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synced 2025-03-22 12:05:55 +00:00
Update jenkinsfile for new build process
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
def alpineStaticTask(distro, platform) {
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${platform}:latest")
runtime.inside {
sh 'make -j8 ZT_STATIC=1 all'
sh "mv zerotier-one zerotier-one-static-${platform}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'zerotier-one-*', fingerprint: true, onlyIfSuccessful: true
pipeline {
options {
preserveStashes(buildCount: 10)
parameters {
booleanParam(name: "BUILD_ALL", defaultValue: false, description: "Build all supported platform/architecture combos. Defaults to x86/x64 only")
agent none
stages {
stage ("Build") {
steps {
script {
def tasks = [:]
tasks << buildStaticBinaries()
tasks << buildDebianNative()
tasks << buildCentosNative()
parallel tasks
stage ("Package Static") {
steps {
script {
parallel packageStatic()
return myNode
def buildStaticBinaries() {
def tasks = [:]
def dist = ["alpine"]
def archs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
archs = ["arm64", "amd64", "i386", "armhf", "armel", "ppc64le", "s390x"]
} else {
archs = ["amd64", "i386"]
tasks << getTasks(dist, archs, { distro, platform ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
sh "echo ${distro}-${platform}"
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${platform}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build") {
sh 'make -j8 ZT_STATIC=1 all'
sh "file ./zerotier-one"
sh "mv zerotier-one zerotier-one-static-${platform}"
stash includes: 'zerotier-one-static-*', name: "static-${platform}"
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
return tasks
def getTasks(axisDistro, axisPlatform, task) {
@ -27,25 +80,286 @@ def getTasks(axisDistro, axisPlatform, task) {
return tasks
pipeline {
options {
def packageStatic() {
def tasks = [:]
def centos6 = ["centos6"]
def centos6Arch = ["i386", "amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(centos6, centos6Arch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build") {
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one"
sh "make redhat"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "cp -av `find ~/rpmbuild/ -type f -name \"*.rpm\"` ${distro}/"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.rpm", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
def centos7 = ["centos7"]
def centos7Arch = ["i386"]
tasks << getTasks(centos7, centos7Arch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build") {
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one"
sh "make redhat"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "cp -av `find ~/rpmbuild/ -type f -name \"*.rpm\"` ${distro}/"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.rpm", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
def clefos7 = ["clefos"]
def clefos7Arch = ["s390x"]
tasks << getTasks(clefos7, clefos7Arch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build/") {
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one"
sh "make redhat"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "cp -av `find ~/rpmbuild/ -type f -name \"*.rpm\"` ${distro}/"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.rpm", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
def debianJessie = ["debian-jessie"]
def debianJessieArchs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
debianJessieArch = ["armhf", "armel", "amd64", "i386"]
} else {
debianJessieArch = ["amd64", "i386"]
tasks << getTasks(debianJessie, debianJessieArch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
sh "ls -la ."
dir('build/') {
sh "ls -la ."
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "pwd"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one && file ./zerotier-one"
sh "mv -f debian/rules.static debian/rules"
sh "make debian"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "mv *.deb ${distro}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.deb", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
def ubuntuTrusty = ["ubuntu-trusty"]
def ubuntuTrustyArch = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
ubuntuTrustyArch = ["i386", "amd64", "armhf", "arm64", "ppc64le"]
} else {
ubuntuTrustyArch = ["i386", "amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(ubuntuTrusty, ubuntuTrustyArch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
sh "ls -la ."
dir('build/') {
sh "ls -la ."
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "pwd"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one && file ./zerotier-one"
sh "mv -f debian/rules.static debian/rules"
sh "make debian"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "mv *.deb ${distro}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.deb", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
def debianWheezy = ["debian-wheezy"]
def debianWheezyArchs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
debianWheezyArchs = ["armhf", "armel", "amd64", "i386"]
} else {
debianWheezyArchs = ["amd64", "i386"]
tasks << getTasks(debianJessie, debianJessieArch, { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir('build/') {
unstash "static-${arch}"
sh "mv zerotier-one-static-${arch} zerotier-one && chmod +x zerotier-one && file ./zerotier-one"
sh "mv -f debian/rules.wheezy.static debian/rules"
sh "mv -f debian/control.wheezy debian/control"
sh "make debian"
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "mv *.deb ${distro}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.deb", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
return tasks
def buildDebianNative() {
def tasks = [:]
def buster = ["debian-buster", "debian-stretch", "debian-bullseye", "debian-sid"]
def busterArchs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL) {
busterArchs = ["s390x", "ppc64le", "i386", "armhf", "armel", "arm64", "amd64"]
} else {
busterArchs = ["amd64", "i386"]
agent none
stages {
stage ("Static Build") {
steps {
script {
def dist = ["alpine"]
def archs = ["aarch64", "amd64", "i386", "armhf", "armel", "ppc64le", "s390x"]
parallel getTasks(dist, archs, this.&alpineStaticTask)
def build = { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build") {
sh 'make debian'
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "mv *.deb ${distro}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.deb", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
tasks << getTasks(buster, busterArchs, build)
// bash is broken when running under QEMU-s390x on Xenial
def xenial = ["ubuntu-xenial"]
def xenialArchs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
xenialArchs = ["i386", "amd64", "armhf", "arm64", "ppc64le"]
} else {
xenialArchs = ["i386", "amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(xenial, xenialArchs, build)
def ubuntu = ["ubuntu-bionic", "ubuntu-eoan"]
def ubuntuArchs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
ubuntuArchs = ["i386", "amd64", "armhf", "arm64", "ppc64le", "s390x"]
} else {
ubuntuArchs = ["i386", "amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(ubuntu, ubuntuArchs, build)
def kali = ["kali-rolling"]
def kaliArchs = ["amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(kali, kaliArchs, build)
return tasks
mattermostSend color: "#00ff00", message: "${env.JOB_NAME} #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} Complete (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Show More...>)"
def buildCentosNative() {
def tasks = [:]
def build = { distro, arch ->
def myNode = {
node ('linux-build') {
dir ("build") {
checkout scm
def runtime = docker.image("ztbuild/${distro}-${arch}:latest")
runtime.inside {
dir("build") {
sh 'make -j4'
sh 'make redhat'
sh "mkdir -p ${distro}"
sh "cp -av `find ~/rpmbuild/ -type f -name \"*.rpm\"` ${distro}/"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${distro}/*.rpm", onlyIfSuccessful: true
cleanWs deleteDirs: true, disableDeferredWipeout: true, notFailBuild: true
return myNode
def centos8 = ["centos8"]
def centos8Archs = []
if (params.BUILD_ALL == true) {
centos8Archs = ["amd64", "arm64", "ppc64le"]
} else {
centos8Archs = ["amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(centos8, centos8Archs, build)
def centos7 = ["centos7"]
def centos7Archs = ["amd64"]
tasks << getTasks(centos7, centos7Archs, build)
return tasks
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