Cash contract: don't allow merging of two different origin deposits together.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Hearn 2015-11-03 16:09:02 +01:00
parent 8f46fb4406
commit 0c6c2df483
2 changed files with 32 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -4,8 +4,19 @@ import java.util.*
// Cash
// A cash transaction may split and merge money represented by a set of (issuer, depositRef) pairs, across multiple
// input and output states. Imagine a Bitcoin transaction but in which all UTXOs had a colour
// (a blend of issuer+depositRef) and you couldn't merge outputs of two colours together, but you COULD put them in
// the same transaction.
// The goal of this design is to ensure that money can be withdrawn from the ledger easily: if you receive some money
// via this contract, you always know where to go in order to extract it from the R3 ledger via a regular wire transfer,
// no matter how many hands it has passed through in the intervening time.
// At the same time, other contracts that just want money and don't care much who is currently holding it in their
// vaults can ignore the issuer/depositRefs and just examine the amount fields.
// TODO: Think about state merging: when does it make sense to merge multiple cash states from the same issuer?
// TODO: Does multi-currency also make sense? Probably?
// TODO: Implement a generate function.
@ -51,11 +62,12 @@ class CashContract : Contract {
"all outputs use the currency of the inputs" by cashOutputs.all { it.amount.currency == currency }
// For each issuer that's represented in the inputs, group the inputs together and verify that the outputs
// For each deposit that's represented in the inputs, group the inputs together and verify that the outputs
// balance, taking into account a possible exit command from that issuer.
var outputsLeft = cashOutputs.size
for ((issuer, inputs) in cashInputs.groupBy { it.issuingInstitution }) {
val outputs = cashOutputs.filter { it.issuingInstitution == issuer }
for ((pair, inputs) in cashInputs.groupBy { Pair(it.issuingInstitution, it.depositReference) }) {
val (issuer, depositRef) = pair
val outputs = cashOutputs.filter { it.issuingInstitution == issuer && it.depositReference == depositRef }
outputsLeft -= outputs.size
val inputAmount = { it.amount }.sum()
@ -64,11 +76,8 @@ class CashContract : Contract {
val issuerCommand = args.filter { it.signingInstitution == issuer }.map { it.command as? ExitCashCommand }.filterNotNull().singleOrNull()
val amountExitingLedger = issuerCommand?.amount ?: Amount(0, inputAmount.currency)
val depositReference = inputs.first().depositReference
requireThat {
"for issuer ${} the amounts balance" by (inputAmount == outputAmount + amountExitingLedger)
"for issuer ${} the deposit references are the same" by outputs.all { it.depositReference == depositReference }
"for deposit $depositRef at issuer ${} the amounts balance" by (inputAmount == outputAmount + amountExitingLedger)

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@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ class CashTests {
transaction {
input { inState }
output { outState.copy(issuingInstitution = MINI_CORP) }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
// Can't change deposit reference when splitting.
transaction {
input { inState }
output { outState.copy(depositReference = OpaqueBytes.of(0), amount = inState.amount / 2) }
output { outState.copy(depositReference = OpaqueBytes.of(1), amount = inState.amount / 2) }
contract `fails requirement` "the deposit references are the same"
contract `fails requirement` "for deposit [01] at issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
// Can't mix currencies.
transaction {
@ -121,11 +121,19 @@ class CashTests {
output { outState.copy(amount = 1150.DOLLARS) }
contract `fails requirement` "all inputs use the same currency"
// Can't have superfluous input states from different issuers.
transaction {
input { inState }
input { inState.copy(issuingInstitution = MINI_CORP) }
output { outState }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MiniCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MiniCorp the amounts balance"
// Can't combine two different deposits at the same issuer.
transaction {
input { inState }
input { inState.copy(depositReference = OpaqueBytes.of(3)) }
output { outState.copy(amount = inState.amount * 2, depositReference = OpaqueBytes.of(3)) }
contract `fails requirement` "for deposit [01]"
@ -161,10 +169,10 @@ class CashTests {
arg(DUMMY_PUBKEY_1) { MoveCashCommand() }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
arg(MEGA_CORP_KEY) { ExitCashCommand(200.DOLLARS) }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MiniCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MiniCorp the amounts balance"
arg(MINI_CORP_KEY) { ExitCashCommand(200.DOLLARS) }
@ -181,13 +189,13 @@ class CashTests {
// Can't merge them together.
transaction {
output { inState.copy(owner = DUMMY_PUBKEY_2, amount = 2000.DOLLARS) }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
// Missing MiniCorp deposit
transaction {
output { inState.copy(owner = DUMMY_PUBKEY_2) }
output { inState.copy(owner = DUMMY_PUBKEY_2) }
contract `fails requirement` "for issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
contract `fails requirement` "at issuer MegaCorp the amounts balance"
// This works.