This makes it possible to automatically remove items from the queue in
case the expires_at timestamp has reached. This field is optional and
the default remains to never expire queue-items.
This feature makes it possible to select between PostgreSQL and SQLite as database backend using a compile feature-flag. It is not possible to enable both at the same time.
Co-authored-by: Momo Bel <>
The warp dependency was causing some issues with upgrading dependencies
as it depends on http v0.2, where other dependencies (e.g. tonic) have
already upgraded to http v1+.
This adds a Gateway Mesh section to the web-interface (+ API endpoints)
to see the status op each Relay Gateway within the Gateway Mesh.
The Gateway Mesh (
is an experimental feature to extend LoRaWAN coverage throug Relay
In general ChirpStack is configured with a rx1_delay configuration
matching the network latency (e.g. on cellular, one might want to set
this to rx1_delay=3). However, this does not take into account a
possible latency of the end-application. Handling the uplink and
enqueueing a downlink might take more time than the configured rx1_delay
(and get_downlink_data_delay) allows.
This option makes it possible to increase the RX1 Delay in the
device-profile. If the RX1 Delay has between increased relative to
the system default, then the get_downlink_data_delay will be
incremented with the same amount of seconds.
This needs to be tracked by git to make cargo publish work. If this
folder is in the .gitignore, then cargo publish will ignore this folder
as well and the publish command will fail because of missing .proto
files. If we would temporarily remove / rename the .gitignore file, then
cargo publish will error because the git state is dirty.
All these files can be generated using the `make api` command and there
is no real need to commit these into the repo. Only the api/go files
need to be comitted of how the Go import system works.
This also updates the Rust, Go, JS and gRPC-web (JS) code generation and
UI build to use the nix-shell environment instead of using Docker.
This aligns the multicast class-b ping-slot configuration with the way
how it is configured in the device-profile. This deprecates the
class_b_ping_slot_period field in favor of the class_b_ping_slot_nb_k
field, which should be a value between 0 - 7 (this is defined and
explained by the LoRaWAN specification).