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synced 2025-03-14 00:06:53 +00:00
WIP - improve start and end of speech detection
Signed-off-by: Ettore Di Giacinto <mudler@localai.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -497,158 +497,165 @@ type VADState int
const (
StateSilence VADState = iota
// handle VAD (Voice Activity Detection)
func handleVAD(cfg *config.BackendConfig, evaluator *templates.Evaluator, session *Session, conversation *Conversation, c *websocket.Conn, done chan struct{}) {
const (
// tune these thresholds to taste
SpeechFramesThreshold = 3 // must see X consecutive speech results to confirm "start"
SilenceFramesThreshold = 5 // must see X consecutive silence results to confirm "end"
// handleVAD is a goroutine that listens for audio data from the client,
// runs VAD on the audio data, and commits utterances to the conversation
func handleVAD(cfg *config.BackendConfig, evaluator *templates.Evaluator, session *Session, conv *Conversation, c *websocket.Conn, done chan struct{}) {
vadContext, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
//var startListening time.Time
go func() {
vadState := VADState(StateSilence)
segments := []*proto.VADSegment{}
timeListening := time.Now()
ticker := time.NewTicker(300 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
var (
lastSegmentCount int
timeOfLastNewSeg time.Time
speaking bool
// Implement VAD logic here
// For brevity, this is a placeholder
// When VAD detects end of speech, generate a response
// TODO: use session.ModelInterface to handle VAD and cut audio and detect when to process that
for {
select {
case <-done:
// Check if there's audio data to process
case <-ticker.C:
// 1) Copy the entire buffer
allAudio := make([]byte, len(session.InputAudioBuffer))
copy(allAudio, session.InputAudioBuffer)
if len(session.InputAudioBuffer) > 0 {
if vadState == StateTrailingSilence {
log.Debug().Msgf("VAD detected speech that we can process")
// Commit the audio buffer as a conversation item
item := &Item{
ID: generateItemID(),
Object: "realtime.item",
Type: "message",
Status: "completed",
Role: "user",
Content: []ConversationContent{
Type: "input_audio",
Audio: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(session.InputAudioBuffer),
// Add item to conversation
conversation.Items = append(conversation.Items, item)
// Reset InputAudioBuffer
session.InputAudioBuffer = nil
// Send item.created event
sendEvent(c, OutgoingMessage{
Type: "conversation.item.created",
Item: item,
vadState = StateSilence
segments = []*proto.VADSegment{}
// Generate a response
generateResponse(cfg, evaluator, session, conversation, ResponseCreate{}, c, websocket.TextMessage)
adata := sound.BytesToInt16sLE(session.InputAudioBuffer)
// Resample from 24kHz to 16kHz
// adata = sound.ResampleInt16(adata, 24000, 16000)
soundIntBuffer := &audio.IntBuffer{
Format: &audio.Format{SampleRate: 16000, NumChannels: 1},
soundIntBuffer.Data = sound.ConvertInt16ToInt(adata)
/* if len(adata) < 16000 {
log.Debug().Msgf("audio length too small %d", len(session.InputAudioBuffer))
} */
float32Data := soundIntBuffer.AsFloat32Buffer().Data
// TODO: testing wav decoding
// dec := wav.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(session.InputAudioBuffer))
// buf, err := dec.FullPCMBuffer()
// if err != nil {
// //log.Error().Msgf("failed to process audio: %s", err.Error())
// sendError(c, "processing_error", "Failed to process audio: "+err.Error(), "", "")
// session.AudioBufferLock.Unlock()
// continue
// }
//float32Data = buf.AsFloat32Buffer().Data
resp, err := session.ModelInterface.VAD(vadContext, &proto.VADRequest{
Audio: float32Data,
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("failed to process audio: %s", err.Error())
sendError(c, "processing_error", "Failed to process audio: "+err.Error(), "", "")
if len(resp.Segments) == 0 {
log.Debug().Msg("VAD detected no speech activity")
log.Debug().Msgf("audio length %d", len(session.InputAudioBuffer))
if len(session.InputAudioBuffer) > 16000 {
session.InputAudioBuffer = nil
segments = []*proto.VADSegment{}
log.Debug().Msgf("audio length(after) %d", len(session.InputAudioBuffer))
} else if (len(resp.Segments) != len(segments)) && vadState == StateSpeaking {
// We have new segments, but we are still speaking
// We need to wait for the trailing silence
segments = resp.Segments
} else if (len(resp.Segments) == len(segments)) && vadState == StateSpeaking {
// We have the same number of segments, but we are still speaking
// We need to check if we are in this state for long enough, update the timer
// Check if we have been listening for too long
if time.Since(timeListening) > sendToVADDelay {
vadState = StateTrailingSilence
} else {
timeListening = timeListening.Add(time.Since(timeListening))
} else {
log.Debug().Msg("VAD detected speech activity")
vadState = StateSpeaking
segments = resp.Segments
} else {
// 2) If there's no audio at all, just continue
if len(allAudio) == 0 {
// 3) Run VAD on the entire audio so far
segments, err := runVAD(vadContext, session, allAudio)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Msgf("failed to process audio: %s", err.Error())
sendError(c, "processing_error", "Failed to process audio: "+err.Error(), "", "")
// handle or log error, continue
segCount := len(segments)
if len(segments) == 0 && !speaking && time.Since(timeOfLastNewSeg) > 1*time.Second {
// no speech detected, and we haven't seen a new segment in > 1s
// clean up input
session.InputAudioBuffer = nil
log.Debug().Msgf("Detected silence for a while, clearing audio buffer")
// 4) If we see more segments than before => "new speech"
if segCount > lastSegmentCount {
speaking = true
lastSegmentCount = segCount
timeOfLastNewSeg = time.Now()
log.Debug().Msgf("Detected new speech segment")
// 5) If speaking, but we haven't seen a new segment in > 1s => finalize
if speaking && time.Since(timeOfLastNewSeg) > 1*time.Second {
log.Debug().Msgf("Detected end of speech segment")
// user has presumably stopped talking
commitUtterance(allAudio, cfg, evaluator, session, conv, c)
// reset state
speaking = false
lastSegmentCount = 0
func commitUtterance(utt []byte, cfg *config.BackendConfig, evaluator *templates.Evaluator, session *Session, conv *Conversation, c *websocket.Conn) {
if len(utt) == 0 {
// Commit logic: create item, broadcast item.created, etc.
item := &Item{
ID: generateItemID(),
Object: "realtime.item",
Type: "message",
Status: "completed",
Role: "user",
Content: []ConversationContent{
Type: "input_audio",
Audio: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(utt),
conv.Items = append(conv.Items, item)
sendEvent(c, OutgoingMessage{
Type: "conversation.item.created",
Item: item,
// Optionally trigger the response generation
generateResponse(cfg, evaluator, session, conv, ResponseCreate{}, c, websocket.TextMessage)
// runVAD is a helper that calls your model's VAD method, returning
// true if it detects speech, false if it detects silence
func runVAD(ctx context.Context, session *Session, chunk []byte) ([]*proto.VADSegment, error) {
adata := sound.BytesToInt16sLE(chunk)
// Resample from 24kHz to 16kHz
// adata = sound.ResampleInt16(adata, 24000, 16000)
soundIntBuffer := &audio.IntBuffer{
Format: &audio.Format{SampleRate: 16000, NumChannels: 1},
soundIntBuffer.Data = sound.ConvertInt16ToInt(adata)
/* if len(adata) < 16000 {
log.Debug().Msgf("audio length too small %d", len(session.InputAudioBuffer))
} */
float32Data := soundIntBuffer.AsFloat32Buffer().Data
resp, err := session.ModelInterface.VAD(ctx, &proto.VADRequest{
Audio: float32Data,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO: testing wav decoding
// dec := wav.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(session.InputAudioBuffer))
// buf, err := dec.FullPCMBuffer()
// if err != nil {
// //log.Error().Msgf("failed to process audio: %s", err.Error())
// sendError(c, "processing_error", "Failed to process audio: "+err.Error(), "", "")
// session.AudioBufferLock.Unlock()
// continue
// }
//float32Data = buf.AsFloat32Buffer().Data
// If resp.Segments is empty => no speech
return resp.Segments, nil
// Function to generate a response based on the conversation
func generateResponse(config *config.BackendConfig, evaluator *templates.Evaluator, session *Session, conversation *Conversation, responseCreate ResponseCreate, c *websocket.Conn, mt int) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user