/* cole - A free C OLE library. cole using sample. Copyright 1998, 1999 Roberto Arturo Tena Sanchez This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Arturo Tena */ #include #include /* To compile this file outside cole source tree, you must include here instead */ #include #define PRGNAME "demo" #define BUFFER_SIZE 128 int main (int argc, char **argv) { COLEFS * cfs; COLEDIR * cd; COLEDIRENT * cde; COLEFILE * cf; COLERRNO colerrno; char * entry_name; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t char_read; size_t char_read_total; if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "cole demo. cole is a free C OLE library.\n" "Usage: demo \n"); return 1; } /* * version info */ printf ("Version info: (%d.%d.%d) (%d.%d.%d) (%s)\n", COLE_MAJOR_VERSION, COLE_MINOR_VERSION, COLE_MICRO_VERSION, cole_major_version, cole_minor_version, cole_micro_version, cole_version); printf ("Host info: (%s)\n", cole_host_info); cfs = cole_mount (argv[1], &colerrno); if (cfs == NULL) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); exit (1); } if (cole_print_tree (cfs, &colerrno)) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } cd = cole_opendir_rootdir (cfs, &colerrno); if (cd == NULL) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } for (cde = cole_visiteddirentry (cd); cde != NULL; cde = cole_nextdirentry (cd)) { if (cole_direntry_isdir (cde)) printf ("DIR "); else if (cole_direntry_isfile (cde)) { printf ("FILE "); /* open the file using their direntry */ cf = cole_fopen_direntry (cde, &colerrno); if (cf == NULL) { cole_perror ("travel", colerrno); cole_closedir (cd, NULL); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } if (cole_fclose (cf, &colerrno)) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); cole_closedir (cd, NULL); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } } else printf ("???? "); printf ("%7u ", cole_direntry_getsize (cde)); entry_name = cole_direntry_getname (cde); printf ("%08lx-%08lx %08lx-%08lx\t", cole_direntry_getdays1 (cde), cole_direntry_getsec1 (cde), cole_direntry_getdays2 (cde), cole_direntry_getsec2 (cde)); if (!isprint ((int)entry_name[0])) printf ("'\\x%02x%s'\n", entry_name[0], entry_name+1); else printf ("'%s'\n", entry_name); } if (cole_closedir (cd, &colerrno)) { cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } cf = cole_fopen (cfs, "\005SummaryInformation", &colerrno); if (cf == NULL) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } char_read_total = 0; printf ("Reading: "); while ((char_read = cole_fread (cf, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, &colerrno))) { printf ("[%d]", char_read); char_read_total += char_read; } cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); printf ("\nRead %d bytes from the stream '\\005SummaryInformation'\n", char_read_total); if (cole_fclose (cf, &colerrno)) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); cole_umount (cfs, NULL); exit (1); } if (cole_umount (cfs, &colerrno)) { cole_perror (PRGNAME, colerrno); exit (1); } exit (0); }