Remove 'internal sudo' command

Change-type: patch
Signed-off-by: Paulo Castro <>
This commit is contained in:
Paulo Castro 2019-10-15 02:50:01 +01:00
parent 05cb89725e
commit 69c97fed09
2 changed files with 0 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -54,35 +54,3 @@ exports.scanDevices =
.then (hostnameOrIp) ->
console.error("==> Selected device: #{hostnameOrIp}")
exports.sudo =
signature: 'internal sudo <command>'
description: 'execute arbitrary commands in a privileged subprocess'
help: '''
Don't use this command directly!
<command> must be passed as a single argument. That means, you need to make sure
you enclose <command> in quotes (eg. balena internal sudo 'ls -alF') if for
whatever reason you invoke the command directly or, typically, pass <command>
as a single argument to spawn (eg. `spawn('balena', [ 'internal', 'sudo', 'ls -alF' ])`).
Furthermore, this command will naively split <command> on whitespace and directly
forward the parts as arguments to `sudo`, so be careful.
hidden: true
action: (params, options, done) ->
os = require('os')
Promise = require('bluebird')
return Promise.try ->
if os.platform() is 'win32'
windosu = require('windosu')
windosu.exec(params.command, {})
{ spawn } = require('child_process')
{ wait } = require('rindle')
cmd = params.command.split(' ')
ps = spawn('sudo', cmd, stdio: 'inherit', env: process.env)

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@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ capitano.command(actions.util.availableDrives)
# ---------- Internal utils ----------
#------------ Local build and deploy -------