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<h1 class="f1 athelas mt3 mb1"></h1>
<div class="nested-copy-line-height lh-copy serif f4 nested-links mid-gray pr4-l w-two-thirds-l"><h1 id="how-i-organize-my-research-archive">How I Organize My Research Archive</h1>
<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>As (acting as of 04/14/2021) CTO of an incredibly complex product/services portfolio, I have a large amount of research material. I am writing this note on how I organize it and make it fully available to the world without any overhead on my part.</p>
<p>Short version:</p>
<h3 id="documents">Documents</h3>
<p>This means PDF, print to PDF of web page, other file types (doc/xls/whatever)</p>
<li>Bookmark the link where&rsquo;er is appropriate in my taxonomy.</li>
<li>Download the URI to ~/ResearchMaterial</li>
<li>calibre (on Raberry pi) is using ~/ResearchMaterial and that folder is synced via nextcloud to the corporate file server so I can also use Docear/Polar/Zotero on my x86 vm</li>
<h3 id="notes">NOtes</h3>
<p>I use this git repository (notes-public) with a folder of markdown files.</p>
<p>I primarily use VsCode on the ras pi todo note taking (and of course longer document creation)
Occasionally on mobile (iOS), I use Buffer and the WorkingCopy git client to make quick edits or capture something when I&quot;m out
and get inspired.</p>
<p>I heavily use Working Copy on my iPad Mini 5th Generation to do code review, issue cleanup etc and I use Calibre to load up a long research paepr and read it over. I also may access the folder directly via samba if I want to annotate.</p>
<h2 id="source-material">Source material</h2>
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<h2 id="more-detailed-version">More detailed version</h2>
<h3 id="taxonomy">Taxonomy</h3>
<p>I use a single taxonomy across:</p>
<li>e-mail folders</li>
<li>home directory</li>
<li>notes folder (this repository)</li>
<p>It is:</p>
<div class="highlight"><pre tabindex="0" style="color:#f8f8f2;background-color:#272822;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;"><code class="language-console" data-lang="console"><span style="display:flex;"><span> ls
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>Board CEO CFO CIO CMO COO CTO dotfiles dotfiles-git landed notes-public personal PFVEMer
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span> ~/charles   15:03:47 
</span></span><span style="display:flex;"><span>
<p>I then have division names or project/product names under those folders.</p>
<p>More coming soon , still dialing things in.</p>
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