The supervisor uses the following pattern for async module
// module.ts
export const initialised = (async () => {
// do some async initialization
// somewhere else
import * as module from 'module';
async function setup() {
await module.initialise;
The above pattern means that whenever the module is imported, the
initialisation procedure will be ran, which is an anti-pattern.
This converts any instance of this pattern into a function
export const initialised = _.once(async () => {
// do some async initialization
And anywhere else on the code it replaces the call with a
await module.initialised();
Change-type: patch
Splash image backend would throw if the image is not a valid png during
the write step. This could prevent the device from provisioning if some
corruption happens at some point.
Change-type: patch
This commit updates all backends that write to /mnt/boot to do it
through a new `lib/host-utils` module. Writes are now done using write +
sync as rename is not an atomic operation in vfat.
The change also applies for writes through the `/v1/host-config`
Finally this change includes some improvements on tests.
Change-type: patch
`/mnt/boot` is a vfat partition which does not support atomic file
rename. The best course of action is to write and sync as fast as
possible to prevent corruption (although it still may happen)
Change-type: patch
We just added support for the TX2 NX, which supports u-boot
thus allows for using custom device-trees. Let's allow
for Jetson TX2 NX and future TX2 NX derived
device types to have device-trees configurable from the dashboard.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Alexandru Costache <>
Add a `developmentMode` configuration variable to the schema. Do not expose
this on the device target state until local key-based authentication is
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Alex Gonzalez <>
We need the supervisor to be able to manage config.txt changes for these
Revolution Pi boards too.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Florin Sarbu <>
On devices with bandwidth sensitivity, this config var
disables sending system information such as memory
usage or cpu temp as current state.
Closes: #1645
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Christina Wang <>
This extra info will mean the API is able to immediately set default
config vars based on the os/supervisor version so that they are
available on the first target state fetch rather than having a delay
whilst waiting for the supervisor to report them as part of a state
Update balena-register-device from 6.1.6 to 7.2.0
Change-type: patch
'mz' can be safely replaced with fs.promises
and util.promisify for faster native methods.
'mkdirp' after Node v8 uses native fs.mkdir, thus
is redundant. 'body-parser' is deprecated and
contained within express v4.x.
Closes: #1567
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Christina Wang <>
Setting this this variable to a base64 encoded string will replace the splash
image on the device by rewriting `/mnt/boot/splash/balena-logo.png`.
This will also make a copy of the default balena logo so the splash can
be restored if the variable is removed.
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>
The `ensureRequiredOverlay` function is currently ran for any backend,
at this moment this causes no issue, since most configuration backends
are defined per single device type. However, with the option to modify splash
images, which is available for all device types, the function would add
unwanted configuration vars to the splash image configuration. Moving it
to the config txt backend solves this issue.
This paves the way for running multiple applications and storing
information related to the application against the application itself. A
couple of hacks have been added to v1 and v2 endpoints to maintain
compatability but these should eventually be removed with the addition
of a v3 api.
Change-type: minor
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
The source of truth for the device-type should be
device-type.json instead of config.json
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>
Connects-to: #1472
When trying to apply SSDT overlays in Up Board, the supervisor currently
gets stuck in a loop trying to apply target state. See #1465
This was due to a bug in parsing the configuration, which lead to
the method bootConfigChangeRequired returning true when no change was
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Felipe Lalanne <>
Connects-to: #1465
Each service, when requesting access to the Supervisor API, will
now get an individual key which can be scoped to specific resources.
In this iteration the default scope will be to the application that
the service belongs to.
We also have a `global` scope which is used by the cloud API when in
managed mode.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Rich Bayliss <>
The host config variable HOST_DISCOVERABILITY can be set to
true or false, controlling the state of the avahi service. This
determines if the device advertises it's presence over mDNS.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Cameron Diver <>
Signed-off-by: Rich Bayliss <>
Controlled by BALENA_HOST_FIREWALL_MODE, the firewall can
either be 'on' or 'off'.
- In the 'off' state, all traffic is allowed.
- In the 'on' state, only traffic for the core services provided
by Balena is allowed.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Rich Bayliss <>
When reporting device information, send the MAC address of any
interfaces on the system. Also expose in the Supervisor API at
the route GET /v1/device.
Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Rich Bayliss <>