Organizational Update: Board Of Directors (putting board candidate book together Tuesday and will host an initial meeting very soon ) . Committes: TSYS Wide C-suite: Chief Fundraising Officer Chief Investment Officer Chief Marketing Officer Chief Revenue Officer Chief Commons Officer Chief Technology / Product Officer Chief Science Officer Chief Research Officer Chief Operations/Finance Officer Chief Information Technolgy / Security Officer The C-Suite will be equal footing and will report to the board directly (into various BoD committees). No CEO. No central power broker. Each C exec will have a single VP reporting to them for day-to-day decision making and overseeing the 100% computerized middle management system (Redmine). The middle management system is fully public by the way: (with exception of ITAR restricted information, TS/SCI material, all things envelope as that's our trade secrets). All company communications will happen via Discourse (and to a certain extent via Redmine in ticket discussions) I need to update the handbook: to reflect the new reality. We will do everything in the open. Stakeholders of every level can participate. We are not our customer. The more that we have community interaction on a constant basis at every level of the organzation, the better.