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Daily Schedule
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Context Over the past year or so, I&rsquo;ve been maintaining an 18/6 schedule (awake 18 hours, asleep 6 hours).
Here is how I am currently allocating time:
Daily (weekdays) 00:00 - 06:30 Sleep. 06:30 - 07:00 Morning routine 07:00 - 11:00 commute, breakfast, household maintenance, light personal/TSYS admin tasks 11:00 - 19:00 $DAYJOB from my home office 19:00 - 22:00 dinner with partner, relaxing, exercise 22:00 - 00:00 deep work Saturday 8am to 8pm TSYS work Sunday Completely off (relaxing, exercising, household projects etc)
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2024 Monthly Objectives Key Results January: Finish my involvement in critical path of operations and fully delegate operations to COO/CFO
February: Prepare outreach material
March: Reconnect with my entire network and share the outreach material
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ReachableCEO Workstation Software List Introduction I have created this list of software that I have installed on my workstation as CTO/co-founder of TSYS Group. It is a sub/super set of the comprehensive software/hardware engineering software list in the TSYS Group Handbook.
Elmer 7-zip ActivityWatch Adobe Acrobat Android Studio Apache Directory Studio Arduino IDE Audacity AuoHotkey Bitscope Bitwarden Bonita Community Calibre Camotics Camstudio Code Composer Studio Codelite Composer PHP Dependency Manager CubicSDR Darktable Dbeaver Digikam Docear Docker Deskop (see my containers blogpost for my Docker setup) Draw.
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