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synced 2025-03-22 12:05:59 +00:00
EG-1980 - Remove stale docs links from OS (#6251)
Remove hardcoded docs references, push docs link to gradle
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ buildscript {
ext.corda_docs_link = "https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/$baseVersion"
repositories {
@ -309,6 +310,7 @@ allprojects {
attributes('Corda-Revision': corda_revision)
attributes('Corda-Vendor': 'Corda Open Source')
attributes('Automatic-Module-Name': "net.corda.${task.project.name.replaceAll('-', '.')}")
attributes('Corda-Docs-Link': corda_docs_link)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class CordaVersion {
val revision: String by lazy { manifestValue("Corda-Revision") ?: UNKNOWN }
val vendor: String by lazy { manifestValue("Corda-Vendor") ?: UNKNOWN }
val platformVersion: Int by lazy { manifestValue("Corda-Platform-Version")?.toInt() ?: 1 }
val docsLink: String by lazy { manifestValue("Corda-Docs-Link") ?: UNKNOWN }
internal val semanticVersion: String by lazy { if(releaseVersion == UNKNOWN) CURRENT_MAJOR_RELEASE else releaseVersion }
@ -11,21 +11,10 @@ import java.util.*
class CordaErrorContextProvider : ErrorContextProvider {
companion object {
private const val BASE_URL = "https://docs.corda.net/docs"
private const val OS_PAGES = "corda-os"
private const val ENTERPRISE_PAGES = "corda-enterprise"
private const val ERROR_CODE_PAGE = "error-codes.html"
override fun getURL(locale: Locale): String {
val versionNumber = CordaVersion.releaseVersion
// This slightly strange block here allows the code to be merged across to Enterprise with no changes.
val productVersion = if (CordaVersion.platformEditionCode == "OS") {
} else {
return "$BASE_URL/$productVersion/$versionNumber/$ERROR_CODE_PAGE"
return "${CordaVersion.docsLink}/$ERROR_CODE_PAGE"
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ internal class ErrorReporterImpl(private val resourceLocation: String,
val resource = "$resourceLocation/$ERROR_INFO_RESOURCE"
val codeMessage = fetchAndFormat(resource, ERROR_CODE_MESSAGE, arrayOf(error.formatCode()))
val urlMessage = fetchAndFormat(resource, ERROR_CODE_URL, arrayOf(errorContextProvider.getURL(locale)))
return "[$codeMessage, $urlMessage]"
return "[$codeMessage $urlMessage]"
override fun report(error: ErrorCode<*>, logger: Logger) {
@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ class CordaErrorContextProviderTest {
@Test(timeout = 300_000)
fun `check that correct URL is returned from context provider`() {
val context = CordaErrorContextProvider()
val expectedURL = "https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/${CordaVersion.releaseVersion}/error-codes.html"
val version = CordaVersion.releaseVersion.substringBefore("-") // Remove SNAPSHOT if present
val expectedURL = "https://docs.corda.net/docs/corda-os/$version/error-codes.html"
// In this first release, there is only one localisation and the URL structure for future localisations is currently unknown. As
// a result, the same URL is expected for all locales.
assertEquals(expectedURL, context.getURL(Locale.getDefault()))
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val error = TEST_ERROR_1
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("en-US")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1, URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1 URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
@Test(timeout = 300_00)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("en-US")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
val format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.forLanguageTag("en-US"))
assertEquals(listOf("This is the second case with string foo, number 1, date ${format.format(currentDate)} [Code: test-case2, URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("This is the second case with string foo, number 1, date ${format.format(currentDate)} [Code: test-case2 URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
@Test(timeout = 300_000)
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val error = TEST_ERROR_1
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("fr-FR")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1, URL: $TEST_URL/fr-FR]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1 URL: $TEST_URL/fr-FR]"), logs)
@Test(timeout = 300_000)
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val error = TEST_ERROR_1
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("ga-IE")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
assertEquals(listOf("Is teachtaireacht earráide é seo [Code: test-case1, URL: $TEST_URL/ga-IE]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("Is teachtaireacht earráide é seo [Code: test-case1 URL: $TEST_URL/ga-IE]"), logs)
@Test(timeout = 300_000)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val error = TEST_ERROR_1
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("es-ES")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1, URL: $TEST_URL/es-ES]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("This is a test message [Code: test-case1 URL: $TEST_URL/es-ES]"), logs)
@Test(timeout = 300_000)
@ -116,6 +116,6 @@ class ErrorReporterImplTest {
val error = TEST_ERROR_3
val testReporter = createReporterImpl("en-US")
testReporter.report(error, loggerMock)
assertEquals(listOf("This is the third test message [Code: test-case-3, URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
assertEquals(listOf("This is the third test message [Code: test-case-3 URL: $TEST_URL/en-US]"), logs)
@ -229,8 +229,6 @@ abstract class TransactionVerificationException(val txId: SecureHash, message: S
State of class ${state.data ::class.java.typeName} belongs to contract $requiredContractClassName, but
is bundled in TransactionState with ${state.contract}.
For details see: https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#contract-state-agreement
""".trimIndent().replace('\n', ' '))
@ -243,8 +241,6 @@ abstract class TransactionVerificationException(val txId: SecureHash, message: S
State of class ${state.data::class.java.typeName} does not have a specified owning contract.
Add the @BelongsToContract annotation to this class to ensure that it can only be bundled in a TransactionState
with the correct contract.
For details see: https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#contract-state-agreement
@ -331,8 +327,7 @@ abstract class TransactionVerificationException(val txId: SecureHash, message: S
class PackageOwnershipException(txId: SecureHash, @Suppress("unused") val attachmentHash: AttachmentId, @Suppress("unused") val invalidClassName: String, val packageName: String) : TransactionVerificationException(txId,
"""The attachment JAR: $attachmentHash containing the class: $invalidClassName is not signed by the owner of package $packageName specified in the network parameters.
Please check the source of this attachment and if it is malicious contact your zone operator to report this incident.
For details see: https://docs.corda.net/network-map.html#network-parameters""".trimIndent(), null)
Please check the source of this attachment and if it is malicious contact your zone operator to report this incident.""".trimIndent(), null)
class InvalidAttachmentException(txId: SecureHash, @Suppress("unused") val attachmentHash: AttachmentId) : TransactionVerificationException(txId,
"The attachment $attachmentHash is not a valid ZIP or JAR file.".trimIndent(), null)
@ -345,8 +340,7 @@ abstract class TransactionVerificationException(val txId: SecureHash, message: S
class UntrustedAttachmentsException(val txId: SecureHash, val ids: List<SecureHash>) :
CordaException("Attempting to load untrusted transaction attachments: $ids. " +
"At this time these are not loadable because the DJVM sandbox has not yet been integrated. " +
"You will need to manually install the CorDapp to whitelist it for use. " +
"Please follow the operational steps outlined in https://docs.corda.net/cordapp-build-systems.html#cordapp-contract-attachments to learn more and continue.")
"You will need to manually install the CorDapp to whitelist it for use.")
If you add a new class extending [TransactionVerificationException], please add a test in `TransactionVerificationExceptionSerializationTests`
@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ object JarSignatureCollector {
Mismatch between signers ${firstSignerSet.toOrderedPublicKeys()} for file $firstFile
and signers ${otherSignerSet.toOrderedPublicKeys()} for file ${otherFile}.
See https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#signature-constraints for details of the
constraints applied to attachment signatures.
""".trimIndent().replace('\n', ' '))
return firstSignerSet
@ -265,8 +265,6 @@ abstract class Verifier(val ltx: LedgerTransaction, protected val transactionCla
State of class ${state.data::class.java.typeName} belongs to contract $requiredContractClassName, but
is bundled in TransactionState with ${state.contract}.
For details see: https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#contract-state-agreement
""".trimIndent().replace('\n', ' '))
@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ object StateContractValidationEnforcementRule {
Unable to determine JAR location for contract state class ${state::class.java.name},
and consequently unable to determine target platform version.
Enforcing state/contract agreement validation by default.
For details see: https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#contract-state-agreement
""".trimIndent().replace("\n", " "))
return true
@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ class AttachmentsClassLoader(attachments: List<Attachment>,
if (untrusted.isNotEmpty()) {
log.warn("Cannot verify transaction $sampleTxId as the following attachment IDs are untrusted: $untrusted." +
"You will need to manually install the CorDapp to whitelist it for use. " +
"Please follow the operational steps outlined in https://docs.corda.net/cordapp-build-systems.html#cordapp-contract-attachments to learn more and continue.")
"You will need to manually install the CorDapp to whitelist it for use.")
throw TransactionVerificationException.UntrustedAttachmentsException(sampleTxId, untrusted)
@ -18,5 +18,4 @@ class MissingContractAttachments
constructor(val states: List<TransactionState<ContractState>>, contractsClassName: String? = null, minimumRequiredContractClassVersion: Version? = null) : FlowException(
"Cannot find contract attachments for " +
"${contractsClassName ?: states.map { it.contract }.distinct()}${minimumRequiredContractClassVersion?.let { ", minimum required contract class version $minimumRequiredContractClassVersion"}}. " +
"See https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#debugging")
"${contractsClassName ?: states.map { it.contract }.distinct()}${minimumRequiredContractClassVersion?.let { ", minimum required contract class version $minimumRequiredContractClassVersion"}}.")
@ -265,8 +265,7 @@ class OutstandingDatabaseChangesException(@Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivat
class CheckpointsException : DatabaseMigrationException("Attempting to update the database while there are flows in flight. " +
"This is dangerous because the node might not be able to restore the flows correctly and could consequently fail. " +
"Updating the database would make reverting to the previous version more difficult. " +
"Please drain your node first. See: https://docs.corda.net/upgrading-cordapps.html#flow-drains")
"Updating the database would make reverting to the previous version more difficult.")
class DatabaseIncompatibleException(@Suppress("MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate") private val reason: String) : DatabaseMigrationException(errorMessageFor(reason)) {
internal companion object {
@ -910,8 +910,7 @@ abstract class AbstractNode<S>(val configuration: NodeConfiguration,
requireNotNull(getCertificateStores()) {
"One or more keyStores (identity or TLS) or trustStore not found. " +
"Please either copy your existing keys and certificates from another node, " +
"or if you don't have one yet, fill out the config file and run corda.jar initial-registration. " +
"Read more at: https://docs.corda.net/permissioning.html"
"or if you don't have one yet, fill out the config file and run corda.jar initial-registration."
} catch (e: KeyStoreException) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("At least one of the keystores or truststore passwords does not match configuration.")
@ -1358,7 +1357,7 @@ fun CordaPersistence.startHikariPool(hikariProperties: Properties, databaseConfi
cause = ex)
ex.cause is ClassNotFoundException -> throw CouldNotCreateDataSourceException(
"Could not find the database driver class. Please add it to the 'drivers' folder. See: https://docs.corda.net/corda-configuration-file.html",
"Could not find the database driver class. Please add it to the 'drivers' folder.",
ex is OutstandingDatabaseChangesException -> throw (DatabaseIncompatibleException(ex.message))
else ->
@ -84,19 +84,18 @@ object CheckpointVerifier {
sealed class CheckpointIncompatibleException(override val message: String) : Exception() {
class CannotBeDeserialisedException(val e: Exception) : CheckpointIncompatibleException(
"Found checkpoint that cannot be deserialised using the current Corda version. Please revert to the previous version of Corda, " +
"drain your node (see https://docs.corda.net/upgrading-cordapps.html#flow-drains), and try again. Cause: ${e.message}")
"drain your node, and try again. Cause: ${e.message}")
class SubFlowCoreVersionIncompatibleException(val flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, oldVersion: Int) : CheckpointIncompatibleException(
"Found checkpoint for flow: $flowClass that is incompatible with the current Corda platform. Please revert to the previous " +
"version of Corda (version $oldVersion), drain your node (see https://docs.corda.net/upgrading-cordapps.html#flow-drains), and try again.")
"version of Corda (version $oldVersion), drain your node, and try again.")
class FlowVersionIncompatibleException(val flowClass: Class<out FlowLogic<*>>, val cordapp: Cordapp, oldHash: SecureHash) : CheckpointIncompatibleException(
"Found checkpoint for flow: $flowClass that is incompatible with the current installed version of ${cordapp.name}. " +
"Please reinstall the previous version of the CorDapp (with hash: $oldHash), drain your node " +
"(see https://docs.corda.net/upgrading-cordapps.html#flow-drains), and try again.")
"Please reinstall the previous version of the CorDapp (with hash: $oldHash), drain your node, and try again.")
class CordappNotInstalledException(classNotFound: String) : CheckpointIncompatibleException(
"Found checkpoint for CorDapp that is no longer installed. Specifically, could not find class $classNotFound. Please install the " +
"missing CorDapp, drain your node (see https://docs.corda.net/upgrading-cordapps.html#flow-drains), and try again.")
"missing CorDapp, drain your node, and try again.")
@ -334,7 +334,6 @@ open class NodeStartup : NodeStartupLogging {
if (!certDirectory.isDirectory()) {
printError("Unable to access certificates directory ${certDirectory}. This could be because the node has not been registered with the Identity Operator.")
printError("Please see https://docs.corda.net/joining-a-compatibility-zone.html for more information.")
printError("Node will now shutdown.")
return false
@ -350,9 +349,7 @@ open class NodeStartup : NodeStartupLogging {
// Also see https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8143378
val messages = listOf(
"Your computer took over a second to resolve localhost due an incorrect configuration. Corda will work but start very slowly until this is fixed. ",
"Please see https://docs.corda.net/troubleshooting.html#slow-localhost-resolution for information on how to fix this. ",
"It will only take a few seconds for you to resolve."
"Your computer took over a second to resolve localhost due an incorrect configuration. Corda will work but start very slowly until this is fixed."
Emoji.renderIfSupported {
@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ val Class<out FlowLogic<*>>.flowVersionAndInitiatingClass: Pair<Int, Class<out F
current = current.superclass
?: return found
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("$name, as a flow that initiates other flows, must be annotated with " +
"${InitiatingFlow::class.java.name}. See https://docs.corda.net/api-flows.html#flowlogic-annotations.")
@ -339,8 +339,7 @@ class SingleThreadedStateMachineManager(
private fun checkQuasarJavaAgentPresence() {
check(JavaAgent.isActive()) {
"""Missing the '-javaagent' JVM argument. Make sure you run the tests with the Quasar java agent attached to your JVM.
#See https://docs.corda.net/head/testing.html#running-tests-in-intellij - 'Fiber classes not instrumented' for more details.""".trimMargin("#")
"Missing the '-javaagent' JVM argument. Make sure you run the tests with the Quasar java agent attached to your JVM."
@ -626,8 +626,7 @@ class HibernateQueryCriteriaParser(val contractStateType: Class<out ContractStat
e.message?.let { message ->
if (message.contains("Not an entity"))
throw VaultQueryException("""
Please register the entity '${entityStateClass.name}'
See https://docs.corda.net/api-persistence.html#custom-schema-registration for more information""")
Please register the entity '${entityStateClass.name}'.""")
throw VaultQueryException("Parsing error: ${e.message}")
@ -112,8 +112,6 @@ class JarSignatureCollectorTest {
Mismatch between signers [O=Alice Corp, L=Madrid, C=ES, O=Bob Plc, L=Rome, C=IT] for file _signable1
and signers [O=Bob Plc, L=Rome, C=IT] for file _signable2.
See https://docs.corda.net/api-contract-constraints.html#signature-constraints for details of the
constraints applied to attachment signatures.
""".trimIndent().replace('\n', ' ')
) { dir.getJarSigners(FILENAME) }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user