Resin CLI

Take a look at the spec for features, roadmap and progress


$ git clone
$ cd resin-cli
$ npm install

If you want to have resin on your PATH:

$ npm install -g

If you want to run it locally:

$ ./bin/resin


$ coffee lib/


You can run the Mocha test suite, you can do:

$ gulp test

Development mode

The following command will watch for any changes and will run a linter and the whole test suite:

$ gulp watch

If you set DEBUG environment variable, errors will print with a stack trace:

$ DEBUG=true resin ...


You can renegerate the documentation with:

$ npm run-script doc

This should ideally be part of gulp, however there doesn't seems to be any plugin for the documentation generation tool that we're using at the moment (codo).


    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: