mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 12:35:49 +00:00
Fix privilege elevation (sudo) for 'os initialize', 'join', 'leave'
* sudo shell arguments required escaping for 'os initialize' * sudo was not working for standalone zip packages (incorrect Node.js path in argv[0]) * Interactive 'join' and 'leave' not working on Windows because 'windosu' does not capture stderr. Change-type: patch Signed-off-by: Paulo Castro <paulo@balena.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ import chalk from 'chalk';
import _ = require('lodash');
import os = require('os');
import visuals = require('resin-cli-visuals');
import rindle = require('rindle');
import * as ShellEscape from 'shell-escape';
import { InitializeEmitter, OperationState } from 'balena-device-init';
const waitStreamAsync = Bluebird.promisify(rindle.wait);
const balena = BalenaSdk.fromSharedOptions();
export function getGroupDefaults(group: {
@ -59,19 +58,44 @@ export function stateToString(state: OperationState) {
export function sudo(
* Execute a child process with admin / superuser privileges, prompting the user for
* elevation as needed, and taking care of shell-escaping arguments in a suitable way
* for Windows and Linux/Mac.
* @param command Unescaped array of command and args to be executed. If isCLIcmd is
* true, the command should not include the 'node' or 'balena' components, for example:
* ['internal', 'osinit', ...]. This function will add argv[0] and argv[1] as needed
* (taking process.pkg into account -- CLI standalone zip package), and will also
* shell-escape the arguments as needed, taking into account the differences between
* bash/sh and the Windows cmd.exe in relation to escape characters.
* @param msg Optional message for the user, before the password prompt
* @param stderr Optional stream to which stderr should be piped
* @param isCLIcmd (default: true) Whether the command array is a balena CLI command
* (e.g. ['internal', 'osinit', ...]), in which case process.argv[0] and argv[1] are
* added as necessary, depending on whether the CLI is running as a standalone zip
* package (with Node built in).
export async function sudo(
command: string[],
{ stderr, msg }: { stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream; msg?: string } = {},
}: { stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream; msg?: string; isCLIcmd?: boolean } = {},
) {
const { executeWithPrivileges } = require('./sudo');
const { executeWithPrivileges } = await import('./sudo');
if (os.platform() !== 'win32') {
msg || 'If asked please type your computer password to continue',
msg ||
'Admin privileges required: you may be asked for your computer password to continue.',
return executeWithPrivileges(command, stderr);
if (isCLIcmd == null) {
isCLIcmd = true;
await executeWithPrivileges(command, stderr, isCLIcmd);
export function runCommand(command: string): Bluebird<void> {
@ -106,7 +130,7 @@ export async function getOsVersion(
return init.getImageOsVersion(image, manifest);
export function osProgressHandler(step: InitializeEmitter) {
export async function osProgressHandler(step: InitializeEmitter) {
step.on('stdout', process.stdout.write.bind(process.stdout));
step.on('stderr', process.stderr.write.bind(process.stderr));
@ -124,7 +148,10 @@ export function osProgressHandler(step: InitializeEmitter) {
step.on('burn', state => progressBars[state.type].update(state));
return waitStreamAsync(step);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
step.on('error', reject);
step.on('end', resolve);
export function getArchAndDeviceType(
@ -272,3 +299,50 @@ export function getManualSortCompareFunction<T, U = T>(
* Shell argument escaping compatible with sh, bash and Windows cmd.exe.
* @param arg Arguments to be escaped
* @param detectShell Whether to use the SHELL and ComSpec environment
* variables to determine the shell type (sh / bash / cmd.exe). This may be
* useful to detect MSYS / MSYS2, which use bash on Windows. However, if the
* purpose is to use child_process.spawn(..., {shell: true}) and related
* functions, set this to false because child_process.spawn() always uses
* env.ComSpec (cmd.exe) on Windows, even when running on MSYS / MSYS2.
export function shellEscape(args: string[], detectShell = false): string[] {
let isWindowsCmdExeShell: boolean;
if (detectShell) {
isWindowsCmdExeShell =
// neither bash nor sh (e.g. not MSYS, MSYS2, WSL)
process.env.SHELL == null &&
// Windows cmd.exe or PowerShell
process.env.ComSpec != null &&
} else {
isWindowsCmdExeShell = process.platform === 'win32';
if (isWindowsCmdExeShell) {
return args.map(v => windowsCmdExeEscapeArg(v));
} else {
const shellEscapeFunc: typeof ShellEscape = require('shell-escape');
return args.map(v => shellEscapeFunc([v]));
* Escape a string argument to be passed through the Windows cmd.exe shell.
* cmd.exe escaping has some peculiarities, like using the caret character
* instead of a backslash for reserved / metacharacters. Reference:
* https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/twistylittlepassagesallalike/2011/04/23/everyone-quotes-command-line-arguments-the-wrong-way/
function windowsCmdExeEscapeArg(arg: string): string {
// if it is already double quoted, remove the double quotes
if (arg.length > 1 && arg.startsWith('"') && arg.endsWith('"')) {
arg = arg.slice(1, -1);
// escape cmd.exe metacharacters with the '^' (caret) character
arg = arg.replace(/[()%!^<>&|]/g, '^$&');
// duplicate internal double quotes, and double quote overall
return `"${arg.replace(/["]/g, '""')}"`;
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ async function getOrSelectLocalDevice(deviceIp?: string): Promise<string> {
const { sudo } = await import('../utils/helpers');
const command = process.argv.slice(0, 2).concat(['internal', 'scandevices']);
const command = ['internal', 'scandevices'];
await sudo(command, {
stderr: stream,
@ -14,34 +14,107 @@
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { spawn, StdioOptions } from 'child_process';
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird';
import * as rindle from 'rindle';
import { ChildProcess, spawn, SpawnOptions } from 'child_process';
import { stripIndent } from 'common-tags';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
* Execute a child process with admin / superuser privileges, prompting the user for
* elevation as needed, and taking care of shell-escaping arguments in a suitable way
* for Windows and Linux/Mac.
* @param command Unescaped array of command and args to be executed. If isCLIcmd is
* true, the command should not include the 'node' or 'balena' components, for
* example: ['internal', 'osinit', ...]. This function will add argv[0] and argv[1]
* as needed (taking process.pkg into account -- CLI standalone zip package), and
* will also shell-escape the arguments as needed, taking into account the
* differences between bash/sh and the Windows cmd.exe in relation to escape
* characters.
* @param stderr Optional stream to which stderr should be piped
* @param isCLIcmd (default: true) Whether the command array is a balena CLI command
* (e.g. ['internal', 'osinit', ...]), in which case process.argv[0] and argv[1] are
* added as necessary, depending on whether the CLI is running as a standalone zip
* package (with Node built in).
export async function executeWithPrivileges(
command: string[],
stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream,
): Promise<string> {
const stdio: StdioOptions = [
stderr ? 'pipe' : 'inherit',
const opts = {
isCLIcmd = true,
): Promise<void> {
// whether the CLI is already running with admin / super user privileges
const isElevated = await (await import('is-elevated'))();
const { shellEscape } = await import('./helpers');
const opts: SpawnOptions = {
env: process.env,
stdio: ['inherit', 'inherit', stderr ? 'pipe' : 'inherit'],
const args = process.argv
.slice(0, 2)
.concat(['internal', 'sudo', command.join(' ')]);
const ps = spawn(args[0], args.slice(1), opts);
if (stderr) {
if (isElevated) {
if (isCLIcmd) {
// opts.shell is false, so preserve pkg's '/snapshot' at argv[1]
command = [process.argv[0], process.argv[1], ...command];
// already running with privileges: simply spawn the command
await spawnAndPipe(command[0], command.slice(1), opts, stderr);
} else {
if (isCLIcmd) {
// In the case of a CLI standalone zip package (process.pkg is truthy),
// the Node executable is bundled with the source code and node_modules
// folder in a single file named in argv[0]. In this case, argv[1]
// contains a "/snapshot" path that should be discarded when opts.shell
// is true.
command = (process as any).pkg
? [process.argv[0], ...command]
: [process.argv[0], process.argv[1], ...command];
opts.shell = true;
const escapedCmd = shellEscape(command);
// running as ordinary user: elevate privileges
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
await windosuExec(escapedCmd, stderr);
} else {
await spawnAndPipe('sudo', escapedCmd, opts, stderr);
return Bluebird.fromCallback<string>(callback => rindle.wait(ps, callback));
async function spawnAndPipe(
spawnCmd: string,
spawnArgs: string[],
spawnOpts: SpawnOptions,
stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream,
) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ps: ChildProcess = spawn(spawnCmd, spawnArgs, spawnOpts);
ps.on('error', reject);
ps.on('exit', codeOrSignal => {
if (codeOrSignal !== 0) {
const errMsgCmd = `[${[spawnCmd, ...spawnArgs].join()}]`;
new Error(
`Child process exited with error code "${codeOrSignal}" for command:\n${errMsgCmd}`,
} else {
if (stderr) {
async function windosuExec(
escapedArgs: string[],
stderr?: NodeJS.WritableStream,
): Promise<void> {
if (stderr) {
const msg = stripIndent`
Error: unable to elevate privileges. Please run the command prompt as an Administrator:
throw new Error(msg);
return require('windosu').exec(escapedArgs.join(' '));
@ -2704,6 +2704,20 @@
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@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ declare module 'balena-device-init' {
on(event: 'stdout' | 'stderr', callback: (msg: string) => void): void;
on(event: 'state', callback: (state: OperationState) => void): void;
on(event: 'burn', callback: (state: BurnProgress) => void): void;
on(event: 'end', callback: () => void): void;
on(event: 'error', callback: (error: Error) => void): void;
export function configure(
Reference in New Issue
Block a user