header.format — controls formatting of the header element
This parameter controls the formatting of the header element in HTML and text output formats. The FO/PDF formatter is not affected by this parameter; it produces output similar to the centered option, but with the text left-justified within a centered block.
Possible values include standard (the default) and centered.
Produces a centered line with the name and the word “Résumé”, followed by a left-justified contact information block:
Jo Doe - Résumé
Contact Information:
Jo Doe
123 Elm #456
Garbonzoville, NX 99999-9999
Phone: 555.555.5555
Email: doe@doe.doe
URL: http://doe.com/~doe/
This value is the default for header.format.
Produces a single centered block with the name and contact information.
Jo Doe
123 Elm #456
Garbonzoville, NX 99999-9999
Phone: 555.555.5555
Email: doe@doe.doe
URL: http://doe.com/~doe/