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</style></head><body><div class="resume"><div class="header"><h1 class="nameHeading">Jo Doe</h1><p class="address">123 Elm #456<br>Garbonzoville, NX 99999-9999</p><p>Phone: 555.555.5555<br>Email: <a href="mailto:doe@doe.doe">doe@doe.doe</a><br>URL: <a href="http://doe.com/~doe/">http://doe.com/~doe/</a><br></p></div><h2 class="heading"><span class="headingText">Professional Objective</span></h2><p class="para">I really, really, really, <strong class="emphasis">really</strong> want a
</p><h2 class="heading"><span class="headingText">Employment History</span></h2><p class="job"><span class="jobTitle">Senior Toilet Cleaner</span><br><span class="employer">HM Secret Service</span><br>August 1943-Present</p><div class="jobDescription"><p class="para">Cleaned out public lavoratories using my toothbrush.
Assissted with enterprise resource planning.
</p></div><p class="job"><span class="jobTitle">Junior Bedpan Cleaner</span><br><span class="employer">Framingham Palace</span><br>October 1633-October 1634</p><div class="jobDescription"><p class="para">Analyzed bedpan cleanliness strategies for royal
family. Learned how to make souffl&eacute;s.
</p></div><h2 class="heading"><span class="headingText">Education</span></h2><ul class="degrees"><li class="degree"><span class="degreeTitle">BA in Renaissance Bedpan Design</span>, February 1631.
Graduated with lowest honors.
<br><span class="institution">Fishbaum del Schlo&szlig;berg</span></li></ul><h2 class="heading"><span class="headingText">Special Skills</span></h2><p><span class="skillSetTitle"></span><span class="skills">Speak multiple European languages with no discernable accent, Able to predict earthquakes.</span></p><div class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2009 by Jo Doe. <p class="para">So there!</p></div></div></body></html>