() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("%9.4f".toDJVM(), 1234.5678.toDJVM()).toString()
fun testDoubleFormat() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
.invoke(null, stringOf("%9.4f"), arrayOf(doubleOf(1234.5678))).toString()
assertEquals("1234.5678", result)
fun testFloatFormat() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("%7.2f".toDJVM(), 1234.5678f.toDJVM()).toString()
fun testFloatFormat() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
.invoke(null, stringOf("%7.2f"), arrayOf(floatOf(1234.5678f))).toString()
assertEquals("1234.57", result)
fun testCharFormat() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("[%c]".toDJVM(), 'A'.toDJVM()).toString()
fun testCharFormat() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
.invoke(null, stringOf("[%c]"), arrayOf(charOf('A'))).toString()
assertEquals("[A]", result)
fun testObjectFormat() {
val result = sandbox.java.lang.String.format("%s".toDJVM(), object : sandbox.java.lang.Object() {}).toString()
fun testObjectFormat() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
stringClass.getMethod("format", stringClass, Array<Any>::class.java)
.invoke(null, stringOf("%s"), arrayOf(object : sandbox.java.lang.Object() {})).toString()
@ -59,48 +78,60 @@ class DJVMTest {
fun testSandboxingArrays() {
val result = arrayOf(1, 10L, "Hello World", '?', false, 1234.56).sandbox()
.isEqualTo(arrayOf(1.toDJVM(), 10L.toDJVM(), "Hello World".toDJVM(), '?'.toDJVM(), false.toDJVM(), 1234.56.toDJVM()))
fun testSandboxingArrays() = parentedSandbox {
with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
val result = sandbox(arrayOf(1, 10L, "Hello World", '?', false, 1234.56))
arrayOf(intOf(1), longOf(10), stringOf("Hello World"), charOf('?'), booleanOf(false), doubleOf(1234.56)))
fun testUnsandboxingObjectArray() {
val result = arrayOf<sandbox.java.lang.Object>(1.toDJVM(), 10L.toDJVM(), "Hello World".toDJVM(), '?'.toDJVM(), false.toDJVM(), 1234.56.toDJVM()).unsandbox()
fun testUnsandboxingObjectArray() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
unsandbox(arrayOf(intOf(1), longOf(10L), stringOf("Hello World"), charOf('?'), booleanOf(false), doubleOf(1234.56)))
.isEqualTo(arrayOf(1, 10L, "Hello World", '?', false, 1234.56))
.isEqualTo(arrayOf(1, 10L, "Hello World", '?', false, 1234.56))
fun testSandboxingPrimitiveArray() {
val result = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 10).sandbox()
fun testSandboxingPrimitiveArray() = parentedSandbox {
val result = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
sandbox(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 10))
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(intArrayOf(1, 2, 3, 10))
fun testSandboxingIntegersAsObjectArray() {
val result = arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 10).sandbox()
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(arrayOf(1.toDJVM(), 2.toDJVM(), 3.toDJVM(), 10.toDJVM()))
fun testSandboxingIntegersAsObjectArray() = parentedSandbox {
with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
val result = sandbox(arrayOf(1, 2, 3, 10))
arrayOf(intOf(1), intOf(2), intOf(3), intOf(10))
fun testUnsandboxingArrays() {
val arr = arrayOf(
Array(1) { "Hello".toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 1234000L.toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 1234.toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 923.toShort().toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 27.toByte().toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 'X'.toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 987.65f.toDJVM() },
Array(1) { 343.282.toDJVM() },
Array(1) { true.toDJVM() },
ByteArray(1) { 127.toByte() },
CharArray(1) { '?'}
val result = arr.unsandbox() as Array<*>
assertEquals(arr.size, result.size)
fun testUnsandboxingArrays() = parentedSandbox {
val (array, result) = with(DJVM(classLoader)) {
val arr = arrayOf(
ByteArray(1) { 127.toByte() },
CharArray(1) { '?' }
Pair(arr, unsandbox(arr) as Array<*>)
assertEquals(array.size, result.size)
assertArrayEquals(Array(1) { "Hello" }, result[0] as Array<*>)
assertArrayEquals(Array(1) { 1234000L }, result[1] as Array<*>)
assertArrayEquals(Array(1) { 1234 }, result[2] as Array<*>)
@ -12,13 +12,18 @@ import net.corda.djvm.execution.ExecutionProfile
import net.corda.djvm.messages.Severity
import net.corda.djvm.references.ClassHierarchy
import net.corda.djvm.rewiring.LoadedClass
import net.corda.djvm.rewiring.SandboxClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.rules.Rule
import net.corda.djvm.rules.implementation.*
import net.corda.djvm.source.BootstrapClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.source.ClassSource
import net.corda.djvm.source.SandboxSourceClassLoader
import net.corda.djvm.utilities.Discovery
import net.corda.djvm.validation.RuleValidator
import org.junit.After
import org.junit.AfterClass
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.BeforeClass
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter
import org.objectweb.asm.Type
@ -39,6 +44,7 @@ abstract class TestBase {
// We need at least these emitters to handle the Java API classes.
val BASIC_EMITTERS: List<Emitter> = listOf(
@ -51,7 +57,10 @@ abstract class TestBase {
// We need at least these providers to handle the Java API classes.
val BASIC_DEFINITION_PROVIDERS: List<DefinitionProvider> = listOf(StaticConstantRemover())
val BASIC_DEFINITION_PROVIDERS: List<DefinitionProvider> = listOf(
val BLANK = emptySet<Any>()
@ -63,17 +72,52 @@ abstract class TestBase {
val DETERMINISTIC_RT: Path = Paths.get(
System.getProperty("deterministic-rt.path") ?: throw AssertionError("deterministic-rt.path property not set"))
private lateinit var parentConfiguration: SandboxConfiguration
lateinit var parentClassLoader: SandboxClassLoader
* Get the full name of type [T].
inline fun <reified T> nameOf(prefix: String = "") = "$prefix${Type.getInternalName(T::class.java)}"
fun setupParentClassLoader() {
val rootConfiguration = AnalysisConfiguration.createRoot(
bootstrapClassLoader = BootstrapClassLoader(DETERMINISTIC_RT),
sourceClassLoaderFactory = { classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader ->
SandboxSourceClassLoader(classResolver, bootstrapClassLoader!!)
additionalPinnedClasses = setOf(
parentConfiguration = SandboxConfiguration.of(
parentClassLoader = SandboxClassLoader.createFor(parentConfiguration)
fun destroyRootContext() {
* Default analysis configuration.
val configuration = AnalysisConfiguration(Whitelist.MINIMAL, bootstrapJar = DETERMINISTIC_RT)
val configuration = AnalysisConfiguration.createRoot(
bootstrapClassLoader = BootstrapClassLoader(DETERMINISTIC_RT)
* Default analysis context
@ -94,9 +138,9 @@ abstract class TestBase {
noinline block: (RuleValidator.(AnalysisContext) -> Unit)
) {
val reader = ClassReader(T::class.java.name)
minimumSeverityLevel = minimumSeverityLevel,
bootstrapClassLoader = BootstrapClassLoader(DETERMINISTIC_RT)
).use { analysisConfiguration ->
val validator = RuleValidator(ALL_RULES, analysisConfiguration)
val context = AnalysisContext.fromConfiguration(analysisConfiguration)
@ -110,11 +154,11 @@ abstract class TestBase {
* the current thread, so this allows inspection of the cost summary object, etc. from within the provided delegate.
fun sandbox(
vararg options: Any,
pinnedClasses: Set<java.lang.Class<*>> = emptySet(),
minimumSeverityLevel: Severity = Severity.WARNING,
enableTracing: Boolean = true,
action: SandboxRuntimeContext.() -> Unit
vararg options: Any,
pinnedClasses: Set<java.lang.Class<*>> = emptySet(),
minimumSeverityLevel: Severity = Severity.WARNING,
enableTracing: Boolean = true,
action: SandboxRuntimeContext.() -> Unit
) {
val rules = mutableListOf<Rule>()
val emitters = mutableListOf<Emitter>().apply { addAll(BASIC_EMITTERS) }
@ -141,11 +185,11 @@ abstract class TestBase {
thread {
try {
val pinnedTestClasses = pinnedClasses.map(Type::getInternalName).toSet()
whitelist = whitelist,
bootstrapJar = DETERMINISTIC_RT,
additionalPinnedClasses = pinnedTestClasses,
minimumSeverityLevel = minimumSeverityLevel
minimumSeverityLevel = minimumSeverityLevel,
bootstrapClassLoader = BootstrapClassLoader(DETERMINISTIC_RT)
).use { analysisConfiguration ->
@ -166,6 +210,37 @@ abstract class TestBase {
throw thrownException ?: return
fun parentedSandbox(
minimumSeverityLevel: Severity = Severity.WARNING,
enableTracing: Boolean = true,
action: SandboxRuntimeContext.() -> Unit
) {
var thrownException: Throwable? = null
thread {
try {
newMinimumSeverityLevel = minimumSeverityLevel
).use { analysisConfiguration ->
)).use {
} catch (exception: Throwable) {
thrownException = exception
throw thrownException ?: return
* Get a class reference from a class hierarchy based on [T].
@ -178,8 +253,7 @@ abstract class TestBase {
inline fun <reified T : Any> SandboxRuntimeContext.loadClass(): LoadedClass = loadClass(T::class.jvmName)
fun SandboxRuntimeContext.loadClass(className: String): LoadedClass =
classLoader.loadForSandbox(className, context)
fun SandboxRuntimeContext.loadClass(className: String): LoadedClass = classLoader.loadForSandbox(className)
* Run the entry-point of the loaded [Callable] class.
@ -203,4 +277,77 @@ abstract class TestBase {
protected class DJVM(private val classLoader: ClassLoader) {
private val djvm: Class<*> = classFor("sandbox.java.lang.DJVM")
val objectClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Object") }
val stringClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.String") }
val longClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Long") }
val integerClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Integer") }
val shortClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Short") }
val byteClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Byte") }
val characterClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Character") }
val booleanClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Boolean") }
val doubleClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Double") }
val floatClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Float") }
val throwableClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.Throwable") }
val stackTraceElementClass: Class<*> by lazy { classFor("sandbox.java.lang.StackTraceElement") }
fun classFor(className: String): Class<*> = Class.forName(className, false, classLoader)
fun sandbox(obj: Any): Any {
return djvm.getMethod("sandbox", Any::class.java).invoke(null, obj)
fun unsandbox(obj: Any): Any {
return djvm.getMethod("unsandbox", Any::class.java).invoke(null, obj)
fun stringOf(str: String): Any {
return stringClass.getMethod("toDJVM", String::class.java).invoke(null, str)
fun longOf(l: Long): Any {
return longClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Long::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, l)
fun intOf(i: Int): Any {
return integerClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Int::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, i)
fun shortOf(i: Int): Any {
return shortClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Short::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, i.toShort())
fun byteOf(i: Int): Any {
return byteClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Byte::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, i.toByte())
fun charOf(c: Char): Any {
return characterClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Char::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, c)
fun booleanOf(bool: Boolean): Any {
return booleanClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Boolean::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, bool)
fun doubleOf(d: Double): Any {
return doubleClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Double::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, d)
fun floatOf(f: Float): Any {
return floatClass.getMethod("toDJVM", Float::class.javaObjectType).invoke(null, f)
fun objectArrayOf(vararg objs: Any): Array<in Any> {
return (java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(objectClass, objs.size) as Array<in Any>).also {
for (i in 0 until objs.size) {
it[i] = objectClass.cast(objs[i])
fun Any.getArray(methodName: String): Array<*> = javaClass.getMethod(methodName).invoke(this) as Array<*>
@ -12,13 +12,3 @@ object Utilities {
fun throwThresholdViolationError(): Nothing = throw ThresholdViolationError("Can't catch this!")
fun String.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.String = sandbox.java.lang.String.toDJVM(this)
fun Long.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Long = sandbox.java.lang.Long.toDJVM(this)
fun Int.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Integer = sandbox.java.lang.Integer.toDJVM(this)
fun Short.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Short = sandbox.java.lang.Short.toDJVM(this)
fun Byte.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Byte = sandbox.java.lang.Byte.toDJVM(this)
fun Float.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Float = sandbox.java.lang.Float.toDJVM(this)
fun Double.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Double = sandbox.java.lang.Double.toDJVM(this)
fun Char.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Character = sandbox.java.lang.Character.toDJVM(this)
fun Boolean.toDJVM(): sandbox.java.lang.Boolean = sandbox.java.lang.Boolean.toDJVM(this)
@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ object AssertionExtensions {
fun assertThat(references: ReferenceMap) =
fun assertThatDJVM(obj: Any) = AssertiveDJVMObject(obj)
inline fun <reified T> IterableAssert<ClassRepresentation>.hasClass(): IterableAssert<ClassRepresentation> = this
.anySatisfy {
@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ class AssertiveClassWithByteCode(private val loadedClass: LoadedClass) {
return this
fun hasClassLoader(classLoader: ClassLoader): AssertiveClassWithByteCode {
return this
fun hasClassName(className: String): AssertiveClassWithByteCode {
return this
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
package net.corda.djvm.assertions
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.*
class AssertiveDJVMObject(private val djvmObj: Any) {
fun hasClassName(className: String): AssertiveDJVMObject {
return this
fun isAssignableFrom(clazz: Class<*>): AssertiveDJVMObject {
return this
fun hasGetterValue(methodName: String, value: Any): AssertiveDJVMObject {
return this
fun hasGetterNullValue(methodName: String): AssertiveDJVMObject {
return this
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.util.function.Function
class SandboxEnumTest : TestBase() {
fun `test enum inside sandbox`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test enum inside sandbox`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Array<String>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TransformEnum>(0).apply {
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(arrayOf("ONE", "TWO", "THREE"))
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class SandboxEnumTest : TestBase() {
fun `return enum from sandbox`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `return enum from sandbox`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, ExampleEnum>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<FetchEnum>("THREE").apply {
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class SandboxEnumTest : TestBase() {
fun `test we can identify class as Enum`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test we can identify class as Enum`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Boolean>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<AssertEnum>(ExampleEnum.THREE).apply {
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ class SandboxEnumTest : TestBase() {
fun `test we can create EnumMap`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test we can create EnumMap`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Int>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<UseEnumMap>(ExampleEnum.TWO).apply {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class SandboxEnumTest : TestBase() {
fun `test we can create EnumSet`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test we can create EnumSet`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<ExampleEnum, Boolean>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<UseEnumSet>(ExampleEnum.ONE).apply {
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import foo.bar.sandbox.MyObject
import foo.bar.sandbox.testClock
import foo.bar.sandbox.toNumber
import net.corda.djvm.TestBase
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.Whitelist
import net.corda.djvm.analysis.Whitelist.Companion.MINIMAL
import net.corda.djvm.Utilities
import net.corda.djvm.Utilities.throwRuleViolationError
import net.corda.djvm.Utilities.throwThresholdViolationError
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors.*
class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute runnable`() = sandbox(Whitelist.MINIMAL) {
fun `can load and execute runnable`() = sandbox(MINIMAL) {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String>(configuration)
val summary = contractExecutor.run<TestSandboxedRunnable>(1)
val result = summary.result
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute contract`() = sandbox(
fun `can load and execute contract`() = sandbox(DEFAULT,
pinnedClasses = setOf(Transaction::class.java, Utilities::class.java)
) {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Transaction, Unit>(configuration)
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
data class Transaction(val id: Int)
fun `can load and execute code that overrides object hash code`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that overrides object hash code`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
val summary = contractExecutor.run<TestObjectHashCode>(0)
val result = summary.result
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that overrides object hash code when derived`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that overrides object hash code when derived`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
val summary = contractExecutor.run<TestObjectHashCodeWithHierarchy>(0)
val result = summary.result
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can detect stack overflow`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can detect stack overflow`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestStackOverflow>(0) }
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot execute runnable that references non-deterministic code`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `cannot execute runnable that references non-deterministic code`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Long>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestNonDeterministicCode>(0) }
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches ThreadDeath`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches ThreadDeath`() = parentedSandbox {
TestCatchThreadDeath().apply {
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches ThresholdViolationError`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches ThresholdViolationError`() = parentedSandbox {
TestCatchThresholdViolationError().apply {
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches RuleViolationError`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot execute runnable that catches RuleViolationError`() = parentedSandbox {
TestCatchRuleViolationError().apply {
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can catch Throwable`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `can catch Throwable`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestCatchThrowableAndError>(1).apply {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can catch Error`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `can catch Error`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestCatchThrowableAndError>(2).apply {
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot catch ThreadDeath`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot catch ThreadDeath`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestCatchThrowableErrorsAndThreadDeath>(3) }
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot catch stack-overflow error`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot catch stack-overflow error`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestCatchThrowableErrorsAndThreadDeath>(4) }
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot catch out-of-memory error`() = sandbox(DEFAULT, pinnedClasses = setOf(Utilities::class.java)) {
fun `cannot catch out-of-memory error`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestCatchThrowableErrorsAndThreadDeath>(5) }
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `cannot persist state across sessions`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `cannot persist state across sessions`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
val result1 = contractExecutor.run<TestStatePersistence>(0)
val result2 = contractExecutor.run<TestStatePersistence>(0)
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses IO`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses IO`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestIO>(0) }
@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses reflection`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses reflection`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Int>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestReflection>(0) }
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses notify()`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses notify()`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestMonitors>(1) }
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses notifyAll()`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses notifyAll()`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestMonitors>(2) }
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait()`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait()`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestMonitors>(3) }
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait(long)`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait(long)`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestMonitors>(4) }
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait(long,int)`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that uses wait(long,int)`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestMonitors>(5) }
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `code after forbidden APIs is intact`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `code after forbidden APIs is intact`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String?>(configuration)
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute code that has a native method`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute code that has a native method`() = parentedSandbox {
.isThrownBy { TestNativeMethod().apply(0) }
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `check arrays still work`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `check arrays still work`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, Array<Int>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestArray>(100).apply {
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `check building a string`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `check building a string`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String?, String?>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestStringBuilding>("Hello Sandbox!").apply {
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `check System-arraycopy still works with Objects`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `check System-arraycopy still works with Objects`() = parentedSandbox {
val source = arrayOf("one", "two", "three")
@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test System-arraycopy still works with CharArray`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test System-arraycopy still works with CharArray`() = parentedSandbox {
val source = CharArray(10) { '?' }
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<CharArray, CharArray>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestCharArrayCopy>(source).apply {
@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can load and execute class that has finalize`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can load and execute class that has finalize`() = parentedSandbox {
.isThrownBy { TestFinalizeMethod().apply(100) }
.withMessageContaining("Very Bad Thing")
@ -587,7 +587,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `can execute parallel stream`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `can execute parallel stream`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, String>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestParallelStream>("Pebble").apply {
@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `users cannot load our sandboxed classes`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `users cannot load our sandboxed classes`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Class<*>>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<TestClassForName>("java.lang.DJVM") }
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `users can load sandboxed classes`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `users can load sandboxed classes`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Class<*>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TestClassForName>("java.util.List").apply {
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test case-insensitive string sorting`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test case-insensitive string sorting`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Array<String>, Array<String>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<CaseInsensitiveSort>(arrayOf("Zelda", "angela", "BOB", "betsy", "ALBERT")).apply {
assertThat(result).isEqualTo(arrayOf("ALBERT", "angela", "betsy", "BOB", "Zelda"))
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test unicode characters`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test unicode characters`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<ExamineUnicodeBlock>(0x01f600).apply {
@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test unicode scripts`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test unicode scripts`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Character.UnicodeScript?>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<ExamineUnicodeScript>("COMMON").apply {
@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test users cannot define new classes`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test users cannot define new classes`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Class<*>>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<DefineNewClass>("sandbox.java.lang.DJVM") }
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test users cannot load new classes`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test users cannot load new classes`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Class<*>>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<LoadNewClass>("sandbox.java.lang.DJVM") }
@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ class SandboxExecutorTest : TestBase() {
fun `test users cannot lookup classes`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test users cannot lookup classes`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Class<*>>(configuration)
.isThrownBy { contractExecutor.run<FindClass>("sandbox.java.lang.DJVM") }
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.util.function.Function
class SandboxThrowableTest : TestBase() {
fun `test user exception handling`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test user exception handling`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Array<String>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<ThrowAndCatchExample>("Hello World").apply {
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class SandboxThrowableTest : TestBase() {
fun `test rethrowing an exception`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test rethrowing an exception`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<String, Array<String>>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<ThrowAndRethrowExample>("Hello World").apply {
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class SandboxThrowableTest : TestBase() {
fun `test JVM exceptions still propagate`() = sandbox(DEFAULT) {
fun `test JVM exceptions still propagate`() = parentedSandbox {
val contractExecutor = DeterministicSandboxExecutor<Int, String>(configuration)
contractExecutor.run<TriggerJVMException>(-1).apply {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class ClassRewriterTest : TestBase() {
fun `empty transformer does nothing`() = sandbox(BLANK) {
val callable = newCallable<Empty>()
@ -130,6 +130,32 @@ class ClassRewriterTest : TestBase() {
fun `test Java class is owned by parent classloader`() = parentedSandbox {
val stringBuilderClass = loadClass<StringBuilder>().type
fun `test user class is owned by new classloader`() = parentedSandbox {
fun `test template class is owned by parent classloader`() = parentedSandbox {
fun `test pinned class is owned by application classloader`() = parentedSandbox {
val violationClass = loadClass<ThresholdViolationError>().type
@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ The node can optionally be started with the following command-line options:
``bootstrap-raft-cluster``: Bootstraps Raft cluster. The node forms a single node cluster (ignoring otherwise configured peer
addresses), acting as a seed for other nodes to join the cluster.
``clear-network-cache``: Clears local copy of network map, on node startup it will be restored from server or file system.
``initial-registration``: Starts initial node registration with the compatibility zone to obtain a certificate from the Doorman.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user