<HTML ><HEAD ><TITLE >How to compile cole</TITLE ><META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Modular DocBook HTML Stylesheet Version 1.41"><LINK REL="HOME" TITLE="cole Library Reference Manual" HREF="index.html"><LINK REL="PREVIOUS" TITLE="Requirements to compile" HREF="requirements-to-compile.html"><LINK REL="NEXT" TITLE="cole Library" HREF="libcole.html"></HEAD ><BODY ><DIV CLASS="NAVHEADER" ><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TH COLSPAN="3" ALIGN="center" >cole Library Reference Manual</TH ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="10%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="bottom" ><A HREF="requirements-to-compile.html" >Prev</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="bottom" ></TD ><TD WIDTH="10%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="bottom" ><A HREF="libcole.html" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"></DIV ><DIV CLASS="CHAPTER" ><H1 ><A NAME="HOW-TO-COMPILE" >Chapter 2. How to compile cole</A ></H1 ><P > The file <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >INSTALL</TT > in the source code gives detailed instructions on how to configure, compile and install cole.</P ><P > Briefly, you need to run the GNU standard <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >configure</TT > script, with the arguments you want. To see the arguments that <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >configure</TT > accepts, run <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >./configure --help</B ></TT >. The most usual argument is <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >--prefix=PREFIX</B ></TT >, which tells configure to install cole in the directory <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >PREFIX</B ></TT >. After that, you need to run <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >make</B ></TT > to compile cole, and <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >make install</B ></TT > to install it.</P ><P > The <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >configure</TT > script accepts, besides the standard arguments, the following flags:</P ><P ></P ><TABLE BORDER="0" ><TR ><TD > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >--enable-osf-check</B ></TT >. Turn on short align for OSF compiler. If you have errors while compiling under OSF1, enable this flag. </TD ></TR ><TR ><TD > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >--enable-verbose</B ></TT >. Turn on verbose. It is useful if you want to send a bug report. It is useful for cole developers too. </TD ></TR ><TR ><TD > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >--enable-debug</B ></TT > Turn on GNU CC debug flags. It is useful for cole developers, so may be you don't want to use it. </TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P ></P ><P > A tipical session is shown below.</P ><TABLE BORDER="0" BGCOLOR="#E0E0E0" WIDTH="100%" ><TR ><TD ><PRE CLASS="SCREEN" ><TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >ls</B ></TT > cole-2.0.0.tar.gz <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >gzip -d cole-2.0.0.tar.gz</B ></TT > <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >tar -xf cole-2.0.0.tar</B ></TT > <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >ls</B ></TT > cole-2.0.0.tar cole-2.0.0/ <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >cd cole-2.0.0</B ></TT > <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >./configure --prefix=/opt</B ></TT > ... Configured cole release 2.0.0 <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >make</B ></TT > ... <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >make install</B ></TT > ... <TT CLASS="PROMPT" >$</TT > <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >make clean</B ></TT > ...</PRE ></TD ></TR ></TABLE ><P > When installing, a shell script named <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >cole-config</TT > will be installed in <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >PREFIX/bin</TT > if you used the the <TT CLASS="USERINPUT" ><B >--prefix=PREFIX</B ></TT > argument, or in <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >/usr/local/bin</TT > if you didn't. That directory must be listed in the content of the enviroment variable PATH when configuring another program that uses cole.</P ><P > If you system support it, will be compiled and installed shared libraries, to minimize size of the executables. By this reason, is important to include the directory <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >PREFIX/bin</TT > or <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >/usr/local/bin</TT > (which appropiate) in the file that your system command <TT CLASS="FILENAME" >ldconfig</TT > reads in order to regenerate the list of shared libraries (in some systems, you can list the directory in the content of the enviroment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH instead).</P ></DIV ><DIV CLASS="NAVFOOTER" ><HR ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="100%"><TABLE WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="requirements-to-compile.html" >Prev</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="index.html" >Home</A ></TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" ><A HREF="libcole.html" >Next</A ></TD ></TR ><TR ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="left" VALIGN="top" >Requirements to compile</TD ><TD WIDTH="34%" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="top" > </TD ><TD WIDTH="33%" ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" >cole Library</TD ></TR ></TABLE ></DIV ></BODY ></HTML >