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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project basedir="." default="all" name="Resume">
<!-- ====================================================================
build.xml: A "Makefile" for the Ant build tool.
To create example1.html, example1.txt, example1.fo, and example1.pdf
from example1.xml, with Italian localization and a4 paper size, use
this command:
ant -Dresume=example1 -Dcountry=it -Dpapersize=a4
To generate just the html version of cv.xml with UK localization, use
this command:
ant html -Dresume=cv -Dcountry=uk
To remove all generated files, use this command:
ant clean
To generate a filtered example resume targeted at the foodservice and
construction industries, use these commands:
ant filter -Dresume=example2 -Dfilter_targets="foodservice carpentry"
==================================================================== -->
General Options
================================================================ -->
<!-- The name and extension of the XML file containing your resume -->
<property name="resume" value="resume"/>
<property name="resume.extension" value="xml"/>
<!-- Options: br de fr it nl uk us es -->
<property name="country" value="us"/>
<!-- Options: letter for country=us, a4 for others -->
<property name="papersize" value="letter"/>
<property name="xsl.base" value="http://xmlresume.sourceforge.net/xsl"/>
<!-- <property name="xsl.base" value="../xsl"/> -->
<!-- <property name="xsl.base" value="../src/www/xsl"/> -->
Processing Software:
================================================================ -->
<property name="xsl.processor" value="org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process"/>
<property name="pdf.processor" value="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop"/>
RTF generation currently requires you download a separate,
closed-source jar file and add it to your java classpath:
http://www.xmlmind.com/foconverter/downloadperso.shtml -->
<property name="rtf.processor" value="com.xmlmind.fo.converter.Driver"/>
<!-- You may have some luck with JFOR, an open source FO to RTF Converter: -->
<!-- <property name="rtf.processor" value="ch.codeconsult.jfor.main.CmdLineConverter"/> -->
<!-- Targeting Options:
Element filtering allows you to create targeted resumes.
You can create your own targets; just specify them in your resume.xml
file with the "targets" attribute. In this example, the foodservice
AND carpentry elements will be included in the output, but not the
elements targeted to other jobs. Untargeted elements (those with no
"targets" attribute) are always included.
Take a look at example2.xml and try changing the filter targets to get a
feel for how the filter works. -->
<property name="filter.processor" value="net.sourceforge.xmlresume.filter.Filter"/>
<property name="filter.targets" value="foodservice carpentry"/>
<property name="filter.extension" value="-filtered"/>
================================================================ -->
<property name="html_style" value="${xsl.base}/output/${country}-html.xsl"/>
<property name="text_style" value="${xsl.base}/output/${country}-text.xsl"/>
<property name="fo_style" value="${xsl.base}/output/${country}-${papersize}.xsl"/>
================================================================ -->
<!-- Target Text -->
<target name="txt" description="Makes a plain-text version of the resume.">
<java classname="${xsl.processor}">
<arg value="-in"/>
<arg value="${resume}.${resume.extension}"/>
<arg value="-xsl"/>
<arg value="${text_style}"/>
<arg value="-out"/>
<arg value="${resume}.txt"/>
<!-- Target HTML -->
<target name="html" description="Makes an HTML version of the resume.">
<java classname="${xsl.processor}">
<arg value="-in"/>
<arg value="${resume}.${resume.extension}"/>
<arg value="-xsl"/>
<arg value="${html_style}"/>
<arg value="-out"/>
<arg value="${resume}.html"/>
<!-- Target FO -->
<target name="fo" description="Makes an XML FO version of the resume.">
<java classname="${xsl.processor}">
<arg value="-in"/>
<arg value="${resume}.${resume.extension}"/>
<arg value="-xsl"/>
<arg value="${fo_style}"/>
<arg value="-out"/>
<arg value="${resume}.fo"/>
<!-- Target PDF -->
<target depends="fo" name="pdf" description="Makes a PDF version of the resume.">
<java classname="${pdf.processor}">
<arg value="-fo"/>
<arg value="${resume}.fo"/>
<arg value="-pdf"/>
<arg value="${resume}.pdf"/>
<!-- Target filter -->
<target name="filter" description="Makes a filtered version of a resume.">
<echo message="Writing filtered resume to ${resume}${filter.extension}"/>
<java classname="${filter.processor}">
<arg value="-in"/>
<arg value="${resume}.${resume.extension}"/>
<arg value="-out"/>
<arg value="${resume}${filter.extension}.${resume.extension}"/>
<arg value="${filter.targets}"/>
<!-- Target All -->
<target depends="txt,html,fo,pdf" name="all"
description="Makes all known formats of the resume.">
<echo message="XXX resume = ${resume}"/>
<!-- Target clean -->
<target description="Clean all build products." name="clean">
<delete file="${resume}.txt"/>
<delete file="${resume}.html"/>
<delete file="${resume}.fo"/>
<delete file="${resume}.pdf"/>
<delete file="${resume}${filter.extension}.txt"/>
<delete file="${resume}${filter.extension}.html"/>
<delete file="${resume}${filter.extension}.fo"/>
<delete file="${resume}${filter.extension}.pdf"/>
<delete file="${resume}${filter.extension}.${resume.extension}"/>