#!/bin/csh if ($#argv != 1) then echo "Usage: $0 file.doc" exit 1 endif set source = $argv[1] #Generate a unique html filename (/tmp/scriptname.pidnum.html) #set com = $0 #set tmp = /tmp/$com:t.$$ #set html = $tmp.html set tmp = `mktemp -q /tmp/nspptview.XXXXXX` || exit 1 set tmp2 = `mktemp -q $tmp/nspptview.XXXXXX` || exit 1 set html = $tmp2.html ppthtml $source > $html if ((!(-r $html)) | ($status)) then echo "$0"": failed to generate HTML file" exit 1 endif #File exists and is of length > 0, so open it nsopen $html rm -rf $tmp* exit 0